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Journal of Advanced Research 14 (2018) 1–9

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Original Article

Detachment of Cu (II) and Co (II) ions from synthetic wastewater via

adsorption on Lates niloticus fish bones using LIBS and XRF
R.A. Rezk a, A.H. Galmed b, M. Abdelkreem a, N.A. Abdel Ghany c, M.A. Harith b,⇑
Higher Technological Institute, 10th of Ramadan City, 6th of October Branch, Egypt
National Institute of Laser Enhanced Science (NILES), Cairo University, Egypt
National Research Centre, Physical Chemistry Department, Cairo, Egypt

g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Natural fish bones, that are known to have unique adsorption capacity, have been used in the present
Received 29 November 2017 work for removal of heavy metals, copper, and cobalt, from wastewater. It has been found that sorption
Revised 26 April 2018 process depends on the initial metal concentration and on the contact time. Laser-induced breakdown
Accepted 1 May 2018
spectroscopy (LIBS) as a spectrochemical analytical technique was used for qualitative and quantitative
Available online 4 May 2018
analysis of the water samples. X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), as another spectrochemical analytical method,
was exploited to characterize the remediation of wastewater. The optimum contact time values for the
removal of Cu (II) and Co (II) were 270 and 300 min, respectively. Furthermore, the percentages of
Co and Cu ions
adsorbed Cu (II) and Co (II) were high for low initial concentrations and decreased with increasing the
Fishbones heavy metal initial concentrations. The Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models were used to analyze
Spectrochemical techniques the equilibrium adsorption data and Freundlich isotherm was found to represent the experimental
Isotherm models results well with a correlation factor close to one. However, the pseudo-second-order kinetic model pro-
vided the best fit to the experimental data for the adsorption of heavy metals using fish bones compared
to the pseudo-first-order model. The obtained results demonstrate the potential of using both LIBS and
XRF in the analysis of contaminant wastewater effectively.
Ó 2018 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Cairo University. This is an open access article
under the CC BY-NC-ND license (


Contamination of water by heavy metals poses serious ecologi-

Peer review under responsibility of Cairo University. cal problems because of their pernicious effects on human, ani-
⇑ Corresponding author at: National Institute of Laser Enhanced Science, Cairo
mals, and plants [1,2]. Heavy metals such as copper and cobalt
University, Giza 12613, Egypt.
E-mail address: (M.A. Harith).
find their way to aquatic environment as a result of the rapid
2090-1232/Ó 2018 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Cairo University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
2 R.A. Rezk et al. / Journal of Advanced Research 14 (2018) 1–9

industrial development. Textile, mining, automotive metal- University. Fish bones were washed several times with hot distilled
finishing, as well as metallurgical industries, release different water after removal of fats and solid residues. Bones dried at 40 °C
heavy metals in nearby water drains [1–5]. Because of the high for 24 h were then ground and sieved down to about 300 mm size.
toxicity of these contaminants, extensive efforts have been exerted
to remediate polluted wastewater. Conventional physical and Preparation of synthetic wastewater
chemical treatment techniques, including chemical precipitation,
reverse osmosis, membrane filtration, ion exchange, and Standard synthetic wastewater stocks (1000 mg L1) of copper
oxidation-reduction have been exploited to remove heavy metals ion (Cu II) and cobalt ion (Co II) solutions were prepared by dissolv-
from the wastewater [6]. Among these techniques, adsorption ing individually 3.93 g of crystalline copper sulfate ‘‘CuSO45H2O”
can be counted upon as an effective economic technique for the and 4.036 g of crystalline cobalt chloride (CoCl2) salt in 1-liter dis-
removal of heavy metals from wastewater due to its efficiency, ver- tilled water. The standard solutions of both Cu (II) and Co (II) were
satility, and ease of operation [7]. More recently, biogenic hydrox- diluted to outfit different concentrations (50, 100, 150, 200, 250,
yapatite (HAP) of different origins, such as fish and animal bones, and 300 mg L1) required in the experimental measurements.
bone chars, and food waste, has been used as sorbent materials
for remediation of wastewater [8–11]. Fishbones as a distinctive Adsorption studies
material of low cost and natural abundance have proven to be
one of the most effective heavy metal sorbents used in industrial The sorption experiments were carried out in 500 mL Erlen-
applications [12]. The adsorption efficiency of fish bones is due meyer flasks by mixing 300 mL metal solution with 2.0 g dry
to the presence of hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) structure, that weight of fish bones sorbent material. Mixtures have been stirred
dependence on the exchange reaction with calcium ions with for predetermined time intervals, from 30 min until 6 h, at room
heavy metals [12–16]. temperature (25 ± 2 °C) on a magnetic stirrer at 200 rpm with an
Spectrochemical analytical techniques, such as Laser-Induced initial pH of (6.6 ± 0.1). Thereafter, the solutions have been filtered
Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) after 30 min in each case with 0.7 mm filter paper (Whatman, Cat
could be used effectively to follow up the adsorption procedure. No. 1001 125). The fish bones filtrates were then collected and
LIBS uses laser-generated plasma as a source of material vaporiza- dried, and the treated wastewater has been collected and stored
tion, atomization, and excitation. This technique has been success- in glass bottles.
fully applied to analyze solid, liquid, and gaseous samples. LIBS
also offers attractive features for real-time multi-elemental analy- LIBS setup
sis at atmospheric pressure, including remote applications with no
or minimal sample preparation in addition of being noninvasive All experiments were carried out using a typical single pulse
and quasi-nondestructive. This laser spectroscopic technique has LIBS setup that employs a Q-switched, Nd: YAG laser (BRIO, Quan-
the capability for qualitative and semi-quantitative elemental tel, France) operating at a wavelength of 1064 nm. The laser pulse
analysis, with detection of most existing species such as major energy was 96 mJ, at 5 ns pulse duration and 10 Hz repetition rate.
components and/or trace elements with low and high Z-number. The measurements were performed in air at ambient atmospheric
It is also possible to use LIBS in situ with portable systems because pressure. The laser was focused by a 10 cm focal length plano-
of its simplicity and compactness of the required equipment con- convex quartz lens onto the target surface. A 2 m length optical
trary to other techniques such as Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy fiber of 600 mm diameter has been mounted at a 45-degree angle
or Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy. LIBS with respect to the target surface to collect the emission from
has significant potential in the environmental applications, for the plasma plum then fed it to the entrance slit of an echelle spec-
tracing pollutants and for the detection of heavy metals contami- trometer (Mechelle 7500, multichannel, Sweden), covering the
nation [17–19]. On the other hand, XRF as a well-established spec- spectral wavelength range of 200–1000 nm (displayable in a single
trochemical analytical technique offers some unique advantages as spectrum). An intensified CCD camera (DiCAM-PRO, PCO-computer
being fully non-destructive, requiring minimal sample preparation, optics, Germany) detects the spectra of the plasma emission. LIBS++
simple and suitable for in situ use with portable equipment. software has been used for the analysis and identification of the
Because of the simplicity of XRF analysis, it has been widely used obtained LIBS spectral lines. Each LIBS spectrum represents the
for numerous environmental applications [20]. The limit of detec- average of 25 spectra taken as 5 spectra at 5 different positions
tion of both LIBS and XRF for metals is typically in the ppm range on each fish bone sample target [16]. Detailed study of the exper-
[19–21]. The main goal of this research work is to confirm the imental parameters of the present setup can be found in our previ-
adsorption efficiency of fish bones for heavy metals. The variation ous work [19]. The optimum experimental conditions for LIBS
of initial metals concentrations and contact times as adsorption analysis such as delay time (td) which is the time interval between
parameters were examined. The LIBS results were validated by firing the laser and triggering the detector (ICCD camera), and gate
the XRF technique measurements. Adsorption isotherms and kinet- width (Dt) which is the time during which the detector is sensitive,
ics studies were reported to account for fish bones as an effective were 1500 ns, and 2500 ns, respectively. These conditions provided
adsorbent of copper and cobalt from wastewater. Our resultsRefer- very good spectral signal-to-noise ratio. For quantitative analysis
ence has been inserted in the text differ from the previously pub- using LIBS, the laser-induced plasma should satisfy the conditions
lished research [19] mainly by focusing on the kinetics of the of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) [22]. Under the present
adsorption process and demonstrating the potential of LIBS tech- experimental conditions, the plasma temperature Te ranges from
nique as an environmental diagnostic technique by following up 6267 to 10676 K and the values of electron density Ne (cm3) is
the concentration of the adsorbed copper and cobalt on fish bone. greater than 1016 which fulfills McWhirter criterion (Te > 5000 K,
Ne > 1016).
XRF setup
Preparation of sorbent
As mentioned above, the samples have been also analyzed via
Lates niloticus fish bones (Egyptian Nile Perch) as a basic sorbent the XRF technique. An XRF spectrometer (Portable XRF, Thermo
have been obtained from local markets in the vicinity of Cairo Scientific, NITON/XLt 8138, 592 GKV, USA) having a 40 kV X-ray
R.A. Rezk et al. / Journal of Advanced Research 14 (2018) 1–9 3

tube with a gold anode excitation source. The detection range of Results and discussion
this spectrometer expands from sulfur to uranium with a low limit
of detection for high-Z elements. The advanced NITON software Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis
has been used for the analysis of the obtained XRF spectra [23].
To show clearly the adsorption effect on the bones surface mor-
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) phology, the physical morphology of fish bones surface is shown in
Fig. 1. The SEM micrographs depict the surface morphology before
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM, FEI Quanta FEG 250 series, and after adsorption processes at the highest concentration of 300
Japan) [24] investigations were performed at magnifications of mg L1 for 270 min at initial pH (6.6 ± 0.1).
10 to 10,000. It has been used for the morphological character- For comparison studies, all images have had the same 2000
ization of the samples to elucidate the porous properties of the magnification. Analysis of SEM image presented in Fig. 1(a)
biosorbents. For cross-sectional inspection, the fragmented sam- revealed that the dried pure fish bones have numerous small pores
ples were embedded in carbon tab. on the surface which are responsible for increasing the surface area

Fig. 1. SEM images of fish bones (a) before adsorption (b) after adsorption of Cu (II) (c) after adsorption of Co (II) [in 300 mg L1 concentration after 270 min with initial pH
(6.6 ± 0.1)].
4 R.A. Rezk et al. / Journal of Advanced Research 14 (2018) 1–9

and consequently the increase of adsorption capacity and effi- Fig. 3(a), (b) shows the effect of contact time on removing
ciency [25]. Fig. 1(b) and (c) displays a comparison between the Cu (II) and Co (II) respectively from the synthetic wastewater
adsorption processes of both Cu (II) and Co (II) on fish bones sur- by means of XRF analysis with same initial concentrations. In
face. Fig. 1(b) indicates that all pores appearing on the adsorbent Fig. 3(a) it is clear that the reduction in the -intensities arises
surface are almost completely covered by Co (II) ions. On the other as a consequence of increasing the contact time. By repeating
hand, Fig. 1(c) apparently shows that fish bones surface is partially the experiment for Co (II), Fig. 3(b) demonstrates similar trend
covered by Co (II) ions. of decreasing intensities; which shows the increase in the
removed amount of Co (II) from synthetic wastewater with
Influence of contact time and metal ions initial concentration on longer contact time for the same initial concentrations mea-
removal process sured for Cu (II).
It should be noted that the metal cations adsorption on the fish
Fig. 2(a), (c) depicts the effect of contact time on adsorption bones is higher in the beginning due to the availability of a large
uptake of Cu (II) and Co (II) onto fish bones from synthetic wastew- surface area with specific sites of the adsorbent. Reaching satura-
ater at different concentrations using LIBS analysis, respectively. tion means that all active sites in the adsorbent are occupied
The results indicate that both LIBS intensity and adsorption uptake [26,27].
increase with increasing contact time until reaching the equilib-
rium point of 270 min for Cu (II) and 300 min for Co (II). The effect Adsorption isotherm
of contact time on adsorption uptake of Cu (II) and Co (II) onto fish
bones is accentuated by making use of XRF analysis at the same The adsorption percentage efficiency of metal ion removal E has
experimental conditions as shown in Fig. 2(b), (d). The trend of been calculated by the following equation:
the XRF curves indicates a significant consistency; that lends con- E ¼ ðci  ce Þ=ci  100 ð1Þ
fidence to the LIBS results.

300 ppm (a) 300 ppm

250 ppm (b)
80 Cu I (327.4 nm) 35 250 ppm
200 ppm 200 ppm Cu (II)
150 ppm 150 ppm
70 100 ppm 30 100 ppm
50 ppm 50 ppm
Normalized intensity

Intensity (a. u.)





60 120 180 240 300 360 60 120 180 240 300 360

Contact time (min) Contact time (min)

35 300 ppm (c) 8

300 ppm (b)
250 ppm 250 ppm
Co I (340.5 nm) 200 ppm Co (II)
200 ppm
30 7 150 ppm
150 ppm
100 ppm
100 ppm
50 ppm
50 ppm
Normalized intensity

Intensity (a. u.)

20 5




60 120 180 240 300 360 60 120 180 240 300 360
Contact time (min) Contact time (min)

Fig. 2. Effect of contact time on adsorption of Cu (II) and Co (II) on fish bones for different concentrations using LIBS (a, c) and XRF (b, d).
R.A. Rezk et al. / Journal of Advanced Research 14 (2018) 1–9 5

2.0 (a) 300 ppm Cu (II)

250 ppm 40 Co (II)
Cu (II) 200 ppm
150 ppm 35
1.6 100 ppm
50 ppm 30

Removal efficiency %
Intensity (a. u.)



0.8 15


0.4 5

60 120 180 240 300 360 50 100 150 200 250 300
Contact time (min) Concentrations (ppm)

Fig. 4. Effect of initial metal concentration on the percentage removal efficiency of

300 ppm Cu (II) and Co (II). The error bars represent the standard deviation of the
0.8 (b) 250 ppm experimental data.
200 ppm
Co (II)
0.7 150 ppm
100 ppm
Langmuir isotherm
50 ppm
This model assumes that adsorbent has sites with uniform
Intensity (a. u.)

0.5 energy for adsorption of adsorbate providing a monolayer homoge-

neous adsorption [30,31]. The linear form of Langmuir isotherm is
0.4 presented as follows [32]:

1 1 1
¼ þ ð2Þ
qe bce qmax qmax
qe (mg g1) is the amount of metal ion adsorbed at specified equilib-
rium, qmax (mg g1) is the maximum amount of the metal ion per
unit weight of sorbent and b (L mg1) is Langmuir adsorption equi-
librium constant related to the energy of adsorption.
60 120 180 240 300 360
Fig. 5(a), (b) shows the Langmuir adsorption isotherm plot of
Contact time (min)
1=ce versus 1=qe for Cu (II) and Co (II), respectively. The values of
Fig. 3. Effect of contact time on removal of (a) Cu (II) and (b) Co (II) from synthetic Langmuir constants, qmax and b, are calculated from the intercept
wastewater for different concentrations using XRF. is equal to 1=qmax and the slope is equal to 1=bqmax through linear
regression. Usually, high correlation coefficient, 0.8888 and
where ci is the initial metal ion concentration (mg L1), and ce is the 0.8623 respectively, indicates that the application of the Langmuir
equilibrium metal ion concentration (mg L1). The calculations are equation supports monolayer formation on the surface of the
performed at a fixed contact time of 30 min with initial pH (6.6 ± adsorbent.
0.1) and temperature (25 ± 2 °C). The Langmuir isotherm constants for the adsorption of copper
Fig. 4 shows the percentage removal efficiency calculated by Eq. and cobalt ions are given on the corresponding figures. The
(1) versus different initial metal concentrations, under the previ- obtained values of b and qmax are 0.25 and 35.12 for Cu (II) and
ously specified conditions. These results assure that the removal 0.06 and 23.46 for Co (II), which prove that the adsorption process
efficiency for copper is higher than that of cobalt at all concentra- depends on both the concentration and contact time.
tions. The difference in ion exchange capacity on the adsorbent Langmuir isotherm can be described by a dimensionless con-
surface for the two elements could justify this difference in stant known as the separation factor or the equilibrium factor RL ,
removal efficiency [28]. However, the dependence on charge den- given by [28,33,34]:
sity of each element, extent of hydrolysis, and solubility of hydro-
lyzed metal ions in the solution can also be taken into 1
RL ¼ ð3Þ
consideration in this issue [29]. 1 þ bco

b is Langmuir constant (L mg1) and co is the initial concentration

Adsorption isotherm models (mg L1). RL is used to predict the shape of the isotherms, which
gives information about the favorability of the adsorption of metal
At a fixed temperature, the adsorbate quantity adsorbed to that ions on the adsorbent. According to equation (3), the values of the
remaining in the solution is called adsorption isotherm and it separation factor (RL ) for all selected concentrations (50–300 mg
describes the equilibrium relation between the concentrations in L1) of metal ions are found to be less than 1, which indicates the
both adsorbent and solution phases [29]. Langmuir and Freundlich favorable biosorption conditions. Fig. 6 provides the relation t
isotherm models are the most widely adsorption isotherm models between co (mg L1) and RL values which shows that by increasing
that are used to quantify the sorption capacity of adsorbate. the concentration the RL values decrease exponentially in the range
6 R.A. Rezk et al. / Journal of Advanced Research 14 (2018) 1–9

0.16 of 0 < RL < 1. This consequently assures that the adsorption of Cu (II)
(a) and Co (II) is still favorable even at higher concentrations.
Cu (II)
Freundlich isotherm
Freundlich model [35] is an empirical expression used to
describe both the heterogeneous surfaces and multilayer sorption.

The mathematical form of Freundlich adsorption isotherm is repre-

sented by the following equation:
ln qe ¼ ln kf þ ln ce ð4Þ
R = 0.8888 n
slope = 0.11382
where kf and n are constants, being indicative of the extent of
Intercept = 0.02847
0.04 adsorption and the degree of non-linearity between solution and
adsorbent, respectively. The coefficient kf (mg11/n g1 L1/n) is a
0.02 measure of the adsorption capacity; the greater is the surface acces-
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 sible for adsorbate particles, the greater is the value of kf [5]. Plot-
1/ce ting ln ce versus ln qe will yield an intercept of ln kf and a slope of
0.16 Fig. 7(a), (b) shows the fitting plot of Freundlich isotherm for
(b) Cu (II) and Co (II), respectively. The constant values obtained
from Freundlich adsorption isotherm and its correlation coeffi-
0.14 Co (II)
cient R2 are summarized in the figures. Regression values of
0.992 for Cu (II) and 0.981 for Co (II) are acceptable to describe
the adsorption of both heavy metals on fish bones. The con-
stants obtained from ð1=nÞ are 0.689 for Cu (II) and 0.561 for
1/q e


2.6 (a)
2 2.4
Cu (II)
R = 0.86232
slope = 0.66701
Intercept = 0.04263 2.2

0.04 2.0
ln qe

0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.18

1/c e
1.6 2
Fig. 5. Langmuir adsorption isotherm for the adsorption of (a) Cu (II) and (b) Co (II) R = 0.992
by fish bones. 1.4 1/n = 0.689
kf = 3.022

3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5

0.25 ln ce
Cu (II)
Co (II)
0.20 2.8 Co (II)


ln qe


R = 0.981
0.05 1.8 1/n = 0.561
kf = 1.046
50 100 150 200 250 300 1.4
C0 (mg/L) 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5
ln ce
Fig. 6. The calculated separation factor RL versus the initial concentrations of Cu (II)
and Co (II). Fig. 7. Freundlich adsorption isotherm of (a) Cu (II) and (b) Co (II) by fish bones.
R.A. Rezk et al. / Journal of Advanced Research 14 (2018) 1–9 7

Co (II) indicate favorable and high-affinity adsorption of fish order kinetic models were tested to interpret the experimental
bones for metallic ions. data.
Finally, from all parameters of both isotherms, it has been found
that the equilibrium data are well-fitted to Freundlich isotherm. Pseudo-first order kinetic model
This assumes that it is applicable for non-ideal adsorption on
heterogeneous adsorbent surfaces. The pseudo-first-order equation of Lagergren is generally
expressed as [36]:
Adsorption kinetic model
¼ qe ð1  ek1 t Þ ð5Þ
To evaluate the kinetics of the adsorption of the Cu (II) and Co
(II) from wastewater, the pseudo-first-order, and pseudo-second- where dq
is the adsorption capacity at time t, qe (mg g1) is the equi-
librium adsorption capacity, and k1 (min1) is the rate constant of
300 ppm
(a) 30 (a)
3 250 ppm
Cu (II) 200 ppm Cu (II)
150 ppm
25 100 ppm
50 ppm
ln (qe - qt)



t/q t
300 ppm 10
-3 250 ppm
200 ppm
-4 150 ppm
100 ppm 5
-5 50 ppm

30 60 90 120 150 180 210 0

30 60 90 120 150 180 210
time (min)
time (min)

(b) 300 ppm
2.8 250 ppm (b)
Co (II) 35 200 ppm
2.4 150 ppm Co (II)
100 ppm
2.0 30 50 ppm

1.6 25
ln (qe - qt)

t/q t


0.4 15
300 ppm
0.0 250 ppm 10
200 ppm
-0.4 150 ppm
100 ppm 5
-0.8 50 ppm

30 60 90 120 150 180 210
30 60 90 120 150 180 210
time (min) time (min)

Fig. 8. The linear pseudo first-order kinetic sorption data for (a) Cu (II) and (b) Co Fig. 9. The linear pseudo second-order kinetic sorption data for (a) Cu (II) and (b) Co
(II) at different concentrations. (II) at different concentrations.

Table 1
Pseudo-first order kinetic model parameters for different initial concentrations of Cu (II) and Co (II).

Initial metal concentration (mg L1) K1 (min1)  103 R2 qe (cal.) qe (exp.)

Cu (II) Co (II) Cu (II) Co (II) Cu (II) Co (II) Cu (II) Co (II)
50 15.53 7.36 0.867 0.973 4.542 4.074 7.3 6.6
100 19.58 16.61 0.933 0.979 22.471 17.898 14.4 12.2
150 19.2 16.06 0.815 0.948 38.477 18.667 20.9 14.4
200 22.28 8.85 0.917 0.962 83.386 14.366 27.6 18.3
250 12.25 7.7 0.983 0.985 37.156 13.762 32.6 22.2
300 10.58 10.99 0.939 0.907 39.636 26.731 36.4 24.8
8 R.A. Rezk et al. / Journal of Advanced Research 14 (2018) 1–9

Table 2
Kinetic parameters for the adsorption of Cu (II) ion and Co (II) ion onto fish bones based on the pseudo-second-order kinetic model.

Initial metal concentration (mg L1) K2 (min1)  103 R2 qe (cal.) qe (exp.)

Cu (II) Co (II) Cu (II) Co (II) Cu (II) Co (II) Cu (II) Co (II)
50 0.688 1.32 0.985 0.984 9.634 6.590 7.3 6.6
100 0.490 3.95 0.998 0.936 19.360 15.045 14.4 12.2
150 0.355 1.02 0.997 0.987 27.787 16.392 20.9 14.4
200 0.366 1.42 0.986 0.974 36.405 17.293 27.6 18.3
250 0.493 2.06 0.968 0.996 39.186 23.186 32.6 22.2
300 1.62 1.03 0.946 0.948 39.038 23.946 36.4 24.8

pseudo-first order adsorption. Integrating and applying boundary and quantitative monitoring of the heavy metals removal. The effi-
conditions, qt ¼ 0 at initial time ðt ¼ 0Þ and q ¼ qt at a given time ciency of fish bones in adsorption of heavy metals, is mainly due to
ðt ¼ tÞ, equation (5) takes the form: its content of the natural hydroxyapatite (HAP) that depend on the
ion exchange reaction with calcium ions on the bone surface. The
lnðqe  qt Þ ¼ ln qe  k1 t ð6Þ
obtained optimum contact time values for the heavy metal ion
Fig. 8(a), (b) shows the plot of lnðqe  qt Þ versus t for different removal of Cu (II) and Co (II) were 270 and 300 min, respectively.
metal concentrations to obtain the rate constant k1 from the slope Furthermore, the highest percentage values of adsorbed Cu (II)
and qe from the intercept. and Co (II) were found at the low initial ion concentrations. Based
Table 1 shows the parameters from the pseudo-first-order on correlation coefficients, the best fit model is the Freundlich iso-
model for both Cu (II) and Co (II). By comparing the presented therm that was found to provide the best correlation of Cu (II) and
results, it is clear that the rate of cobalt adsorption on fish bones Co (II) adsorption onto fish bones. The kinetic studies revealed that
is less than that of copper for all concentrations. Therefore, the the adsorption process of both ions followed well the pseudo-
adsorption of Cu (II) onto fish bones is much higher than that of second-order kinetic model. These experimental studies accentu-
Co (II). On the other hand, there is an observable difference ate the potential of using LIBS and XRF as powerful spectrochemi-
between calculated adsorption capacities and the experimental cal analytical techniques for environmental analysis, which
values for both metallic ions. develop an appropriate technology regarding the removal of heavy
metals from contaminated industrial effluents. However, the
Pseudo-second order kinetic model results obtained are preliminary and further studies are planned
in future work on real wastewater samples and highly optimized
The pseudo-second-order equation is also based on the sorption experimental conditions.
capacity of the solid phase and is expressed as [37]:
Conflict of interest
¼ k2 ðqe qt Þ2 ð7Þ
dt The authors have declared no conflict of interest.
where qt is the adsorption capacity at time t and k2 (g mg1 min1)
represents the pseudo-second-order rate constant. Compliance with Ethics Requirements
After integration and application of the boundary conditions qt
= 0 at t = 0 and qt = qt at t = t, the integrated form becomes: This article does not contain any studies with human or animal
t 1 t subjects.
¼ þ ð8Þ
qt k2 q2e qe
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