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Sewa Bharati Northern India Flood Relief Appeal

India floods leave 2m homeless, destroy crops

Source: Reuters

Picture :AP
Villagers move through floodwaters in Bareily, Uttar Pradesh, on Monday.

PTI Villagers trying to save people from an inundated village after water from Kalagarh
Dam was released, in Moradabad on Sunday.
Local residents stand on a flooded road after heavy monsoon rains at Moradabad in Uttar
Pradesh September 20, 2010.

For more on India Floods

Support the Millions Homeless

60 villages in Yamunanagar flooded, Punjab, Haryana hit badly September 09, 2010
Flood ravages Chhattisgarh''s Bastar region; five dead

Flood paralyzes North India, Delhi on alert: Thursday, September 9, 2010, 11:12 [IST]

Flood red alert in Arunachal Pradesh

88,000 people evacuated in rain-hit Andhra Pradesh

At least two million people in northern India have been left homeless as the Ganges and
other rivers, swollen by heavy monsoon rains, broke embankments and submerged
villages, fields and religious sites.

State officials said 500,000 hectares of agriculture land in top cane growing state Uttar
Pradesh were flooded and the heavy rains could affect cotton output from Punjab and
Haryana states.

They said floods in Uttar Pradesh were the worst in years and were still assessing the
damage to the cane.

Any output loss would reduce sugar supply in India, the world's top consumer and
second-largest producer of the sweetner, and could push up prices globally.

The Ganges, a dip in which Hindus believe washes away sins, and its tributary rivers
have risen to close to their record-high levels and weather officials have forecast heavy
rains in the region for the next two days.
"Agriculture fields and many roads are still water-logged... the real estimation would be
possible when the water recedes," said K.K. Sinha, a senior Uttar Pradesh government

Television pictures showed people leaving villages on bullock carts through submerged
roads, while several women and men were seen wading through waist-deep water,
carrying children on their shoulders and belongings on their heads.

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International" and mail it to:
Sewa International USA
PO Box 14622
Fremont, CA 94539

To donate in Indian Rupees, please send your contribution to:

Sewa International
49, Deendayal Upadhyaya Marg,
New Delhi -110002
Tel: +91 11 23232850 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +91 11
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Email: sewainternationaldelhi {at] gmail (dot) com

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