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Presented to you by: Aubrey Burch, Tamara Cannon, Carissa

Calhoun, and Haylee Vann
What is Bullying?

● Bullying “is a very old and well-known phenomenon” (Olweus)

● It does not fall on one person’s shoulders to stop
● Defined as “repeated aggressive behavior or, quite simply, unprovoked
meanness” (Kowalski)
● Types of bullying include but are not limited to:
○ Physical
○ Verbal
○ Cyber
○ Social
But what does is really mean?
A. Physical Bullying
a. Physical bullying consists of any form of hitting or physical contact meant in a mean way
b. Sexual Harassment
c. Property Damage

B. Verbal Bullying
a. Insults/ Name Calling
b. Crushing of self-esteem
c. Rumors and Lies
d. Yelling
A. Social Bullying
a. Exclusion of certain people
b. “Ganging up” on another student
c. Talking down to a certain group due to conflict in belief
d. Profiling and degrading due to gender, race, or culture
B. Cyber Bullying
a. Abusive Texts
b. Exploitation of photos
c. Exploitation of personal information and identity
d. Derogatory posts written to or about another person
e. Rumors

*All forms of bullying can evolve into or include another/all other forms!
What is Bystanding?
● Bystanding is the act of being a bystander
● “a person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part.”
● Bystanders fuel bullies
○ Creates an audience
○ Make bully think their acts are acceptable
○ They are just as guilty
Our High School Policy
The El Dorado Union High School Districts Board
policy prohibits, at any district school or school activity ,
unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation and
bullying of any student based on the student’s actual
race, color, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group
identification, age, religion, marital or parental status,
physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation,
gender, gender identity, or gender expression; the
perception of one or more of such characteristics; or
association with a person or group with one or more of
these actual or perceived characteristics.
Student vs Student
A. Girl vs Girl
a. Kim is in a bad mood and purposely makes Lori feel bad about being excited for something
in Lori’s life.
b. Jan heard Linda likes the same boy as her, so she starts rumors
B. Boy vs Boy
a. Bob finds out Kyle was appointed the captain of the basketball team, even though he
thinks he deserves it. In turn, he “roughs” Kyle up a bit to show authority.
b. Evan knows that it is common for his friends to poke fun at each other, but feels as
though his “friends” specifically target him.
C. Girl vs Boy/ Student vs Society
a. A teacher brings up politics in a history class and asks for volunteers to share their
opinions. A fight breaks out between two individuals attacking each other’s beliefs.
b. During class, an individual experiences a panic attack and must be excused from the
lecture. While the teacher helps the individual, other students break out in hysterics and
make fun of that individual.
Student vs Teacher
● A teacher is informed by a student that they have a history of not doing well in
the subject the teacher teaches. Despite the information, the teacher still
writes the student off as a slacker and calls them out in front of the class and
calls them names when they get the question wrong.
● A teacher tends to show sexist actions towards students of the opposite sex.
They tend to ignore the questions and put forth more harsh criticism on test
scores and homework than they do the students of the same sex.
Teacher vs Student/Parent
● A student receives a test score back and is not happy to see that it is a C-
(the student also did not study). The student then tells the teacher that they
are incompetent in their ability to teach and that they should never have been
given a teaching credential… Every other student received a B or higher on
the same test.
● A parent notices that their student’s grade has dropped from an A to a C.
When confronting the child, they accuse their teacher of having a vendetta
against their education. The parent in turn visits the teacher and not only
demands the teacher change the student’s grade, but threatens to report the
teacher and get them fired… The child lied in order to stay out of trouble.
What’s your role in preventing bullying?
The biggest role any person can play in preventing bullying is to not participate!

However, if you experience bullying remember “NICE”:

N- Notice.

I- Intervene.

C- Communicate.

E- Empathize.
Dear Administration,
● Help students identify bullying!
● Teach students good communication skills!
● Let students know that bullying will not be tolerated!
● Build a safe school environment!
Dear Parents,
● Be there for your students
● Communication and Consequences
● Get involved
● Create healthy environments
● Don’t bully your child
Dear Students,
● Be strong and stand your ground
● Regulate social media
● Never show aggression back
● Do not be a bystander
● Do not waste what little time of your childhood you have
left on bullying!

● Bullying always has and will be a problem in not only schools but outside of
schools too.
● All bystanders need to stand up to the bully and defend the victim. If a
bully knew that every time he bullied a kid, numerous peers would protect
and defend the victim, he or she would most likely stop because they are
not able to obtain the control they desire.
● One of Aesop’s Fables helps us to see it in a simple explanation: a lion was
napping when a mouse accidentally ran across his nose. The lion caught
the mouse and planned to kill him when the mouse asked the lion to let
him go and told him he would surely repay the lion someday. The lion
chuckled and let the mouse free. Then one day the lion got caught in a net
but the mouse found him and gnawed the rope setting the lion free
(Aesop).We need to be the one to protect the victims, they need us and
maybe someday we’ll need them. Photo by NASA Space
Works Cited
● Audrie and Daisy. Dir. Bonni Cohen and Jon Shenk. Perf. Daisy Coleman, Jim Fall,
Delaney Henderson. Audrie and Daisy. Netflix, 23 Sept. 2016. Web 24 Apr. 2017
● “The Lion and The Mouse.” Fables of Aesop, 28 Mar. 2017.
● Kowalski, Kathiann. “How to Handle a Bully.” Current Health 2 25.6 (1999):
13-16. Web. 15 Aug. 2004.
● Larson, Tiffany. Personal interview. 25 April 2018.
● McCallen, Willow Christine. Personal interview. 23 April 2018.
● Olweus, Dan. “A Profile of Bullying at School.” Educational Leadership 60.6
(2003): 12-17. Print.
● Submit the Documentary. Dir. Les Ottolenghi, Kate Wasiele, Plat4m Studios, 2013.
Vimeo. Web. 24 Apr. 2017.

Photo by Wikimedia

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