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~~~ Forwarded message ~ From: Amber Beebe Ce:> Dear Ms. Moore, am filing a formal written grievance against the Kalamazoo County Administrator Tracie Moored. According to this policy, I am to direct this grievance to you as Chairperson of the Board in writing. On March 23, 2018, Tracie Moored instructed Ms, Elizabeth White and HR to escort me out of the building and placed on leave approximately one (1) hour after I sent an email to HR with copy to Ms. White informing them that I had been in contact with the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) about workplace discrimination. On March 27th I was terminated. In support of the illegal act of terminating my employment, the Administrator had Ms. White prepare a letter with baseless allegations that have no proof or real substance. Similarly, the appropriate procedure for terminating an employee was not followed and has exposed the County to a lawsuit with substantial damages and negative PR associated with it, Prior to terminating me, Ms. Moored and Ms. White did not question me about my reasons for the discrimination complaint, did not confer with the Board, and intend to withhold my vacation pay payout of roughly $4000. I was unable to use vacation time due to my busy schedule in handling all of the affairs of the Office of Corporation counsel for almost six months. Tracie Moored's and Ms. White's are in contravention of the personnel policies, have abruptly left me and my family without income or health insurance, and have caused me an enormous amount of stress and embarrassment. According to the policy (attached - page 97-98), I am filing this grievance with you and asking you (o either (1) reverse the decision of the County Administrator and Ms. White, or (2) place me on paid leave pending an investigation and conclusion of my EEOC inquiry and (3) release my vacation pay. As Board Chair, and as a human with a conscience, I hope that you are able to consider my request and act accordingly. Without your assistance, 1 am afraid that the unjustified actions of Ms. Moored and Ms. White will cause be irreversible harm and will add substantial economic and punitive damages to my claim with the EEOC. Thank you in advance. Amber KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT In the Pursuit of Extraordinary Governance... —— erat April 17, 2018 ‘Amber Beebe P.0, Box 1984 Portage, MI 49081 RE: GRIEVANCE Dear Ms. Beebe: Your grievance filed pursuant to Kelamazoo County Personnel Poley 702 Hie received in April 1, 2008. eae eegations have been reviewed. The grievance isnot appropriately before the Kalarvazoo County Board Char for the following reasons. 4. ALLEGATION: “On March 23, 2018, Tracie Moored instructed Ms- Elizabeth White and HR to aaarerire cut ofthe building and placed on leave approximately one (1) ovr fat sent an cee AR with copy to Ms. White fnforming them that | hal been in contact with the EEOC {Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) about work |2ce discrimination.” RESPONSE: Regarding actions allege taken atthe direction of the County ‘Administrator, this allegation is denied as untrue. County Administrator Tracie Mooted did not instruct Ms. White or the HR Director to escort her out of the building orto fake any other action associated with Ms. Beebe's termination. 2. ALLEGATION: “On March 27th | was terminated. In support ofthe ‘legal act of terminating, ‘my employment, the Administrator had Ms. White prepare a letter ‘with baseless allegations that have no proof of real substance. Similarly, the appropriate procedure for terminating an ‘employee was not followed and has exposed the County $9 Jawsult with substantial damages and negative PR associated with tt.” AaeSPONSE: This allegation is denied as untrue. The County Administrator did not instruct Ms. White to prepare any documents or take ary actions associated with the Grievant's termination. prior to terminating me, Ms. Moored and Ms. White did not question me about my reasons for the discrimination complaint, did not confer with the Board, and intend to withhold my ‘Weation pay payout of roughly $4000. 1 was unable to use vacation He due to my busy venedufe i handing all of the afais of the Office of Corporation counsel for almost six months. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 201 West Kalamazoo Avenue | Kalamazoo, Mt 49007 Phone: 269.384.81 11 | eSPONSE: The Grievant did not communicate a discrimination complaint 1 the County ebrinttator. p, Moored and Ms. White werent involved in decions regarding vacation pay in this matter. ‘a. Tracie Moored!s and Ms. White's (si) are In contravention of the personnel policies, have abruptly let me and my family without income or heath insurance, and have caused me an ‘enormous amount of stress and embarrassment. RESPONSE: Grievant's allegation that County polices were not followed in this matter is denied vs untrue. Ms. Moored wes not involved in the decision to terminate the Grievant's employment. 5. Actording tothe policy (attached - page 97-98), am fling this grievance with you and asking you to either (1) reverse the decision of the County Administatoe and Ms. White, or (2) place Woe on paid leave pending an Investigation and conclusion of my EEOC inquiry and (3) release vay vacation pay- As Board Chair, and as @ human with a conscience, hope that you are able qe consider my request and act accordingly. Without your assistance, {am afraid that the nustified actions of MS. Moored and Ms, White will cause Be irreversible harm and will add substantial economic and punitive damages to my claim with the EOC. Thank you in advance. RESPONSE: Grievant has failed to follow the procedures set forth Inthe Grievance Procedures in Polley 7.02, which require: Step 2.) Reporting ofthe grievance to the employee's Department Tread. step 2) #f the response isnot satisfactory, submission of the grievait® to the Human Resources Director. Step 3, Ifthe HR Director's response is not satisfactory, then an appeal can we taken to the County Administrator. Only where the grievance is ‘against the County pdministrator can the grievance be submitted to the Chal, and then only after going through Steps 1 through 3, tiere, the County Administrator didnot take the action that isthe subject of the grievance. The Eriovant has therefore failed to follow the grievance process and in fact seams 8 have leveled a besoless allegation against the County Administrator in order to circumvent the County's ceespiched grievance proces, bringing this matter directly to the Board char or the reagons stated herein, the grievance Is not properly before the Board Chair and is therefore denied. The Chair having recused herself from the process, has delegated this matter to Vice-Chair Shugars. eo Shige Let, Ag - sian DALE SHUGARS, VICE-CHAIR Dare KALAMAZOO COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS “This frmis atlocted ty the Privacy Act of 1874, Se ‘Staten an ner intonation bore copltig th oom Lo CHARGE OF DISCRIMINATION Charge Presented To: Agencytios) Gharge No(s): elas Pry ek FEPA X] EEOC 471-2018-02331 higan Department Of Civil Rights ‘and EEOC State ova Agency, any Name fate Me, Ma, As} ome Phors inl Aree Code} Date of ih Ms. Amber D. Beebe (269) 830-3932 1977 ‘Sisal Adess iy Sits and ZIP Case PO Box 1984, Portage, Ml 49081 Diserminated Against he or Othars. (lf more than fra, ist under PARTICULARS botow) ‘Named isthe Employer, Labor Organization, Employment Agoncy, Apprentieship Commitee, or Slate or Local Government Apongy That Bolave Name Tio Erpoises towoss ] Phone No, fneluge Area Gade) KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERMENT 201 - 500 (269) 384-8114 ‘Seeat aan iy, Sse an ZF Code 201 W. Kalamazoo Avenue, Kalamazoo, Ml 49007 [Name ‘Ne Employes, enna | Phone No. (inane Area Code) ‘Sieet Rasen (iy, Sats snd ZIP Case ‘DISGRIMINATION BASED GN (Check ansroprate Bovis) [x] mee [Jeon [7] sex reveion [7] nanonas onion [2] sexauron aoe DX] osasuny ‘ave nrowmeTION THe ea ‘DATE(S)DIGORININATION TOOK PLAGE anon toa. 07-01-2017 03-27-2018 ‘CONTINUING ACTION ‘THEE PARTIOULARS ARE facial papers nondd,SBSch ona eal discrimination in the workplace. Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, respectively. On March 23, 2018, | was placed on administrative leave for writing an email to my supervisor and Human Resources complaining about discrimination. In the email, | informed them that I was filing a charge with the EEOC. The complaint was related to events that occurred between October 16, 2017 through March 23, 2018. | requested reasonable accommodations during my employment that were denied. | was subsequently fired on March 27, 2018 in retaliation for complaining about | believe that | was discharged in retaliation for complaining, denied reasonable accommodations based on my disability in violation of Title Vii of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the American's with Wil eve the agencies it change my adress 0; phone number end I i coopera uly wih them inte prooasing of my charge aecordance mth heir | want his charge fos with bot the EEOC ane the Stato olcal Agen, any. 1 | NOTARY = whan necessary lar Sate ond Lael Roenay Reqiiamaiis (Charging Pot Signature procedures. {sear or afi inat have read ihe above charge and that his tue to " desire under penalty of perjury Wat he above le tue and eoriech the best ofmy knowedge, information and bali, SIGNATURE OF COMPLAINANT 4(W\2013 & f= __| easenseonye suo roseonene is are a eeoc Fam 101 3116) U.S, EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION DismissaL AND Notice OF RIGHTS Te: Amber D. Beebe From: Detroit Field Office PO Box 1984 477 Michigan Avenue Portage, MI 49081 Room 865 Detroit, nil 48226 (On behalf of person(s) aggrieved whose identity is CONFIDENTIAL (29 CER §1801.7(0)) EEOC Charge No. EEOC Representative “Telephone No, Angelique M. Moreno, 471-2018-02331 investigator (313) 226-2365 ‘THE EEOC IS CLOSING ITS FILE ON THIS CHARGE FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: ‘The facts alleged in the charge fall to state a claim under any of the statutes enforced by the EEOC. ‘Your allegations did not involve a disability as defined by the Americans With Disabiities Act. The Respondent employs less than the required number of employees ors not othenvise covered by the statutes. Your charge was not timely filed with EEOC; in other words, you waited too long after the date(s) of the alleged discrimination to file your charge X] The EEOC issues the following determination: Based upon its investigation, the EEOC is unable to conclude that the information obtained establishes violations of the statutes. This does not certify that the respondent Is in compliance with the statutes. No finding is made as to any other issues thal might be construed as having been raised by this charge. ‘The EEOC has adopted the findings of the state or local fair employment practices agency that investigated this charge. [1 otter (erieny state) NOTICE OF SUIT RIGHTS - (S00 the addtional nfermation attached to this form.) Title Vil, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, or the Agi Discrimination in Employment Act: This will be the only notice of dismissal and of your right to sue that we will send you. ‘You may file a lawsuit against the respondent(s) under federal law based on this charge in federal or state court. Your tawsuit must be filed WITHIN 90 DAYS of your receipt of this notice; or your right to sue based on this charge will be lost. (The time fimit for fling suit based on a claim under state law may be different.) Equal Pay Act (EPA): EPA suits must be filed in federal or state court within 2 years (3 years for wilful violations) ofthe alleged EPA underpayment. This means that backpay due for any violations that occurred more than 2 years (3 years] ofore you file suit may not be collectible. : QB Yee fate said Eneloswres(s) ‘Michelle Eisele, © a District Director ° Kristine Cunningham Human Resource Kalamzoo County 201 West Kalamazoo Ave. Kalamazoo, Ml 49007 Enclosure with £00 Forme 181 ep INFORMATION RELATED TO FILING SUIT UNDER THE LAWS ENFORCED BY THE EEOC (This information relates to fing suit in Federal or State court under Federal law. I you also plan to sue claiming violations of State law, please be aware that tine Hits and other ;provisions of State law may be sharter or more imted than those described below.) Title Vil of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), or the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA): PRivaTe Sur RIGHTS In order to pursue this matter further, you must fle @ lawsuit against the respondent(s) named in the charge within 90 days of the date you receive this Notice. Therefore, you should keep a record of this date. Once this 90- day period is over, your right to sue based on the charge referred to in this Notice will be lost. If you intend to consult an attorney, you should do so promptly. Give your attorney a copy of this Notice, and its envelope, and tell him or her the date you received it. Furthermore, in order to avoid any question that you did not act in a timely manner, itis prudent that your suit be filed within 90 days of the date this Notice was mailed to you (as indicated where the Notice is signed) or the date of the postmark, if later, Your lawsuit may be fled in U.S. District Court or a State court of competent jurisdiction. (Usually, the appropriate State court is the general civil trial court) Whether you fle in Federal or State court is a matter for you to decide after talking to your attorney. Filing this Notice is not enough. You must file a “complaint” that contains a short statement ofthe facts of your case which shows that you are entitled to relief. Courts often require that a copy of ~ your charge must be attached to the complaint you file in court. If so, you should remove your birth date from the ‘charge. Some courts will net accept your complaint where the charge includes a date of birth. Your suit may include any matter alleged in the charge or, to the extent permitted by court decisions, matters like of related to the matters alleged in the charge, Generally, suits are brought in the State where the alleged unlawful practice occurred, but in ‘some cases can be brought where relevant employment records are Kept, where the employment would have been, or where the respondent has its main office. if you have simple questions, you usually can get answers from the office of the clerk of the court where you are bringing suit, but do not expect that office to write your complaint or make legal strategy decisions for you. PRIVATE SUITRIGHTS — Equal Pay Act (EPA): EPA suits must be filed in court within 2 years (3 years for wilful violations) of the alleged EPA underpayment: back pay due for violations that occurred more than 2 years (3 vears) before you file sult may not be collectible. For example, if you were underpaid under the EPA for work performed from 7/4/08 to 12/1/08, you should fle suit before 7/1/10 - not 12/1/10 -- in order to recover unpaid wages due for July 2008. This time limit for fling an EPA suit is separate from the 90-day fing period under Title Vil, the ADA, GINA or the ADEA referred to above, Therefore, if you also plan to sue under Title Vil, the ADA, GINA or the ADEA, in addition to suing on the EPA claim, suit must be fled within 90 days of this Notice and within the 2- or 3-year EPA back pay recovery period, ATTORNEY REPRESENTATION -- Title Vil, the ADA or GINA: Ifyou cannot afford or have been unable to obtain a lawyer to represent you, the U.S. District Court having jurisdiction in your case may, in limited circumstances, assist you in obtaining a lawyer. Requests for such assistance must be made to the U.S. District Court in the form and manner it requires (you should be prepared to exptain in detail your efforts to retain an attomey). Requests should be made well before the end of the 0-day period mentioned above, because such requests do not relieve you of the requirement to bring suit within 90 days. ATTORNEY REFERRAL AND EEOC ASSISTANCE --_Alll Statutes: ‘You may contact the EEOC representative shown on your Notice if you need help in finding a lawyer or if you have any questions about your legal rights, including advice on which U.S. District Court can hear your case. If you need to inspect or obtain a copy of information in EEOC’s file on the charge, please request it prompt in writing and provide your charge number (as shown on your Notice). While EEOC destroys charge files after a certain time, all charge files, zare kept for at least 6 months after our last action on the case. Therefore, ifyou file sult and want to review the charge file, please make your review request within 6 months of this Notice. (Before fiing suit, any request should be made within the next 90 days.) IF YOU FILE SUIT, PLEASE SEND A COPY OF YOUR COURT COMPLAINT TO THIS OFFICE. NOTICE OF RIGHTS UNDER THE ADA AMENDMENTS ACT OF 2008 (ADAAA): The ADA was amended, effective January 1, 2009, to broaden the definitions of disability to make it easier for individuals to be covered under the ADA/ADAAA. A disability is still defined as (1) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities (actual disability); (2) a record of a substantially limiting impairment; or (3) being regarded as having a disability. However, these terms are redefined, and it is easier to be covered under the new law. ‘Ifyou plan to retain an attorney to assist you with your ADA claim, we recommend that you share this information with your attorney and suggest that he or she consult the amended regulations and appendix, and other, ADA related publications, available, ‘at regulation: “Actual” disability or a “record of” a disability (note: if you are pursuing a failure to accommodate cl you must meet the standards for either “actual” or “record of” a disability): > The limitations from the impairment no longer have to be severe or significant for the impairment to be considered substantially limiting. > In addition to activities such as performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, thinking, concentrating, reading, bending, and communicating (more examples at 29 CFR. § 1630.2(i)), “major life activities” now include the operation of major bodily functions, such as: functions of the immune system, special sense organs and skin; normal cell growth; and digestive, genitourinary, bowel, bladder, neurological, brain, respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular, endocrine, hemic, lymphatic, musculoskeletal, and reproductive functions; or the operation of an individual organ within a body system, Only one major life activity need be substantially limited. With the exception of ordinary eyeglasses or contact lenses, the beneficial effects of “mitigating measures” (e.g., hearing aid, prosthesis, medication, therapy, behavioral modifications) are not considered in determining if the impairment substantially limits a major life activity. > An impairment that is “episodic” (c.g, epilepsy, depression, multiple sclerosis) or “in remission” (eg, cancer) is a disability if it would be substantially limiting when active. > An impairment may be substantially g even though it lasts or is expected to last fewer than six months, vv “Regarded as” coverage: > An individual can meet the definition of disability if an employment action was taken beeause of an actual or perceived impairment (¢.g,, refusal to hire, demotion, placement on involuntary leave, termination, exclusion for failure to meet a qualification standard, harassment, ot denial of any other term, condition, or privilege of employment). > “Regarded as” coverage under the ADAAA no longer requires that an impairment be substantially limiting, or that the employer perceives the impairmect to be substantially limiting. > The employer has a defense against a “regarded as” claim only when the impairment at issue is objectively BOTH transitory (lasting or expected to last six months or less) AND minor. > A person is not able to bring a failure to accommodate claim if the individual is covered only under the “tegarded as” definition of “disability.” Note: Although the amended ADA states that the definition of disability “shall be construed broadly” and “should not demand extensive analysis,” some courts require specificity in the complaint explaining how an impairment substantially limits a major Ufe activity or what facts indicate the challenged employment action was because of the impairment. Beyond the initial pleading stage, some courts will require specific evidence to establish disability. For more information, consult the amended regulations and appendix, as well as explanatory publications, available at hitp://www.ceoe. gov/laws/types/ ty regulations, Elisabeth A, Reiter From: Kristine D. Cunningham Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 6:14 AM To: FORMS- Action Forms Subject: FO: Please approve the attached and send to Action Forms Attachments: rev spoe ath stipend discontinued transfer action form. pdf Approved: From: Jean M. Michaud Sent. Friday, March 30, 2028 7:25 AM Ser sine D. cunningham anys if hired. Tis is another obvious showing, OPeopaats treatment due tomy race, All K pthese allegations are being made due 10 Say charge of discrimination, per. 4, The case mentioned inthis praaraph IS again, relatos to matter and cent it had ase oginming work withthe count. [FY Tully access the federal ecf system, So™ Pri pat Tam listed a pro bac vice and ra por law firm is actuaTly handing spa wilkstt me Lam listed because the cert tha oy, wanted me Listed so that L could Get ace only of progress on the ease, 1am 1 Ssporsible forhaneling any par of Hat ose. There is no evidence that I have Been Trandiing tis ease or any others on COuntY Haat ae there were, they would be Fase fe. Irirvas forwarded tomy ema: Lay have ‘een sing one ofthe causes 0 assist With reparing a county document. THiS VJeparument does not have al of he resources that it Pd, Iwas likely «document | was Using sist Purchasing with preparing a master saa contact semplae, Feel eee 1 115 to Georgia in Purchasing to inquire serves peer | was helping her witha temp 1 meu Nir been an employee of any ones oOnFE, ther than the county since 9/12/2016 sre ould not need to request dal employ nes ease sbow me the personnel poiey a ges that ts appli fo mes my SENS et nedgerent, and ow was violated ary W2 received by me wil be from the county. a, Allegation Number 2: Insubordination- RESPONSE: — ae Tlnkahe nuesof te meeting whereby intense conporate counsel were held a (Please show me vaitten confirmation Hat “memo” was requested. sat down in your {Chrporate counsel's) office whereby you NaN fhe issue of “hacking.” I thought (Com Mi. White) called a mecting to discuss POU procedure, not “hacking”. 1 am not oe Ki how “hacking” even came up during i's nseting, You requested that L do some cen ei 1d. 1 also made you aware that [ws F shing to get a federal court brief Completed fr the prosecutor's offic, sehich 98 prevented me from filing when I was comPieg out, When you made this request it was the sshernoon immediately prior to 8 «ening meeting you scheduled with Chair Moore Texpressed to you that a memo on Thor eubject would likely take more time, and ¥O% dicated that you would take an email vnrtceome cases or ater resources that could assist} preparing for a discussion Hae ing the administrator's utilization of 1S 10 BF ‘Michael Hoss" emails, sent you ao you asked for. This is not insubordination, t dd not refuse to perform the research vine in fat, perform research on this subject NPE liegation to the contrary would be a seed another attempt to retaliate against me due {0 mY ‘BEOC charge. {@) Thave not been communicating with He Board since March 22.1 spoke with three ae nats ofthe Board prior to your start date as at he T reported to the Board and had Bree mpcemns with administration and needed gui danee "The guidance related to son eeaon pressuring me to approve two bad cone mother words, Iiave no clue sam allegation is fr. H you show that a comm SOW reached out to me, Lhave no vine lover that. I cannot contol who the commis oA feel comfortable talking to and contr oven any of her Legal advice since new corporate ‘counsel began. b. This paragraph isnot true. Lopened my door egardless ofthe fact that I found te request seme of the ordinary. That occured the afernoon Pot to me being escorted out of 1 oe ding and you did not approach me about his Se after | opened my door. Also, the door was closed that morning besnuse I was out of the office. I also let you know that the door is only closed when Lam not in my office, Mt meeting, oF need quiet to focus Panning keep the main door open and loud convert make it diffieult for me to Pang es also old you that we found a man Ng ‘round the old corporate concens office one day and that our does should Be ‘closed and locked when we are not in them. «._ forwarded your email to Chait Moore so that Chair Moore would know that you want Leotmtnicaions drecied through you. The ema stated only “FYI.” Lam not sure how set insubordination, Prior your arival, she seeded legal consultation as Chair and { wanted her to be aware of your directive. 4, Allegation Number 3: Bascless and reckless allegation against a county employee: ‘RESPONSE: a. 1do not recat discussing this issue on Mach 19" and do not believe that to be tue. have mentioned Tracie’s access to Micha! Hoss/HICS's twice, once when you asked pane ectly about it and the fist ime im a private meets between me and three aes, intended vo mect with leadership (Pros 19 the new hire of corporation counsel) to ask for guidance because did not have a supervisor at the corpoti nok remember how Trace's issue came UP HS Coy ‘policy states that Mepeoted fraud oF misuse of county es0urces Should be reported. Leadership would teins appropriate partes to discuss this with absen’ supervisor for assistant Se morafon counsel. requested Chair Moore ane Vee ‘Chair Shugars. Viee chait SShugars, only knowing that I needed guidances Tefused to attend. Chair Moore, Tracy Fal and Mike Quinn showed up The information | ‘shared with them was in line ara tty policies and reporting procedures. Alo, the alert about Tracie aaa ing EICS emails was not baseless. She came ino 1 office and told me she did seeing vised her against. [ok her that {needed £0 JOC the legality of it wo aye acveseed te email before being given # lege OP ‘and stated that she feted the commissioner who requested emails fo also 1% damaging ones. If others rar atabout Tracie’ actions iewas beeause one of HP ‘commissioners shared the found oom not me. Id not mention itto anyone else T completely followed poliey in this regard. b.. Please see the previous response to this allegation: Insubordination is defined as eretpanees of authority” and “refusal fo obey orders” PY ‘Merriam-Webster. Nothing in this notice supports a claim of insubordination. «e. This paragraph does not contain an allegation, {have 00 independent knowledge of & TREE By commissioner inquiring about he appropiate Prose for investigating an Sfteged hacking of emails. iso, | advised you in 3° ‘email that the word “hacking” anes unauthorized acoess and that whether or nok NE TS ‘was unauthorized had implies wetermined yet, Prior to your request for esearch, | "had not had time with amy work Toad to look into it any further “The way this is being handed shows implicit and expe bias. Fhave done nothing more than to Tea good job sine {began working forthe county, PPeT ‘October 2017, T enjoyed my job. oo eo departments would agre.fesaddens me thab due someone's skin color, someone re pe paraged outof an office and harassed. It saddens that even before this baseless NOTICE and meeting that L would be treated Hike | 2 ‘worthless and not an equal, This county, ys varius programs, serves 2 population thats fall of people from various races, creeds, and oe the fact hat the white administration, fs new Comer counsel, and Tabor counsel are oe ts attack me in his manner i disgusting. hones) fo not know how you Fook at yourselves in the mirror, Ihave been loys se othe county Lialy believe in doing good yee g making sure that is etizens recive the cate and one to which they ate entitled work art you woul endanger thet and us tx payee dol ‘support of your own personal pandas isa misuse of out funds, i woltion Of sera) grant award requirements, and not if Teeth the duties you are entrusted with, Shame on any ‘commissioners that allow this to continue, Fee re to place this in my personnel ile. The only other er In MY personnel file is favorable review. Amber D. Beebe, Fs9) JOC Case Officer ~ Detroit Office Kristine D. Cunningham, Elizabeth R. White Ffoagay, March 26, 2016 12:08 PM " Kristine D. Cunningham MEETING NOTICE. ‘Attachments: Notice of Allegations - Beebe.paf Ms. Beebe, ec ur phone dzcustn, attache pease find the document name}? of tomorrow's meeting. ‘Thank you. etizabeth (Beth) White, Corporation Counsel KALAMAZOO COUNTY MA eat Kalamazoo Avenue | Kalamaz00, MI 49007 Phone: 269.383.8968 | KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT In the Pursuit of Extraordinary Governance. rt To: [AMBER BEEBE, ASSISTANT CORPORATION COUNSEL FROF ELIZABETH WHITE, CORPORATION COUNSEL DATE: MARCH 26, 2018 DELIVERED VIA EMAIL TO AMBERDAEEBE@GMAILCOM | SUBJECT: NOTICE OF ALLEGATIONS You are receiving this written notice ofthe following allegations: 1, MAINTAINING AN ACTIVE PRIVATE LAW PRACTICE OUTSIDE OF COUNTY EMPLOYMENT {WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OR NOTICE. a. Awebsite Identified 2s appears to be active, and includes a photo tf you identified as “Managing Member” and ists your cell phone number in the contact information. b,. The State of Michigan Office of Licensing and Regulatory fairs Includes an LLC filing for Peebe Law Group. The most recent annual report for that LC was filed on 2/28/18. On 9/21/17 @ 157 pm. you emailed amberdbeebe@amailcom from your ‘ emall address with the following: Subject: Notes following Motion to Compel Hearing in Termaat Sttachments! AT Motion to Compel Hearing Document and Notes 9 21 20017Pri0000.pét ‘the document attached to the email includes a letter from you to Paul Grondzik (dated 7/24/17) on Beebe Law Group letterhead, signed by you. Termatt v. Edward Rose & Sons, LLC (Case # 1:16-cv-00738-PLM-RSK). This case fie indicates that through the cosing ofthis case on 11/27/47 you represented Rest Termaat. Notably, your title is listed as Kalamazoo County Corporate Councel under Attorneys, [tis alleged that this case is not related to ‘the County jn any way. See attachment A. CORPORATION COUNSEL 201 West Kalamazoo Avenue | 24 Floor | Kalamazoo, MI 49007 4. on 11/9/17 @ 5:10 pm, you emailed ambe dbeebe@amailicom from your email address with the following: Subject: MD Docs seetpments: Mi Order on Motion to Dismiss.edf ‘and MD Memorandum Opinion. pdf Vogel et al v. Morpas et al (Case fi 1-47-¢v-02143-RDB). This active case file y2eetes that you through your private firm, are currentf the attorney of record for Midlink Logistics, LLC. See attachment B fe. On 2/19/18 @ 451 pam, you emailed from your email address with the following: Subject: 18M attachments: IBM TEL ECI Services Agreement ~ 1B 15Feb2018.docx; IBM Guaranteed Maximum Price Clauses.paf ‘the document attached to the emailisnen-County business Tere is no “Request for Duat Employment” on file in Human Resources. 2. INSUBORDINATION a. have issued three (3) directives in my firstweek ‘as Corporation Counsel. 1.) asked you to provide 2 written memo, substantiating Yor allegation of “hacking”; 2.) have te ereed you to maintain all communication between the Corporation Counsel's office cr eeine Board through me; and 3)! have asked you to adhere to 29 “open door” policy while at work, b. You have not produced the memo, and have responded with written objections to ow requests regarding communications and open doors. en March 22, 2018 at 3:58 pum. | emailed you and directed that “all communication between the Corporation counsel's office and the Board of Commissioners should be prade by me” At 4:21 prm., you forwarded this ‘email to Commissioner Stephanie Moore. 3, BASELESS AND RECKLESS ALLEGATION. AGAINST A COUNTY EMPLOYEE a, On March 19, 2018, you stated to me that County Administrator Tracie Moored had hacked the email” of another County employee associated with a FOIA request that you processed prior to that date, On March "22, 2018 you repeated the allegation to me. 2ipage ob. con Mareh 22, 2038 at oF bout 10:00 271 asked you to provide a short research On Mar eardng orvacy [sues associated wth workplace emails. At 1:02 am. | erred up with a wten request, ad nok raceNe Four memo in suppert of YOUr allegation of “hacking” ¢. At1L:33am,on March 22, 2028, Iwas contacted by a County’ Commissioner inquiring, ‘about the appropriate process for wae atigating an allegation of “hacking of emails” ‘You are hereby ordered to appear in the corporate Counsel's office at 21:30 AM oP March 27, 2018. Yer wt have the opportunity to respons 19 these allegations at that time. NOTE: Your written response to this Notice of Allegations may be placed in YOUr personnel file. ce: Hurnan Resources aipage ‘a018 ‘Paul L. Maloney, presiding ‘Ray Kent, referral Date filed: 06/14/2016 pate terminated: 11/27/2017 Date of last filings 11/27/2017 Attorneys Amber Diane Beebe aannzoo County Corporate Counsel BOL W Kalamazoo Ave., Ran 207 Kalamazoo, MI 49007 (269) 873-4086 “Assigned: 06/14/2016 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Pamela Chapman Enslen Warmer Norcross & Judd (KZ) \ 401 E Michigan Ave., Ste: 200 Kalamazoo, MI 49007 (269) 276-8112 “Assigned: 10/25/2016 ‘ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Clayton Ryan Grondzik Gar Nopeross & Judd LLP (Grand Rapids) ten St NW, Ste. 900 ‘Grand Rapids, MI 49503-2487 (616) 1322722 ee “Assigned: 10/28/2016 “ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED jy sine Cou fc he were DH etigaer Query Ao -{6-cv-00736-PLM-RSIK Termaat ¥ “Baward Rose & Sons, LLC ATTACHMENT 7 ‘Ross Termaat 9165 Alidor Street ‘Schoolcraft, MI 49087 (plainti) award Rose & Sons, LLC (defendant) ‘Manifold Services, Ine. (defendant) seaward Rose & Sons, LLC (dejendans) Manifold Services, Ine. (defendant) omset imac ge -UO NEON TET) Atornoye tho Wetter Dist f Mlcignn- U8. nid Sate Ott Couto 1:16-0¥-00738-PLM- psoray tit ypsi20%8 yatorneys MBAE29 os to id ussouts. goer case 1:16-cv-00738-PLM-RGK ECF No, CIVIL COVER SHEET qafiled os/ial16 PagelD.7 Page rota ne agate VIL. COVE cess pottomaane eres cs nema i eet te etal nese ga a a a ee (0) Comm ose crn inesPiait KalBMazp0 acerrmusracrcies | (Ane rm ome Aen gan) | oe oye PLLC, PO Box 1884, Portage Ml AOE (ae) 675-4000 i cay fRritee of Fias set Deitel Of farts uaa Cases, a ee 08 one Duca, Warner, Nareoes& Jed 700 Tarece Fe £8560, Muskegon, 4440 Sie OF PRINGHPAL PARTIES rma enone ‘pen aa TREOTTTON ae Fema (ONE we, Sina ates 8 FR ee a a sean | comer maga" © mont eeeagee OE neemarne ox 07 meemecinagamn 07 8° = ana ronmt cps | commeasigencte 22 9 ee oe 06 Te Son rena, comune mene” a oer En heade 5 Se a owamoe pie porate oe eg oo eve 3 earn 3k a a ee eae ovina = stent sauna oregon ST Sty eo se saat oor eres esis secre 3m cme eet: oremuacn® |p rac Sere ee em eee paese [amen a ioe ‘ena eas ps Saat ee a 7 tiie Eee Bae setae oietrenee Foe etiam 9 ee Fae eae (seein Ee OREN Pa Faso . ee a ee eth, 7 Set remain | otk” ogee °° Hines ESS Cr aE es VO PSSA SPR cer VI. CAUSE OF ACTION] “Joa, FLA Harassment & Reaiion ing an oat oa HT TTS aay Tama comp TA HRUESTED INF cum TERR ACLIRS ACTION ‘DEMANDS (COMPLAINT: SHORE RULES, FRC. Sr psaganDs Yee ONO Vill RELATED CASE®) T TARY eerie gypas | =r aay bene2018 a sesrots it ot Manta OMVEDE Lio 6 1-QU8ry Atoms 4: 17-ev-02443-RDB Vogel et av. Morpas et Richard D. Bennett, presiding ATTACHMENT 2 Date filed: 07/31/2017 Date of last filing: 03/23/2018 Attorneys ‘Andrew R Alder peo MeGavin Horvath and Judkins PC 19990 Fairfax Blved Ste. 400 Fairfax, VA 22030 7033851000 represent Midtink Logistics, LLC 7033851555 (fax) representing (Defendant) “Assigned: 02/12/2018 ‘PRO HAC VICE “ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Amber D Beebe Beebe Law Group PLLC Midlink Logistics, LLC representing (Defendant) vassigned: 09/05/2017 PRO HAC VICE “ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Jeffrey R DeCaro tte Doran Siciliano Gallagher and DeBlssis Lip {17251 Melford Blvd Ste 200 Bowie, MD 20715 3013524950 a Group, Inc. 3013528691 (fax) e (Defendant) “Assigned: 07/31/2017 LEAD ATTORNEY “ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED ‘Navigation, Ine. (Defendant) ‘Wendy Morpas (Defendant) Jobn D MeGavin representing Midlink Logistics, LLC JineroR, MeGavin, Horvath & Judkins, PC (Defendant) sumac et aerate anes 17398788 sasnts ct ot Manan (eMVEOF Ue. MEETS 9990 Fairfax Bivd Suite 400 Fairfax Fairfax, VA 22030 17033851000 17033851555 (fox) jmegavin@bmhjlaw-com rAssigned: 08/31/2017 ‘ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Ethan $ Nochumowitz eae, Thonapson, Stun & White Luc 201 N. Charles Street Suite 2600 : ‘Audrey Vorsh Baltimore, MD 21201 representing 410-385-2225 @Plaintif)™ “Assigned: 07/31/2017 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Bernard Vogel (Plaintiff Meredith Vogel (Plaintif) Thomas Vogel @Plaintif) “Andrew George Stutiin anaesan Thompson Shutkin end White 2oLN Css StS "2600 Baltimore, MD 21201 14103852786 representing, a 14105472432 (fax) dt “assigned: 07/31/2017 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Bernard Vogel (Plainif Meredith Vogel (Plaintif) ‘Thomas Vorel Plaintiff) teecnas econacretanenntaer Tee anseo1e vi of Macyand (CEE Live 6}Ouary Atorrayt Michael E Thorsen representing Midlink Logistics, LLC Bancroft MeGavin Horvath and Judkins PC (Defendant) 9990 Fairfax Boulevard Suite 400 Fairfax, VA 22030 17033851000 17033851535 (fix) ‘ Assigned: 03/07/2018 ‘ATTORNEY 10 BE NOTICED { "PACER Service Center “ransaction Receipt SATIS Cc a. SER Yaanaorereften Cate: esone aga _etmmarete t Pessina: [pte List ee. SE ipiliabte Pages| fo20 a oa eptet nd. usnuts gore BelryAtomere 7995298 case 1:17-0v-02143-RDB Document 16 Filed ogi3i/17 Page 1 of 2 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT YOR THE DISTRICT OF MARYLAND Bernard Vogel et al 7 Plaintiff, : case No, 1:17-00, 02143 RDB. Wendy Morpas et al on 1 1, ohn. MeGavin, ama member in good sanding of te bar of is ‘Amber D. Beebo cout, Tam moving the tdsson of Amber D, BESTS —————~ ee to appear pro a vie in this ase as counsel fr Midlink Logistics, LL ‘We certify that: 1 The proposed admittes is not a member of he Maryland bar and does not meintain any law office in Maryland 2, The proposed admittoe isa member in good standing of the bers ofthe following State Courts andlor United States Courts: ‘state Court & Date of Admission US. Court & Date of Admission Michigan/Novernber 20, 2003 U.S. District Court for the ‘USS. District Court for he ___ ‘Western Distict of Michigan “November 20, 2008 ember 20, 2008 _____- _ oo 7 a 5, Daring the twelve months immediately preeeding Ns motion, the proposed admittec fs been admitted pro hac vice in this Court ° times. 44 The proposed adits bas never been dshaeds saspended, or denied admission to practice law in any jurisdiction. (NOTE "if che proposed admittes has been. Brace opened, o ented adxisson to practice 7 jurisdiction, then sian egost subait 2 statrment flly explaining al eleva facts) 5, The proposed ates fain wth he Maryan Lawyers? Rules of Professional ‘Conduct, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the "Federal Rules of Evidence, the Cond ole of appli Procedure andthe Local Riles of this Court, and ecratands helshe shall be subject tthe disciplinary. jurisdiction of this Cour. nee 000) netat Case 1:17-cv-02143-RDB Di yocument 16 Filed 08/31/17 Page 2 of 2 6, The proposed admitee understands admision pro xe vie is fortis case only and Tees not constitute formal admission tothe ber of this Court. NIA 7. Bither the undersigned movant or. ‘ saiiee a momber of the bar of this Court in good standing, and wil serve as o> ‘counsel in these proceedings. The $100.00 fee for admission pro hae vice accompanies this motion, 9, Wohereby certify under penalties of perury tha the foregoing statements are rue and correct. MOVANT Si . John D. McGavin (No. 18859) Brinted name and bar number [ANCAOFT,MGAVIN, HORVATH 8 UOKRS, PC. aaaoa_ere—o—— Office name’ er red Sse, 20 Fat, Ve 280 ‘adress Email Address (703) 385-1000 "Telephone number (703) 385-1555 Fax Number ronan PROPOS METER Signature ‘Amber D. Beebe (P66466) Printed name and bar number Beebe Law Group PLLC Giice name ET — Bail Adaress| eee aa=_ Telephone number ae Fax Number KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT In the Pursuit of Extraordinary Governance. OO -_--;EL_ Sy ‘March 23, 2018 Ms, Amber Beebe Via Hand Delivery ead ae Re: Investigation Notice Dear Ms. Beebe: please be advised that due to the investigation of cent complaints surrounding your conduct vs assistant Corporation Counsel, you are being placed on paid leave effective immediately. es ading further investigation ofthis issue and/or ‘he “outcome of the allegations against Your additional communications will follow. uring your paid leave, you are to have no contadt with any current employees and are prohibited from returning to the County buildings without prior permission From eve oF your supervisor in writing, please turn in any property that belongs to the County of Kalamazoo (keys, badge, ete). If you Trove any further questions, please contact me in writing at your earliest convenience, Thankyou 2A Z EL é Kristine Cunningham ce; Tracie Moored, County Administrator inabeth White, Corporation Counsel HuMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 201 West Kalamazoo Avenue | 4% Floor | Kalamazoo, Mi 49007 Phone: 269.383.8998 | www ‘Transfer Action Form Please fill in form ‘completely Ie this a revised action form No Effective Date: 03/16/2018 08470 Beebe Amber Employee # Last Name First Name ‘Current New Department #: _ 200° Corporate. counsel — Position # 10198-003 postion Tile: Asst Corporation Counsel FTE: 4,00 ‘Account # 10 [2 104-104. 00 Grade a Step Ki A Hourly Amount; 31.402 Shift gmon-frt Location: Aamin en per og 208 | ‘Supervisor: Loe payrot ‘Work Phone: Commer Remove 4% Stif nd due to hire of Cort jon Counsel. Jean Michaud. (03/30/2018 ‘Prepared By Date HUMAN RESOU IRCES DEPARTMENT 201 WEST KALAMAZOO AVENUE; KALAMAZOO, ‘MICHIGAN 49007 PHONE: (269) 383-8998 ~ FAK: (269) 384-8099 [AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ete a tare com wom ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS STATEMENT mares 18 Kalama Coenty ‘ana owes ee a Qeosu Corporation Counsel Michigan law requires employers to make accommodations for persons with disabilities who 07a tppltcans/empayees where the accommoda/in re nt impose an undue hardship on the employer. sees with disabilities who are applicants/empl09 Tepject: Please approve and send to Form Acton Forms Thanks! Jean Michaud | Deputy Human Resources Director Sot West Kalamazoo Avenue | 4 Floor | Kalamazoo, Mi 49007 Phone: 269.384.8095 | Fax: 269.384 2099 t nich @kalcot (www. mnjhed ‘Sent: Heer teday, October 11, 2017 10:45 AM To: Payroll Subject: RE: 4% “race will reach out to you. Thank You Best, Amber KALAMAZOO COUNTY BOARD OF DIRECTORS Amber D. Beebe ‘Arystant Corporate Counsel | Kalamazoo County Government est Kalemazoo Avenue | Kalz00, MI 48007 (269) 384-8131 | (269) 384-8082 ‘www From: Payroll Cone Wednesday, October 11,2027 10:38 AM Jo: Amber D. Beebe ‘Subject RE: 4% Hello Jesse, -tre Board approved another 4% creas in payin addition to the step atthe Board meeting. 1am not sure who is responsible for processing that and getting itover to you since Thom sone Perhaps Tracie can doit? Best, ‘Amber KALAMAZOO COUNTY BOARD OF DIRECTORS ‘Amber 0. Beebe ‘resistant Corporate Counsel | Kalamazoo County Government 201 West Kalamazoo Avenue | Kalamazoo, MI 49007 p (269) 384-8122 | (269) 384-8032 www From: Payroll Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 9:42 AM “Tos Amber D, Beebe ‘Subject: RE: 4% HiAmber, vesthe step increase was processed, but Lam not sure what 43 Increase Yo are also talking about? eon anniversary date, the only other Increase comes For employees tanuaty 1 each year if vay be included in the salary you've Outside the step incr cute pproves a ‘costo ing nerease, whlch for 2037 was 1.5% ‘and would al been getting. . Wyoucould provide additional information abe pappy to look into further FOr YOU if necessary. ‘Thanks, Jessica Kirkendall | Human Resoorers specialist ves west Kalamazoo Avenue | Foc 1 Kalamaz00, MI 49007 Prone: 269.384.8103 | Fax: 269.584 12099 ee earn omens) omen: Nr A From: Amber D. Beebe ‘Aitsday, October 10, 2027 9:07 AM, Tor rayne services subject: 2% Hello, I noticed that recelved the step increase aye to the one year anniversary ae aff 9/s2. il the ae increae also Ost amber KALAMAZOO COUNTY BOARD OF DIRECTORS ‘Amber D. Beebe iAvstant corporate counsel | Kalamen® ‘county Government ues Kalamazoo Aver | Kalamaz02r 1149007 # (258) 34-8153 | f(269) 384-3052 woew ca Fe raat teeny Transfer A ‘ion Form: Please fill in form completely is this 2 revised action fore Mo Effective Date: 419912017 05470 Beebe Amber Employee # Last Name First Name Current New Department #: Position# 10193-008 position Tite: Asst Corporation Counsel FTE: 4,00 ‘Account # os Grade & Step. KIOB Hourly Amount: $28.55 Shift Location: . a Supervisor: — ———st—ss__ ‘Work Phone: = ‘Tracie L. Mooted Trade ee Detober 11,2017 10347 AMA Payroll ‘Amber D. Besbe aunbes Die 17 Boa Mints Ae Fs e0ot Jpg, ATTOOOOA NE es tec renbpe docx, ATTOOOO2. FT ease find the attached authorization fo apoly 24% stipend ote sale of is. Amber Beebe. Item AN references the trotion and support effective ‘october 9,2017. ease let me know anything Farther needed. Tracie Moored segin forwarded message: From; “Dina P. Sutton” - Commissione’s Jonn Giser Tracy Wall Ron Kendall Scot McGraw, Stephanie TEM & sake inn Jule Roges, Michael Sea et Tet re, Roper Tiras ane Kevin Worden Members Absent: None. vrs Present: Tracie ‘Moored, County: ‘administrator/Controllers Thom Canny, Corporate ‘Counsel; Amanda Morse, ‘Deputy County. Administrator; Jeff Getting, Prosecuting Attorney; Kristine Cunningham, Human Resources Director; “amber Beebe, ‘Assistant Corporate ‘Counsel; Mathew Hansen, ‘Equalization Director; Pat ‘Crowley, Drain Commissioners Timothy A. SROW, ' ‘County Clerk; Dina sutton, Executive Coordinator. rem 5 Agprovalof Minutes: commissioner Seals moved and it was) duly seconded thatthe Minutes ofhe september 19, 2017 Board ‘meeting be approved as distributed: -there being no discussion, the motion carried by a voice vote: - inthe Pursuit of Extraordinary Governance Chm initial Ck initial 30284 Abstalns: None Absent None ‘The motion carried a eases for Agoaio Asn azrtonnsr eno= SSR IT KK. Request fort! ion of Resolution to Apportion em Taxes = Octobs we her tems to be Considered at Kn rem 9 Old Business ‘There was no old business. rrem19 ‘New Business MM. al sn hr Cohl, Stoker BT Camissioner Seals moved and it was duly sd thatthe Board of Cominissioners aPPV ee a Contract Amendment #1: ‘with Cohl, Stoker & Toskey, PC to indude other matters, ‘beyond labor counsel services; @ apy of said contract Amendment oer tached tothe offical Winutes of this mesung commissioner Rogers stated she would PROT this on a temporary matter. chair Shugars indicated Administration along with Human Resources would be workingon 2 position description for the legal position. ‘Commissioner’ Wordelman stated he would like the matter’ expedited. ‘There being no discussion, the motion carried by a voice vote. NN caus Sr Anna of Sian So Ms AM Bao oS ant Comorate Couns ‘Commissioner Seals ‘moved and it was ‘duly seconded that ‘the Board of ‘Commissioners approve a7 Application of 2 ‘4% stipend to Ms. “Amber Beebe, Assistant Corporation ‘Counsel, beginning on (Monday, ‘October 9, 2017, In ‘accordance with current County practice. ‘There being no discussion, the motion carried by @ voice vote. rreM 11 County Administrator's Report County Administrator Ms. Tracie Moored thanked the | Board for their: effort on the budget | process and approving the budget as presented, ares cranked Ms, Amanda Morse for all of her hard on the budget. She thanked the elected officials and “Jepartment heeds for thet colaboration- ~ in the Purslt of Extraordinary Governanctr KALAMAZOO cOUNTY GOVERNMENT Position Description position: 20193 pepartment: Corporation counsel postion Tile: Assistant corporation counsel effective Date: January 30,2018 cyano bees sentences at most 8 2 essts corporation counsel In ‘providing legal services £0 ‘county Board in addition 102 other county boards ‘and committees, commissions) rr departments; Represents tne ‘county's interest in State 2nd Federal Courts, Sounals, oF administrative DOSES and coordinates with oUtsie Tegal counsel for sured aims rafts and reviews policies, ordinances, Sind contracts. serves 2s Maior Projects Coordinator. ensures thatthe county complies with tate, Federal, and loca AWS: ordinances, rules, and regulations and to ‘minimize liability. This position reports to the ‘corporation Counsel, wh reper the Board of Commissioners: THIS position tag no direct reports butindlrect ‘nfuences aecision-makiNe PY Department Heads. WORKING: (CBNIDITIONS/HOURS — AS sauehidetall about working conditions & gaurewaneed sspessible This position works in 2 typical office ‘environment with some use of acomputer keyboard. This position functions ina highly exacting ‘environment, offering N° margin for error In making Tegal recommendations to the County ‘Board, boards, commissions and ‘departments-ReBular attendance required. 1.) Assists in the provision of egal services to Board of commissioners and other CO” Commissions, and departments ver to minenze ability and maximize resources: 2.) Provides legal representation in some “reas of county Government {except labor law, workers ‘compensation, and pension benefits) ncluelng rigating matters in State ane Federal courts in order torepresent and defend the ‘County's interests: +3), Reviews and drafts contrac oerstions, egal opinions, and other legal documents forall COUnY departments, maintaining fe preness of ne! BevelOPMeN NS in tegistation and case aw. 4) Faelitates real estate ‘ronsaetions by assisting With Mrogotiation and drafting Of real estate purchase arerconserution contracts Review commitments SUTveVs: and attends closings: 5.) Makes decisions related to tigation strategy 6G) Servesas Freedom ‘of Information Act Coordinator; Processes medi? inquiries. 7) Major Proiects coordinator. 33) Serves as HIPAA PNAC officer. ‘the above are the essential functions of this position: exemption Status: xerPt page? itis expected that the employee c= perform these functions on 2 regular and re-occurring basis: ore: This is not an arinctsive st oF he otal scope of duties to be performed: Nee z raoctrate degre, oF riltay equal and icensed to practice law/in the Stake cof Michigan. At toast five (5) years legal experience In ‘municipal law and/or litigation, transactional contrac, business 4, tnd real estate law is preferred REGUIRED PREHIRE CHECKS ~ ichedkallthat apply a Post Offer Drogsereen DB Driving Record Co TSAMFngerprintine, ‘a Credit Check a License/Certification D1 Transcript Criminal Background Check o law Enforcement information Network (LEIN) Fingerprinting, REQUIRED BOSTEHIRE TRAININGS ~ ‘check all that apPtv 1 Post Offer Physical ~ Regular 12 Annual Physical O Post Offer Physical ~ DOT a HIPAA Provider Trainlng ‘g2 New Employee Orientation ee HIPAA—Health Insurance Privacy Training 1D Bloodborne Pathogen Training a Anti-Harassment Video Training 1 Credit Card Training 12 Employee Evaluation & Disciline Training, i credit Card Security Training 3 Employment Law for Supervisors Dy FMLAJADA Training 2 Employee Medicat information Privacy Training 1G Payroll Process Training 13 Discrimination & Harassment Free Workplace Training 1D Supervisor 102 “THIS POSITION IS AT WILL exemption Status: Exer"Pt page2e KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT = Position Description Questionnaire she purpose ofthis documents t provide oddone) vente date, identi chalengesof he Poste and nclude amore detailed Tae irron of the principal accountable: on nal quone pong autho tevel in order toast ne Hay Consuteent in making o ascent decison onthe clasifiationevsigned = ‘this position. Position #: 10193 Department: _corporation Counsel - Position Title: Assistant Corporation Counsel reports To: corporation Counsel QUANTITATIUEINFORMATION? 13 Total number of personnel supervised: © Directly: 0 9 Indirect 5 Gross annual payroll of subordinate personnel: $0 1 other dollar measures: Click here to ener text Describe: 1 Other unit quantitative data: annually: 180-200 contracts reviewed 430-20 contracts drafted; 150-200 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests; 10-20 contract negotiations; 12 b-monthly eard/committee meetings for which £0 prepare and attend in the absence BF Corporation Counsel. Total annual County operating costs of approximately $85,000,000* ramen nsetNELERIGES: A, Typicat Problems: Naintaning awareness of changes in €RE taw and applying them to legal issues affecting the County, Its Elected Officials, Department Heads, ‘employees, and community partners: 1B. Most-Complex Problems: ‘Managing legal issues of varying complexity; Balancing needs of individuals with different priorities: c. Long-Range Challenges: Coordination of amore efficient contract management protocols ‘Assisting with complex legal Issues 25 they arise related tonew County ‘pulding and development projects exemption Status: Exeret page tof syoreted stp 5H 09 SHINES saunap yenuasse Jo vOISnasd paidnazaqujun 227s og soueusonof evra ‘guipinoud ul AUNOD O48 sysisse yep wonenuasosdoy e8aj Angend pinord pue sosinpe e801 © 24 OL HASTA 5 OF SHINES fauna yesuasse Jo UoIsrord Sasa HOI HOIAIIGD SHEN vo sjaug pue swnpueiouau AOL ppinoud"sp89U SAIUNOD OH UN poseq syuousaause eudoudce Tn yeap pue SUORMOSE! aupnypu ‘AWuNOD Bw Aq paz “quauangop s2470 pue SPENYE? 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T ©: EMPLOYEE MEDICAL INF | acknowledge that | reviewed and understand the RAINING | “gMPLOYEE MEDICAL TRAINING’ PowerPoint presentation 0" INFORMATION PRIVACY or y_23_j 2017. abide by the laws and policies that were exptained in this training 1 agree to presentation. - understand that if | have any questions on this training: presentation or on County Policy, | should contact the Human Resources ‘Department. ‘Stephen Beers BGaS_ Fopoyees Name Frotoyesesgratore sheif Field Operations ‘Deputy Sheriff/Sergeant Employee's 100 THe Deparment RECEIVED gu. 24 0 Kalamazoo County Human Resources Kalamazoo County Sheriif’s Department 1500 Lamont Street Kalamazoo MI 49048 (269) 383-8823 Fax #: (269) 385-6141 January 25, 2017 ‘Amber Beebe On behalf ofthe Sheriff's Office would like to express Oe gratitude for your efforts on Monday January 23, 2017 when arranging forthe ‘petition for testing when our staff son spas aspaulted. Your elp-smade i possible (at ‘within a few short hours we Were ares complete the petition, have a hearing, receive a order and obtain the needed sample from the suspect. Having this process expedited was a greut relief tothe officer involved. ‘Thank You Lt Jeff Christensen Kalamazoo County Sheriff Department 1500 Lamont St. Kalamazoo, MI 49048 269-383-8734 Fax-269-385-6141 RECEIVED Jan 27 0007 Kalamazoo County Human Resources TERY HONS JNK) jenuuy| rmainay 405 asodind Troe Er eo yBnown~a10z eh 760 *pouad MaINoY SIDES BSUS STOUTTEY SUN woswsodns 1uasexd Jepun 2198 J0 oRBUeT SUOETETTS SOUS "SIHTSU (Gy BUNT “woRsod yUasND Ul BuO} MOH Ee Oz¥S0 # aeAojdwUs BOOEELOL # UORISCd dais apeip TT :daas pue apesg qwasadd aeanddy yon (aqeoudde y1) wun Doyo SpesuNOD VOTEIOdIog WwauseEdag TESUROS SIEHDOS WESASY “(dd UO pare>ypur se) NLL. Gor 7 Sqooe Taquny :2wen s,aeho|di3 (aseazouy dos 203 21980 2800} 09) NOILVNIWAS JONVINNOINAd JIAOTd IN AN3WNU3AOS ALNNOD OOZVINYIVA + s30 zal 9 T sped ssoysng ow Ayssonip svoiboyuy “uotsnpor fo aura fon sinqunuas 0/pua sof sppuory “Ayiodwa saiansvoseD ‘uapo fo. man” puom pun sonvedsiod puorsopun |Z on suom saouaaiip 4942 eva ajdoad .0f yad5O1 Smonsuouag ~Ainbo puo ssousof ‘uope%0d002 5790W01s SONRI3AWOD TWUNLIND-SSOUD s Be Sapo pul SASUaaD BoryOM aanysod sdojasag “swawvedag 10420 Yun Jam HOM yuowuco agetou hue pane: you enna} pur jouuosied fund won WOR NID Pr Se sabupyg “sso pees 1om0 vou ene gan kus panes ere | 2afO 8 eUsoy BTOHEDX oa HUES oS Yeu anon ous Apmiu® a eu PORE JO] sno 20 anor by Don URS ak suouszeden snouen ou ai om Kon powom say 67229 SH Nouvwoavnioa/ » ie Sa wo Ftp wBoU 01 paTodaAT oq ina PU | v0 2 02 nf 300 Aggo aya 272 “swouaujoddo 0) ‘SBuRaeW “of ‘soxgfo 0} ssaundwosd susanod 22u0puaTIO 110/200 z ‘ALITVAIDNNd ONY 3DNVONSLLY € Tagale sazi0031 ainan PUD SUBS -souyposp sayy “souyoun Ue Sr renpowausodsg Sen om fo sures hopapaes Jo vonaic> | © = Aununnaoyd | z =ASTgp wand Baar ‘nun hxyond fo fous ‘paonpoud mom fo a2vostoddo Jiosano puo yBnosyr-moyof ‘seuyBnasoip ‘wae? ‘AoninIY e aunvt x SENAWINOD NSinainasinNO TAS BNE, {WOLSVISUVSNN=0 —GI0IBNINSWAOTAASG=T —-ANOIOVSULVS = ¢ SNOLVID3EXA IAOBY=£ —TNOLLAIIA= ‘338095 ONTIVE — eT a6 aise Tan omnmassa mater aay eniotin soe a8ed “:u30 fn az SE POS ABU ouobayeo uoIsuawyc eouEunoped aAcsstl 109 ceawio perso pue syuawnsedag ATunoD SM suogoury snoueh eu nog urea} 0 Bununuen este aur 2HO esepuayaq olan © 30 uogears pue esus}eP O e6ipu) vo Bupuom anunuog “FHP FEST BURTOD TOV LOD wzye09 poued ynuow 91 0420} S108 195 104 PIP OM Ht 1209 get epoiunsresemieun) SEOD SEEK SHOT? 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RAY ‘aig Jo wonajduioa aay & {yeuondo) SIN3WINOD 33A01d 3 “Tuae ano area GO “Moneriemsma Fone. PMs a saa Taauny wont NEW HIRE ORIENTATION CHECKLIST Employee Name: Panky {2 Prix emp#_OS4Y7D. Department: Priya iva Hire Date: _-1) Mo Benemts Effective Date:_W-l tle FROM THE BENEFITS PERSPECTIVE AT Forward Action Form to Chelsie & Jessica ) Send marketplace notification of Send email with benefit documents (Kallex booklet, FSA handouts, BCBS benefit book, oy Sate BeB an el, BBS Benefits at a Glance) of Send Nationwide packet via inter-office mall y Create enrollment forms (pricing guide and enrollment form Send enrollment forms email to employee he Email orientation presentation ¥ ‘Add to ACA spreadsheet ZF Email HIPAA Training Documents when applicable (HR, Finance, Treasurer, I) Input employee into COBRA system for COBRA notification ‘above pertains only to benefit eligible employees. AU puldee! 9-liete efits sign-off Date FROM THE WELLNESS PERSPECTIVE. Send wellness documentation 4 latrosdet A. v3 Wellness sgn Date FROM THE EMPLOYEE REJ.ATIONS/ADMIN. ASST. PERSPECTIVE J. Email policy handbook with sign-off 1 Email safety documents ( —Emait presentation eat ef Relations/Admin Asst. sign-off Date Page 1 of ‘c\eanng\oientaton\ew He Ovientaton Checks Dee 205 COUNTY OF KALAMAZOO PERSONNEL POL! | acknowledge that | have located at www.kalcounty. @yes read and understat By checking each box below, current version of these specific policies: acknowledge that | have read an (Aoual Employment Rules (7.03) CY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM snd all of the Personnel Policies, -om/elf under Policies. ONo .d understand the ifts to Employees (7.05) “Bx te0 Policy (2.02) BD antitarassment Policy (2.02) Ermer Absences (7.04) GZ. newt employes (2.03) Personnel Records (3.18) Ei safety (6.03) ‘Weapons (6.07) Drug Free Workplace (7.07) ‘onflict of Interest (7.09) ‘echnology and Electronic Communications (7-10) jules of Conduct (7.01) Pe “Na anti-fraud and Abuse Poticy (7-12) litical Activity Policy (7.02) into Bedoe. Ash orem Corrs : Pint Name Administrati as Ernplovee Sienature Q\ralrole date “This form isto be completed electronically, printed & signed by Department Head: Employee Name: Beebe Amb ast First wr Name to be printed on card: Amber Fao oncom OF Department: Administrative Services Buildingis): ‘Administration Building -None_ ime Zone Code: 2-6:30 am-9:00 pm, 365 days/year eee KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT [ACCESS ID CARD AUTHORIZATION FORM Human Resources Phone: (269) 383-8998 FAX: (269) 384-8099 Employee D (For HRD Use Oni) Church Street Lot IX Admin BidgRamp = [~ a _ 08-25-2016 Department Head Signature Date Department Head to FAXor deliver this form if frman Resources Departmen Head witinsruet employe to goto Human Resources have fisher peture taken. IDENTIFICATION CARD t understand that lam to report the fos of this card immediately to Human Resources and am not to allow anether person to use this card. {alsounderstand theres 2 $1000 replacement charge if my Identification Cards ost oF Perron dueto misuse. {also authorize Kalamazoo County to deduct 510,00 from my final paycheck fail to return ahs dentfication Card to my supervisor upon termination of my employment, Identification Cards _“FSSa Envpleyee Signature ‘Human Re igrrature 4 \y2lroje Date AUiete. — Date Elisabeth A. Reiter From: Thom M. Canny Sont: Thursday, September 15, 2016 3:39 PM To: Payroll Subject: Ms. Amber Beabe; New Employee Action Form Attachments: ‘Amber Beebe New Employee Action Form.pdf please let me know f you need any additonal forms or actions in regards to Ms. Beebe's employment status. “Thank you for your time and consideration to this message, ‘Thom Canny co New Emol Action Form Please fill in form completely Emp# 054710 Isthis a revised action form? _No Effective Date: __o9rt2/20t6 Beebe Aber d. Test Name First Name Middle Inftal — Nickname eee eC Home Address: EEEr oy 7 Divorced Black/African American Home Phone Cellular Phone Marital Status ‘Ethnicity Femate Rogular - Full-Time enema Wo. Gender Employment Status Date of Birth Employes Disabled 0200 - Administrative Services Department Number & Name Administration x8627, NA, Building Location ‘Work Phone Vetaran Tye a_i ee Emergency Contact Name Relationship Phone Type = ae 10193-0023 050-16 Asst. Corporate Counset 1:0 Position # Job Posting # Position Tile Fre 10 A 24.48 8.5 ME ‘Those Caney Grade Step Hourly Amount Shift Spee cose) HOES Comments mame 4 Thom Canny . Prepared By oe are (FORHRDUSEONTY - ees ‘Last Hite’Senioriy Date 4 Orientation oe qe ‘Union'Seniorty Date: —— ‘Personnel Policies meV Ned StopiReview Date: yay, |i 4 eae Record soem © es, a AMBER D. BEEBE E: AMBERDBERBE@GMALL.COM | Cone QUALIFICATION + Trade & Export Regulation + Zoning, Land Use, Real Este Law + Complex Litigation * Contract Negotiation/ Implementation + Corporate Structuring + Compliance issues + Administrative/Regulatory Law + Risk Mitigation/Management + Contracts Litigation + Stretegic Business Plannet * Lega Training and Presentation Skills + Intellectual Property * Contract Monitoring & Compliance + Mergers & Acquisitions + Strong Client Retention PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE CLARK LOGIC 5> (CLARK LOGIC, THREE RIVERS, MI 04/2011 - Present General Corporate Counsel © Drafting, reviewing and negotiating contracts for all business units within the Company, clients, and vendors; ‘© Support fuman resources department in drafting and negotiation of legal agreements and policies; Provide legal defense; © Evaluate regulatory matters, provide: opinions on risk management, and formulate protocols for regulatory issues; Advice on governmental compliance, when applicable; ‘Management of sensitive legal issues such as employee relations issues; © Formulate strategies with leadership on business acquisition strategy and related corporate financial transactiot «Research the law applicable to cases or matters; + Conduct settlement negotiations leading to agreements in line with corporate client’s business interests; «Remain current with developments in the law applicable to client’s industry; or similar issues and defenses involved with cases, ‘+ Prepare and conduct training sessions for company support staff; + Research new regulations affecting business ‘client in all areas; conveying them to the business; developing compliance programs surrounding new regulations; + General provision of legal advice to business and operational employees of company; ® Coniract negotiation, drafting, review; recommending solutions and ‘mitigating risk; © Corporate structuring, governance, navigation of tax issues, corporate sales contracts, transactional document review; = Consummate acquisitions along with the identification of and purchase of business equipment, intellectual property, good will, assumption of leases, and negotiation ‘of employment contracts; © Led/organized due diligence. activities and environmental assessments for real estate related investments; ‘© Cooperation and coordination with cross-functional groups, including accountants, other legal counsel, insurance professionals, environmentalists, city officials, licensing authorities, and contactors “ 4000 ght Va) ae oa) Hible bate Law Gap PLLC BEEBE LAW GROUP PLLC, KALAMAZOO, MI 06/2009 — Managing Attorney Focused contract negotiation and drafting resulting in successful business ventures for clients conducting business domestically throughout Michigan, from Indiana, Missouri, and Florida, and intemationally; ‘Negotiation of employment related issues and great track record in Federal civil rights litigation; Successfil advocate for clients in Federal and State courts in Michigan and by admission in Indiana; ‘Advise clients on real estate transactions, land use. zoning, and licensing requirements; Litigated federal court cases involving manufacturing contracts, distribution agreements, supply and procurement issues, independent contractor disputes, and partnership dissolution. L-3 COMMUNICATIONS — COMBAT PROPULSION SYSTEMS, MUSKEGON, MI 08/2008- 06/2009 Sr. Contracts Legal Analyst ~ Onsite/In-House Worked closely with prime and sub-prime contractors providing contract solicitation, award, and management suppor, including recommendations regarding official program direction in the drafting of contracts, resolution of contract-related issues, ongoing contract negotiation, and contract management for client acquisition and materials procurement requirements; Prepared pre-solicitation memorandums resulting in successful contract awards for multimillion dollar Department of Defense contracts; Performed analyses and clearances for contractors to determine reliable, competent, and capable sources for solicitation prior to contract negotiation; citations that contractually and legally protected the company in Tine with the terests, consistent with the Federal Acquisition Regulations; Recommended solutions and developed processes for various contract topics for contracts, grants, and other transactions, which included ongoing cooperation with other departments and agencies which included program management, purchasing, finance, quality, and engineering; ‘Contract Administration included development of negotiation positions; Conducted training for internal departments and other business units concerning legal requirements; Worked on R & D technology programs for government contractor in coordination with ‘Michigan based university’s engineering programs; Drafting and negotiating engineering services, supply, and servicing agreements resulting in successfully executed multi-year, multi-million (15+) contract awards; Saved tank engine manufacturer more than 50 million in lost revenue by finding a loophole in a pre-existing contract with unfavorable terms that had been negotiated by my predecessor two years earlier, HETTINGER & HETTINGER, PC, PORTAGE, MI 2/2004 ~ 6/2006 Associate Attomey Worked alongside other attorneys in Chapter 11 bankruptey filings, 341 hearings, and ‘associated court proceedings involving secured and unsecured debt transactions; First chair civil litigation in federal courts in Northern District of Indiana via temporary admission and the Wester District Court in Michigan for product distributors with diversity of citizenship: Worked alongside other corporate general counsel in complex state law claims; Pre-suit investigation; Client intake; Witness interviews/statements; Yehin Gut Research of applicable law, preparation of a an manggenet STC ch vexnning to conclusion, pe har Grek oaponares a Care cleer—e + BooKrspte Refre? leet LAKE COUNTY INDIANA PROSECUTORS OFFICE, Crown Point, IN 6/2001-1/2004 Law: pests Internship Performed legal research and drafted legal memorandums to assist felony prosecutors in ial Processed incoming criminal charges and referred matters to detectives for further investigations Worked alongside a team in the prosecutor's office on felony murder, battery, and child victimization cases; Assisted the victim witness unit; Crernemed « HK bb. Shadowed prosecutors in court; ity € Counts Assisted city attomeys in City Attomey's office (Gary, Indiana): Ordinance violations, al »ffenses and misdeme ee ee EDUCATION & TRAINING VALPARAISO UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW, VALPARAISO, INDIANA 2003, 5D. Law Negotiation Team Competitor Honors in Security Regulations and UCC Studies Emphasis on Business Associations & Corporate Law Scored High Enough on 1* Part of Bar Exam to Pass the Entire Exam Mayehiw tetra feheraad Owsley: VALPARAISO UNIVERSITY, VALPARAISO, INDIANA 2000 B.A. in Political Science and Economics Glean Fellows Scholar Pi Gamma Mu Honor Society - International Honor Society in Social Sciences YOUUNTEER & GROUP ACTIVITIES WMU Starting Gate Mentor (Young Entrepreneur Accelerator Program) Big Brothers, Big Sisters Big Sister Charles A. Pratt Bar Association Kalamazoo Young Professionals Former SCORE Chair Chapter 433 Speaker: Various Business Forums Licenses State Bar of Michigan (Since 2003) ‘Western District Court State of Michigan (Since 2003)

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