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Sample Mathematics Instructional Material Teacher Survey

The information you provide on this survey will serve as an important needs assessment to help guide core instructional material selection and
adoption decisions within our school district. It is intended to help inform the Instructional Materials Review Committee of existing gaps in
resources and teacher needs and wants in new core instructional material. Thank you for your valuable time and input in this process!

School Name: Click here to enter text.

Date: Click here to enter a date.

1. What instructional materials do you use to teach the following? Click on “choose an item” to enter a choice from the drop down menu.

Area Instructional Material Usage

Standards for Mathematical Practice Choose an item.
Domain Standards Choose an item.
Please clarify any Other responses Click here to enter text.

2. Thinking about the last complete unit you taught using the source above, how often did you do the following:
Area Frequency
Build on prior skills and knowledge when teaching new content Choose an item.
Ground procedures and formulas in conceptual understanding Choose an item.
Make the mathematics of the lesson explicit by using explanations, Choose an item.
representations, and/or examples
Use repeated practice to improve students' computational skills Choose an item.
Have students do work with and practice grade-level problems and exercises. Choose an item.
Emphasize one solution method to strengthen all students’ understanding of Choose an item.
the content
Have students choose and use appropriate tools when solving a problem Choose an item.
Check for understanding throughout the lesson using informal, but deliberate Choose an item.
methods (such as questioning or assigning short problems)
Summarize the mathematics with references to student work to reinforce the Choose an item.
focus of the lesson
Predominantly use questions and problems that are from the textbook Choose an item.

Area Frequency
Review standards from previous grades Choose an item.
Ask students to explain and justify their work Choose an item.
Provide feedback to help students revise initial work Choose an item.

3. What are your MUST-HAVES for core instructional material that our district adopts?
Click here to enter text.

4. What do you WANT in core instructional material that our district adopts? (Not a must-have but a would like)
Click here to enter text.

5. Is there a curriculum out there that you would like us to review?

Click here to enter text.

Except where otherwise noted, this work by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.
Please adjust as needed to meet the needs of your district. The survey has been adapted from the following resources:
Fife School District: Teacher Needs Survey | CC BY Achieve the Core: Common Core Knowledge and Practice Survey | Public Domain

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