Unit Overview

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Unit Overview: Shadow Puppetry

Day Main Focus Objectives Assessments Interdisciplinary

connections/ use of
1 Pre-assessment Students take a pre-assessment Students use the software
at the following link. Enter Join of recap to do the
Pin AITIEHT at assessment.

2 Story of David 1. Students will be able to understand the mainline Students’ answers after the story. Mandarin Language Arts
and Goliath of the story.
2. Students will learn to trust in God in their own

3 Chinese shadow Students will be able to tell what shadow puppetry is, Students’ oral response. Chinese Culture, Mandarin
puppetry how it got started and some characteristics of Language Arts
Chinese shadow puppetry.

4 Elijah and the 3. Students will be able to retell the story. Students’ oral response Mandarin Language Arts
prophets of Baal 4. Students will tell about what they learned about
God from the story.
5. Students will be able to explain the meaning of
new words.

5 Explaining the 1. Students will be able to start thinking about and Students’ drawing; students’ action Mandarin Language Arts
plan of the preparing for the show with the plan in mind. towards preparing for the puppet
puppet show and 2. Students will be able to draw the outlines of show; students’ reading.
drawing outlines puppets.
of puppets 3. Students will start to get familiar with the story
script and be able to read it.

6 cutting out 1. Students will be able to finish cutting out their Students’ work of puppets, students’ Art and Mandarin
puppets and puppets using scissors. reading of scripts Language Arts
reading the script 2. Students will be able to fluently reading their

7 Making shadow Students will be able to make shadow puppets Students’ work of puppets Art
puppets with tissue paper, fasteners and dowels.
8 Practice the 1. Readers will be able to read their script Students’ puppet show practice MLA (Mandarin Language
shadow puppet fluently. performance Arts), Art
show 2. Puppeteers will be able to manipulate their
puppets correctly.
3. Group members will be able to work together
coherently to perform the puppet show.
4. Hosts and students who share and pray will
be able to say their part nicely.
5. All students will be able to perform the whole
show coherently and smoothly.

9 Perform the All students will be able to perform the whole Students’ puppet show performance MLA, art
shadow puppet show coherently and smoothly.

10 Celebration of 1. All groups will be able to assess other groups Students’ group talk, assessments and MLA
the puppet show using the rubric. comments
performance 2. All groups will be able to give a praise and an
advice to other groups.

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