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Access all databases from the links in this document.

The following databases are great resources for a wide variety of

information on many current social/cultural/political topics. Databases
provide a lot of material that you may not find on your own, because they
are not accessible through Google. Databases also ​organize​ this material
in a way that will be more effective for you. This saves you time and also
helps ensure you are examining multiple perspective about this issue!

A database of many periodicals, newspapers, and scholarly journal articles, many of which
are not available on the free, open World Wide Web. ProQuest consists of many
subject-specific databases: you can search the whole thing, or any of the smaller databases.

Consumer Health Complete​ (EBSCO)

Science in Context​ (Gale)

These databases cover journal articles and news on various science and medical

Opposing Viewpoints in Context

CQ Researcher
Thess databases provide overviews of many controversial (pro/con) issues with original
information, magazine articles, news, academic journals, etc.

Current global newspapers, plus a selection of historical U.S. newspapers
Explora (Educator’s Edition)​ (EBSCO)
(click ​Professional Development Collection and ERIC ​(bottom) if Explora does not appear on
the menu)

A database of articles about education -- great if your topic is related to something about

JSTOR is a leading database of scholarly journals and articles primarily used by college
students. If you find an article on Google Scholar that you cannot access, try finding it in

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