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�Units 1 1 - 1 2 QUIZ

}:;. @ Listen to the conversation. Check (.!) the correct answers.

l. Mark is going to be _

O 13 years old

O 30 years old

O 33 years old

2. They're going to have a party on _

O Friday

O Saturday

O Sunday

3. They're going to __ at the party.

O dance

O sing songs

O watch television

1:; Match the questions with the answers.

l. Are we going to work this weekend? __ a. Yes, I am. I'm going to go swimming.

2. Are they going to cook dinner? __ b. No, it's not. It's going to be cloudy.

3. Are you going to exercise c. No, we're not. We're going to relax.

this evening? __
d. Yes, they are. They're going to make pasta.

4. Is Bill going to do anything

e. Yes, he is. He's going to visit his parents.
after work?

f. No, they aren't. They're going to have a party.

5. Are Pam and Andrew going to

have a picnic this weekend? __

6. Is it going to rain tomorrow? __

(: Write Wh-questions to complete the conversation.


B: Next summer? We're going to go to Alaska,

A: Alaska,wow! _

B: We're going to take a boat.

A That sounds so exciting! ---------------------­ ?

B: I'm going to go with my family.

A: Great! ---------------------­ ?

B: We're going to go on June 21st.

T-210 1Qtffü,13'j,@rj/j © Cambridge University Press

mplete the conversations. Circle the correct word.

:.. A: I (feel / get / have) a headache . .:

B: (Drink / Eat / Take) these pills .

. A: (What's / How's / Why's) the rnatter?

B: I don't feel (better / sick / well), I have a stomachache.

3. A: (How / What / Where) do you feel today?

B: Not so good. I (have / feel / am) sore eyes.

4. A: I have a backache.

B: Don't (exercise / rest / relax). And (put / u s e / give) this medication.

E. Match these medications with the conversations in part D.



C\ l,r\ ( ,

a. -- b. - C.-- d._

F. Read the article. Then correct the errors in the sentences.

Home Remedies
Do home remedies really work? Many people say yes. Try these simple home remedies.

A Cold A Headache

What can you do for a cold? Many people What about a headache? P u t a cold cloth

eat hot chicken soup. Other people drink hot on your head, or splash your face with cold

water with red pepper, sugar, lemon juíce, water. You can also put your hands in hot

and milk. water. This can help.

A1 Cough Insomnia

D)o you have a bad cough? Drink warm tea Can't sleep at night? Drink a large glass of

or,r take sorne honey. This can make your warm milk. Or take a very warm bath.

tharoat feel better.

E'xa m p le: Use these easy remedies at 'Ti"effi.

1.Fo )r a cold, sorne people eat hot pepper soup or drink hot water.

2.Fo rr a cough, you can drink warm milk or take sorne honey.

3.For a headache, p u t a little hot water on your face.

4.For· insomnia, drink warm tea or take a warm bath.

Ige University Press • Q ft fü , j§ , j , @ rj t) Units 11-12 quiz» T-211

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