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Presented by: Cole, Kellon, Luigi, Asa


● Cyber bullying might not happen face to face but it is just as bad if not worse because people can

hide behind the anonymity that the internet provides. Some examples of cyberbullying are hateful

comments made on any kinds of social media or any kind of bullying that happens using

technology. Social bullying can be harder to recognise than the other kinds of bullying because it

could be more under the rader than the others. Social bullying can come in the form of excluding

someone in an activity or spreading rumors or saying unkind things behind someone's back.
What is Bullying

4 kinds of bullying

● Physical
● Cyber
● Social
● Verbal
Schools Bullying policy

● El Dorado High School and the

District prohibits all forms of
● Any student caught bullying can
expect punishment including but
not limited to suspension or
Policy Continued

● Ways to Report Bullying

a. All school personnel that witnesses an act
of bullying to intervene and report the
observation to school administration.
b. Report bullying to staff members or
c. Students and parents can make reports to
the school principle or the Assistant
Superintendent of Human Resources if
they are uncomfortable with reporting
directly to a staff member

➢ Bystander
○ Step in and defend the victim
○ Get an adult for help
○ Model respectful behavior
○ Separate the kids involved


People need to know that bullying can and must be stopped. If people start standing

up to bullies, especially in groups, then the bullying would lessen and lessen until it

stopped altogether. Bullying is a serious problem that needs to be dealt with or it will

continue to fester and plague the school system.

Work Cited
“Anti-Bullying Purpose and Statistics.” Community Kindness Movement, 10 July 2015

“What Is Bullying.”,

Types Of Bullying | National Centre Against Bullying.” NCAB,

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