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KEYSTONE SOS ws Pennsylvania 184" House Distri Polling Results ~ Primary Election document to staff at the conclusion of deliberations, Executive Summary ~ This was requested by RPAC as the trustees weren't sure what to make of this crowded open Dem primary field in a House District that is decided in the Democratic primary. By the standards.of some other primaries we've polled, this one actually has a little more shape to it if for no other reason than that about half the voters we talked to were decided. still plenty of room for variability with 48% undecided, but with more decided voters here, this does clarify who's viable and who has work to do to become viable. ~ Elizabeth Fiedler is not the prohibitive front-runner - we have too many undecideds still left before we can use that adjective. But she's clearly got a jump on her Democratic adversaries by every reasonable ‘measure. 45% total name ID outpaces her opponents. A 15% lead over her closest opponent on the ballot test. And among voters with a definite choice in the race, she has 16% of people definitely for her, and no other opponent has more than 4%, She's better known, she more well-liked, and people who pick her on the ballot test are much more likely to be really into her. Any way you cut it, she’s in a good place and any opponent would have to start running a technically lawless and brutally negative campaign right now to reverse that position, ~ This is the first time in a while we've polled a Dem primary electorate in Pennsylvania and the right/wrong numbers here are FASCINATING, We were expecting wrong direction to win here because of the Trump factor - partisanship explains most of why right/wrong numbers shift over time. But these Democrats were just barely right-side up on that question, and why? Age. Younger Democrats were significantly more optimistic about Pennsylvania's direction than older Democrats, and older Dems significantly more likely to be pessimistic, and that pessimism grew as you went up the age group chain. 205] KEYSTONE page p22] ANALYTICS: @sgs i Pennsylvania 184" House District - Primary Election Polling Results CONFIDENTIAL Please return this document to staff at the conclusion of deliberations. Executive Summary ~ This was requested by RPAC as the trustees weren't sure what to make of this crowded open Dem Primary field in a House District that is decided in the Democratic primary. By the standards of some other primaries we've polled, this one actually has a little more shape to it if for no other reason than that about half the voters we talked to were decided. Still plenty of room for variability with 48% undecided, but with more decided voters here, this does clarify who's viable and who has work to do to. become viable. - Elizabeth Fiedler is not the prohibitive front-runner - we have too many undecideds still left before we can use that adjective. But she's clearly got a jump on her Democratic adversaries by every reasonable measure. 45% total name ID outpaces her opponents. A 15% lead over her closest opponent on the ballot test. And among voters with a definite choice in the race, she has 16% of people definitely for her, and no other opponent has more than 4%. She's better known, she more well-liked, and people who pick her on the ballot test are much more likely to be really into her. Any way you cut it, she's in a good place and any opponent would have to start running a technically flawless and brutally negative campaign right now to reverse that position. ~ This is the first time in a while we've polled a Dem primary electorate in Pennsylvania and the right/wrong numbers here are FASCINATING, We were expecting wrong direction to win here because of the Trump factor - partisanship explains most of why right/wrong numbers shift over time. But these Democrats were just barely right-side up on that question, and why? Age. Younger Democrats were significantly more optimistic about Pennsylvania's direction than older Democrats, and older Dems. significantly more likely to be pessimistic, and that pessimism grew as you went up the age group chain. 4 NS & | bas at ee y ae: Pacreasatcsnit PA House District 184 Likely 2018 Democrat Primary Election Voters April 3 - 5, 2018 © N = 300 + Margin of Error +/- 5.7% Qh Oe you feel that things in Pennsylvania are headed in the right Girection, or do you feel that things have gotten off track and are headed in ‘the wrong direction? Base.. ag + 300 Right Direction....... 4D © bain 0 we a MAX Wrong Direction... steervene 38% Unsure 7 19% Refused ‘ cones aM Q - "In your opinion, which one of the following issues is the most important issue facing Pennsylvania today, and the issue you feel that elected officials should spend their time working on? Base... Creating jobs and growing our economy . Reducing property taxes........ Improving border security and reducing illegal immigration . Improving infrastructure like roads... Funding public education. Reducing crime..... Addressing the opioid epidemic... Unsure .. Refused..........45 Q3 - Name ID: Tom Wolf Baseisvasueeess Know / Favorable........ Know / Unfavorable Know / No Opinion. Never Heard Of... Refused... PA House District 184 Likely 2018 Democrat Primary Election Voters April 3 - 5, 2018 * N = 300 © Margin of Error +/- 5.7% Q9cat - If the Democrat primary election ¢ Representative were held today, would you vote for Nicholas Didonato Jr, E1TzaI + Rowan or Thomas Wyatt? Base...... Didonato .. Fiedler... Rowan... wyatt... Unsure. Refused..... Q1@ ~ Would you say moderate, or more progressive? Base....... Very Conservative... Somewhat Conservative Moderate ....esecee. Somewhat Progressive Very Progressive .. Unsure .. Refused... Glecat - Would you say most of your political views are more conservative, moderate, or more progressive? Base... Conservative .......eseseseeee Moderate . Progressive . Q11 - Gender Base... Male... Female .. PA House District 184 Likely 2018 Democrat Primary Election Voters April 3 - 5, 2018 » N = 300 Margin of Error +/- 5.7% AGE_CAT 35-49... 50-64... 24% 65 and older 21% WARD PHILA WD @1. PHILA WD 39. PHILA WD 48. . PA House District 184 Likely 2018 Democrat Primary Election Voters April 3 - 5, 2018 * N = 300 » Margin of Error +/- 5.7% Q4 - Name ID: Bill Keller 300 20% Know / Unfavorable . Know / No Opinion. Never Heard Of .. + 24% + 43% Refused... QS - Name ID: Thomas wyatt Base... Know / Favorable Know / Unfavorable Know / No Opinion . Never Heard of = 21% + 67% Refused... Q6 - Name ID: Nicholas Didonato Jr. + 300 know / Favorable .... Know / Unfavorable Know / No Opinion Never Heard Of. Know / Favorable Peeeereeeeey «24% Know / Unfavorable .. 1% Know / No Opinion... seeee 55% 1% Never Heard Of... Refused ....+0+ seeeee PA House District 184 Likely 2018 Democrat Primary Election Voters April 3 - 5, 2018 + N = 308 « Margin of Error +/- 5.7% Q8 - Name ID: Jonathan Rowan Base... Know / Favorable..... Know / Unfavorable... Know / No Opinion Never Heard OF ........ RERUSCT Li reveesccsinnee Q9 - If the Democrat primary election for State Representative were held today, would you vote for Nicholas vidonato Jr, Elizabeth Fiedler, Jonathan Rowan or Thomas Wyatt? Basareeeeeett Didonato / Definitely Didonato / Probably Didonato / Lean. Fiedler / Definitely. Fiedler / Probably .. Fiedler / Lean.. Rowan / Definitely .. Rowan / Probably .. Rowan / Lean..... Wyatt / Definitely.. Wyatt / Probably...... Wyatt / Lean........ Unsure. ..eeee =. 48% Refused . oe seeastescsa TEM es) Prowse] 9) (© = 08 you feel that things tn Poms we ts eect a6 900 Fak Wat ngs hae Gatey SPW WE , meee [7 siee orectin [wong prectien Tae I 1 wong rection Or Sever orntn, ek ot oF the along isa i eset igi Tie feng Poms Tyr Tad We Tn TOT ected eficats shoul sped tir in ere cri ‘proving cra | tescing roreersestity| —rerovng | tnt sng [stesing te mee | mroperty | and recucing | infrastructure tite] ‘maie | duct ‘nite "| insure | Refuses tome” | alte roast | akeation sriseric gt in an = = 2 « « moo | » ow = 2 a “ a = = | fare 7 wrong retin = - ewan om a : ee am = __| laste = ae oe : a oe = = = 5 osoteer brorersie | at a : oe om = us x = Sara averableluntavorzue| Sataton [aesed oe | Refused a a ae (& - tone 10, OAT eller row [roo 7 sa] never S28 _|-svorabtelunfavorantel opinion [agra ot | RfUSEE foe] moe moo | Fern we eo am ase ea le-30 a | « mew bse Cr a a fio [psene 7 wrong birection - rr feigneoirectio] tm ket wee ae oiconate mom om «om rater a boat som ow a iectoey eee = a Keats | me wm ase romesie | =m G = Nave 10: Thomas Watt tase |, £0" / | know 7 [eno 7 nol never Jeavorablelunfavorabte| opinion | weard of | Ref «ow mk a me [parca wo 28 = = E tw eight oirection) a0 ime wma Inrong oirection] ms Sk mw lonsure ss «@ mae fatior tert se ae me Fieater sow moat lovace ox ms 5 lonsure = =m [rsotoey fesse oe = [conservative | 2 | amy ae wow [progressive 1 ok 2 : Q6 - Name ID: Nicholas Didonato Ir, toon [ins 7 w]e |e a = a ea ra wpe pt a iy ng = wie es om om | bare Da a 18-34 2 * 38 2x ne : on eo = aie pare Sl es seta | ae = = eee ae pues fw eg an oe mS pane | im gg [PHILA wo <8 © - = a | pond nae Homes fe = ima] mo es om oS pas = a = = mE eee benef» m= aa ae e “ae [Rowan a2 - - ux 66% - i fer a er ee es eae a ie a ee mein | em i el peers J owe we porwie | we on fremeie [ove ee @ = Nane 1D: Elizabeth Fiedler test _Jesvorwtelunarael tonto’ | oe | Rtesed oe 1% Se 1% m2 we amex Fy toa 2s ee 1 a) = 2 29% : mx se 2 sk Fo ae = moe g * ne 2 a ae » mx sm Ea oe = ar) = perLA wo 3 ow » wom ™ PMLA wo 39 Pe mm we : lpwttA wo 48 oe zi ae F Intent 7 trong Direction esse 30a = =e =| Right Oirection| 128 26x ‘= axe x | lweong Oirection| 15 azx » se = | [unsure se = med faatioe Test [base 3a = =e * [Dtdonato 3 o » som - Fiedier s od es » ast : Rowan 2 08 « axe : fare 2» a0 : me : unsure ma 7 ee = éeology ase ue = ae ro [conservative | 42 x os wx ex 2 [moderate » 08 “ mo : [progressive 12 om : wax zs (Gt - Nowe 1D: Jonathan Rowan vase [Mo / | roe non 7 wal mover | mcrae ravarabteluntavorase] Opinion |nesrd of | Rf awe | * momo ua woas | « E 5 a [Riene / wrong Sirection lRiew oirection) me mow me [wrong oirection) u85 tek a et lnsure. =m E rs : fotdonata ee moo [cater wu om mom Rowan ne 3 mom loaee aw - 2m aeotoay [nse = RR Oe [conservative | ue a froserate mom oe wom [progressive a Es om = WF the bmera paay Section for Re fopreenne see HW ay Sd You or Rs Bla ry oe Fale SEuttsSae sesso? ve [eszat sconce Totnes 7] raion Pavaer Jester 7] ts / Trown 7Toomn 7] oot 7 Tome [oa 7 petintteay| oronany [team _ [oetintety|orbasy | “Leon [oetintetyrabbiy| “tem foetiitety|eretsny| “cosn| "8 ismedee| eo wee awe ox ox om «© a os «oe se me | [pwnia wo 3s | ue ak * = = « «_ a =O = =e om | [eave 7 woe oieetion = we [oem mmm os, ns « « * ” = * a « * a a oe eeetson fee te eee ee es & = = = = ee fescae HF the Denocrat primary election for State Reprssntstive ware Bold today, wuld you vote Tor Ricbola - : Sorthan ana or howe ete? om plemaee | vieice foe z rae I [ae ee iio este |e BS a « 2 a a car = i a = = x ae = = i 2 a = CT * ~ = = Sent / wrong Direction iene a we ae ™ ae wo x | Ione us w= a = x os « | Pion | " : = | [ave » : i, sie Preeressive | ut ~ = _s * ws = [ete = Mould you say wast of your political views are more conservatives moderate, or mare progressivel| tt _] consrative Leoncrvatine | Pore | SE Teva | tnnre | teases [senser ease a * * = 1 7 = = frie a * * a we * x = fremie | tee * a at eo ee = x | fce_exr esse oe * = 7 ro a = B iacsa 2 x» = ast = sa * a sna 2 = = 1s i rr * * bees do m * a m a : les ara ois] a mx ox bx 1 x = fas [esse wee * * 7 a os = = Jia woes | » « mo a x * nia vo 39 | ase se e ax i pe « * Putin wo a8 « ames Se Ge i fient 7 wrong birection bare 00 = m wae 7 = =| iene oirection] x4 « « ax a a : x | lorong Direction] 135 ox ux a ws ast « x | fosttoe vere ease me * * a = a = =| osaonato » oe we a a * ox - | Fseater ms x” * ax ax ox * a2 rowan n ws a an by mx : = | laate » a mm 2x 6 as a a | lonsure i = ase ime a =| froioey ease oe * * 1 a 7 = = conservative | ox sx 5 . 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