Philosphy of Education Udate

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My Philosophy of Education

The purpose of this paper is to help me reflect and think of my own

philosophy of education. This paper will mostly focus on my beliefs about the way

teaching and learning should be. I believe that through my pre-practicum and

practicum experiences my views have really grown and developed. But I also know

that my philosophy is not done developing, I know the over time they will only

change or I will have a deeper understanding of them. Here is my philosophy:

 I believe all children learn differently.

Howard Gardener is known for creating the Multiple Intelligences. The

Multiple Intelligences are how Gardener explains the different ways children learn.

According to him there are 8 different intelligences: musical-rhythmic, visual-

spatial, verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily kinesthetic, interpersonal,

intrapersonal, and naturalistic (Gardener). I believe what Gardener is saying

because I see it with my students. Some can learn from listening and taking notes

where others need a lot of pictures and examples. I think the Multiple Intelligences

are really important for teachers to be aware of especially when then are creating

lesson plans so they make sure that they are making lessons to accommodate all


 I believe that teachers and parents need to work together make a

successful student.
In todays age more than ever it is so important that parents and teachers

communicate with each other. But there are many obstacles that can make this

communication quite difficult. Obstacles include; language barriers, working

parents, difficult teachers and cultural difference. It is important for teachers and

parents to communicate because they need to work as a team to support the

student. Just as much as parents deserve to know what is going on at school,

teachers need to know what is going on at home so they know how to best support a

student. In an article by Linda Starr on Education World, teachers discussed helpful

ways to form communication with parents. Many of the teachers suggested sending

emails and newsletters (with places for parents to comment) regularly. This allows

for a flow of open communication between the teacher and the parents. When I have

my own classroom if this something I really want to try and implement this into my

classroom. I want to be completely open with parents about how their child is doing

because I don’t think there should be any surprises when report cards come out. I

also want parents to be open with me so I can best accommodate their student

during the school day if something is going on at home.

 I believe all students deserve to receive the same education.

I am student teaching at the Curley school in a fourth grade classroom.

For this academic year the superintendent of Boston Public Schools

implemented a program called Excellence for All. Excellence for all is when a

school creates a standard curriculum for all students to learn. There is no

advanced or lower level curriculums made in a grade. The Curley decided to

switch to Excellence for All, to give more opportunities to their students

which will benefit them in the long run. The classes at the Curley really do

have a mix of students with different abilities. Excellence for All also allows

for teachers to incorporate many universal designs for learning to

accommodate their students. I have really enjoyed student teaching at the

Curley where they have been trying to adapt this Excellence for All program

especially in the fourth grade. I think all school districts should adapt to

Excellence for all in order to support all of their students with out having to

separate them. (NCEE)

My philosophies on education are still growing and developing as I am

learning. I hope through my learning and experiences that I can keep figuring

out what philosophies I have about education. I also hope that the ones I have

already listed will create other ones that I believe in.


Gardner, H. (2008) Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons, Chapter 1:

“In a Nutshell.”

"About Excellence For All." NCEE. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Apr. 2017.

Starr, Linda. "Parents and Teachers Working Together." Education World. Education
World, 2015. Web. 08 Apr. 2017.

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