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Advice to advance your career


Pitching your contributions at
the right level so everybody

by Christine M. Anderson-Cook

Whether it’s during a job interview, a presenta-

tion or collaborations with colleagues of differing
technical backgrounds, effectively conveying
your ideas and contributions is at least as import-
ant as the content. Daniel Goleman speaks to the
importance of emotional intelligence being a key
driver of success and advancement.1
Why does this matter so much? If you dive right 1. T
 o quote the second the best possible outcome from it
into technical details without providing a broader habit from Stephen R. would be. Having specific goals for
context and motivation for the problem, the people Covey’s groundbreak- the meeting—such as guiding the
with whom you are communicating won’t appreciate ing book, The 7 Habits outcome or helping participants
the contribution. If you talk only about your ideas of Highly Effective appreciate what your team can
at a high level with insufficient detail, the weight People,2 “begin with contribute—is beneficial. Thinking
of your contributions might be undervalued or the end in mind.” this through in advance has served
misinterpreted. With each communication or me well because in many meet-
Clearly, there is no one-size-fits-all solution here. meeting, it is important to think ings, there are opportunities to
Different situations require different styles and tech- through what would make it a shape the direction of discussions.
nical levels. So what strategies can be used to find the success. I was told early in my Having a firm thought of what you
appropriate level for each audience? Here are a few career to never go into a critical want helps you be decisive and
ideas that I have found helpful during my career: meeting without knowing what influential.

16 QP April 2017 ❘

all too understandable. They won’t get a sense of
the complex technical details that went into the Presenting
method.” With the benefit of experience, I have your work as
realized that he was exactly right. In a job interview, too obvious or
good communication is an important aspect, but a intuitive can
considerable portion of the evaluation of candidates undermine the
hinges on their technical abilities. weight of your
So presenting your work as too obvious or intui- contributions.
tive can undermine the weight of your contributions.
What my advisor knew more clearly than I did at
the time was that there were multiple goals for the
seminar: Convince the hiring committee that I could
communicate new material to a classroom of stu-
dents, provide enough context that they understood
the seminar and highlight my technical abilities.
After I understood what I was trying to accomplish,
formulating the right presentation became more
In a job interview, conveying that you have the skills
to be successful in all aspects of the job is essential. In
a presentation, provide a context and motivation for
the material, as well as clearly articulate the solution
and how it answers the question. When collaborating
with colleagues with different backgrounds, offer
enough detail to provide a framework for understand-
ing the answer and judge how many technical details
must be shared.

2. P
 lan to communicate at multiple
levels, and preface your comments
with descriptors of the level of
different parts of your message.
For my first job talk, the solution was to add a few
slides to the seminar that were rich in the tech-
When I was interviewing for my first academic job nical details of the method that was the heart of
(before I had received this helpful advice), my Ph.D. the dissertation. The majority of the talk remained
advisor C.F. Jeff Wu encouraged me to do a prac- unchanged. When I gave the detailed introduction
tice run of my “job talk” (the seminar describing my to the problem I was going discuss, I began with
statistical dissertation research) for him. I had dedi- something like, “Because many of you may not be
cated a great deal of time in the talk to providing the familiar with the particular problem that I studied,
background to the specialized problem, and making here is some context.”
the material clear and understandable to statisticians When I dove into the messy equations and details
who were not familiar with it. of the method, I prefaced it with, “The details of the
When I completed the practice run, I felt like I method are probably beyond the scope of this talk,
had given exactly the talk that I wanted. My advi- but here is a sense of the complicated aspects.” This
sor shook his head and said, “This won’t do at all.” achieved the desired goal of conveying the depth and
What had I done wrong? He replied, “You made it technical complexity of the research—without having ❘ April 2017 QP 17

to overwhelm anyone with too many gory details. The 4. Be adaptable; anticipate questions
To make key to the seminar working well was to intentionally and feedback.
on-the-fly change the technical level and provide triggers for the By anticipating what is needed and preparing
finely tuned audience to know what I was trying to accomplish at carefully, your communication should be close to
adjustments, any given time. on target for its intended goals. To make on-the-fly
it is important finely tuned adjustments, it is important to adapt
to adapt as 3. Think carefully about the back- as the audience responds. Although it should go
the audience ground and priorities of those who without saying that actually answering the question
responds. will hear your message. is essential, it is remarkably common for presenters
The same material should be presented differently to answer the question that they were anticipating or
to different audiences. In projects that I work on in are comfortable answering. Listen intently to not only
my current job at Los Alamos National Laboratory, the question, but also to subtle cues that are being
for example, we often are required to present results provided about context and what a preferred answer
of the project multiple times. When we present to would be.
colleagues with similar backgrounds, we may wish to We recently interviewed a job candidate who
invite feedback and peer review of our work. In this initially impressed us tremendously with his ability to
case, talking about choices made on the way to the describe the context of his research in understand-
solution, and technical details, can foster discussion able terms. However, when we tried multiple times to
and insights from the audience. encourage him to provide details about the methods
To present to collaborators from different technical used to solve the problems, he was unable to make
backgrounds, emphasize the connection of the solu- that switch and talk to us as colleagues about the
tion to the problem, and probe for confirmation that nuts-and-bolts of the method. This left us with an
the details of the solution are a good match for what unsettled feeling about his technical abilities.
was required. The details of the technical methods are In this case, our initial delight at his communication
generally emphasized less. skills turned to skepticism because he was unable to
Finally, when we present to managers and spon- fill in the necessary details to convince us of his fun-
sors, it is essential to deliver a clear bottom line for damental technical knowledge. As a communicator,
what problem was solved and how the implemen- be tuned into the messages that different audience
tation of the solution will have the desired outcome. members are sending.
When talking to managers, the takeaway message By focusing on the underlying aim of the question
should be presented in the language of what matters and background of the questioner, it is often possible
most to them: Often, this can be savings of time or to respond with a shift in technical level that validates
money, or mitigating risk. the question asked, and showcases your adaptability
Audiences also can be heterogeneous, and shaping and perceptiveness.
your message to have something for the different With careful forethought about the nature of the
segments is helpful. This can help demonstrate audience and preparation, communicating effec-
your versatility, as well as give flexibility to focus on tively is possible. By being adaptable and responsive,
different aspects of the material. In several presenta- fine-tuning the delivery can turn a good presentation
tions, I have started by commenting that a particular into a great one.
portion of the talk would be aimed at one group (such
as an extended introduction for those unfamiliar with REFERENCES
1. Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter
the area), and other sections will be for a different More Than IQ, Bantam Books, 2005.
segment. 2. Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,
Stating this in advance can Simon and Schuster, 2013.
help everyone feel like there
will be something for them,
and with a sense of when
that piece will come. It also Christine M. Anderson-Cook is a research scientist in
encourages the audience to be the Statistical Sciences Group at Los Alamos National
accepting of some discussion Laboratory in Los Alamos, NM. She earned a doctorate
in statistics from the University of Waterloo in Ontario.
that does not directly connect Anderson-Cook is a fellow of ASQ and the American
to their priorities. Statistical Association.

18 QP April 2017 ❘

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