Practica 1

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Mecánica de Sólidos Avanzada I

Práctica 1
Autor : Jean Franco Arandia Tarantino
Cédula : 20 - 70 - 3440

1. The displacement field in a homogeneous, isotropic circular shaft twisted through angle α at one end is given by:


e3 

Figura 1

α X3 α X3 α X3 α X3
u1 = X1 Cos  - 1 - X2 Sin ; u2 = X1 Sin  + X2 Cos  - 1 ; u3 = 0;

a) Calculate the matrix of components of the deformation gradient tensor.

x1 = X1 + u1

α X3 α X3
x1 = X1 + X1 Cos  - 1 - X2 Sin ;

x2 = X2 + u2

α X3 α X3
x2 = X2 + X1 Sin  + X2 Cos -1 ;

x3 = X3 + u3

x3 = X3 ;

The position vector in spatial coordinates is:

x = xi ei

The deformation gradient tensor is given by:

x =  Xk
∂ Xk

The expanded form is:

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Mecánica de Sólidos Avanzada I | Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá Autor: Jean Franco Arandia Tarantino

∂ x1 e1 + x2 e2 + x3 e3  ∂ x1 e1 + x2 e2 + x3 e3  ∂ x1 e1 + x2 e2 + x3 e3 

        
x =  X1 +  X2 +  X3
∂ X1 ∂ X2 ∂ X3

Finding each term of the expression:

∂ xi
Fik =
∂ Xk

F11 = ∂X1 (x1 )

α X3
Cos 

F21 = ∂X1 (x2 )

α X3
Sin 

F31 = ∂X1 (x3 )

F12 = ∂X2 (x1 )

α X3
- Sin 

F22 = ∂X2 (x2 )

α X3
Cos 

F32 = ∂X2 (x3 )

F13 = ∂X3 (x1 )

α Sin α LX3  X1 α Cos α LX3  X2

- -

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Mecánica de Sólidos Avanzada I | Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá Autor: Jean Franco Arandia Tarantino

F23 = ∂X3 (x2 )

α Cos α LX3  X1 α Sin α LX3  X2


F33 = ∂X3 (x3 )

In matrix form:

α X3 α X3
α Sin  X1 α Cos  X2
Cos α X3  - Sin α X3  - L
- L
Fik = α Cos
α X3
 X1 α Sin
α X3
 X2
Sin α X3  Cos α X3  L
- L
0 0 1

b) Calculate the matrix of components of the Lagrange strain tensor. Is the strain tensor a function of x3 ? Why?
The components of the Lagrange strain tensor (nonlinear) are given by:

1 ∂ uj ∂ uk ∂ ui ∂ ui
Ejk = + +
2 ∂ Xk ∂ Xj ∂ Xj ∂ Xk

E11 = (∂X1 u1 + ∂X1 u1 + ∂X1 u1 ∂X1 u1 + ∂X1 u2 ∂X1 u2 + ∂X1 u3 ∂X1 u3 )

1 α X3 2 α X3 α X3 2
- 2 + - 1 + Cos  + 2 Cos  + Sin 
2 L L L

E22 = (∂X2 u2 + ∂X2 u2 + ∂X2 u1 ∂X2 u1 + ∂X2 u2 ∂X2 u2 + ∂X2 u3 ∂X2 u3 )

1 α X3 2 α X3 α X3 2
- 2 + - 1 + Cos  + 2 Cos  + Sin 
2 L L L

E33 = (∂X3 u3 + ∂X3 u3 + ∂X3 u1 ∂X3 u1 + ∂X3 u2 ∂X3 u2 + ∂X3 u3 ∂X3 u3 )

2 2
1 α Sin α LX3  X1 α Cos α LX3  X2 α Cos α LX3  X1 α Sin α LX3  X2
- - + -
2 L L L L

E12 = (∂X2 u1 + ∂X1 u2 + ∂X1 u1 ∂X2 u1 + ∂X1 u2 ∂X2 u2 + ∂X1 u3 ∂X2 u3 )

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Mecánica de Sólidos Avanzada I | Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá Autor: Jean Franco Arandia Tarantino

E13 = (∂X3 u1 + ∂X1 u3 + ∂X1 u1 ∂X3 u1 + ∂X1 u2 ∂X3 u2 + ∂X1 u3 ∂X3 u3 )

1 α Sin α LX3  X1 α Cos α LX3  X2

- - +
2 L L

α X3 α Sin α LX3  X1 α Cos α LX3  X2 α X3 α Cos α LX3  X1 α Sin α LX3  X2

- 1 + Cos  - - + Sin  -

E23 = (∂X3 u2 + ∂X2 u3 + ∂X2 u1 ∂X3 u1 + ∂X2 u2 ∂X3 u2 + ∂X2 u3 ∂X3 u3 )

1 α Cos α LX3  X1 α Sin α LX3  X2

- -
2 L L

α X3 α Sin α LX3  X1 α Cos α LX3  X2 α X3 α Cos α LX3  X1 α Sin α LX3  X2

Sin  - - + - 1 + Cos  -

The components of the linear strain tensor are given by:

E11 = (∂X1 u1 + ∂X1 u1 )

1 α X3
- 2 + 2 Cos 
2 L

E22 = (∂X2 u2 + ∂X2 u2 )

1 α X3
- 2 + 2 Cos 
2 L

E33 = (∂X3 u3 + ∂X3 u3 )

E12 = (∂X2 u1 + ∂X1 u2 )

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Mecánica de Sólidos Avanzada I | Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá Autor: Jean Franco Arandia Tarantino

E13 = (∂X3 u1 + ∂X1 u3 )

1 α Sin α LX3  X1 α Cos α LX3  X2

- -
2 L L

E23 = (∂X3 u2 + ∂X2 u3 )

1 α Cos α LX3  X1 α Sin α LX3  X2

2 L L

The Lagrange strain tensor is a function of X1 , X2 y X3 . Because when the expression of u1 and u2 are derived
respect to X3 , X1 and X2 are constants.
c) Find an expression for the increase in length of a material fiber of initial length dl, which is on the outer surface
of the cylinder and initially oriented in the e3 direction.

∂ x1 e1 + x2 e2 + x3 e3  ∂ x1 e1 + x2 e2 + x3 e3  ∂ x1 e1 + x2 e2 + x3 e3 

        
x =  X1 +  X2 +  X3
∂ X1 ∂ X2 ∂ X3

In this case dX1 = dX2 = 0.

∂ x1 e1 + x2 e2 + x3 e3 
  
x =  X3
∂ X3

α Sin α X3  X1 α Cos α X3  X2 α Cos α X3  X1 α Sin α X3  X2

x =  - e1 + e2 + e3   X3
  
- -

For a fiber on the outer surface of the cylinder:

X1 2 + X2 2 = R2

Where R is the radius of the cylinder.

X2 = R2 - X1 2


x = 

α Sin α X3  X1 α Cos α X3  R2 - X1 2 α Cos α X3  X1 α Sin α X3  R2 - X1 2

e1 + e2 + e3   X3
  
- - -

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Mecánica de Sólidos Avanzada I | Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá Autor: Jean Franco Arandia Tarantino

d) Show that material fibers initially oriented in the e1 and e2 directions do not change their length.
For e2 direction, dX1 = dX3 = 0.

∂ x1 e1 + x2 e2 + x3 e3 
  
x =  X2
∂ X2

α X3 α X3 
 x = - Sin  e1 + Cos  e2   X2


The fibers initially oriented in the e2 direction not change their length, they only rotate about e3 .
For e1 direction, dX2 = dX3 = 0.

∂ x1 e1 + x2 e2 + x3 e3 
  
x =  X1
∂ X1

α X3 α X3 
 x = Cos  e1 + Sin  e2   X1


The fibers initially oriented in the e1 direction not change their length, they only rotate about e3 .
e) Calculate the principal values and directions of the Lagrange strain tensor at the point X1 = a, X2 = 0, X3 = 0.
Hence, deduce the orientations of the material fibers that have the greatest and smallest increase in length.
Strain tensor in matrix form at the point:

0 0 0
Eij = 0 0 aα
0 aα a2 α2
2L 2 L2


-λ 0 0
Det 0 - λ

2L 
0 aα a α2

2L 2 L2

λ - a2 L α2 - 2 a2 L α2 λ + 4 L3 λ2 
4 L3

λ - a2 L α2 - 2 a2 L α2 λ + 4 L3 λ2 
Roots-  0, λ
4 L3

a2 α2 - 4 a2 L2 α2 + a4 α4 a2 α2 + 4 a2 L2 α2 + a4 α4
λ  0 || λ  || λ 
4 L2 4 L2

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Mecánica de Sólidos Avanzada I | Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá Autor: Jean Franco Arandia Tarantino

Verification of eigenvalues:

0 0 0
Eigenvalues 0 0 aα
2L 
0 aα a2 α2
2L 2 L2

a α a α - 4 L2 + a2 α2  a α a α + 4 L2 + a2 α2 
0, , 
4 L2 4 L2

0 0 0
Eigenvectors 0 0 aα
2L 
0 aα a 2 α2
2L 2 L2

a α+ 4 L2 + a2 α2 aα- 4 L2 + a2 α2
{1, 0, 0}, 0, - , 1, 0, - , 1
2L 2L

Direction of greatest increase in length:

aα- 4 L2 + a2 α2
0, - , 1

Direction of smallest increase in length:

aα+ 4 L2 + a2 α2
0, - , 1

2. The state of stress is given by (ksi):

S11 = 1; S12 = 0; S13 = 2 X2 ; S22 = 1; S23 = 4 X1 ; S33 = 1;

Where Xi are given in inches.

a) Determine the traction vector at the point X = 2 e1 + 4 e2 + 6 e3 on the plane X1 + X2 + X3 = B.
Normal vector:

m = {1, 1, 1};

n = Normalize[m]

1 1 1
 , , 
3 3 3

Stress tensor evaluated at the point:

1 0 8
S= 0 1 8 ;
8 8 1

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Mecánica de Sólidos Avanzada I | Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá Autor: Jean Franco Arandia Tarantino

Traction vector:

t = n.S

3 3,3 3, 

b) Determine the normal and shear components of the traction vector at the point on this plane.
Normal component:

tn = n × t

3, 3, 

Shear component:

ts = t - tn

17 17
- 3 + 3 3 , -3 + 3 3,- + 
3 3

c) Determine the principal stress components and principal directions at this point.

Principal stress components:


1 + 8 2 , 1-8 2 , 1

Principal directions:


1 1 1 1
 , , 1, - ,- , 1, {- 1, 1, 0}
2 2 2 2

d) Determine the maximum shear at the point.

1 + 8 2  - 1 - 8 2

8 2

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Mecánica de Sólidos Avanzada I | Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá Autor: Jean Franco Arandia Tarantino

3. Write the traction vectors on the diifferent boundaries in term of the given of loads, if the base vectors are e1 , e2
and e3 .

Figura 2
For AG, normal vector:

Clear[σ11, σ22, σ33, σ12, σ21, σ13, σ31, σ23, σ32];

n = {0, 1, 0};

Stress component kN m2 ):

σ22 = 3;

Stress tensor kN m2 ):

σ11 σ12 σ13

σAG = σ21 σ22 σ23 ;
σ31 σ32 σ33

Traction vector:

tAG = n.σAG

{σ21, 3, σ23}

For GF, normal vector:

Clear[σ11, σ22, σ33, σ12, σ21, σ13, σ31, σ23, σ32];

n = {1, 0, 0};

Stress component kN m2 ):

σ21 = 2;

σ12 = σ21;

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Mecánica de Sólidos Avanzada I | Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá Autor: Jean Franco Arandia Tarantino

Stress tensor kN m2 ):

σ11 σ12 σ13

σGF = σ21 σ22 σ23 ;
σ31 σ32 σ33

Traction vector:

tGF = n.σGF

{σ11, 2, σ13}

For EF, normal vector:

Clear[σ11, σ22, σ33, σ12, σ21, σ13, σ31, σ23, σ32];

n = {0, 1, 0};

Stress component kN m2 ):

σ12 = 2;

σ21 = σ12;

Stress tensor kN m2 ):

σ11 σ12 σ13

σEF = σ21 σ22 σ23 ;
σ31 σ32 σ33

Traction vector:

tEF = n.σEF

{2, σ22, σ23}

For HE, normal vector:

Clear[σ11, σ22, σ33, σ12, σ21, σ13, σ31, σ23, σ32];

n = {- 1, 0, 0};

Stress component kN m2 ):

σ21 = 2;

σ12 = σ21;

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Mecánica de Sólidos Avanzada I | Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá Autor: Jean Franco Arandia Tarantino

Stress tensor kN m2 ):

σ11 σ12 σ13

σHE = σ21 σ22 σ23 ;
σ31 σ32 σ33

Traction vector:

tHE = n.σHE

{- σ11, - 2, - σ13}

For CD, normal vector:

Clear[σ11, σ22, σ33, σ12, σ21, σ13, σ31, σ23, σ32];

n = {1, 0, 0};

Stress component kN m2 ):

σ11 = 5;

Stress tensor kN m2 ):

σ11 σ12 σ13

σCD = σ21 σ22 σ23 ;
σ31 σ32 σ33

Traction vector:

tCD = n.σCD

{5, σ12, σ13}

For the circular boundary, normal vector:

v1 = {a, b, 0};

v2 = {x, y, 0};

m = v2 - v1

{- a + x, - b + y, 0}

n = Normalize[m]

-a + x -b + y
 , , 0
Abs[- a + x]2 + Abs[- b + y]2 Abs[- a + x]2 + Abs[- b + y]2

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Mecánica de Sólidos Avanzada I | Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá Autor: Jean Franco Arandia Tarantino

Stress component kN m2 ):

σ = 2.5;

Traction vector:


2.5 (- a + x) 2.5 (- b + y)
 , , 0.
Abs[- a + x]2 + Abs[- b + y]2 Abs[- a + x]2 + Abs[- b + y]2

4. Choose a recent publication describing an application of theorical or computational solid mechanics from one of
the following journals: Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; International Journal of Solids and Struc-
tures; Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering; European Journal of Mechanics A; Com-
puter methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Write a short summary of the paper stating: (i) The goal of
the paper; (ii) the problem that was solved, including idealizations and assumptions involved in the analysis; (iii) the
method of analysis; (iv) the main results; and (v) the conclusions of the study.

European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids

Longitudinal vibration of viscoelastic multi-nanorod system (VMNS) is studied. Based on the D’ Alembert’s princi-
ples, nonlocal and viscoelastic constitutive relations, the system of m partial differential equations are derived
which described the motion of the presented nano-system. Clamped-Clamped and Clamped-Free boundary condi-
tions and two different chain systems, namely “Clamped-Chain” and “Free-Chain” are illustrated. The method of
separations of variables and trigonometric method are utilized for solutions. The analytical expressions for critical
viscoelastic parameters and asymptotic frequencies are presented. The predicted results are validated with results
obtained by direct numerical simulations and results from literature. The effects of nonlocal parameter, number of
nanorods, viscoelastic material constant and parameter of viscoelastic layer on the complex eigenvalue are dis-
cussed in details.

This work presents an analytical and numerical investigation of the vibration behavior of the viscoelastic coupled
multi-nanorods system. The set of m partial differential equations of motion are obtained based on D’ Alembert’s
principle and nonlocal Kelvine-Voigt viscoelastic constitutive relations for both boundary conditions and both
“Chain” systems. The closed form solutions of complex eigenvalues are derived in a unique manner by combining
two analytical methods, namely, separations of variables and trigonometric method. They have derived analytical
expressions of the asymptotic values of natural frequency and damping ratio of VMNS, when the number of
nanorods and the number of modes tends to the infinite. It is found that the both asymptotic values depend only on
the material characteristics of VMNS. In order to demonstrate the accuracy of proposed trigonometric method, they
compared the analytical results with results obtained by numerical methods for the general case of VMNS. It is
shown that the application of these analytical methods provides excellent agreement when compared with the
numerical results. They have also validated the analytical results obtained for the special case of VMNS when m =
2, with the results found in the literature. In the presented numerical analyses, the influence of number of nanorods,
number of mode, nonlocal parameter and viscoelastic constant on the both parts of complex eigenvalues are

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Mecánica de Sólidos Avanzada I | Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá Autor: Jean Franco Arandia Tarantino

From these observations they can conclude that the real parts or a natural frequency was significantly influenced
by nonlocal parameter while on the damping ration have smaller influence for both boundary conditions. Also, it can
be noted that the increase in viscoelastic parameter cause increase in the damping ratio for all considered cases.
Regarding the influence of the number of nanorods and the number of modes on the complex eigenvalues, it was
found that when the values of the both parameters tend to the infinite their influence are vanishes.

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