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his article is intended to provide insight VGA TYPES
into the effective operation of variable There are two major classes of VGA in use
gain amplifiers (VGA) in automatic gain today. The first is the so-called IVGA (input
control (AGC) applications. Figure 1 is a gen- VGA), which can be regarded as a passive
eral block diagram for an AGC loop. The in- variable attenuator followed by a fixed-gain
put signal passes through the VGA to produce amplifier. The second type is the output VGA
the output level to be stabilized. The detec- (OVGA), which is essentially equivalent to a
tor’s output is compared against a setpoint fixed-gain amplifier followed by a passive at-
voltage to produce an error signal, which is tenuator.
then integrated to produce a gain control volt- An IVGA is the preferred choice for a re-
Fig. 1 VGA-based AGC age. This is applied to the control input of the ceive AGC system because the available out-
loop block diagram. ▼ VGA. The attenuator shown be-
tween the VGA and the detec-
SIGNAL tor is used to align the maxi- This article is intended
OUTPUT mum output level of the VGA
SIGNAL to provide insight into the
INPUT with the maximum input level
of the detector. effective operation of variable
In the course of this article
several key issues will be ad- gain amplifiers (VGA)
dressed, including VGA types,
Cinteg R
stab Rin loop dynamics, detector types, in automatic gain control
the operating level of VGA and (AGC) applications.
− the operating level of the detec-
+ tor. Then an example applica-
ERROR tion revolving around an
AD8367 VGA will be presented DANA WHITLOW
SETPOINT INPUT for further discussion of the Analog Devices
material. Beaverton, OR
vide considerable reduction of the law influences the dependency of the
LOG LINBNV ripple. loop’s equilibrium level on the input’s
One of the benefits of using an waveform or crest factor.
+20 IVGA in an AGC loop is that the Four detector types will be consid-
+10 VGA’s gain control voltage bears an ered here: envelope detector; square-
0 accurate logarithmic relationship to law detector; true-RMS detector; and
Po (dB)

−10 the input signal level when the loop is log detector.
−20 in equilibrium. This means that the
−30 gain control voltage may also be used ENVELOPE DETECTOR
−40 as an excellent received signal (RECTIFIER)
−50 strength indicator (RSSI). The output voltage of the enve-
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 lope detector is proportional to the
TIME (ms) LOOP DYNAMICS magnitude of the instantaneous RF
▲ Fig. 2 Simulated response of AGC loop
Response time is an important is- input voltage. Assuming that suffi-
to large amplitude steps for various detectors. sue when designing any AGC loop. cient low pass filtering is applied at
There is usually a compromise be- its output to eliminate RF ripple, this
put level at low distortion is relatively tween having the loop respond to un- detector produces a voltage propor-
independent of the gain setting. This desired input level fluctuations as tional to the envelope amplitude of
is the desired trait for an AGC sys- rapidly as one would like, and having the RF signal.
tem, whose very object is to maintain it undesirably modify amplitude mod- Assuming that the loop’s band-
a constant output in the face of vary- ulation on the signal. Additionally, width is made sufficiently small as to
ing input signal amplitude. large and/or abrupt changes in the in- avoid significant gain pumping, the
The OVGA is generally ill suited put level may lead to unacceptable effect of the loop using an envelope
to AGC applications because of its re- recovery behavior, necessitating fur- detector is to stabilize the average
duced output signal handling capabil- ther adjustments of the response rectified voltage of the signal. The re-
ity at low gain settings and therefore time. sulting power is therefore dependent
will not be discussed further here. The issue of excessive loop band- on the RF signal’s envelope wave-
When a single IVGA is used in a width deserves a bit more explana- form. Such a loop acting on a con-
situation in which the VGA sets the tion. If the loop responds too quickly, stant-envelope signal such as GSM
system noise floor, the output SNR is it will introduce undesired gain mod- will produce an average output power
essentially independent of the input ulation arising from the loop’s efforts which is different than that for a
signal; it does not improve as is often to stabilize the output level of a signal heavily-amplitude-modulated signal,
preferred. Occasionally, it is desirable containing legitimate amplitude mod- such as CDMA or 64QAM.
to cascade two VGAs in order to ame- ulation. This is referred to as “gain The output of the envelope detec-
liorate this behavior or simply to ob- pumping.” In the context of digital tor cannot go negative no matter how
tain more gain control range. Doing modulation, the presence of apprecia- weak the input signal, but may reach
so requires proper coordination of ble gain pumping can result in signifi- extreme positive values in response to
the gain control inputs of the two de- cant modulation errors and perhaps very strong signals. Starting with the
vices. even noticeable spectral re-growth in AGC loop in equilibrium, a sudden
If the gain control of only the sec- extreme cases. A tolerable value of large increase in input amplitude
ond stage VGA is manipulated in the gain pumping would generally be only causes a very large initial increase in
weak signal regime, the signal level to a fairly small fraction of 1 dB. detector output, which very rapidly
the first stage VGA’s amplifier in- drives the loop towards lower gain.
creases with increasing input level, so DETECTOR TYPES (DETECTOR On the other hand, an abrupt reduc-
the output SNR improves with in- LAW) tion of the input signal level (no mat-
creasing input level. It is necessary to One convenient aspect of an AGC ter by how many dB) cannot reduce
hand off the gain control from the loop is that the detector need not nec- the detector output below zero, and
second stage to the first stage only essarily have a very wide dynamic the loop’s best response is to slew to-
when overload of the first stage’s am- range over which it obeys any particu- wards equilibrium at a fairly low rate
plifier is imminent. lar law. This is because the detector until the detector output begins to
Alternatively, the two gain control operates at a constant average level change by a significant fraction of the
inputs may simply be driven in paral- when the AGC loop is in equilibrium; reference voltage, at which point the
lel, in which case the output S/N (ex- thus, the detector should only need to recovery trends towards an exponen-
pressed in dB) improves at half the cope accurately with the level range tial decay. In the slew rate limited re-
rate at which the input level (also ex- associated with a modulated signal. gion, the gain of the signal path is
pressed in dB) rises. In cases where However, as mentioned earlier, the varying at a constant number of dB
the VGAs used have residual ripple in detector’s response law (that is linear, per second.
their gain control functions, an addi- log, square law, etc.) can play a signifi- Figure 2 shows the behavior of
tional benefit of this approach can be cant role in determining the loop’s dy- such a loop for a large input level
obtained if the two gain control input namic response during large, abrupt step (note that curves for all four de-
signals are intentionally offset by half changes in signal level. Perhaps more tector types are superimposed on this
the period of the ripple. This can pro- importantly, the detector’s response plot). These results were obtained
from simulations in which the VGA of the signal path that is square law has a shallow slope for high input lev-
has representative limits on the gain brings forth the possibility of the els, resulting in a diminished re-
range and on the maximum output large-step response being different sponse rate to sudden increases in
level. The detectors contrived for from that of the simple envelope de- signal level. At the other extreme, the
these simulations have no particular tector, which can indeed be seen in square-law detector’s small slope near
limits, on the grounds that in most the figure. Note that the RMS detec- zero input level gives it a very slug-
practical situations the designer will tor has a slightly slower recovery from gish response to large decreases in in-
scale the circuit so that the detector a large downward amplitude step put amplitude. Conversely, the
does not limit appreciably before the than does the standard envelope de- square-law detector exaggerates the
VGA does. tector, but a slightly faster recovery response to large signals, giving the
(and a bit of overshoot) from a step fastest response to increasing signals.
SQUARE-LAW DETECTOR up in input amplitude. In common The envelope and RMS detectors,
This type of detector has an in- with the square-law detector, the having intermediate characteristics,
stantaneous output which is propor- true-RMS detector will make the give response speeds in between.
tional to the square of the instanta- AGC loop’s equilibrium point inde-
neous RF input voltage, which is pendent of the RF signal waveform. OPERATING LEVEL
equivalent to saying that its output is It should be noted that the pres- OF DETECTOR
proportional to input power. This be- ence of the long-time-constant low Ideally the operating level of the
havior, when incorporated into an pass filter in this detector may have a detector should be set as high as pos-
AGC loop of sensible bandwidth, marked influence on loop dynamics; sible in order to minimize the error
makes the loop’s equilibrium average indeed, this filter may even provide due to residual DC offsets. However,
output power independent of the in- the dominant pole in some designs. other considerations often rule. For
put waveform. As with the envelope This time constant must therefore be signals with amplitude modulation,
detector, the output can never go coordinated with the remainder of the peak input to the detector when
negative, resulting in the loop having the loop design. the loop is in equilibrium must be no
a similar tendency towards slew rate higher than what the detector will
limited behavior when reacting to LOG DETECTOR support, and so the average must be
abrupt decreases in input amplitude. This type of detector produces an lower. Even for constant-envelope
The response to large abrupt increas- output proportional to the logarithm signals, the average level must be rea-
es in input amplitude can be even of the RF input voltage. Because this sonably lower than the maximum, so
more striking, however, because the behavior is complementary to that of that there is room for the detector
square-law detector characteristic ex- the linear-in-dB VGA in the loop, the level to increase if the system input
aggerates the effect of the input in- resulting loop dynamics are those of a level increases; otherwise, there
crease. The extent to which this hap- linear system, assuming that signal could be little or no error signal to
pens depends on the clipping level of level fluctuations during transients drive the loop back towards equilibri-
either the VGA or the detector, remain within the measurement um. Note that there will generally be
whichever appears at a lower level. range of the log detector. Subject to unequal amounts of room for the de-
that assumption, the AGC loop’s re- tector output to swing up or down
TRUE-RMS DETECTOR sponse to abrupt large changes in in- from the design equilibrium level,
This detector comprises a square- put level will not be slew-rate limited, which will make the apparent attack
law detector followed by a low pass and will often be faster to recover and decay speeds of the loop differ.
filter followed by a square-root func- from amplitude decreases.
tion. The low pass filter performs the As with the envelope detector, the DESIGN EXAMPLE
“mean” operation associated with the equilibrium point of an AGC loop us- OF A WORKING AGC LOOP
root-mean-square (RMS) function, ing the log detector will depend on Let’s now put the above considera-
and it should have a sufficiently long the RF input waveform. tions to work in a practical design.
time constant to smooth the output The design assumptions and goals are
variations of the squaring detector COMPARISON OF RESPONSES as follows:
that would otherwise arise from the WITH DIFFERENT DETECTORS • Signal modulation: W-CDMA (15
legitimate modulation of the signal. The AGC loops whose simulation users); symbol rate = 3.84 Msym-
Because of the square-root ele- results are shown were designed so bols/s
ment in this detector, the average that the small-signal response speeds • IF frequency: 380 MHz
output is proportional to the signal are identical. The results show that • VGA: AD8367
voltage, not power, so the loop’s re- the loop’s large-step transient re- • Detector: AD8361 (true RMS, for
sponse to small abrupt decreases or sponse is markedly dependent on the waveform independence)
increases of signal level should essen- type of detector. At one extreme, the • Power supply: 5 VDC
tially be the same as that for an enve- log detector gives the fastest response From these, reasonable constraints
lope detector, provided that the to large abrupt decreases in input lev- will be established for operating lev-
added filter pole within the RMS de- el because the logarithmic curve has els to maximize the adjacent channel
tector is correctly compensated for a very steep slope for low inputs, power ratio (ACPR) and AGC loop
elsewhere in the loop. The fact that which exaggerates the loop’s re- bandwidth (to avoid excessive gain
the added pole is located in a region sponse. However, the log detector pumping).
Previous bench measurements on variation is acceptable. An estimate The loop bandwidth designed will
the AD8367 had revealed that of the desired loop bandwidth will apply only for small deviations from
the best ACPR at 380 MHz occurs be made by passing a W-CDMA sig- the AGC loop’s equilibrium level.
with an output level of about 112 nal through a spectrum analyzer Large transients will behave differ-
mVrms, which gives about –12 dBm with very wide resolution band- ently because of the nonlinear char-
into 200 Ω. width, zero span and linear detec- acter of the loop, and simulation
tor, and observe what video band- and/or breadboarding will be relied
Detector Operating Level width results in 0.5 dB p-p output upon to investigate the large signal
The peak-to-average power ratio variation. The result turns out to be behavior.
for the chosen signal is about 18 dB. 200 Hz, which means the initial de- The next items on the agenda are
When operating from a 5 V supply, sign of the AGC loop will have a the determinations of the incremen-
the maximum output level of the 200 Hz bandwidth. The simulation tal gains of the VGA and of the detec-
AD8361 is about 4.8 V (from the and measured results will be used tor from the loop dynamics view-
AD8361 datasheet). The squarer in to see how this choice works out. point. For the VGA, this means the
the detector will be assumed to go slope of Vout versus control voltage,
into clipping at the same input level RMS Detector Filter not the RF gain.
that results in maximum output, for a The RMS detector’s “mean value”
CW signal. Thus, assuming that the filter comprises an internal filter re- VGA Gain
peaks of the modulated signal should sistance combined with an external Vin and Vout will represent RMS val-
not drive the detector’s squarer into shunt capacitance. The effective val- ues of the VGA’s RF input and output,
clipping when the loop is in equilibri- ue of the filter resistance varies with respectively, and Vg will represent the
um, the average output level of the drive level, from about 2000 Ω at gain control voltage. From examination
detector must be such that it is at very low drive level down to about of the AD8367 performance data in the
least 18 dB below 4.8 V; 4.8 × 10–18/20 500 Ω at maximum drive level. For datasheet for 240 MHz, combined with
= 604 mV. Since the conversion gain this example a value of 1.8 kΩ will be a bit of extrapolation and rounding, 0
of the detector is 7.5 V/V rms , the used, which was determined empiri- dB of gain is found to occur at a control
loop-equilibrium level at the detec- cally for the operating level estab- voltage of 0.1 V and the control slope is
tor’s input should be 604 mV/7.5 = 80 lished earlier. 50 dB/V. By formulating and then dif-
mVrms. In general, an AD8361 would be ferentiating Vout with respect to Vg at
This level can be obtained from taken into the lab with a W-CDMA the equilibrium output of 112 mVrms,
the desired output level of the VGA signal source in order to ascertain a the incremental slope is evaluated to be
by adding a series resistor of 90 Ω, suitable filter capacitor value. Howev- 0.6447 Vrms/V.
which combines with the 225 Ω input er, the previous measurement for loop
resistance of the AD8361 to form a bandwidth gives a clue that allows a Next the Detector Slope
voltage divider that achieves the de- reasonable estimate of the required The nominal conversion gain of
sired result. Note that this loads the value to be made. A loop bandwidth the AD8361 is 7.5. However, a 90 Ω
output of the VGA with 315 Ω, which of 200 Hz resulted in a 0.5 dB p-p (~6 series resistor was added at the input
means that the lowest additional par- percent) variation of detector output. of the detector; this has the effect of
allel load impedance on the VGA It so happens that this is just about reducing the detector’s effective gain
would be 547 Ω in order to satisfy its the maximum amount of variation of to 5.357, which is the value that will
design minimum load impedance of RMS filter level that still gives good be used in the loop analysis.
200 Ω. However, in this case more RMS accuracy. So, the bandwidth of
than half of the VGA’s power output this filter will simply be made equal to Avoidance of Excessive
is going to be feeding the detector. 200 Hz, which requires a filter capaci- Recovery Delay
This could be remedied by driving tor of about 0.44 µF against the 1.8 If the loop is left sitting with a very
the VGA end of the 90 Ω resistor kΩ filter resistance. low (or zero) input signal level for a
with an emitter follower, raising the time, the output voltage of the inte-
input impedance of the overall detec- Loop Dynamics Design grator will continue to rise until it
tor by the beta of the transistor used A first order loop will be devel- reaches saturation of the op-amp as
in the follower. This would free up al- oped, with a small-signal bandwidth the loop tries to find more gain.
most all the output current capability of 200 Hz. Note that the RMS detec- When a significant signal does sud-
of the VGA for use by the useful load. tor’s filter already contributes one denly arrive at the system input, one
pole at 200 Hz, so the remainder of has to wait for the integrator’s output
Estimation of Target the loop will clearly need to take this to ramp back down to 1 V before the
AGC Loop Bandwidth into account. This will be achieved by loop can begin reducing the gain. To
Here a judgment call must be choosing R comp to create a zero at reduce this “overload delay” a 4.3:1
made, based on an empirical mea- 200 Hz in conjunction with C integ attenuator is inserted between the in-
surement, to establish the maxi- (see Appendix A). The response tegrator and the control input of the
mum loop bandwidth that will avoid speed of all the other elements in the VGA so that the positive limit (nearly
intolerable gain pumping. For pur- loop is so much faster than that of the 5 V) of the integrator’s output is
poses of this design example, it is desired loop that all other poles can about equal to the maximum effec-
assumed that up to 0.5 dB p-p gain be safely ignored. tive control input (1 V) to the VGA.
0.4 0.20


20 0.15

10 0.10

0 0.05
−0.1 0
−0.2 −10
−20 −0.10
−0.4 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
−30 TIME (s)
TIME (ms)

▲ Fig. 3 The prototype circuit response to

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
▲ Fig. 5 The prototype circuit has about
small amplitude steps is symmetrical and 0.2 dB p-p gain pumping.
TIME (ms)
shows exponential recovery.
▲ Fig. 4 The prototype circuit response to prototype loop’s response to small
Calculation of Component Values large amplitude steps is asymmetrical and and large (30 dB) input level steps,
In the loop, a net gain (excluding exhibits slow-rate-limited recovery. respectively. Figure 5 shows the
the integrator for the moment) of 0.644 and can sink even less. Therefore, 50 measured gain pumping obtained by
(VGA incremental slope) • 5.357 (ef- kΩ is chosen for Rin in order to mini- capturing the signal at the gain-con-
fective detector slope)/4.3 (for the Vagc mize total loading on the AD8361’s trol input of the VGA with an oscillo-
atten) = 0.803, is obtained. For a loop output, which leads to a value of scope and scaling into dB.
bandwidth of 200 Hz, the loop gain 12.78 nF for Cinteg. Finally, in order
should be unity at that frequency. If the CONCLUSION
to compensate for the 200 Hz pole in
rest of the loop has a gain of 0.803, the the RMS detector, Rcomp is chosen as Numerous basic and finer points
integrator must have a gain of 1.0/0.803 62.3 kΩ to provide a loop zero at 200 of AGC design have been discussed,
= 1.245, which requires that the reac- Hz with Cinteg. A 10 kΩ pulldown is and a detailed example of a practical
tance of Cinteg at 200 Hz be 1.245 times also added on the AD8361’s output to design was worked out. Practical con-
the value of Rin. Mathematically, 1/(2 π improve its effective sinking capacity. siderations and difficulties encoun-
• 200 • Cinteg) = 1.245 • Rin; Rin • Cinteg tered along the way were empha-
= 639.2 µs. Lab Tests sized, as opposed to reiterating text-
Now another constraint must be A prototype circuit was construct- book loop design equations. Finally, a
also noted, which is that the AD8361 ed according to the schematic in Ap- working circuit was constructed and
cannot source very much current, pendix A. Figures 3 and 4 show the measurement results presented. ■


+5 V 160
1 14
2 13 10 nF
10 nF 0.1 µF
3 12 1 8
4 11 2 7
91 3 6 0.44 uF
5 10
10 nF R1 C2
6 9 4 5
7 8 U2
220 pF
3.3 nF 10 K
R4 33 k 12 nF 62 K

C1 R3

10 k Vrssi R2
49.9 K
4 − 2

0.1 uF
10 nF AD589 12 V
+5 V 10 K
3.3 K

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