Therotical Aspects To The Studay: Flowserve Microfinish Valves PVT LTD

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finish like taking back shares invested in Micro finish or can stop giving export order to
Flow serve Micro finish



The Factories Act 1948 is a comprehensive piece of legislation all the aspects regarding
the factories. Under the rule making power practically all the states have framed their and
regulations thereby ensuring maximum advantages In order to trace history of legislation
which resulted in legislation the factories act 1948 we to go back to the last decade of the
19th century. Till the end of 19th century there was no control of the state over the
conditions of employment and the employees did according to their liking and advantage.
After great objections by the employers the Indian factories act 1881 was passed which
gave a limited measure of protection to children provisions for fencing of some
dangerous parts of machinery were also there. In 1980 government of India appointed a
factories commission and on their recommendation the act of 1981 was passed. In 1911
another act was passed after taking into account the reports of Freer smith committee and
factory labour commission.

Object of the Act

It is clear from the preamble that the factories act was engaged to consolidate and amend
the law regulating labor in factories. It is probably true that all legislation in a welfare
state is enacted with the object of promoting general welfare but certain type of
enactments are more responsible of some urgent social demands and also more immediate
and visible impact on social vices by operating more directly to achieve social reform.




Safety is a basic and ordinary requirement in a factory. Unless body, mind life of workers
is secured smooth and proper working cannot be ensured in any factory. As indicated
earlier the object of these legislation was to ameliorate working conditions and to provide
with effective measures of safety of the workers from accidents causing partial or total
disablement and sudden misfortunes affecting the victims and their dependants. The
factories act 1948 deals with such security and safety measures under its chapter iv
containing sections 21 to 41. There have been made significant amendment in the
provisions dealing with safety so as to make the measures more effective and appropriate.
It would be desirable to discuss these safety measures.

Fencing of Machinery:- sec 21(1) contains the provisions regarding the safety by fencing
of machinery. The sec lays down that the following shall be security fenced by safeguards
of substantial construction which shall be kept in position when the parts of machinery
are in motion or in use.

i) The head race and tailrace of every water wheel and turbine

ii) Any part of a stock bar which projects beyond the headstock of a lathe

Speed not to exceed: The speeds so indicated in the notice shall not be exceed and in
every factory effective measures shall be taken to ensure that the safe working peripheral
speed of every revolving vessels, cage, basket, flywheel, pulley disc or similar appliance
driven by power is not exceeded.


Employment of young person on dangerous machines:- Section 23 lays down the

general rule that no young person shall work at any machine to which this sec applies
i.e any dangerous machine so prescribed under sub sec (2) of sec 23 by the state
government. However they can be allowed to work if,

1. They have been fully instructed as to dangers arising out of in connection with
the machine and the machine and the precautions to be observed, and

2. Has received sufficient training in work at the machine or is under adequate

supervision by a person who has a thorough knowledge and experience of the

Precautions against the use of portable electric light: - section 36A provides that in
any Factory,

a) No portable electric light or any other electric appliance of voltage exceeding 24

volts shall be permitted for use inside any chamber ,tank, vat, pivot, pipe, flue, or
other confined space.

b) if any inflammable gas ,fume or dust is lightly to beset in such chamber ,tank, vat,
pit, pipe, flue or confined space no lamp or light other than the that of flame proof
construction shall be permitted to be used their in.

Precautions in case of fire:-

Section 38 of the act for the precaution of fire in the factory. The general precaution in
this Aspect in that every factory shall be provided with such means to escape incase
of fire as may be Prescribed, The following other precautions against fire shall also be

a) Exit doors of room shall not be locked so that they can’t be easily opened and all
such doors unless they are sliding type shall be constructed to open outwards.


b) Every window door or other exit affording a means of escape in case of fire other
than ordinary exit shall be distinctively marked in the language of the majority of the
employed persons in red letters of adequate size or by same other effective and clearly
understandable sign etc.

Safety of building and machinery:-

Section 40 provides the measures for the safety of any building or machinery or
ways, if it appears to the inspector that any building or part there of part of ways or
machinery or plant is in such a condition which is dangerous to human life or safety he
may serve on the occupier or manager or both of factory an order in writing specifying
the measures to be taken and requiring them to be carried out before a date specified in
the order. In the same way if it appears to the inspector that the use of any of the above

Things involves imminent danger to human life or safety he may serve on the
occupier or manager or both on order in writing prohibiting its use until it has been
properly repaired or altered.

No woman or young person be allowed to clean and lubricant etc

Sub section (2) of section 22 lays down that no woman or young person shall
transmission machinery while it is in motion or to clean, lubricate or adjust any part of
any machine if in doing so the women or young person would be exposed to rise of injury
from any moving part either that machine or any adjacent machinery. The state
government may prohibit by notification in the official gazette, in any specified Factory
or class or description of factories the cleaning, lubricant or adjusting by any person of
specified parts of machinery when those parts are in motion. Section 41 provides that the
state government may make rules requiring the provisions in any Factory or in any class
or description of factories of such further device and measures is so of securing the safety
of persons employed there in as it may deem necessary.


Safety measures at Flow Serve Micro Finish valves pvt ltd

The Flow serve Corporation of dollars, Texas USA and the micro finifsh group of
companies Hubli, Karnataka, India. Set up to manufacturing plants with joint ventures in
Hubli in 1997. The inauguration of both manufacturing plants occurred on November 1st
1997. Production activities at both plants were initiated immediately after the

The flow serve micro finish valves pvt ltd engaged in the manufacturing ball
valves, plug valves and other miscellaneous valves products. Adjacent to this plant is the
flow serve valves pvt ltd.

The manual on safety, health and environmental affairs is intended to customize

the flow serve corporate policy on these affairs in the Indian environment. Hubli is
considered relatively small industrial area of the Karnataka state. Therefore, many
policies prevented on the other major industrial areas of India e.g. Bangalore, Mumbai etc
may not be applicable at hubli location.


This policy applies to both manufacturing units located in Hubli, Karnataka, India.

1. To provide safe working environment for all production and staff workers
including visitors.

2. To become leader in the community by creating “safe working conditions” for


3. To follow the flow serve and microfinish companies policy on safety, health
and environment

4. To exceed all the governmental, local, state and national rules, policies and


The chief operating officers of these units will be responsible for
implementation, Monitoring and compliance of policy.

The M.D. will oversee that policy is followed with good intent. The enclosed
pages cover the various policies, which are deemed appropriate at this Time,
as government regulations are revised and / or the Flow serve corporate
policies are updated. This policy will be revised and kept unto to date.


The COO will have the responsibility for coordinating all emergency response measures.
The coordinators will be either on the facilities or on the call (i.e.) available to respond to
emergency by reaching the facility within the short period of time at all times at all times.
The coordinator should be thoroughly familiar with all aspects of the emergency plans,
the operation and activities at this facility involving hazardous materials and the facility
layout. The coordinator will have full authority to commit the resources to needed to
carry out this Plans. Whenever there is an immediate or an actual emergency situation,
the emergency coordinator Shall immediately, active internal facility alarms or
communication system if not activates Automatically to notify or affected personnel. In
the event of discharge fire exposure the coordinator shall immediately identify the
character, Sources amount and content of any discharge material. He/she may do this by
observations and/ Or review facility records of manifests and if necessary by chemical
analysis. Concurrently the Coordinator shall immediately assess the possible hazards to
the human health as environment That may result the discharge, fire or explosion. This
assessment shall consider both direct and indirect assets of discharge fire or explosion. Is
the assessment indicates that evaluation of local areas be advisable. He /she shall
immediately notify the appropriate official is making decision whether local areas should
be evaluated and he will make a report to individual.


1. Name and phone no or reporters.

2. Name and address of facility.

3. Time and type of accident.

4. Name and quality of materials involved.

5. The extent of injuries, if any

6. The possible hazards to human health or the environment outside the facility.

During an emergency the coordinators shall take all the responsible measure necessary to
insure fires, explosions and discharge do not occur reoccur more spread to other.
Hazardous materials at the facility. These measures shall include where applicable,
stopping, process and operations collecting and containing discharge waste and removing
or isolating container. If facility stops operation in response to a discharge, fire and
explosion the coordinate shall monitor leaks, pressure build up gas generation, or rupture
in valves, pipes or other equipments, whatever this is appropriate.

Immediately after emergency the coordinate will provide for the treating, storing
or disposing of Recovered waste, contaminated soil, surface waste or any other material
that result from a discharge, fire or explosion at the facility. The coordinators will in
affected areas of the facility that the following items be followed,

A. No waste that may be incompatible with the discharge material is treated,

stored or disposed of unit cleanup procedures are completed.

B. All emergency equipment is cleaned and fit for its intended use before
operation is resumed.


Fire extinguishers and red colored bucket with sand (marked fire) are placed in the



Spill containment:

1. All containers with hazardous. Waste materials shall be kept in the appropriate storage
Area. Containers shall be handled in such way and with the proper equipment, as to avoid
Damage and possible spill.

2. If a spill occurs out side of the normal storage area immediately connected the
Coordinator clean up procedure of containment of spill shall be accomplished as follows,

a) Providing adequate ventilation and obtain protective clothing.

b) Utilizing sand spread sufficient amount of the spill to correct the materials.

c) Sweep or reside into containers and properly label prepare for the disposal.


The fire extinguishers shall usually inspected monthly and annually certified. All heat
producing equipment shall be inspected at least annually during the month of October
and at the any other time that maintenance is bring performed in the equipment to
prevent accidentally ignition of combustible materials a list of heat producing equipment
shall include, but is not limited to,

a) Generator – Flow serve Micro finish Valves pvt ltd.

b) Generator – Flow serve Micro finish pumps pvt ltd.
c) Electrical Sub-station area.



1. Safety records keeping

a) Verification of records.
b) Verification of reports.

2. Employees Protection
a) Safety glasses
b) Safety shoes
c) First aid kit
 No empty bottles / tubes
 No expired date of bottles / tubes
 Trained employees names
 First aid kit list outside the cabinet

3. Machines, Equipment etc

a) Machine chip guards
b) Machine safety guards
c) No trash/chips/coolant around machine
d) Grinders: opening between tool rest and wheel less than 1/8”

4. Electrical
a) No extension cords
b) Electrical cords – Not on pedestrian traffic areas
c) Easy access to electrical panels
d) Machinery / Equipment properly grounded
e) Electric substations closed and locked with warning signs

5. Environmental
a) Coolant waste tank – utilization
b) Machine chip storage areas – organized and chips contained
c) No unmarked bottles /cans/ tubes
d) No unused bottles / cans / tubes
e) No chemical spills on floors
f) Proper ventilation around painting areas


6. Housekeeping
a) No broken /damaged /floors
b) No wet areas including toilets
c) No trash on the plant floor
d) No trash around the JV property
e) Location of trash cans inside the JV property
f) Aisles clearly marked – repaint if needed
g) Everything should have a home

6. General
a) Fire extinguishers every 15 meter or 50
b) Fire extinguishers – periodically inspected and documented
c) Easy access to the ‘Fire Extinguisher’
d) Nothing stationery in aisles
e) No storage in the marked aisles areas
f) No storage the painted yellow/red areas
g) No splinters / sharp corners on any device/object/part
h) Everything properly organized/secured


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