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Particle behavior in the turbulent boundary layer. 1.

deposition, and entrainment
D. Kaftori, G. Hetsroni,a) and S. Banerjee
Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of California Santa Barbara,
Santa Barbara, California 93106
(Received 21 April 1994; accepted 31 January 1995)
The motion of solid particles near the wall in a turbulent boundary layer was investigated
experimentally in a water flume by flow visualization techniques and by LDA. The particles were
of polystyrene (specific density -1.05) with diameters ranging from 100 to 900 pm. Results show
that particle motion, as well as entrainment and deposition processes, are controlled by the action of
coherent wall structures, which appear to be funnel vortices. The behavior of the particles is
consistent with the motion and effects of such vortices. The vortices appear to cause the formation
of particle streaks near the wall, to create suitable conditions for particle entrainment, and to assist
in particle deposition by conveying them from the outer flow to the wall region. 0 1995American
Institute of Physics.

I. INTRODUCTION were identified by means of oxygen microbubble tracers vi-

sualized by high-speed video. They could also be found in
The behavior of solid particles in the wall region of a flow fields generated by direct numerical simulation, and
turbulent boundary layer is of importance for the understand- their existence was supported by conditional sampling of
ing of deposition, fouling, entrainment, and resuspension in LDA data. They are reminiscent of the “double-cone” ed-
industrial and environmental processes. Though the mecha- dies, suggested by Townsend4 from autocorrelation consider-
nisms governing such phenomena have been extensively ations, and can account for most, if not all, of the turbulence
studied in the past, as discussed later, they are not completely wall structures that have been observed over the years. The
understood. For example, recent work in our laboratory by upstream part of a funnel vortex appears to be what is usu-
Rashidi et a1.l indicated that even average particle volume ally referred to as a streamwise (or quasistreamwisej vortex.
fractions of -10m4 lead to significant modulation of turbu- At some point the vortex begins to oscillate in an expanding
lence. The effect appears to arise from how particles, sized spiral, possibly in a manner similar to the process of vortex
up to a few wall units, interact with the coherent structures in breakdown (although this is still speculative at this point). Its
the wall region. (Wall units are nondimensionalized by the downstream part are the ejections and sweeps shown in Fig.
kinematic viscosity and friction velocity.) Very little is 1. The part of the vortices close to the wall (i.e., the sweep
known about this phenomenon. portions) form high-speed islands and the fluid between them
Coherent wall structures, which may be defined as per- are the low-speed streaks. The “islands” are distributed
sistent flow patterns with a larger lifetime and/or spatial ex- somewhat randomly very close to the wall. This is also seen
tent than the turbulence integral scale, have been observed in numerical simulations. The vortices do not necessarily ap-
by many investigators. Three main types of structures have pear in pairs (counter-rotating or not), but on the average
been reported. One type consists of high-velocity regions and there exist equal numbers of vortices rotating both clockwise
low-speed streaks very close to the wall. The second are and counterclockwise. The average spanwise spacing of 100
streamwise and quasistreamwise vortices, and the third type wall units between the low-speed streaks is possible because
are “active” periods, generally referred to as “bursts,” which the high-speed islands are distributed rather randomly, and
consist of sequences of ejections from the wall layer into the are shorted in the streamwise extent than the -1000 wall
outer flow and sweeps of fluid from the outer region toward units streamwise extent of the low-speed streaks. A sche-
the wall. The term “outer how,” as used here, denotes the matic of possible arrangements that could lead to such a flow
area where the velocity gradient becomes relatively small. In pattern near the wall is shown in Fig. 31 of Kaftori et al.’
essence, it is the region where the distance from the wall is Regardless of the exact form of the coherent wall struc-
greater than 30-50 wall units. tures, it appears that they may affect particle motion near a
Recently, Kaftori et aLL3 suggested that these three solid boundary, as well as the entrainment processes. Grass,5
types of patterns are all manifestations of one underlying for example, showed that fine sand particles form streaks in
large-scale structure. The structure is of a form of a stream- the viscous layer. The streak spacing was approximately 100
wise vortex that expands outward from the wall. The shape wall units, which is the same as the spacing between low-
of the vortex is that of an expanding spiral, wound around a speed streaks in the pure fluid. The speculation that the two
funnel that is laid sideways in the direction of flow, as illus- types of streaks coincide was later confirmed in our labora-
trated in Fig. 1 (from Kaftori et &a). The funnel vortices tory by Rashidi et al.,’ who used flow visualization with mi-
crobubble tracers, and by Pedinotti et al.,6 using direct nu-
‘)Permanent address: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technion, Is- merical simulation. In addition, Pedinotti et al. also found
rael Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel. that the tendency of particles to accumulate in low-speed

Phys. Fluids 7 (5), May 1995 1070-6631/95/7(5)/i 095/l 2B6.00 0 1995 American Institute of Physics 1095

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again. The motion of a particle usually started by rolling,
after which it was lifted up and moved in small jumps. The
ejection angle in these jumps was approximately 5”. From
the small angle they concluded that the horizontal drag force

a f-3
is more dominant, in particle entrainment, than vertical lift

FIG. 1. A funnel vortex.
forces. It should be pointed out that this observation is some-
what contrary to the hypothesis that particles are entrained
from low-speed streaks by wall ejections. This is because
wall ejections are considered to be a low-speed fluid while a
strong streamwise drag force must be associated with a high-
speed region.
Although particle deposition has usually been considered
in terms of diffusion and gravitational settling, attempts were
streaks depends on their nondimensional time constant [de- made to link this process to the effects of wall structures.
fined in Eq. (5)]. Particles with a nondimensional time con- Cleaver and Yates,rr for example, suggested a model where
stant -3 had the highest tendency to form streaks, while the the deposition rate was calculated by assuming that particles
distribution of particles with higher or lower time constants are convected to the wall by downsweeps. The model
was more uniform. Hetsroni and Rozenblit7 found, experi- showed agreement with the then available experimental data.
mentally, a similar trend in a horizontal flume, where par- Recent studies substantiate this hypothesis. McLaughlinr2
ticles of the order of ten wall units accumulated in the low- examined aerosol particles deposition in a vertical channel,
velocity streaks, while particles larger than about 30 wall using numerical simulation. He found that particles that are
units were more randomly distributed on the bottom. less than 60 wall units from the wall may be captured by
Cleaver and Yates.’were perhaps the first who attempted organized structures and brought to the wall. The Saffman
to link the bursting phenomenon and the rate of particle en- lift force was found to have no effect on particles outside the
trainment from the wall in horizontal flow. They based their viscous layer. Brooke et ~1.~~also conducted direct numeri-
model on statistical aspects of the occurrence of bursts in cal simulations and found that particles are brought to the
space and time, assuming that the bursts create sufficient lift wall by the same eddies that control turbulence production.
to entrain particles. The details of particle interaction with They noted, in addition, that particles accumulate in the low-
the bursts were not considered. Their results were in qualita- speed streaks, and that when particles are smaller than one
tive agreement with the limited experimental data that were wall unit, they may be captured in the viscous layer and not
then available. be re-entrained into the flow.
Sumer and Oguz” investigated particle behavior during While much is now known about particle motion in the
bursts using photographic observations, and measurements, wall region, there are still many outstanding issues. For ex-
of single particles in an open channel. They saw that the ample, it is not known how particles are lifted off the wall
particles moved along the bottom of the channel, and were and what types of structures they are associated with. Nor is
occasionally ejected into the flow up to heights of 100-200 it clear how they interact with such structures, and perhaps
wall units or more, depending on density. The particles then modify them. The problem is interesting, not only because a
settled toward the wall region. They noted that the average better understanding of the phenomenon can lead to mecha-
streamwise velocity of particles on the way up, during an nistic models, but also because low average particle concen-
ejection, was smaller than the average streamwise velocity trations may be effective in controlling turbulence processes
on the way back down, which led them to speculate that an at the wall.
ejected particle was within a low-speed streak prior to the In this paper we describe the first part of a study on the
ejection. However, it should be noted that since the velocity interaction between particles and wall turbulence. Here the
increases with distance from the wall, almost any particle effects of coherent structures on particle motion and distri-
that is lifted from the wall is likely to have a lower velocity bution in the wall layer, and on particle entrainment and
than a particle which has been in the outer region for some deposition, are examined experimentally. The emphasis is on
time. Even if a particle originated from a high-speed region, what happens at, or very close to, the wall. For the most part,
where its velocity could be higher than neighboring regions, the particle concentration throughout the flow, and in the
it would still have a lower velocity than a particle that is wall layer, is low. However, in a few cases of very low shear
settling from the outer region. rates, the particle concentration near the wall became large
Yung et aLi also investigated the role of turbulence due to sedimentation and a bed several particle diameters
bursts in the re-entrainment process of particles from the thick formed.
viscous layer. Using flow visualization, they observed that In the second part of the work (Kaftori et aZ.14),the ve-
when a particle was smaller than 1.3 wall units, it was hardly locity, distribution, and concentration profiles of particles
ever affected by the bursts and concluded that bursts do not throughout the boundary layer are discussed. There the focus
penetrate a layer of such thickness. They also noted that of interest is shifted to the behavior of particles away from
particles in the viscous layer lined up in streaks, but did not the wall. In the third part (Kaftori et aL1’), the effects of
move continuously along the bottom. Instead, particles re- particles on the turbulence wall structures characteristics will
mained stationary for a short time and then began to move be reported.

1096 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 7, No. 5, May 1995 Kaftori, Hetsroni, and Banerjee

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Particle recirculation

FIG. 2. The experimental loop.

In interpreting the results we will refer to the wall struc- ments of both phases in the same experiment. The details of
tures as funnel vortices (Kaftori et aLa). While the existence the discrimination system are described in Kaftori et aZ.,14
and characteristics of the vortices still require further study, it and in Kaftori.16
was found that this description of fluid motion encompasses The flume was horizontal, 4.5 m long, 0.32 m wide, and
the diverse structures, such as quasistreamwise vortices, 0.1 m high. The measuring point was located 2.75 m from
ejections, and sweeps, that have been previously observed in the entrance (x/h-SO, where h is water depth) to ensure
turbulent boundary layers, and it is convenient to refer to the fully developed turbulence. The test section was constructed
underlying motion than to each of its manifestations. of glass to allow flow visualization and high-speed photog-
raphy. Water level in the channel was set by flow restrictors
in the form of an array of a cylinder at the outlet, which
allowed throughflow without significantly disrupting the free
The experimental facility (Fig. 2) consisted of a flume, interface or the wall layer. The temperature at the inlet tank
instrumented with a two-dimensional (2-D) LDA system, was monitored by a temperature indicator, and was kept con-
and a flow visualization apparatus using oxygen mi- stant throughout each experimental run with variations never
crobubbles tracers and high-speed video. The LDA and high- exceeding 0.3 “C.
speed video were synchronized so that the LDA data could The measuring system consisted of a 2-D, four beam,
be compared with the visually observed flow patterns around two color, differential, laser-Doppler anemometer, operating
the probe volume. The tracer particles for the LDA were in the back, or side, scatter mode. The streamwise and wall-
titanium dioxide (density 3.5X10” kg/m3), filtered to 0.65 normal velocity components were measured. The laser
,um, and the solid particles under investigation were polysty- beams were projected into the channel through the side wall
rene of diameter 100-900 pm. The LDA system was de- to form a measuring volume of approximately 1175X50 pm.
signed with the capability to distinguish between the poly- When the system was operated in the side scatter mode, the
styrene and tracer particles using the amplitude virtual size of the measuring volume was reduced to 90X50
discrimination technique. This enabled real-time measure- pm by a spatial filter. The front end optics were mounted

Phys. Fluids, Vol. 7, No. 5, May 1995 Kaftori, Hetsroni, and Banerjee 1097

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bellow 2

L 3


FIG. 3. Front optics arrangement.

onto a computer-controlled traverse mechanism to allow a platinum wire, 50 ,um in diameter, and the cathode is
measurements across the flow profile. The beams could be placed downstream. Pulsed current is applied to the pair and,
tilted by approximately 3” from the horizontal, using a rotat- as a result, lines of oxygen bubbles form on the wire by
ing mirror, as illustrated in Fig. 3, to allow data acquisition electrolysis. The bubbles are approximately 50 pm in diam-
as close as 25-50 p from the wall and the free interface- eter and they are swept off the wire with the flow and serve
the uncertainty being the width of the measuring volume. as flow tracers.
Consequently, the measured vertical velocity component was The bubbles were photographed by a high-speed video
not truly wall normal, but rather was tilted by a small system. When necessary, the video was synchronized with
amount. The error introduced by this tilt was of the order of the LDA system using a small light source, which was trig-
0.2%, and was ignored. Another source of error, due to tilting gered by the LDA system at the start of data acquisition, and
the laser beams, is that two of the beams crossed the side was visible on video. In many cases two video cameras were
wall of the channel at different angles. If laser beams cross a used to allow two views of the flow.
glass surface (i.e., the side wall of the channel) at different Regular VHS video was also used in some experiments
angles, one beam is shifted relative to the other and therefore to record the general characteristics of particle motion in the
each beam has a different pathlength to the focal point, re- flow.
sulting in a distorted probe volume. The error can be reduced Polystyrene particles were chosen as the solid phase be-
by keeping the glass surface as thin as possible, and by hav- cause their density is only slightly higher than that of the
ing the same medium (i.e., water) on both sides of the sur- water. These particles settle to the bottom and interact with
face, rather than two media (i.e., air on one side and water on the wall structures, but are also light enough to respond to
the other). This was achieved by constructing a special water the motion of the fluid and to be entrained and interact with
cell at the side wall (Fig. 3). The tilting window of the water the main flow. In addition, they are chemically inert in water,
cell could be rotated so that it was always perpendicular to do not erode, do not absorb water, and are available in abun-
the optical axis of the laser beams and thus preserved the dance. The density of the particles was measured by water
same pathlength. By using the water cell the difference in the displacement, and was found to be 1030-1050 kg/m3. 1050
pathlength of the beams was smaller then 1% of the length of kgIm3 was taken as a nominal value, as it is the quoted den-
the measuring volume. sity by the manufacturer. Three nominal sizes were used:
Flow visualization was done using the oxygen bubble 1.00, 275, and 900 pm, with distributions of 90-106 p,
technique described in Rashidi and Banerjee.17 The anode is 212-300 ,um, and 850-1000 pm, respectively. Each experi-

1098 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 7, No. 5, May 1995 Kaftori, Hetsroni, and Banerjee

Copyright ©2001. All Rights Reserved.

ment was conducted with particles of only one size. The TABLE I. Experimentalconditions.
nominal diameter of each size was determined as the average
of several random measurements under a microscope. Particles Loading U, h ” u*
R% bd x10-4 (m/s) (mm) (m’/s) X 10-e h/s)
The particles, with the exception of the 100 pm ones,
were captured at the outlet from the flume in a basket filter 4870 none .. . 0.125 31.51 0.808 0.0074
4970 none . .. 0.128 31.36 0.808 0.0074
and recirculated, using a peristaltic pump, into the inlet of . ..
5010 none 0.113 33.5 0.755 0.0067
the channel. At the entrance the particles were introduced at 1.58 0.138 27.35 0.810 0.0085
4660 100
the bottom of the flume through two outlets, symmetric 5120 275 0.56a 0.143 28.41 0.793 0.0086
about the centerline, to ensure uniform distribution across the 5040 900 0.65 0.128 31.71 0.806 Q.0078
channel. The loading ratio was monitored by Wing a known 5080 900 0.88 0.128 32.01 0.807 0.0076
7110 none ... 0.164 32.67 0.754 0.0090
volume with suspension from the paiticle recirculation tubes .. .
7890 none 0.195 31.86 0.787 0.0106
and recording the fill-up time. The particles were then fil- none .‘. 0.204 31.36 0.756 0.0111
tered out, dried, and weighed, and the resulting concentration 8090 275 0.8 0.198 32.06 0.785 0.0111
combined with the known flow rate in the main loop. Repeat 9130 none .. . 0.220 32.81 0.791 0.0124
trials showed variations not exceeding 10%. 9900 none .. . 0.2f14 32.80 0.808 0.0128
10 070 none .I. 0.222 34.33 0.75(? 0.0115
The 100 pm particles were too small to capture, since ...
10 210 none 0.248 33.15 0.805 0.0127
they clogged the basket filter. These particles were allowed 10 420 none ... 0.256 32.90 0.808 0.0127
to recirculate through the loop with the water. In these runs, 9850 100 1.87 0.244 32.41 0.803 0.012%
the tanks were occasionally stirred to prevent sedimentation. 9950 100 2.16 0.246 32.6 0.806 0.0129
10 300 275 1.15 0.249 32.86 0.794 0.133
A. Experiments and procedure 9420 275 2.0 0.227 32.81 0.791 0.0123
10 160 275 f.9 0.247 32.46 0.789 Oh32
Experiments were conducted primarily at Reynolds
9870 900 1.03 0.244 32.55 0.805 0.0132
numbers (Re,, = U,,,h/ v, where U,,, is mean velocity and v is 10 280 900 0.6 0.257 33.05 0.826 0.0132
the kinematic viscosity) of 5000, 10 000, and 14 000. The 9870 900 1.95 0.244 32.6 0.806 0.0135
water level was kept approximately the same in all of the 10 070 900 2.3 0.249 32.5 0.804 0.0135
14 15ci none ... 0.296 37.06 0.775 0.015
experiments, thus the Reynolds number is indicative of the
14 020 none ... 0.294 36.86 0.773 0.015
shear rate in the boundary layer. A total of 33 experiments
i3 660 100 1.87 0.313 34.96 0.801 0.016
were performed, 20 of which were with particles. The 13 930 100 2.16 0.320 35.40 0.813 0.0160
experimental conditions are listed in Table I. Each experi- 14 180 275 0.87 0.322 35.06 0.796 0.0161
ment consisted of measurements at 30-40 traverse positions 14 110 275 1.95 0.320 35.11 0.796 0.0160
across the flow. In most runs, approximately 13 000 data 14 340 900 1.09 0.294 37.76 0.773 0.0155
13 900 900 1.99 0.295 37.61 0.798 0.0155
points were taken at each traverse position.
In the first stage, experiments of particle free flow were aBased on mean flow rate of particles, not considering layers of settled
conducted, and the results were compared to data found in particles.
the literature to ensure that the system was operating prop-
erly and accurately. In the second stage, sets of experiments
with particles were done. A set usually consisted of a se-
The values of u* were compared with values computed
quence of runs with particles of only one size at all three
by the Reynolds stress profile equation (Tennekes and
Reynolds numbers and at the two nominal volumetric load-
ing ratios of 1 and 2X10-‘. Exceptions to this procedure the runs at Re,,a5000, where the higher loading ratio ~ dU
could not be achieved with the two larger size particles be- -u’v’$.v -&-=I4
cause particles accumulated in the bed. In addition, the 100
pm particles were used only at the higher loading ratio. ’
and results of both methods were, on the average, within
The friction velocity,
1.5%. This was also true in high-Reynolds-number runs with
particles, where most of the particles were in suspension.
u*= --rw Based on this, it was assumed that Eq. (2) is applicable in the
J P presence of particles.
In some low-Reynolds-number experiments with par-
where Q-,,,is wall shear stress, p is fluid density, U is average ticles, the high concentration near the bottom caused the ve-
velocity at a given elevation, and y is the vertical distance locity profile to be distorted [Fig. 4(b)]. In these cases Eq. (2)
from the wall, was determined, in runs without particles, had to be used to find u * . For consistency, Eq. (2) was used
from the velocity profile near the wall. It was found by fitting for all the experiments with particles in Table I, though the
a first-order polynomial to the curve of U+ vs y + in the difference between values computed by it and values ob-
region O<yf<5 (here u’= Ulu” andy+=yu*lvj, and op- tained by the velocity profile near the wall-when it could be
timizing u ‘*> so that the slope of the curve was closest to used, was small.
unity. At least five measurement points were taken in this The characteristic of the particles are listed in Table II.
range in most runs to ensure high accuracy. Figure 4(a) is a These were defined as follows.
typical result of such a process. The nondimensional particle diameter,

Phys. Fluids, Vol. 7, No. 5, May 1995 Kaftori, Hetsroni, and Banerjee 1099

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TABLE II. Properties of particles.

a> Property
diameter &m) Re,=5000 Re,,=lO 000 Re,= 14 000
100 1.06 1.61 1.88
D+ 275 3.0 4.5 5.5
900 8.66 15.2 17.4
100 7.3x10-4
3- 275 5.5x1o-3 the same the same
Tp (4
Uf :
900 6.ox1o-2
,u” 100 0.065 0.15 0.23
: r,: 275 0.51 1.21 1.77
2- ,-
: 900 4.41 13.58 18.07
l- ,’
,* where p is density and subscripts p and f are particles and
fluid, respectively.
- 6
*. Table III lists the terminal settling velocity of the par-
ticles in quiescent fluid. Two values-are reported. First is the
theoretical settling velocity assuming Stokes flow:
5 Us=----
lap d2b
p p- ,qk,
where ,u is the viscosity of the fluid, and g is acceleration
4 due to gravity, The second is the actual settling velocities of
275 and 900 ,ccm particles that were measured in a water
column (the settling velocity of the 100 pm particles could
not be measured, since they took very long to descend in the
3 column, and were strongly affected by thermal streaks). Also
U+ in the table are the corresponding particle Reynolds num-

1 As can be seen in the table, there is good agreement between

the theoretical and experimental values when the particle
Reynolds number is less than unity. For larger particles, on
the other hand, a Stokes flow assumption is incorrect, since it
yields too high a settling velocity. This should be taken into
account when discussing the interaction between particles
and fluid.


FIG. 4. (a) Velocity profile in the viscous layer without particles, On the bottom of the channel particles tend to form
Re,=14 000. (b) Velocity profile in the viscous layer with 900 ,um par-
ticles, Re,=5000. streaks in the direction of flow. The shape of the streaks
depends on particle size and flow conditions. Some examples
are shown in Fig. 5. At low shear rates the streaks are long,
wide, and massive, and are often several particle layers thick.
l.’ ’
TABLE III. Settling velocity and particle Reynolds numbers.
where d, is particle diameter. The particle time constant, i.e.,
relaxation time, assuming Stokes flow, Theoretical
(assuming Stokes Aowi Measured

Nominal diameter
G-m) (2, Rew kk) Rep,,
and the nondimensional particle relaxation time,
100 0.000 32 0.04 ... . ..

f U *2 D+2pp
- -.
275 0.0025 0.86 0.0023 0.79
900 0.026 29.25 0.01 11.25
TP =TP v= 18 pf’

1100 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 7, No. 5, May 1995 Kaftori, Hetsroni, and Banerjee

Copyright ©2001. All Rights Reserved.

FIG. 5. Particle distribution at the bottom of the channel. (a) 100 pm,
Re,,==5000. (b) 275 pm, Re,,+=+5000. (c) 275 pm, Re,J=9000. (d) 900 pm,
Re,,*SOOO. (e) 900 pm, Rqz-=9000.

PIG. 6. Bottom to top. A funnel vortex blowing particles away in a rotary

As shear rate is increased, the particle streaks become shorter motion. Plow is upward. The symbol in the photograph indicates the trajec-
and narrower, as more and more particles are entrained by tory and angular rotation. Particles are 275 pm, Re,- 10 000. Time be-
the flow, until eventually the streaks disappear altogether. It tween frames: 8 ms. The sketch illustrates the apparent projected motion in
top view.
is interesting to note that the shape of the streaks formed by
both the 100 and 275 pm particles at Re,-5000 is very
similar. This will be discussed later.
Video movies indicate that the particle streaks are particles near the wall, which were detected by the LDA,
formed by the action of high-speed fluid regions. These re- were surrounded by fluid with a lower-than-average velocity.
gions, which are most likely funnel vortices (see Kaftori This was more pronounced at Rehw14 000, where 75% of
et aLZ3), sweep along the bottom, pushing particles out of the particles were found in a low-velocity environment, com-
the way. This creates an avenue of particles to the sides of pared with Re, -10 000, where only 58% were (at
the vortex path. If the particles are small, in the sense that the Re,=5000 the particle streaks were too dense to enable
vortices are sufficiently energetic to entrain them, then most effective velocity measurements of the fluid surrounding in-
will be entrained while only a few will be pushed aside. dividual particles). The velocity of the surrounding fluid was
Consequently, the streaks that form do not contain many par- taken as the average of all fluid velocity data points within
ticles. If the particles are large, then few will be entrained, five wall units of a particle, as illustrated in Fig. 8. The
and most will be pushed aside, forming massive streaks. Fig- distance from each particle was computed from the particle
ure 6, taken from Kaftori et al.,’ shows how 275 ,um par- velocity and the time between the data samples immediately
ticles at the bottom of the channel are dispersed by a sweep. preceding and following that particle in the LDA data time
In this (top) view the motion somewhat resembles a street series (Fig. 8). The 100 ,um particles could also be seen to
cleaner, and it is consistent with a projected image of the form streaks on video but the streaks usually contained only
action of a fast moving streamwise vortex. On the other a few particles. The 900 pm particles also formed streaks on
hand, 900 ,um particles at Re,=+SOOO were too heavy to be video, but there the streaks were usually less distinct than
entrained. These particles were pushed aside by the high- with the smaller particles. In general, these particles seemed
speed sweeps and formed streaks, as illustrated in Fig. 7, also to be more evenly distributed, as illustrated in Fig. 5(e).
from Kaftori et al.” These data imply that the tendency of particles to ag-
It appears that the particle streaks coincide with regions glomerate into streaks may be a function of particle size.
of low-speed fluid. This was also found by Rashidi et al.,l While streaks formed with all particle sizes, the ones of in-
Pedinotti et al,” and Hetsroni and Rozenblit.7 In the video, termediate size, in this case D ’ = 5.5 (7p = 1.77), tended to
the particles in the streaks generally move slower than par- form streaks more than larger or smaller ones.
ticles outside of the streaks. In addition, most of the 275 pm Turning back to Fig. 5, it can be seen that at Re,=SOOO

Phys. Fluids, Vol. 7, No. 5, May 1995 Kaftori, Hetsroni, and Banerjee 1101

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I$+ At I 5 r/u*

p xxxx xx Y
I II I I I t
1 At, At, At3 At, Ats Ate

FIG. 8. Jllustration of the definition of terms in the “fluid surrounding” a

particle (P). “ X “s indicate LDA fluid data points and “t” is time. The same
was done with data points preceding the particle in the data sequence.

the streaks of the 100 and 275 ,~tn particles are long. In fact,
they extend almost continuously throughout the length of the
channel. The reason is that once particles settle in streaks at
this shear rate, the flow is not powerful enough to entrain
many particles, and the local concentration near the wall be-
comes very high. Consequently, the streaks become massive
to the point where the flow structures cannot disperse them.
When this occurs a vortex may cause a discontinuity in a
streak, shift a streak off the streamwise axis by a small
amount, split a streak into two new ones, or cause two
streaks to merge, but seldom is it powerful enough to cause a
streak to disappear altogether, as at higher Reynolds num-
bers. Many other times a vortex can be seen to “ride” on top
of a particle streak and displace particles from the top layer,
but without changing the overall shape of the streak. In any
case, the visual impression of an overall continuity of the
streaks is maintained.
As the Reynolds number or, equivalently in this case,
with fixed water depth, the shear rate, is increased for a given
fluid-particle combination, more particles are entrained and
the streaks begin to shrink in size until they become similar
to Fig. 5(c). If the shear rate is increased further, more par-
ticles are entrained and the streaks disappear because there
are not enough particles at the wall.
If, on the other hand, the shear rate is reduced, the par-
ticle streaks progress downstream at a slower and slower rate
while becoming more and more massive. At some point their
progression stops altogether and they agglomerate into
dunes, shaped like fat domes, which roll downstream at an
extremely slow pace.


Large-scale wall structures are considered to be an im-
portant factor in particle deposition and resuspension. In or-
der to determine the role of the funnel vortices in these pro-
cesses, the number of particles inside vortices, the
trajectories of these particles, and their normal (u ‘) and
streamwise (U ‘) fluctuating velocity components were exam-
ined and compared to particles outside the vortices. The
structures themselves were detected in the LDA data by
means of a conditional sampling method, which combines a
PIG. 7. Bottom to top, Progression of three high-speed regions along the version of the u ‘u ’ level technique and the TKE technique.
bottom and the formation of particle streaks along their path. Plow is up-
ward. Horseshoes indicate the starting point of the vortices, 900 pm par- In this method a Row structure is said to occur if either the
ticles, Re,m5OOO. ‘Die between frames: 0.17 s. shear product (i.e., instantaneous Reynolds stress; see Rob-

1102 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 7, No. 5, May 1995 Kaftori, Hetsroni, and Banerjee

Copyright ©2001. All Rights Reserved.



Particle size [/.m~]

FIG. 9. Ratio of particle fluxes inside and outside funnel vortices. 3 of particles J of particles 100 pm 900 &ml
with e-0 with v’<O

inson et al.19), or the two-dimensional turbulent kinetic en- FIG. 11. Characteristic particle velocities at y+--30. The values shown are
ergy, rise above some threshold. For full details, see typical velocities, not representing a specific experiment.
Kaftori16 and Kaftori et al.’ All values reported in this sec-
tion were measured at an elevation of y + ~30.
higher than the theoretical settling velocity in still fluid
The flux of particles inside funnel vortices~was higher
(Table III). W ith the 900 pm ones, the rms was of the same
than in the surrounding fluid, where the term “particle flux”
order as the measured settling velocity. This is also shown in
refers to the number of particles counted at the measuring
Fig. 11. These data indicate that close to the wall the vertical
point per unit time. W ith 100 pm particles the average flux
motion of small particles was mainly controlled by the tur-
in the midst of vortices was 20% higher than outside and
bulence fluctuations, whereas with large particles gravita-
with 900 pm it was nearly double, as depicted in Fig. 9. Both
tional settling was a more dominant factor.
were independent of Reynolds number. It must also be
Finally, the average fluctuating streamwise velocity com-
pointed out that the vortices only occupied the measuring
point approximately one-third of the time, Of the particles ponents of upward moving particles (i.e., ~lV,,a) inside the
found inside vortices, most were with a positive vertical ve- vortices was of the order of the negative rms value of the
locity (ZJ‘>O), indicating an upward trajectory, away from fluid at y + ~30. For similar particles outside the vortices,
the wall layer (Fig. 10). The ratio of upward to downward this average velocity component was nearly zero. This sug-
moving particles is close to even for small particles and in- gests that ascending particles in the vortices originate near
creases with particle size. the wall, where the streamwise velocity is small. By the time
The average vertical velocity of particles inside funnel
particles are lifted up to the point of measurement, they have
vortices was usually higher than outside. For particles with not had time to accelerate to the surrounding velocity at that
an upward trajectory the average ratio of u ’ inside to outside elevation, and therefore their streamwise velocity is rela-
was 1.8. For particles with a downward trajectory the ratio tively small. The average streamwise velocity of particles
was 1.6. This is illustrated in Fig. 11. These ratios were vir- outside of the vortices, on the other hand, is much closer to
tually independent of Reynolds number or particle size. The that of the fluid, indicating that they have been in suspension
actual value of the vertical velocity fluctuations (rms) of the long enough to adapt.
Observations of particle motion combined with oxygen
100 v particles was more than an order of magnitude
microbubbles visualization also indicate that funnel vortices
are the dominant entrainment mechanism. When a vortex
passes over a particle, it may lift it off the wall, provided that
the vortex is energetic enough for the given particle size. The
;? trajectory of the particle at this stage may be at an angle to
P the flow axis because of the streamwise rotation of the funnel
‘Z vortex (Fig. 6). At this point, the particle may proceed in a
a 60 number of ways, depending on the combination of density
2 ratio, trajectories of particle and fluid, and the kinetic ener-
?i gies and inertia of the particle and the fluid. One option is
;;I that the particle is simply lifted up with the vortex all the
t= way to the outer region, where it may break away from the
vortex due to inertia or gravity, or simply be left in suspen-
sion when the vortex dissipates in the flow. Another option is
that the particle is tossed sideways and/or upward, away
Particle size [pm]
from the vortex that lifted it. This particle may now settle
FIG. 10. Percentage of particles with an upward trajectory inside funnel back down or be engulfed by a neighboring vortex. A third
vortices. possibility is that the particle is lifted up, completes a full

Phys. Fluids, Vol. 7, No. 5, May 1995 Kaftori, Hetsroni, and Banerjee 1103

Copyright ©2001. All Rights Reserved.

PIG. 13. Possible trajectories of particles across a funnel vortex. ParticIe
“A” is descending-the equivalent of particle “A” in Fig. 12. Particle “B”
is lifted from the wall. Dashed lines illustrate possible progressions.

loop, and comes back toward the wall with the same vortex,
at which stage it may be deposited at the wall or be lifted
upward again.
Some of these situations can be seen in the sequence of
photographs in Fig. 12, which shows a vortex passing over a
layer of 275 pm particles at Reh = 6700. The particle de-
noted by “A,” for example, was entrained into the vortex at
approximately the elevation shown. Before it was entrained,
the particle was on a downward trajectory. After it was en-
trained, it was initially lifted up somewhat in the vortex, but
was then carried back down. When it came close to the wall
it started to hover horizontally above it and disappeared from
view. The particle denoted by “B,” on the other hand, was
picked up from the wall. It was then lifted up and did not
show a tendency to return to the wall. This particle was
eventually carried up into the outer flow. Also shown in the
figure is how particles are picked up off the wall by a part of
the vortex (“C”) that touches down.
An interesting characteristic, which is demonstrated in
Fig. 12, as well as in other video sequences, is that the par-
ticle rate of motion in the wall normal direction may be
reduced while it is inside a vortex. In other words, a particle
may be captured by a vortex and travel with it parallel to the
wall for relatively long distances, rather than continue what-
ever vertical motion it might have had initially. Particle “A”
in Fig. 12 is an example of such a case, where a particle that
was initially on a downward trajectory is caught by a vortex
and carried horizontally in the direction of flow. Eventually
the particle did seem to reach the wall, but in doing so it
covered a longer streamwise distance than it would have had
it not been caught in the vortex.
In essence, it appears that the motion of particles through
the vortices can often be described as a holding pattern.
Some possible trajectories are sketched in Fig. 13. A particle
may enter a vortex at some rate of ascent or descent. Inside
the vortex the particle acquires a trajectory, which is, on the
average, more parallel to the wall, while it is twirled around
in the vortex. At this stage the average rate of motion toward
or away from the wall slows down considerably or may even
be reversed. In other words, the particle is being delayed by
the vortex. After the particle leaves the vortex it acquires a
new rate of ascent or descent that is close to the original rate.
PIG. 12. Top to bottom. The motion of particles in a funnel vortex. Particle One important implication of such motion may be that par-
“A” was on a downward trajectory. When it enters the vortex it is initially titles spend more time inside funnel vortices in the lower
raised upward somewhat, but then continues with the same vortex loop in an
arc toward the bottom. Particle “B” is picked off the bottom and is continu-
part of the boundary layer than elsewhere, and therefore the
ously lifted without returning downward. In point “C” the vortex loop number of particles found there may be higher than ex-
touches the wall and blows particles off. 275 ,um particles, Rq= 6700. petted. This issue is discussed in Paper II of this study.

1104 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 7, No. 5, May 1995 Kaftori, Hetsroni, and Banerjee

Copyright ©2001. All Rights Reserved.

V. DISCUSSION bringing particles from the outer flow to the wall layer may
The data presented above suggest that most aspects of explain this phenomenon.
particle motion and behavior in the turbulent boundary layer The fact that the vortices assist in particle deposition is
are affected by coherent wall structures. If funnel-shaped supported by the studies of McLaughlin,12 and of Brooke
vortices are conceived to be as the dominant type of struc- et all3 The eddies and fluid motion described there are con-
ture, then a consistent interpretation of the experimental ob- sistent with the description of funnel vortices.
servations is possible. When particles that are at the wall are not entrained by a
It appears, from video and LDA data, that the structures passing vortex, they are often pushed aside by it and form
are the primary entrainment mechanism. An overall picture streaks along the path of the vortex (Figs. 5-7). The data
of the particle entrainment and deposition cycle, with rela- found here suggest that the tendency of particles to agglom-
tion to the structures, may be as follows. erate into streaks may be related to their size, where particles
When a vortex is developing over a particle that is at the of the intermediate size tend to form streaks more than others
wall, the particle may be lifted and entrained into the vortex (although particle streaks were observed with all sizes). A
(Fig. 12). The particle then travels with the vortex for some similar trend was found by Pedinotti et aL6 by direct numeri-
distance, until it eventually breaks away due to its inertia or cal simulation of horizontal channel flow, and by Squires and
because the vortex has dissipated in the flow. The average Eaton2’ in simulations of isotropic turbulence. This behavior
wall normal velocity of the particle inside the vortex is may be due to inertial effects. Small particles, having low
higher than that of particles outside the vortices (Fig. ll), inertia and short relaxation times, can follow the fluid motion
probably as a result of the strong rotational motion in the and will therefore be distributed more evenly throughout the
vortices. Consequently, particles in the vortices have a higher flow. In contrast, once large particles are propelled in some
probability of reaching higher elevations and being distrib- direction by an eddy, they will continue their motion for a
uted throughout the flow. relatively long time because of their high inertia and long
Once released, the particle begins to settle under gravity. relaxation time. In doing so, they have a good chance of
A settling particle may simply descend all the way to the crossing through the quiescent regions where streaks~usually
wall, or it may be captured by another vortex and travel with form, and into neighboring eddies. These particles will also
it until it is released again. Since vortices are virtually the have a lesser tendency to concentrate in streaks. Intermediate
only place where particles that are rising from the wall can particles, on the other hand, will be pushed out of the way of
be found, while settling particles can be found both inside an approaching eddy because their relaxation time is too long
and outside vortices, the flux of particles inside is higher, and for them to follow its motion. However, since their inertia is
the majority of particles in the vortices have a trajectory not very high, they will not be thrown far and will end up in
away from the wall (Figs. 9 and 10). Of the settling particles streaks along the path of the eddy.
outside of the vortices, large ones settle fast and are not Finally, one additional point should be mentioned. It ap-
much affected by turbulence fluctuations. Therefore there are pears that particles tend to concentrate inside funnel vortices
few large particles in suspension. Small particles, on the more than elsewhere (Fig. 9). This fact may have an effect on
other hand, settle slowly, and their motion is much more the overall particle distribution in the flow and affect the
influenced by random fluctuations. Consequently, there are characteristics of the structures themselves. This will be dis-
many of them in suspension outside the vortices, resulting in cussed in the other parts of this work.
smaller ratios in the figures.
It is likely that the funnel vortices also aid in particle
deposition by bringing particles toward the wall. As men-
tioned earlier, the wall normal velocity of particles with a The measurements and observations in this study indi-
downward trajectory was higher inside the vortices than out- cate that coherent wall structures are the dominant factor
side them (Fig. 11). Thus, particles inside the vortices will affecting particle motion near a solid boundary in turbulent
reach the wall layer faster than particles which are simply flow, as well as deposition and entrainment. While this was
settling under gravity. In addition, these particles will have a suggested earlier by several researchers, this work provides
better chance to penetrate the wall layer and be deposited at statistical and visual data, which confirms these hypotheses.
the wall. The study also provides an assessment of the mechanisms
In this context, it is worthwhile noting that in some cases that affect the motion of particles in the boundary layer, and
sedimentation due to gravity could not account for the large the entrainment and deposition processes.
number of particles near the bottom. In this work the 100 ,um The behavior of particles in the wall region appear to be
particles entered the channel from the inlet tank in a homo- consistent with the dominant underlying structures being
geneous suspension. Nonetheless, a distribution similar to funnel vortices. The vortices, being high-speed regions rela-
Fig. 5(a), where most of the particles are settled at the bot- tive to the fluid in the viscous layer, sweep along the wall,
tom, was established within a short distance into the channel. pushing particles out of the way. In doing so they create
For these particles the terminal settling velocity in still fluid conditions where particles may be entrained if they are light
is of the order of 3X10-j m/s (Table III). At this velocity a enough. If the particles are too heavy to be entrained, then
much longer time would be required for particles to accumu- they are pushed aside and form particle streaks, which are, in
late near the bottom+ven if no resuspension mechanism fact, avenues along the sides of the paths traced by the vor-
were to exist. A process where the funnel vortices assist in tices.

Phys. Fluids, Vol. 7, No. 5, May 1995 Kaftori, Hetsroni, and Banerjee 1105

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1106 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 7, No. 5, May 1995 Kaftori, Hetsroni, and Banerjee

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