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> Advanced » With answers George Yule Oxfo rd Practice Grammar Supplementary Exercises Ideal for self-study tit Sa OXFORD Contents Introduction Sentences Simple sentences and verbs Subjects and verbs Verbs and objects Verbs with indirect objects and clauses Linking verbs ‘Compound and complex sentences Tenses Verbs, auxiliary verbs and tenses Present and present perfect Past and past perfect Present perfect or past simple or past perfect? Fature Modals Modals and phrasal modals Complex modals Prediction, willingness, habits and preferences: will, would, etc. Ability and permission: can, could, ete. Possibility: may, inight, etc. Necessity: must, have to, etc. Deduction and obligation: must, cart, should, etc, Negatives and questions Word order in negatives and questions Negative questions and question tags Negative words Question words Other question types ‘The passive Active and passive Passives with modals, infinitives and gerunds Passive verbs ‘The uses of the passive Passives with by-phrases and ergatives; passives with get NaueeNnn oo 10 2 B B 4 15 16 7 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Articles and nouns ‘Types of articles and nouns Articles: a/an or the A/an or one, a/an or no article, the or noarticle Nouns: countable and uncountable Nouns: generic, pair, group, plural and singular (+s) Possessive and compound nouns Articles and nouns in discourse Determiners and quantifiers Determiners Quantifiers Someand any, no and none All, both, half, whole, each, every, either and neither ‘Many, much and a lot (of), moreand most (A) few, (a) little, etc., muultipliers, fractions and percentages Pronouns, substitution and ellipsis Personal, generic and possessive pronouns Demonstrative and indefinite pronouns Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns Empty subjects itand there Substitution: one, ones, so and do so Ellipsis Adjectives and adverbs Adjectives: emphasizing, describing, classifying Adjectives: position and punctuation Participle adjectives, compound adjectives and adjectives as nouns Position of adverbs; adverbs of place, time, frequency, expectation, focus Adverbs: degree, manner, viewpoint, comment Equatives, comparatives and superlatives 30 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 37 38 39 44 45 46 48 49 49 50, 51 52 53 a 10 2 1B 4 15 Wv Prepositions Prepositions and prepositional phrases Prepositions of time: af, in, on, during, for, since, etc. Prepositions of place: at, in, on, above, below, between, etc. Prepositions of movement and place: from, across, along, etc. Prepositions used for connections and exceptions: of with, except, etc. Phrasal verbs Infinitives and gerunds Simple infinitives and gerunds Verbs with infinitives and gerunds ‘Adjectives, nouns and pronouns with infinitives and gerunds Reporting, Direct speech Indirect speech Reporting verbs Reporting statements and questions Reporting orders, requests, advice and opinions Noun clauses ‘That-clauses and wh-clauses Noun clauses as subjects and objects Nouns with noun clauses Adjectives with noun clauses; the subjunctive or should Uses of noun clauses Relative clauses Relative clauses and relative pronouns Defining and non-defining relative clauses Reduced relative clauses Possessives, pronouns and prepositions in relative clauses Relative clauses with where, what, whatever, etc. Conditionals Real conditionals Unreal conditionals Mixed conditionals, order and punctuation ‘The uses of conditionals Only if, even if, unless, whether, ifs, etc. 355 355 37 58 59 60 6 61 62 63 64 65 65 66 67 68 69 70 70 n 72 73 74 75 75 76 77 78 79 80 80 81 83 84 16 7 ‘Adverbial clauses Adverbial clauses and conjunctions Time clauses Manner clauses and reason clauses Purpose clauses and result clauses, Contrast clauses and reduced adverbial clauses Connectors and focus structures Connectors Connectors, prepositions and conjunctions Adding and contrasting connectors Result, time and listing connectors Focus structures Answer key 85 85 87 88 89 90 90 92 93 94 95 41 41.2 1.3 . Sentences Simple sentences and verbs »>B3 Complete each paragraph with one set of verbs (not necessarily in this order). be/do/have consist/nothave/ resemble Snot look / seem / sneeze A Mollie. _- well today. She (1). (2) to have a very high temperature. B These new stairs (3) ieces of dark wood. However, they (4). any wood in them, They (5).. swan Mainly of recycled rubber from old tyres. C The old manager (6) very hard-working. He (7).... his job well. He always (8)... positive attitude. We don't know why he was fired. .all the time. She Using a dictionary if necessary, complete the sentences with these adjectives and verbs. scary silky sleek stiff feel look not believe not taste sceptical skinny sour still include move —notbend —_—weigh 1 There wasa new sports car outside. It. $0 smooth and shiny. 2. This material is smooth and ...00.0 3. There was no wind so the air was. not evena leaf. 4 Many people are. about government promises. They. .them. 5 We can't use the cardboard because it’s too... woe Tt tall. 6 Thedrink hada vnneflavour because ofthe limes. It _..very good. 7 We found the lost dog, It was... _..and weak. It _.almost nothing. 8 The medical information on the bottle w ‘was rather warnings about side effects such as headaches, dizziness and fainting, Rewrite this dialogue after correcting the other twelve mistakes. Rosa: I talked to Christina yesterday. ee She, seemed tobe, unhaom Lani: What was she wanting? - Rosa: She was appear to bea bit upset about her jol Lani: I'm not knowing why.... . Rosa; She hate the work you gave he, «wun Lani: Well, she just lazy Rosa: Maybe. But she isn’t understand how she should to do the work. Lani: Oh. And you're believing her? Rosa: I'm think she isn’t feel that she’ can come to you for help. Lani: Okay. But maybe she’s just preferring. to talk rather than work. 1.4 1.5 1.6 1 SENTENCES Subjects and verbs >B4 Add one of these verbs to each of the sentences. Yaren't does doesn't don’t hasn't have is ist was were would aren't Example: Why { people more angry with this government? 1 Where alli the flowers gone? 2. Most babies wake up and cry during the night? 3. Behind them and preventing their escape a large man with two dogs. 4 Just to get through one day without a major emergency bea big relief. 5. Thate that my new pair of shorts have any pockets. 6 Everyone in our team playing well just now. 7 Theeconomic news for many Asian countries been good recently. 8 Because of computer games dominoes played as much now. 9. What two kilos of potatoes cost? 10 The local police unable to control the huge crowd at the football match. Complete these quiz questions with is or are and try to choose correct answers. @ what anny Smiths? (...) (A) apples (8) a.small park with benches (©) underwear © what... . the Stars and Stripes? (...) (A) aflag (8) poetry (© ships © what... .. Smarties made of? (...) (A) chocolate (8) icecream (©) toffee © inwhich season...... ingle Bells’ most likely to be heard? (...) (A) spring (8) summer (©) winter © where. .. the Rockies? (..) (A) Australia (8) Canada (© Scotland © what ... Windows used for? (...) (A) deaning glass (8) making weather forecasts (©) operating a computer Complete each sentence with one of these nouns plus is or are. crowd days inches politics staff_—_ toast 1 I think that...... really boring. 2 Six... ssn halfa foot. 3) Three oF fOUr ss enough time to see most of Amsterdam. 4 Teaand. all I usually have for breakfast. 5 The... full of people who don't support the tax increase. 6 The school ww allowed to bring their own children to the school. 1 SENTENCES 17 1.8 1.9 Verbs and objects > 6 Complete each sentence with one set of verbs plus object pronouns where necessary. o buy/ fix/ sell call/ catch / see carry/cut/ heat eat / not believe / not like protect / rob/ sleep Example: They PY. ..oceonnmnne and AX.. 1 She, 1d cars, then Zl. thene ... for a profit. the pie in the oven, then... ~snnnenene iNtO Six slices and into the ting room. 2. Ryan says he... so w» pizza, but I. .because I remember he «the last time we got one. 3. Wethought our dog would. , but some people broke into our house and _.while the dog . 4. Luckily the robbers. _-by one of our neighbours WhO ..0.0nennenn the police and they. Using a dictionary if necessary, complete each definition with one pair of verbs plus object pronouns and prepositions where necessary. affect/cause fly/hang hide/find — make/put —pay/ prevent stop / travel A hang-gliding: a sport in which you (0) w...0 While YOU (2) anne frame like a kite. B hay fever: an illness that ( ~~ the nose, eyes and throat and (4). = pollen from plants. C hide-and-seek: a children’s game in which one player covers his or her eyes while the other players (5) D hitchhiking: to (7).. give youalift. E hot-water bottle: a rubber container that can be filled with water and (9) 10 (10) ns warm. F hush money: money that (11) to someone to (12)... other people information that could be embarrassing or damaging. by trying to get passing vehicles to (8). Correct the fourteen mistakes in these sentences. 1 She packed her bags, carried downstairs and put the back seat of the car. 2 Loffered my seat to an older woman who just smiled me and said she didn't need. 3 Thecold air made me shiver a little while I was waiting him, but I didn't care that. 4 My grandparents came Poland and were arrived here after the war, but they don't discuss. 5 When the accident happened us, everybody screamed, but we were escaped without injury. 6 My children hate it the big dog next door that growls them every time they go the shop. 1.10 1.11 1.12 1 SENTENCES Verbs with indirect objects and clauses >B8 Complete each sentence with one pair of words plus object pronouns and prepositions where necessary. bet/show bring/read buy/sell cook / make describe/ explain V'do/give lend tell Example: [icon FAVOUF -- $0F-.-e Richard last week and he....4ve.n...wo free concert tickets. 1 Lhave an evening job as a babysitter for two small boys and sometimes they'll. one of their little Books... and ask me t 2 Paul the bicycle nun _- his daughter, but she didnt lke it so he a Freddy. Ifyoure hungry, Ican wa sandwich or... our problem with the task directions... again more clearly. a pound that you can't that he had a chainsaw and he would... some pasta... ow Mis Marshall cml on the map where Andorrais. . if 1 needed it. 6 Ray... Complete each sentence with a meaning similar to the sentence above it, using these verbs: “assure boast convince cost shout Example: We've been told by Simon that it’s safe. Simon...... has. assured us. that. ‘My aunt told the salesman ‘Go away’ in a very loud voice. MY Unt eons ‘We spent over £250 to repair the damage. Repairing... v She didnt follow the doctor’ advice that she had to stop smoking. we ‘The doctor. — ‘My friends listened to Derek saying proudly that he had alot of ‘money. Derek was. * Correct the other twelve mistakes in these sentences. Parents try to teach te their children that they should say people ‘please’ when they are asking for something and ‘thank you’ when the person gives it them. People usually say ‘thank you’ or ‘thanks’ somebody who has made something them or has bought a present them. e People say ‘thanks’ the person in a shop who gets things them and when the salesperson gives their change them or hands their credit card them back. * People often senda “Thank you’ card or letter a friend who has sent to them a special present and they usually tell that they like the present. 1 SENTEI 1.13 1.14 1.15 s Linking verbs »B\10 Complete each dialogue with appropriate forms of one set of verbs. be/call/look/ seem be / feel/notseem/notsound call/ make / smell / taste A Her: HOW (0) sococneeenenon YOU this morning? Him: I'm) _.-a bit better. My throat 3) o..sesssiennnnnnnn 8 SOFE NOW. Her: ‘That's good. Your voice ().... .~as hoarse as it did last night. B Him: The woman in the photo 6)... ©. nvoweew heer Bitsy. She (7) -voscneu tO havea smile just like yours. : Yes. People say I (8) ..more like her than my mother. .-my aunt Elizabeth. Everyone What are you cooking? It (9) nv. -teally good. 2 It's (10) a ‘bouillabaisse. It can (11) -onemmnom sano bit fishy. Oh, I like fish. It’s (12) s-vnnensoneTMe Feally hungry. Complete each sentence with an adjective and a pair of verbs plus like where necessary. dreadful dreary ‘feel / look look/ not seem dreamy drenched get / turn sound / sound 1 Alicia _.very interested in school, always has a her face and never a serious student. 2. The weather's... sn FEALLY sone ..again today and I... staying indoors. 3. The man next door sings in the shower and tries to... _.. an opera singer, but he really... : 4 dark and it started raining heavily so we ‘The sky suddenly. an ...0n our way back across the park, Choose an ending (a-e) for each beginning (1-5) and add appropriate forms of these verbs. become come get grow turninto 1 Inhistory, we heard about how Hawaii (...) a 2 In cookery, we were shown howbread(..)b 3. Inbiology, we studied how tadpoles (...) c warmer. 4 In English, we were told how Mary Evans(..)d. .. part of the United States. 5. In geography, we learned that ocean e to be known as George temperatures (....) Eliot. 1.16 1.17 1.19 1 SENTENCES Compound and complex sentences > 12 Create shorter forms of these sentences by drawing a line through parts that can be left out. Example: Harry likes to go skiing, he likesto play tennis and he likes to drive fast cars. 1 The two boys went into the forest, they got lost and they couldn't find their way out. 2. You can play a video game or you can watch TY, but you mustn't argue and you mustn't be noisy. 3. Ive been living in London and I've been mostly working in London for about eight years. 4 If] prepare the food and I cook the food, will you wash the dishes and will you dry the dishes? 5 The others had finished their work and Anna-Marie hadn't finished her work, so they were allowed to go to lunch early, but she wasnt allowed to go to lunch early. Using a dictionary if necessary, complete each descri expressions plus and or but, doesn’t or don’t. ion with one of these cold comfort cold fish hotair hot head 1A :someone who is unfriendly smn any emotion. 2 -nmnu Statements of promises that sound impressive _.have any real meaning or truth. 3A . son someone who acts 100 quickly ..-.nnrnnn think of what might happen. 4 .~-eum ? HeWS that is intended to make you feel better in a bad because the bad situation continues. Complete each sentence with a meaning similar to the one above it, using either or neither. 1 Not only do they not speak Spanish at school, they also don't speak it at home now. The Yonsei sn 2. You can't play in the park with your friends and also go shopping with us. You, — Correct the other ten mistakes in these paragraphs. A Parents still sing old songs are called nursery rhymes to their children while they still very young. ‘The rhymes are popular because short, they easy to sing and they are make children laugh. B In the business world, people try to be punctual and are never arrive late for an important appointment. If you're arrive late for a job interview, for example, it may suggest you unreliable or you don't really interested in that job. Many people try to arrive a few minutes early for their appointment or interview so that relaxed and they don't in a last minute rush. 24 22 2.3 24 4 gatos Verbs, auxiliary verbs and tenses > 17 Complete each sentence with appropriate forms of one set of verbs. arrive/cheer/play be/find/help not do/stop/ wait A When Debbie was trying to train her dog outside, all we could hear was, (1) “ and, (2) sn sno pulling? and, (3)... ens that B ['mtrying (4. sens Colin $0 that I can ask him (8) ene meor (6) evens nnnnennen here Hater in case we need him. C When 1) sun the party, the children (@) a game with a balloon and some of the parents (9) sussnesnnn loudly. ‘Complete each sentence with a meaning similar to the one above it, using these verbs: believe own seem want Those cars don't all belong to Jeremy. Jeremy... x None of the. aw has shown any interest in extra exercises. ‘They... ‘Amanda is lookinga bit depressed these ca isn’t she? Amanda eo 4 His story wasn't credible. ‘They: Complete these two definitions with appropriate forms of these verbs: be happen laugh mean notknow wait A Ifan audience was ‘in stitches, it (.... B When you feel that you are ‘in limbo’, you (3) @ . what (5)... sumvminenninmnes» USUALLY BECAUSE YOU (6) -esneenesee for someone else to mise decision they (2) sanone varaneoee UNCErtAIN aNd Correct the other ten mistakes in these sentences. acti 1 Evelyniisaet a bit naively if shes believing everything Martin tells her. 2. What you think about people who are owning lots of guns? 3 Allofus supporting our team tomorrow when they trying to win the championship. 4. The grass not looking so green now because it isn't raining since last month. 5. Before the new girl was joined our group, everybody been getting along really well. 6 Ifthey hadn't worked over the weekend, they wouldn't completed the job in time. 25 2.6 27 2 TENSES Present and present perfect »G18 Using a dictionary if necessary, complete each definition with a noun and pair of verbs in the present simple or present continuous. circles vrut wings dark syne happen / not know need / wait W live / change / seem move / work not make / talk A When you are if. a 0 ecnnnnm 2 YOU won. 808. living... in a situation that never @. and Q).. boring. B When a discussion is going in @) » people (4) something for a long time, but they (5) any progress. C Ifyourre in the (6) ecco sow ABOU een you (7)... what Ce D When two people or things are in (9) .....-ennnmmnnnenen » they (10).. together smoothly oF they (I) ..u....00:1mnnnein the same way at the same speed. E When someone or something is in the (12) w.enomomnnsnne thy (13) nearby and ready in case someone (14) sensu them, Complete each sentence with one pair of verbs, using the present simple, present continuous, present perfect or present perfect continuous. apologize/have be/rain hang/have __play/ wear 1 We .adryer, so we --nm Our clothes on a line outside to dry. 2 Talways _..these old trainers when | vuumuan tennis on Fridays. 31 smn FOF the delay. We scnuesnnonn a bit of trouble with our computers at the moment. 4 We... saves OUt DECAUSE it... all day. Complete this interview involving a student (Her) and a professor (Him), using appropriate forms of these verbs. get go have like live notthink —notvisit prefer teach __ think Her: Howlong () asesoeennnrennnos you . in England? Him: Oh, 1 Q)......... about that. = Erm, I (3) ... that] (4) at the university for about twenty years. Her: Wow! “Thats along time. (5)... YOU CVEF san. back to Italy? Him: Oh, of course. But I (6).... my home town since about 2004. Her: So, (7)... you living in England? Him: Well, after: a along time 1 (8) .. used to life here, I (9) alotof friends here and I (10)... amy joba lot.

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