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Song et ai Reply: Reference [1] is correct in that the va- rather than the linewidth gives a bound on the diffusion
lidity of the theoretical analysis presented in our Letter coefficient 1-2 orders of magnitude smaller than that of
[2] is limited to the low temperature region where the Ref. [1]. Consequently, we infer that at low tempera-
amplitude of vortex fluctuations is small. At high tem- tures, local dynamics of the flux lattice is a more likely
perature, above the depinning temperature, it is possible scenario than vortex diffusion.
that the physical diffusion of vortices (in addition to The NWU part of this work was supported by the Sci-
thermal fluctuations) affects the magnetic field distribu- ence and Technology Center for Superconductivity under
tion measured by the NMR spectrum. However, below NSF Cooperative Agreement No. DMR 91-20000.
this temperature, diffusion is suppressed and only the vor-
tex fluctuations survive. This low temperature region, in Y. Q. Song,1 W. P. Halperin,1 L. Tonge,2 T. J. Marks,2
fact, is the main focus of our Letter. M. Ledvij/ V. G. Kogan,3 and L. N. Bulaevskii4
Based only on the measurements of the magnetic field department of Physics
distribution from the NMR spectrum [3], it is difficult to Northwestern University
distinguish between two scenarios where the dominant Evanston, Illinois 60208
department of Chemistry
source of narrowing of the field distribution is diffusion of
Northwestern University
the vortices or the positional fluctuations of vortices Evanston, Illinois 60208
around their thermal equilibrium. If we take the diffu- 3
Ames Laboratory and Department of Physics and Astronomy
sion constant D from Ref. [1] to be greater than 10 ~ 10 Iowa State University
m2/s, for T> 20 K, the distance 8 of diffusion during the Ames, Iowa 50011-3020
NMR experiment, / ~ 1 0 0 /is, is given by 8^VDF Los Alamos National Laboratory, T-l 1 B262
1000 A. This distance is 5 times the flux lattice spac- Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545
ing at our field of 3.5 T. Even at 5 K, this would be 2.5
times the flux lattice spacing. Under these circumstances, Received 26 August 1993
all nuclear spins would experience the same averaged PACS numbers: 74.25.Nf, 74.40.+k
field and not much broadening from the flux lattice could
be expected. The fact that significant NMR broadening [1] J. T. Moonen, D. Reefman, and H. B. Brom, preceding
is generally observed in superconductors below their tran- Comment, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 176 (1994).
sition temperature suggests that the field inhomogeneity [2] Y.-Q. Song etal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 3127 (1993).
is static on the time scale of the NMR measurement and [3] The main argument for low temperaturefluctuationswas
the diffusion coefficient is likely not as large as given by based primarily on our measurements of the magnetic
Ref. [1] at low temperatures. This is confirmed by the field shift at the saddle points of flux lattice [2l. The
fact that the transverse relaxation, \/T2, the decay rate of linewidth measurements, as pointed out in Ref. [ll, are
less accurate. Further complication to the interpretation
the transverse nuclear magnetization ( » 10 kHz at 6 K) of the linewidth data can be due to effects of pinning on
is much less than the NMR linewidth ( « 3 0 0 kHz at 6 thefielddistribution. The intensity of the impurity peak
K). The physical process of vortex diffusion is stochastic, is quite low in our sample and it did not affect the deter-
very similar to atomic diffusion in an inhomogeneous field mination of saddle point field shift at low temperatures.
for which the diffusion constant D can be determined At high temperature, this impurity peak is well separated
from 7*2 measurement. Using our measurements of 7*2 from the main resonance.

0031-9007/93/72(0/177(1)$06.00 177
© 1993 The American Physical Society

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