Jan2017 Valen DSA Syllabus

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Urdaneta City University


Department of Computer Engineering


A dynamic university that envisions to be a Center of Development and WE, the OFFICIALS, EMPLOYEED and STUDENTS of URDANETA CITY
Excellence in producing SMART professionals. UNIVERSITY, do hereby pledge to commit ourselves to establish a SMART
university where stakeholders are:
MISSION Service-driven -taking the initiative to provide for the needs the stakeholders
Committed to establish a SMART university where stakeholders are: Motivated -having the enthusiasm to give one’s best
Service-driven -taking the initiative to provide for the needs the stakeholders Achiever -committing one’s self to excellence
Motivated -having the enthusiasm to give one’s best Responsive -highly conscious of needs
Achiever -committing one’s self to excellence Transformed Team Player -a dynamic member of the global society
Responsive -highly conscious of needs We vow that all our efforts shall lead to ONE VISION…ONE MISSION…and
Transformed Team Player -a dynamic member of the global society ONE IDENTITY…as ONE UCU.

Actualizing One Vision…One Mission…and One Identity…as One UCU

To Aim High and Be Amazing

College Vision and Mission

CEA Vision: CEA Mission:
Urdaneta City University will be known as one of the leading regional institutions The mission of the College of Engineering and Architecture is to provide
in engineering and architecture education. Its graduates will be well prepared to students with the best possible engineering education whilst promoting ethical
excel in their engineering and architecture fields, and to adapt to changes in the and spiritual values. The college is dedicated to equip students with the
technological sector. Its faculty will create an environment conducive to student- knowledge, technical skills, and values that prepare them to excel as engineers
centered learning and collaborative research. and leaders in their profession. The faculty members endeavor to serve the
community through research and supervision of industrial projects.

1 2 3 4
1. To produce highly competent computer engineers that are able to apply engineering
principles and methodologies that are able to conceptualize, design and implement new,
√ √ √ √
improved, or innovative electronic, computer and communication systems, devices, goods,
services and processes.
2. To produce innovative technical leaders those are able to contribute towards the
√ √ √ √
advancement of electronics and communication technologies.
3. To produce computer engineers with a well- developed sense of professional responsibility
√ √ √ √
and social awareness who can work independently or as part of a group.

Course Syllabus

1. Course Code : CpE1 3. Pre-requisite : Comp1 5. Credit/Class Schedule: 4 units(3 units Lec & 1
2. Course Title : Data Structure and Algo. 4. Co-requisite : none unit Lab) / 6 hours per week
Analysis 6. Year Level / Sem : 2nd yr / 2nd Sem
7. Course Description: The course includes linear data structures such as arrays, stacks, queues, linked-lists; nonlinear data structures such as generalized lists,
trees, and graphs; operations on these using algorithms such as insertions, deletions, and traversals

8. Program Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives

Program Educational Objectives

Program Outcomes
1 2 3

(a) √ √ √
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

(b) An ability to design to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyse and interpret √ √ √

(c) √ √ √
An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs

(d) √ √ √
An ability to function on multi-disciplinary terms

(e) √ √ √
An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems

(f) √ √
An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility

(g) √ √
An ability to communicate effectively

(h) √ √ √
The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering

(i) √ √ √
A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning

(j) √ √ √
A knowledge of contemporary issues

(k) An ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering √ √ √

9. Course Objectives and Relationship to Program Outcomes:

Course Objectives Program Outcomes

The students should be able to:

a b c d e F g H i j K
1. Recognize the different linear and nonlinear data structures √ √ √ √ √

2. Graphically represent any data structure √ √ √ √ √

3. Have a clear understanding of the algorithms for creating, accessing, and

√ √ √ √ √
destroying structural information

4. Determine the complexity of common algorithms √ √ √ √ √

5. Apply programming techniques like searching and sorting in solving √ √ √ √ √


10. Course Coverage:

Week Day Course Content Methodology and Strategy Evaluation Tools

Lecture, discussion on their roles in
1 1 UCU VMGO and program objectives, classroom policies and attaining the PMVO and program Recitation
course requirements objectives

2 Lecture, reading assignment

Introduction and design principles

2 1 Data Structures
Lecture, board work Short Quiz
Definition / Terminologies
Data Types
2 Analysis of algorithm Lecture, Laboratory exercise Laboratory exercise result
3 1 Quiz on data types and memory
Lecture, seatwork
Memory Representation of Data representation

2 Laboratory exercise Laboratory exercise result

Big-O arith
4 1 Lecture, seatwork
Abstract data types
2 Abstract Data types (cont’d) Quiz

5 1 Coverage: design principles, terminologies, data types,

Prelim Exams
memory representation and structure data types

2 Discussion on the answers of the Prelim


Structured Data Types

6 1 Arrays Lecture, assignment
a. Definition
b. Declaration

c. Initialization
2 d. Dimension Lecture, seat work
e. Strings
f. Passing Array to Functions
a. Definition
7 1 b. Declaration
Quiz on arrays
c. Initialization
d. Dimension
e. Passing Structures to Functions

2 Analysis of algorithm Laboratory exercise Laboratory exercise result

 Hanoi Tower
a. Pointer Variables
8 1 Lecture, Board work
b. Operators
c. Pointers and Arrays
d. Initializing Pointers
2 Long quiz on arrays, structures and

9 1 Graph – Shortest Paths, Spanning Trees Midterm Exam

2 Discussion on the answers on the

midterm exams

10 1 Lecture, assignment Recitation
a.Streams and Files
b.Random Access Files
2 Lecture, group Board work (games) Quiz on files and sorting
a. Quick Sort
b. Bucket Sort

c. Shell Sort
d. Insertion Sort
e. Tree Sort
11 1  Count sort Laboratory exercise result
 Male-Female count
List ADT
2 a. Declaration
Lecture, Assignment
b. Operations
c. Implementation of Lists
d. Singly Linked List
List ADT
12 1 e. Doubly Linked List Lecture, Seatwork
f. Circular Linked List
g. Doubly circular Linked List
2 Quiz on List ADT

13 1 Coverage: File, Sorting and Link ADT Semi-final Exam

Discussion on the answers on the Semi-

2 final exams

14 1 The Stack ADT Lecture, assignment Recitation

The Queue ADT

2 a. Declarations Lecture, board work
b. Operations
c. Implementations

15 1 Quiz on stack and queue ADT

2 a. Definition Lecture
b. Implementation
c. Tree Traversals
16 1 a. Binary Search Trees Lecture, group boardwork (games) Quiz on trees
b. Expression Trees
c. B-Tree

2 Laboratory exercise result

17 1 Lecture, board work
a. Basic Facts and Information
b. Warshall’s Algorithm
2 Lecture, seatwork Computer Exercises
Graph – Shortest Paths, Spanning Trees

18 Quiz on graphs

2 Coverage: from prelims to finals Final Exam

11. Course Outcomes and Relationship to Course Objectives / Program Outcomes

Program Outcomes
Course Outcomes Course Objectives
A student completing this course should at the
minimum be able 1 2 3 4 5 6 a b c d e f g h i j k

1. To familiarized with the history, different terminologies √ √ √

in design principles and data structures

2. Understand how data are stored and organized inside √ √ √ √ √
the computer’s memory.
√ √ √ √ √ √ √
1. Create an algorithm for data manipulation

2. Analyse how simple data types are combined to form √ √ √ √ √ √ √

composite data structures.
√ √ √ √ √ √
3. Operate on different data types

4. Compute for the memory address of a field in a √ √ √ √ √

structure type
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3. Analyse algorithms in different sorting methods.

√ √ √ √ √ √
4. Implement algorithms of list in a program.

5. To familiarized with the history, different terminologies √ √ √ √ √ √ √

in design principles and data structures

12.Textbook Goodrich, Michael T., Roberto Tamassia. Data Structures & Algorithms in Java. 4th ed. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, c2008

13.Grading System Prelim Grade = (Class standing 60% + Prelim Exam 40% )
Midterm Grade=(Class standing 60% + Prelim Exam 40% )
Final Grade
Tentative Final Grade =(Class standing 60% + Prelim Exam 40% )
Final Grade = (Prelim Grade + Midterm Grade + Tentative Final Grade ) / 3
Class standing includes Laboratory Activities (50%), Quizzes (20%), Assignments and Projects (15%), Recitation (10%),
Attendance (5%).
Passing grade is 75%
14.Other References Nyhoff, Larry and Leestma, Sanford, Data Structures and Program Design in Pascal, 2nd Edition, Macmillan Publishing
Company, 1992.
Stroustrup, Bjarne, The C++ Programming Language, 3rd Edition, AT & T, 1997.
Schildt, Herbert, Turbo C/C++ The Complete Reference, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1992.
Sedge Wick, Robert,Algorithms in C, 3rd Edition, Massachusetts, Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc., 1998.


15. Committee Members

Date Effective:
January 2017 Prepared by: Noted and Recommended by: Approved by:

January 2017 Faculty, CEA Dean, CEA VP for Academic Affairs

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