Artava - Janaka Dravya - Concept

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International Ayurvedic Medical Journal (ISSN: 2320 5091) (April - May, 2017) 1(4)


Manisha Gupta1, Anupama V2

Second Year PG Scholar, 2Reader, Dept. of PTSR,
Sri Kalabyraveswara Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital & Research Center, Bangalore, Karnataka
-560104, India


Published online: May, 2017

© International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, India 2017

Ayurveda is the science which deals with maintenance of health and cure of disease. It stands on the frame
work of Tridoshas, Sapta Dhathus and Trimalas. Apart from the sapta dhatus, upadhatus also play an impor-
tant role. In female, Artava the upadhatu of rasa dhatu is responsible for conception. Hence, the healthy status
of Artava is of prime importance when it comes to reproductive health. Any abnormality in Artava and its
functions has an impact on menstrual regulation as well as reproduction. So within the inherent constitutional
frame work of doshas and timely administration of Aushadha, Aahara and Vihara will restore the doshik bal-
ance which in turn keeps artava in samyavastha. Artavakshaya is one of the important diseases pertaining to
artava. It is characterised by delayed, scanty menstruation associated with pain in vagina. Artavakshaya is due
to avarana by doshas like Kapha or Vata or Kapha-vata. Dalhana says with Agneyadravyaupayoga, Artava
will increase as artava is also agneya in nature. By this the agni will be stimulated which helps in digestion of
ama, formation of ahara rasa, which later on forms the Rasa dhatu from which the Artava is formed. Various
drugs like Tila, Masha, Shana, Kumari, Vamsa, Hingu, Satavari, Satapushpa, Karpasa, Rasona, Jyotismati
are agneyadravya and artavajanaka in nature and hence proved very effective in case of menstrual abnormali-
ties. Thus menstrual health can be maintained from the onset of menstruation till the menopause. So an at-
tempt has been done to analyze the characteristics of artava janaka dravyas according to the prakruti and
doshic constituents of the women.

Keywords: Artava, Artava Janaka Dravyas, ArtavaKshaya, ArtavavahaSrotas, AratavaUtpatti.

“Rutau Bhawtiartavam” the word rutau means an upadhatu of Rasa dhatu, coming out for three
particular or specific time period and Bhavam days in every month from the age of 12 years and
means occurrence. In females, Rajas or Artava is ceases to flow at 50 years of age. The rakta in
Manisha Gupta & Anupama V: Artava Janaka Dravyas–A Conceptual Study

stree which reaches the garbha kostha (uterus) itself. Dalhana accepts presence of raja or shonita
every month and expelled for three days in every from the very childhood like shukra by giving the
month is called as Artava. simile “pushpmukulastho”, which is not visible
From the essence part of rasa the upadhatu artava due to very minute quantity. Artava is responsible
is formed. Artava is agneya, has characteristics of for secondary sexual characters. The formation of
Rakta. Artava possess the same characteristics as Shukra from Rasa takes place in one month and is
that of Rakta and helps in the formation of Garb- same for Artava formation in females. 12 years is
ha. It is one of the most important physiological the age of menarche where as menopause occurs in
processes which enable the formation of Garbha. jarapakva shareera i.e. at the age of 50. Kashyapa
Artava can be understood as Menstrual flow (In mentioned the age of sixteen years which is proba-
Samhitas the word Artava is used to denote men- bly the description of appropriate age for concep-
strual blood) and as Ovum (Artava is used to de- tion. While Arundatta opines that the probable age
note ovum at number of places in relation to ferti- may slightly vary in individual, menarche may
lization). occur at 11 years similarly menopause can be de-
Various opinion of Acharya’s: layed.
Chakrapani says that though Artava is visible at
twelve years of age but it is formed in garbhakala

Image 1: Formation Of Artava

Formation Ahara
of Artava Jataragni

Ahara Rasa Kitta

Rasa dhatu

Prasada bhaga Kitta bhaga Kapha

Sthula bhaga Sukshma bhaga

Upadhatu Uttarottara dhatu

Rasa dhatu


RUTU CHAKRA Role of kapha in Rutu Chakra

We do not have a direct reference of rutu chakra in Looking at the reference one can understand that
our classics, with the help of scattered references kapha dosha is predominant during rutukala. Dur-
an attempt is made to explain rutu chakra based on ing this period navina raja nirmana takes place, it
modern principles. is said to be Rutu Kala.

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Manisha Gupta & Anupama V: Artava Janaka Dravyas–A Conceptual Study

Acharya Vishwamitra states that tarpana of the kra. Any impairment in these doshas leads to Arta-
garbhasaya takes place during this period. This vavyapads.
takes place with the help of Bijavaha siras which APPLICABILITY OF ARTAVA JANAKA
resembles the sukshma kesha. For the process of DRAVYAS
tarpana, kapha dosha contributes predominantly.
Here in this phase, there is predominance of Prith- Dravyas which are Artava Janaka in nature will be
vi mahabhuta and jala mahabhuta. This happens helpful in conditions where there is impaired for-
every month with an intention that if pregnancy mation of Artava i.e. Artavakshaya or Anartava.
occurs then the garbhashaya is ready for implanta- These conditions occur whenever there is distur-
tion. bance in the harmony of doshas in Rutu Chakra.
Predominance of vata dosha associated with pitta
Role of Pitta in Rutu Chakra dushti where Vata due to its ruksha guna can lead
The rutu vyatitakala is a period unfit for concep- to reduced quantity of Artava, leading to condi-
tion; it is because the yoni mukha closes. tions like Kshinartava/Artavakshaya.
Simultaneously a series of changes takes place in If Kapha is predominant, then due to its sheeta
the Artava where now the navin raja is called as guna & Snigdha guna the function of pitta is im-
purana raja which is later expelled. For the trans- paired due to which the Artavadarshana does not
formation of navina raja to purana raja, pitta do- takes place.
sha plays a major role. During this period ushmata Vagbhatta has explained that this concept can be
of shareera also increases. taken to understand that if kapha prakopa is
The modern concept supports this as during this present then conditions like Anartava can takes
period, progesterone hormone is at higher level place. Artava is agneya in nature and pitta dosha is
than other hormones and it is also been observed predominant during the last phase of menstrual
that the basal body temperature rises during this cycle. Hence, if there is a pittakshaya and vata or
period. Apart from this, a series of changes is seen kapha vriddhi during the last phase then conditions
in the components of the endometrium. Hence, like Artavakshaya, Anartava takes place. Apart
during this period one can say that pitta dosha is from these conditions like PCOD, Delayed me-
predominant. narche, premature Ovarian Failure, Resistant Ova-
rian Failure, also can be understood based on the
Role of Vata in Rutu Chakra concepts of arthavakshaya, anartava, artavadush-
The blood collected for whole month by both the ti. In these conditions, Artavajanaka Dravyas play
dhamanis (uterine vessels and their endometrial an important role.
capillaries) assuming slight black color and specif-
ic order is brought downwards to vaginal orifice by ArtavaKshaya
vayu for excretion. So, Vata dosha is predominant In Artavakshaya there will be yathochita kala
in raja srava kala. Hence, all the three doshas adarshana of artava, alpata of artava and it is as-
have the influence at different stages of rutucha- sociated with yoni vedana.

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Manisha Gupta & Anupama V: Artava Janaka Dravyas–A Conceptual Study

Image 2: Samprapti of ArtavaKshaya

Image 3: Samprapti of ksheena Artava


Dosha Vata, Pitta
Dushya Rasa, artava rupa
Upadhatu Artava
Agni Jataragni and Dhatavagni mandhya
Srotas Rasavaha, Artava vaha srotas
Udbhvastana Amapakvasaya
Adhisthana Garbhashaya
Sancharasthana Atipradesha
Vyakta sthana Yoni, Garbhasaya.

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Manisha Gupta & Anupama V: Artava Janaka Dravyas–A Conceptual Study

Image 4: Samprapti of Anartva

Table 2: Samprapti Ghataka of Anartava

Dosha Vata, Kapha
Dushya Rasa, ArtavarupaRakta
Upadhatu Artava
Agni Jatharagni, Dhatavagnimandhya
Srotas Artavaha srotas
Srotodusti Sanga
Udbhvastana Amapakwasaya
Adhisthana Garbhsaya
Sancharasthana Katipradesha
Vyakta sthana Yoni, Garbhasaya

Classical literature of Ayurveda prescribe in these condition – “ :।”

i.e Shodhana Agneyadravyaupayoga.

Table 3: List of dravyas having Artava Janaka Property and Agneya in Nature and can be used multiple
– single drug formulation:-
Name of Rasa Guna Veerya Vipaka Karma Part used Dose
the drugs
Tila Madhura, Guru, Snigdha Ushna Katu Pittakara, Ag- Seeds 12 gm/ 50
kashaya, nivridhi janana, ml
Tikta, Balya, Vatahara,
Masha Madhura Guru, Snigdha Shita Madhu- Vatanashaka, Seeds 5-10 gm/
ra Kapha-pitta 50ml

IAMJ: APRIL- MAY, 2017 494

Manisha Gupta & Anupama V: Artava Janaka Dravyas–A Conceptual Study

raktadi vard-
hak), Balya, Ar-
Matsya Snigdha, Snigdha, Guru Ushna Mad- Pitta janaka, Should be
Guru hura Vata nashaka, used in
Brihmna, Ro- diet
chak, Balavard-
Kulatha Kashaya Ruksha, laghu Ushna Katu Vata-kapha Seed 12gm
hara, Vidhahi.
Go Mutra Katu, Tikta, Tikshna Ushna Pittakaraka, According
Kashaya Kapha-vata to disease
nashaka, Dipana, condition
Shana Kashaya, Ruksa, Ushna Katu Kapha- Seed 3-6 gm
Amla, Katu Snigda, Tik- vatashamaka,
shna Artavajanana
Vamsa Madhura, Ruksa, Laghu, Shita Mad- Pittavardhaka, Leaf (Artava- 50 ml
Kashaya Tikshna hura Kapha- janana)
Pisacha Ruksa, Laghu, Ruksha, Ushna Katu Pittavardhka, Root /Root 2-3 gm/1/2
karpus/ Tikshna Laghu, Tik- Kapha- Bark pala
Pivari shna vatashamaka,
Hingu Katu Tikshna Ushna Katu Kapha- Churna or in 0.5gm
vatashamaka, combined
Artavajanana, form to in-
Dipana, Pachana. crease potency
tini vati)
Satavari Mad- Guru, Snigdha Sheeta Madhu Vatahara, Rhi- Swarasa-
hura,Tikta Rasayana, Arta- zome(kand) 10-20ml,
vajanana. Churna-3-
Shatapus- Katu, Tikta Laghu, Tikta Ushna Katu Vatahara, Pit- Fruits, Oil 1-3gm, 1-3
pha taagnivardhini, drops
Dipana, Artava-
Rasona Amla Varjita Snigdha, Ushna Katu Vata-kaphahara, Garlic bulbs 3-6 gm
Pancha Rasa Guru,Tikshna, Vrisya, Balya,
Sara Artavapravar-
taka, Dipana,

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Manisha Gupta & Anupama V: Artava Janaka Dravyas–A Conceptual Study

Pachana, Arta-
Kumari Katu Guru, Snig- Sheeta, Tikta Artavajanana, Leaf Swarasa
dha, Picchila Alua Dipana, Pachana, (10-20ml),
(Aque- Bhedana
ous ex- Alua(Curn
tract- a of aque-
Usna, ous ex-
Ruksha, tract-0.1-
Tikshna 0.3gm)

Karpasa Katu, Ka- Laghu, Tik- Ushna Katu Artavajanana, Mula(root), 50ml,
shaya(mula- shana(mula- (mula- Dipana, Twak(bark) 3-6gm
twak) twak) twak) Pachana,
Jyotishmati Katu, Tikta Tikshna Ushna Katu Artavajanana, Seed, oil, leaf 5-15
Vatahara, Ve- drops,
danasthapaka, 12gm

UTILITY OF ARTAVAJANAKA DRAVYAS IN tions like Jyotishmatipuspadi, Tiladiguda, Puskar-

DIFFERENT FORMS lehya can be given.
Practical example, where Arthava Janaka Dra- A patient who has sthoulya comes with ArtavaK-
vyas are used in different formulations. shaya or Anartava with predominance of vata or
A poorly nourished patient comes with prakopa of kaphadosha and medodhatu involvement. Ka-
vata. Ghrita preparation like Phalaghrita, kalya- shaya-kanaksathavadi, varunadikashaya, Suku-
nakaghrita, Brihatsatavarighrita. Lehya prepara- markashaya. Churna- pusyanugachurna, Hingu-
vastakachurna, pippalyadichurna can be given.

Table no.4 some of the common kalpas used in Practice:

Vati Kalka Taila Churna Qwatha Varti Rasayana
Rajah Pra- Jyotismatipus- Hingvaditai- Use of powdered krishnatilaq- Iksvakabijadi- Dasmularis-
vartini padi Kalka lam leaves of Jyotis- watha. varti tha
mati, Swarjikak-
sara or rajika,
Ugra and Stem
bark of Asana
with cold water
Vijayadiva- Krishna tila, Satapushpa& Phalaghrita
ti, Sheluka, Krish- Satavarichurna.
na jeerka with

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Manisha Gupta & Anupama V: Artava Janaka Dravyas–A Conceptual Study

DISCUSSION the study possess ushna veerya & vatakapha sha-

Artavaa updhatu of rasa is initially soumya in gu- maka properties.
na, later due to action of Ranjaka pitta it attains its Hence Artava Janaka Dravyas can be practically
Agneyatva. utilized in conditions when pitta kshaya, vata and
Artava pravrutti occurs every month for a period kapha vriddhi is seen.
of 3, 5 or 7 days and Artava undergoes continuous
changes throughout the month. These changes oc- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
cur due to the predominance of particular dosha at Dr. Kiran M Goud Principal, S.K.A.M.C.H &
particular time of the rutu chakra. R.C., Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Dosha prakopa leads to Vyadhi. Hence dosha pra-
shamana brings dosha samyataha. REFRENCES
For these conditions, Dravyas having appropriate 1. Sushruta, SushrutaSamhita, Nibandhasamgra-
Rasa, Guna, Veerya, Vipaka and karma should be ha Commentary of Dalhana and Nyaya Chan-
chosen. The action of dravya can be because of drika of Gayadasa Chaukhamba Surabharti
any of the above properties. Prakashana Varanasi, Reprint Edition-2008
Artava vyadhis like ArtavaKshaya and Anartava Sutra Sthana, 15th Chapter.
are effectively treated with artava janaka dravyas. 2. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda Dee-
But the Dosha bala, roga bala and rogi bala de- pika Commentary of Chakrapani, Chaukhamba
termines the type of treatment which involves Surabharati Prakashana Varanasi, Edition –
nidana pariwarjana, sodhana chikitsa and shama- 2011, Chikitsa Sthana, 15th Chapter.
na chikitsa. 3. Vagbhata, Ashtanga Hrudaya, Sarvanga Sun-
dara Commentary of Arunadatta and Ayurveda
CONCLUSION Rasayana Commentary of Hemadri, edited by;
Artava is the upadhatu of rasadhatu and also has Pandit Hari Sadasiva Sastri Paradakara Bhisa-
the characteristics of rakta dhatu. As it has Agni gacharya, Chaukambha Surabharati Prakashan,
mahabhuta predominance in other words pitta do- Varanasi, reprint-2010, Sharirasthana, 1st
sha predominance. Agni vardhakadravya’s or ag- Chapter.
neya dravyas can be given in its kshayavastha. 4. Vruddha Jeevaka, Revised Vatsya Kashyapa
Shamana chikitsa is explained in the form of ‘Ag- samhita with Vidyotini hindi commentary by
neya dravyas’. Agneya dravyas helps in increasing Ayurvedalankara SriSatyapala Bhishaga-
the quantity of Artava and are used as they are Pit- chayara, Chaukhamba press Varanasi, reprint –
tavardhaka. As the basic concept intake of shama- 1998, Khila Sthana 7th Chapter.
na guna causes the increase of same guna. Hence 5. Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita, Nibandhasamgra-
the agneyadravyas are given prime importance in ha Commentary of Dalhana and Nyaya Chan-
producing Artava. Use of Agneya dravyas not only drika of Gayadasa Chaukhamba Surabharti
relieves the kapha which does avarana to apana Prakashana Varanasi, Reprint Edition-2008
vata but also increases the quantity of Artava. As Sutra Sthana, 14th Chapter.
agneya dravyas have ushna virya, it maintains the 6. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Ayurvedadipika
normalcy of ruksha & sheeta guna of vata, snigd- Commentary by Chakrapanidatta, edited by;
ha & pichhila guna of kapha. There are many ag- Vaidya Yadavji Trikramji Acharya, Chauk-
neya dravyas mentioned in the classics which are hamba Surbharati Prakashan, Varanasi, re-
having Artavajanana property. The drugs taken for print-2011, Shareera Sthana 4th Chapter,
Verse-16, pp- 738, pg -320.

IAMJ: APRIL- MAY, 2017 497

Manisha Gupta & Anupama V: Artava Janaka Dravyas–A Conceptual Study

7. Madhavanidana of Sri Madhavakara with The 2014, Verse- (Chakradatta 15:16), Chapter-19,
Madhukosa Sanskrit Commentary by Sri Su- pg-654.
darsana Sastri, Chaukhambha Prakashan, Va- 10. D.C.Dutta-Text Book of Obstetrics edited by
ranasi, Edition-2014.Chapter-15, Verse-1-4, Hiralal Konar 7th edition, New Central book
pg-347. Agency (p) Ltd. London, pp- 688, pg-154.
8. Chakradatta Edited by Priya Vrat Sharma, 11. Sushruta samhita with the Nibandhasangraha
Chaukhambha Publishers, Varanasi, Edition- Commentary of Sri Dalhanacharya, Edited by
2013, Verse-16, Chapter-15, pg-158. VaidyaJadavjiTrikamjiAcharaya, Chaukhamb-
9. Bhaishajya Ratnawali of Kaviraj Shri Govind ha Prakashan, Varanasi, Utara tantra, Chapter-
Das sen, Shri Ramana Prabhakara Commentry 49, Verse-3-5, Pg-754-755.
by Dr. G Prabahakara Rao, Volume – 1,
Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi, 1st Edition- Source of Support: Nil
Conflict Of Interest: None Declared

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