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Seguel et al.

/Agro Sur 43(2): 29-39, 2015


Physical properties of soil after change of use from native forest to vineyard

Propiedades físicas de suelo posterior al cambio de uso de bosque nativo a viña

Seguel, O.a, Farías, E.a, Luzio, W.a, Casanova, M.a, Pino, I.b, Parada, A.M.b, Videla, X.b, Nario, A.b
Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas, Departamento de Ingeniería y Suelos,
Casilla 1004, Santiago, Chile.
Comisión Chilena de Energía Nuclear (CCHEN)


Article history: In Chile, as the soils located in valleys are cultivated, the hillsides with natural vegetation have
Received 10.06.2015 been used by agriculture. In the Apalta valley, Santa Cruz, VIth Region of Chile, some soil properties
Accepted 24.11.2015 both inter-row (IR) and row planting (R) were measured in cultivated sloping vineyard (7-year
establishment, 8% slope hillside), comparing the results with soil properties from a natural
vegetation site (N). With this purpose, the surface hydraulic conductivity was measured, and some
Land use change
soil physical properties (bulk density, pore size distribution, aggregate stability, aggregate strength
Aggregate stability
and air flux) and organic matter content were measured at three depths (0-10, 10-30, 30-50 cm).
Tensile strength
In the surface horizon, soil use change caused significant differences with respect to N, decreasing
Pore functioning
the organic carbon content, the very coarse porosity (>50 µm) and the aggregate stability, and
Original Research Article, increasing the bulk density and soil strength. The soil physical disturbance promoted a detriment
Special Edition: International in soil functioning, decreasing the water and air flux capacity. The higher differences were found in
Year of Soils (IYS) the IR surface, while in deep (50 cm) the changes were not significant between locations, leading to
Soil Science conclusion that in depth still persist soil conditions before cultivation.
*Corresponding author:
Óscar Seguel
E-mail address:


En Chile, debido a que los suelos ubicados en los valles se encuentran cultivados, las laderas con vegetación nativa han sido
utilizadas por la agricultura. En el Valle de Apalta, Santa Cruz, VI Región de Chile, se midieron algunas propiedades físicas de
suelo tanto en la entre hilera (IR) como en la hilera de plantación (R) en una viña cultivada en una ladera (7 años desde su
establecimiento, 8% de pendiente), comparando los resultados con las propiedades de suelo de un sitio con vegetación nativa
(N). Con este propósito, se midió la conductividad hidráulica en superficie y algunas propiedades físicas (densidad aparente,
distribución de tamaño de poros, resistencia tensil, estabilidad de agregados y flujo de aire) y materia orgánica en tres
profundidades (0-10, 10-30, 30-50 cm). En el horizonte superficial, el cambio de uso de suelo generó diferencias significativas
con respecto al sitio N, disminuyendo el contenido de carbono orgánico, la porosidad gruesa (>50 µm) y la estabilidad de
agregados, e incrementando la densidad aparente y la resistencia tensil. La perturbación física del suelo promovió un deterioro
en la funcionalidad de este, disminuyendo la capacidad de flujo de agua y aire. Las mayores diferencias fueron encontradas en
la superficie del sitio IR, mientras que en profundidad (50 cm) los cambios no fueron significativos entre los sitios, por lo que
se concluye que aún persisten las condiciones de suelo previo a su cultivo.

Palabras clave: Cambio de uso de suelo, estabilidad de agregados, resistencia tensil, funcionalidad porosa.

INTRODUCTION When a natural or non disturbed area is modified

by change in use, the soil tends to show structure de-
Normally, agricultural activities modify the soil gradation, related to an increase of bulk density (Db)
structure. These modifications depend on the kind and changes in pore size distribution, affecting water/
of management and time of utilization after land-use gas fluxes. Those changes can occur also as the result
change from native vegetation (Ellies et al., 1993). of natural processes, like surface water impact by rain

Seguel et al./Agro Sur 43(2): 29-39, 2015

and internal decrease of soil volume by wetting and the loss of coarse porosity (Dexter, 2002; Lipiec, 2004).
drying cycles. Nevertheless, the highest impact has an In general terms, the higher the amount of coarse po-
anthropogenic origin, which promotes soil compaction res, the higher Ks, and the lower the aggregate stability
and structure disruption by machinery traffic, animal is, the higher the variation and decrease of Ks after a
traffic, and excessive ploughing (Ellies et al., 1993; Dör- prolonged water flux.
ner et al., 2009). Wine is one of the most important development
With high intense soil use, total porosity and, espe- axes in Chile, reaching a total of 120,000 hectares plan-
cially, coarse porosity, tends to diminish (Ellies, 1995). ted with vines (INE, 2008). Currently, the pressure to
In soils with native forests, initially with high amount expand arable land has led the wine industry to expand
of coarse pores, the change of use promote a decrea- into areas with an increasing gradient slope, creating a
se of macro-pores and an increase of micro-pores, and potential risk of soil degradation. In particular, the Li-
the change depends on the type of stress (Peng et al., bertador Bernardo O’Higgins Region in Chile presents
2012). As a consequence, soil structure is degraded severe and very severe erosion on 90,348 ha, repre-
(Broquen et al., 2000) and the soil functioning (related senting 13.8% of coastal dryland (CIREN, 2006). This
to water and air fluxes) is negatively affected (Horn and is precisely the case of Apalta Valley, where the main
Fleige, 2009). agricultural activity relates to the production of grape-
In a soil with a normal consolidation, without signi- vine (Vitis vinifera L.) in soil slopes position.
ficative changes in materials through the profile, the Db Considering the precedent background, the objec-
increases and the coarse porosity decreases in depth tive of this research was to study some soil physical
(Ellies and Hartge, 1992). This tendency changes de- properties, in order to evaluate the impact of soil use
pending on the soil use; for example, by intensive far- change on soil structure and functioning. A hillside
ming, a high soil strength, related to soil densification, with a vineyard was selected and compared with na-
can be found at a 20 cm depth, as a result of plough pan tural (original) conditions, analyzing the magnitude
generated by tools used at the same depth during suc- in change of soil properties, with special attention in
cessive seasons, while in a prairie with direct animal porosity, soil functionality, and physical-mechanical ag-
trampling the highest soil strength can be concentra- gregate stability.
ted at 5-10 cm depth (Ellies et al., 2000; Kayser et al.,
2012). The same authors have shown than in deeper MATERIALS AND METHODS
horizons (below 50 cm) the soil properties are similar
to the parent material, being not possible to detect di- The study was conducted in the Apalta Valley, VI Re-
fferences among soil managements. gion of Chile (34° 37’ 11” S; 71° 13’ 20” W), a typical
Different authors have found a decrease of soil or- agricultural production area. Because of alluvial soils
ganic matter content (OM) when a native forest is sub- are cultivated with annual crops, vineyards increase the
jected to agriculture use (Six et al., 1998; Denef et al., grapevine (V. vinifera) surface using the hillsides, with
2004), affecting soil aggregate dynamic, decreasing the slopes ranging between 3 to 35%. For this purpose,
aggregate stability and increasing the risks of erosion natural vegetation (sclerophillous forest) is removed
(Ellies et al., 1995; Pietola, 2005). Nevertheless, Degry- and the new vineyard is planted (Figure 1a). The stu-
ze et al. (2004), pointed out that change in soil OM con- dy was conducted in a seven-year-old vineyard planted
tent by change of soil use is important in surface hori- on a piedmont with south west exposition (8% slope).
zon (0-7 cm) being non significant in depth (50 cm). By The typical management includes about ten passes of
other hand, the increase of soil OM content by organic agricultural machinery (1.8 Mg) during each season
amendments improves the structural stability, total po- and organic amendments applied on the row planting
rosity, water infiltration, and water storage (Barzegar (10 Mg of compost per year). Next to the upper posi-
et al., 2002; Seguel et al., 2013). tion of the vineyard, a natural forest (Figure 1b) with
Considering pore functioning, there is a close rela- dominance of Peumus boldo Mol., Quillaja saponaria
tion between saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) and Mol. and Cryptocaria alba (Mol.) Looser, among other
coarse porosity (Ellies et al., 1997), being relevant the natural species is located.
amount, size, continuity and stability of porous sys- Soil Association is La Lajuela (Loamy fine, mixed,
tem as indicators of soil structure condition (Pagliai thermic, Ultic Haploxeralfs) derived from colluvial de-
and Vignozzi, 2002; Horn and Fleige, 2009). Ellies et posits on granitic materials of Chilean coastal range.
al. (1997) showed that Ks is more dependent on soil The textural classes range from sandy clay loam in sur-
structure than soil texture, and coarse pores can ex- face to clay in depth; the structure is characterized by
plain a similar behavior between well-structured clay subangular blocky till 50 cm and a massive condition
soil and sandy soil. In such a way, Ks is a good property in depth (CIREN, 1996). The climate is classified as
to characterize soil structure, evaluate water aggregate warm-temperate, with 6 dry months, precipitation ran-
stability (Ellies et al., 1997) and analyze compaction by ging between 750 – 900 mm, concentrated during win-

Soil physical properties and land use

(a) (b)

Figure 1. Location of the study site (in red circle, 1a) and detail of the vineyard and native forest (1b).
Figura 1. Ubicación del estudio (en círculo rojo, 1a) y detalle de la viña y el bosque nativo (1b).

ter time, 943 mm of potential evapotranspiration and Pore size distribution was derived from water reten-
mean annual temperature of 14.5 °C (Uribe et al., 2012). tion curve according to Hartge and Horn (2009), calcu-
lating the very coarse pores (>50 µm) as the difference
Treatments and experimental design between the total porosity (water retention at 0 kPa)
and the equilibrium at -6 kPa; the coarse pores (10-
In both: vineyard and native forest, soil morpholo- 50µm) as the difference between water content at -6
gical properties were characterized with three replica- and -33 kPa, and the water available pores (0.2-10µm)
tes randomly located. Based on pedogenic characteri- as the difference between water retention at -33 and
zation and root abundance, three depths were selected -1500 kPa.
(0-10; 10-30; 30-50 cm) to collect soil samples. In the With the object of evaluating the functionality of the
case of the vineyard, measurements were performed porous system, the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity
in both: row (R, planting row) and inter-row (IR, un- with a tension disc infiltrometer (Perroux and White,
der wheel track), comparing properties with a natural 1988) was measured on the field at -1, -2, -4 and -6 hPa
place (N) used as a control, where the organic horizon water suction. Air flux was measured with an air forced
was removed previous to sampling. In this sense, three permeameter according to Peth (2004) in non distur-
treatments are defined (R, IR, N) being the soil profile bed samples equilibrated at -30 kPa water tension.
in an area of 1m2 and 50 cm depth the experimental Finally, to evaluate the aggregate condition, water
unit, considering three replicates for all measurements. aggregate stability was measured by dry and wet sie-
ving (Hartge and Horn, 2009) and aggregate strength
Soil properties measurements was measured by direct compression test (Blazejczak
et al., 1995) on aggregates equilibrated at -33 and
Under laboratory conditions, disturbed soil sam- -1500 kPa water tension and at air dried condition.
ples (2 mm sieved, 27 samples in total) were used to Measurements were done in a controlled room tempe-
determine particle density (Dr) and particle size dis- rature.
tribution, both according to methodologies detailed in
Sandoval et al. (2012). The organic carbon content was Statistical analysis
measured according to Nelson and Sommers (1982).
To quantify the porous system, bulk density (Db) For each measured property, descriptive statistical
was measured by clod method (Sandoval et al., 2012), analysis was used, considering average and standar
and total porosity (S) was calculated with the relation deviation, the last one because reflect better the va-
S=1-(Db/Dr). Water retention curve (Sandoval et al., riability of the replicates. To compare soil properties
2012) was measured in non disturbed samples collec- between natural and disturbed areas and asses the im-
ted in cylinders (6 cm diameter and 5 cm high, three pact of soil management, an ANOVA (α≤0.05) was per-
replicates, 27 total cylinders). With this purpose, soil formed comparing soil properties at the same depths.
cores were subjected to 0, -6 and -30 kPa of water ten- A Tukey test was performed when necessary with the
sion, and at -1500 kPa in disturbed samples; the last object to determine the treatments that showed statis-
one suitably transformed to volumetric water content. tical differences.

Seguel et al./Agro Sur 43(2): 29-39, 2015

Results case, there is higher clay content in the vineyard at 30-

50 cm, promoting the protection of OM in micro aggre-
General soil properties and porosity gates (Puget et al., 2000; Dexter, 2002) compared to the
surface horizon, resulting in lower stratification ratio
The particle size distribution test defined a loam (SR) according to Franzluebbers (2002).
surface horizon, grading to clay loam and clay in depth A simple and sensitive properties to asses the effect
(data not shown), with clay content ranging between of soil use change is the bulk density (Db) because it
23 and 31% at 0-30 cm and increasing above 36% at is directly related to the total porosity. Table 2 shows
30-50 cm. The loam content was very stable in depth, the distribution in depth of both properties in the soil
with values between 27-35% in the entire profile. Fina- profile for the different treatments.
lly, the sand content decreased from 38-42% (0-30 cm) The vineyard site showed high Db values in surface
to 27-33% (30-50 cm). horizon as a result of machinery loading. In this sense,
The clay content increased in depth in all sites. Never- the native site (N) represents the original condition of
theless, both R and IR under 10 cm showed a higher clay the soil before the change of use, with low Db in agree-
content than native place (N), probably due to soil loss
by erosion in the disturbed place (Ellies, 2000) or by soil
compaction, decreasing the thickness of the soil (Horn
and Lebert, 1994; Ellies, 1995; Ellies et al., 1996; Ellies, Table 2. Bulk density (Mg m-3) and total porosity (%) in
native site (N) and the vineyard (R, row; IR, inter-row) at
1999). On the other hand, particle density (Dr) did not
three depths. Average (±SD).
show important differences between sites, with values
ranging from 2.55 to 2.66 Mg m-3, expected for mineral Cuadro 2. Densidad aparente (Mg m-3) y porosidad total (%)
en el sitio nativo (N) y en la viña (R, sobre hilera; IR, entre
soils (Sandoval et al., 2012). Only the superficial horizon
hilera) en tres profundidades. Promedio (±SD).
(0-10 cm) of native area (N) showed a low Dr value (2.47
Mg m-3) due to the high OM content. Table 1 shows the Site Depth (cm)
organic matter (OM) content of soil at different depths.
The N site shows high OM content in superficial 0-10 10-30 30-50
horizon (10.48 %) due to falling leaves provided by Bulk density (Mg m-3)
native forest and their slow decomposition; among 10-
N 1.13 (±0.03) a 1.38 (±0.08) a 1.56 (±0.04) a
30 cm the effect persists, showing a significant higher
amount of OM compared with the vineyard site. As it R 1.53 (±0.06) b 1.59 (±0.23) a 1.59 (±0.03) a
was expected, there was an important difference bet- IR 1.67 (±0.07) c 1.60 (±0.18) a 1.56 (±0.12) a
ween row (R) and inter row (IR) as the result of organic
Porosity (%)
amendment addition on the row planting. Among 30-
50 cm there is a slight increase of OM content in the dis- N 54 (±1.1) a 47 (±3.1) a 40 (±1.7) a
turbed site (R and IR), being slightly higher than N site. R 40 (±2.6) b 39 (±8.6) a 39 (±1.5) a
In agricultural systems, there are important losses and
changes of the OM distribution into the profile, owing IR 35 (±2.3) c 38 (±7.0) a 42 (±4.7) a
that tillage incorporates organic residues into the soil, At the same depth, values followed by a different letter are signifi-
favouring the microbial activity (Six et al., 2004). In our cantly different (P≤0.05).

Table 1. Soil organic matter contents (%) and stratification ratio (SR) in native site (N), in the row (R), and inter-row (IR) of
the vineyard at three depths. Average (±SD).
Cuadro 1. Contenido de materia orgánica del suelo (%) y razón de estratificación (SR) en el sitio nativo (N), en la hilera (R) y
en la entre hilera (IR) de la viña en tres profundidades. Promedio (±SD).

Site Depth (cm) SR

0-10 10-30 30-50 (OM0-10/OM30-50)
Organic matter content (%)
N 10.48 (±0.20) a 5.68 (±0.09) a 5.18 (±0.04) a 2.02
R 4.75 (±0.09) b 4.62 (±0.10) b 5.44 (±0.04) b 0.87
IR 4.23 (±0.07) c 4.64 (±0.07) b 5.69 (±0.04) c 0.74
At the same depth, values followed by a different letter are significantly different (P≤0.05).

Soil physical properties and land use

ment with high OM content. This condition is kept among ter retention depend on their texture, which explain no
10-30 cm, but without statistical differences. Between statistical differences for this pore size. Nevertheless,
30-50 cm there were no differences between treatments, disturbed sites (R and IR) showed the highest water
establishing that the impact of soil use at such depths is content at -1500 kPa according to adsorption promo-
negligible, and the original conditions are maintained. ted by clay particles (Yoon et al., 2007).
As a consequence of densification in the vineyard,
total soil porosity decreased, especially in surface hori- Porosity function
zon, with original values of 54% to 40 and 35% in R and
IR, respectively. Among 10 and 30 cm, total porosity in Figure 2 shows the results of non saturated hydraulic
N site continued to being higher than the disturbed site, conductivity (Kns) of soil.
but without significant differences. Although the Db and The Kns (Figure 2) depends on pore water pressure,
the total porosity are properties easy to measure, they being a good indicator of porous system quality (Horn
are not enough to characterize structure disruptions as
the result of soil management. This make necessary to
analyze the pore size distribution, since it relates the
soil phases (air-water), as it is shown in Table 3. 1,2 N = 1,1531e-0,586x N
R² = 0,8628
In surface (0-10 cm) the R site showed a high draina-
ge porosity (>50 µm), owing probably to the addition of R = 0,7033e-0,28x R
R² = 0,9448
organic amendments as regular management practice in 0,8

K (cm min-1)
IR = 0,3969e-0,206x IR
the vineyard. Nonetheless, this effect is only superficial, R² = 0,9046
showing a discontinuity at 10-30 cm. Above 30 cm the 0,6
N site maintained a stable very coarse porosity, showing 0,4
values in a moderately porous level according to Pagliai
and Vignozzi (2002), and addequate to vineyard produc- 0,2
tion, according to Oliver et al. (2013). On the other hand,
the IR site showed low values of this porosity, probably 0 2 4 6 8
affecting the soil functioning. The coarse pores (10-50
μm) ranged between 1.8 and 3.8% in the vineyard sites Tension (hPa)
(R and IR) and 2.1 and 6.6% in N site, but without signi- Figure 2. Non saturated hydraulic conductivity (K, cm min-1)
ficant statistical differences (data not shown). at different water tensions in native site (N) and vineyard in
The highest amount of available water pores was the row (R) and inter-row (IR). Equations showed significant
found in N site (Table 3), in agreement with the expec- adjusts (P<0.05).
ted results, owing a good structural quality. According Figura 2. Conductividad hidráulica no saturada (K, cm min-1)
to Yoon et al. (2007), at low matric tension, the water a diferentes tensiones mátricas en el sitio nativo (N) y la viña,
retention depends on soil structure. At higher matric en la hilera (R) y la entre hilera (IR). Ecuaciones mostraron
tension (permanent wilting point, data not shown) wa- ajustes significativos (P<0,05).

Table 3. Pore size distribution (%) in native site (N), in the row (R), and inter-row (IR) of the vineyard at three depths.
Average (±SD).
Cuadro 3. Distribución de tamaño de poros (%) en el sitio nativo (N), en la hilera (R) y en la entre hilera (IR) de la viña en
tres profundidades. Promedio (±SD).

Pore size Site Depth (cm)

0-10 10-30 30-50
Very coarse N 16.4 (±1.2) a 16.2 (±1.6) a 6.9 (±0.5) a
(>50 μm, %) R 20.4 (±4.2) a 8.8 (±1.9) b 1.1 (±1.2) b
IR 6.5 (±1.3) b 5.6 (±2.6) b 4.2 (±1.2) a
Available water N 19.3 (±2.5) a 16.9 (±3.0) a 13.3 (±1.0) a
(10 – 0.2 μm, %) R 16.6 (±2.1) a 15.5 (±3.9) a 8.5 (±2.2) b
IR 15.6 (±2.6) a 10.9 (±5.1) a 8.7 (±2.0) b
At the same depth, values followed by a different letter are significantly different (P≤0.05).

Seguel et al./Agro Sur 43(2): 29-39, 2015

et al., 1994). At low water tension (-1 hPa) the non dis- lity when soil is submitted to wetting and drying pro-
turbed site (N) showed a high capacity to conduct wa- cesses by irrigation or rain. The higher the dispersion
ter through the soil, as the result of highest amount of by water, the higher the VD as instability index. Table 4
coarse porosity and good pore continuity (Ellies et al., resumes the result of this property.
1997; Pagliai and Vignozzi, 2002). In a well structured soil, the pore system into the in-
With higher water tensions (-4 and -6 hPa), Kns de- dividual aggregate is complex, while in a degraded soil
creased in each studied site, according to decrease of there is a homogenization of components by compac-
water content in macropores, showing similar values of tion, resulting in a reduction of amount and stability
Kns. The exponential adjust in each site allowed to esti- of individual aggregates when natural ecosystems are
mate the saturated hydraulic conductivity of 69.2, 42.2 converted to agriculture (Six et al., 2000).
and 23.8 cm h-1 for N, R and IR, respectively. To evaluate At the soil surface in the disturbed area (R and IR)
the pore continuity at higher tension, Figure 3 presents the impact of intensive agriculture is demonstrated by
the results of air flux through the soil in samples equili- a low water stability of aggregates (higher VD values).
brated at water tension of -33 kPa. As OM decreases by agricultural activity, the humecta-
The native site (N) showed the highest air flux at bility increases in the contact points of soil particles
surface, maintaining a good condition of soil aeration (Ellies et al., 2005). As a consequence, aggregates are
until 30 cm (Figure 3). This is the result of high macro- dispersed by water during wetting events and the VD
porosity and a stable soil structure, because of the soil is higher.
capacity to conduct fluids, which is not only dependent At 10-30 cm, both R and IR show lower values of VD
of total pore volume, but more on the pore size distri- (higher stability) compared to surface horizons. This
bution and the continuity of porous system (Ellies et could be due to the alteration by land use change which
al., 1997; Dexter, 2002). is not intense at deeper horizons, and the OM that is
Compared with N, the air flux in IR is low and homo- protected by soil. Nevertheless, N place continued
geneous in the entire soil profile, according to high bulk showing the highest stability, but without statistical di-
density and low macroporosity values, as a consequence fference with disturbed area.
of machinery traffic. The traffic in non adequate soil wa- At deeper horizons (30-50 cm), the VD is high in all
ter condition promotes formation of fine porosity by co- treatments, characterized by weak aggregates, as a con-
llapse of coarse porosity, resulting in low stable aggrega- sequence of low pedological development and the absen-
tes and high pore tortuosity (Hillel, 1980; Horn, 2003). ce of biological activity. Finally, Table 5 shows the results
All treatments showed low values of air flux at 30- of tensile aggregate strength at three matric tension.
50 cm, because of the dominance of fine porosity as a As was expected, there is an increase of aggregate
consequence of clay texture and low pedological deve- strength when the soil is drying. Because of the plowing
lopment of investigated soil. being performed in wet soil conditions, it was impor-
tant to measure the mechanical strength at high water
Aggregate stability contents (Munkholm et al., 2002b). In this condition
(33 kPa water tension) aggregates are weaker than in
The variation of aggregate diameter (VD) between
dry and wet sieving is a good index of aggregate stabi-

Table 4. Aggregate stability (VD, %) in native place (N) and

disturbed place in the row (R) and inter-row (IR) evaluated
Air flux (cm h-1)
at three depths. Average (±SD).
0 5 10 15 20 Cuadro 4. Estabilidad de agregados (VD, %) en el sitio nativo
c b a
(N) y el sitio disturbado en la hilera (R) y la entre hilera (IR)
-10 evaluada en tres profundidades. Promedio (±SD).
Depth (cm)

b a a
-20 Place Depth (cm)

-30 0-10 10-30 30-50

-40 VD value (%)
IR N 3 (± 5) a 25 (± 9) a 93 (±4) a
R 78 (±15) b 59 (±37) a 100 (±1) b
Figure 3. Air flux in native site (N) and vineyard in the row
(R) and inter-row (IR) at three depths. IR 86 (± 7) b 54 (±41) a 98 (±3) ab
Figura 3. Flujo de aire en el sitio nativo (N) y la viña en la At the same depth, values followed by a different letter are signifi-
hilera (R) y entre hilera (IR) en tres profundidades. cantly different (P≤0.05).

Soil physical properties and land use

Table 5. Aggregate strength (kPa) in native place (N) and disturbed place in the row (R) and inter-row (IR) at three matric
tension and three depths. Average (±SD).
Cuadro 5. Resistencia tensil de agregados (kPa) en el sitio native (N) y el sitio disturbado en la hilera (R) y la entre hilera (IR)
a tres tensiones mátricas y tres profundidades. Promedio (±SD).

Depth (cm)
Place 0-10 10-30 30-50
Aggregate strength (kPa)
N 27,1 (± 5,8) ab 18,7 (± 9,3) a 13,2 (± 4,4) a
R 33 22,6 (± 9,9) a 14,8 (± 4,8) a 12,7 (± 3,6) a
IR 31,1 (±15,4) b 16,7 (± 8,2) a 20,0 (± 8,1) b
N 36,3 (± 15,7) a 32,6 (± 12,9) a 50,0 (± 22,9) a
R 1500 32,8 (± 12,4) a 70,6 (± 39,5) b 60,8 (± 36,7) a
IR 65,5 (± 34,4) b 53,2 (± 18,4) b 106,0 (± 79,9) b
N 115,3 (± 43,6) a 151,4 (± 41,2) a 264,7 (± 77,3) a
R Air dry 348,6 (±185,9) b 283,1 (±153,1) b 354,0 (±248,5) a
IR 435,3 (±262,9) b 273,7 (±141,8) b 422,7 (±331,0) a
At the same depth and water tension, values followed by a different letter are significantly different (P≤0.05).

dry conditions, and the higher values are in the surface, mal consolidation (Horn et al., 2007), especially under
confirming the importance of OM on stability when the the wheel track (IR site). The lowest values of Db are
soil is wet. When the soil is evaluated in driest condi- in the superficial horizon of N place, in view of the ab-
tion (-1500 kPa and air dried) the strength is the result sence of anthropogenic activity and high OM content
of internal tension which sort soil particles closer to (Dexter, 2002; Barzegar et al., 2002). The traffic of agri-
other ones by water meniscus contraction (Horn et al., cultural machinery increases the Db to critical values
1994), process favoured by the increase of clay content in the IR (Oliver et al., 2013), and the organic amend-
in depth. In the case of disturbed place (R and IR) the ments applied in the R site are not enough to amelio-
higher strength in surface at low water tension is favo- rate the impact of intense soil use. There is a decrease
red by high Db (Munkholm et al., 2002b). In both cases of Db at 10-30 cm in IR, because in compacted soils the
(high OM or high Db) there are higher contact points external loads are transmitted horizontally, without
that promote the higher strength. reaching deeper horizons (Ellies et al., 1996; Usowicz
and Lipiec, 2009).
DISCUSSION Probably the soil compaction in the sites with
V. vinifera is in equilibrium with the bearing capacity
The land-use change has diminished the OM at sur- of soil, and new substantial compaction in the soil is
face, since plowing and deforestation are the main rea- not expected (McPhee et al., 2015). However, the ero-
sons of soil OM loss when natural ecosystems are used sion processes should be relevant, in view of lack of ve-
in agriculture (Six et al., 2000; Degryze et al., 2004). getal cover in the inter-row (IR), especially below the
The low OM content in the disturbed site could be rela- tire road (Jordán et al., 2010). At 30-50 cm, the Db does
ted also to erosion, because of the carry out of mineral not present significant differences between places; the
particles associated with organic compounds (Rodrí- external loads are residuals in depth, and the Db values
guez et al., 2000) and a lower protection of aggregates reflect the original condition before the soil use change
as a result of structural deterioration (Six et al., 2000). (Ellies et al., 1996; Ellies, 1999).
In non disturbed sites, the strength is in equilibrium The high porosity in the N place is a consequence of
with the weight of the different horizons, increasing macropores produced by biological activity, promoted
the Db in depth (Ellies and Hartge, 1992). In this sense, by foliage fall over, and the mechanical effect of roots
the N site showed the expected tendency. Nonetheless, and their organic exudates (Traoré et al., 2000) which
in the disturbed place there is a densification in super- promotes a good structural development. The soil-use
ficial horizons by agricultural traffic, affecting the nor- change has a negative impact on these factors, and the

Seguel et al./Agro Sur 43(2): 29-39, 2015

contribution of machinery traffic promotes a collapse terioration favors the action of water on soil surface,
of coarse porosity, decreasing the total porosity (Ellies, promoting the dispersion and loss of soil particles and,
1995; Horn, 2003). in some cases, generating superficial crusts (Ellies et
The structure formation by swelling and shrinkage al., 2005). The gradient and length of the slope and the
promotes the heterogeneity in pore size distribution absence of a cover on IR surface are components that
(Horn et al., 1994). The N site has coarse porosity (>50 must be considered in this process (Ellies, 2000; Blan-
μm) enough to drain the excessive water from the soil, co and Lal, 2008).
reestablishing an adequate air condition to the root In agreement with other authors (Munkholm et al.,
system. A good equilibrium between air/water rela- 2002a; Seguel and Horn, 2006), there is an increase of
tions in the porous system is observed down until 30 aggregate strength when the soil is drying. In the IR,
cm in the non disturbed place, contrary to IR, where soil compaction caused a high mechanical strength, re-
coarse porosity is very low, especially in superficial flecting aggregate strength on surface horizon at any
horizon, due of external loads by traffic. This situa- water tension. In one way, this is a favorable characte-
tion was observed by several authors in a wide kind of ristic, considering that IR has to support all the traffic
soils as an immediate consequence of soil-use change loads by machinery (McPhee et al., 2015).
(Ellies, 1995; Pagliai and Vignozzi, 2002; Lipiec, 2004). In the non disturbed place (N) the strength in the
The higher intensity of external loads promoted by superficial horizon at -33 kPa water pressure is related
agricultural activity explains the lower values of hy- to high OM content (10.48%) because of the organic-
draulic conductivity in R and IR sites evaluated at -1 mineral bonds that obtain stronger particles joints
hPa. At very low water tension (-1 hPa) the IR has the (Horn et al., 1994) and prevent a fast wetability (Ellies
lower Kns as result of the collapse of coarse pores by et al., 2005), decreasing the dispersive effect of water
compaction and the increase of pore tortuosity (Horn on contact points.
et al., 1994; Lipiec, 2004). In other words, with the In surface, when the soil is in air-dry condition, the
deterioration of structure the soil has a lower functio- mechanical strength in N place increased 4.3 times
nality compared with natural conditions (Ellies et al., compared with strength at -33 kPa, while in disturbed
1997; Reynolds et al., 2009). This remarks the impor- place it increased 15.4 and 14.0 times in R and IR res-
tance of organic amendments (Abiven et al., 2009) and pectively. This means that N place shows a good stabi-
the necessity of using inter-row crops to protect the lity in wet conditions and good friability when is dry
soil (Seguel et al., 2013). The relation between infiltra- (Utomo and Dexter, 1981; Dexter, 2002), without falling
tion and runoff, like other important processes in the into an excessive mechanical strength and maintaining
soil, depends on K (Arnaez et al., 2007). In this sense, good conditions to root development. Stock and Dow-
the low saturated K expected in the IR place, and the nes (2008) show that the difference of the aggregate
absence of vegetal cover, could promote the runoff and strength evaluated in dry and wet conditions is lower
soil erosion by intense precipitations. as the structure gets better, as in the case of N site in
Dörner et al. (2009) demonstrated that soil com- this study, being a good indicator of structural quality
paction reduces the capability of air to flow in Andisols. and functioning of the strength properties evaluated at
The low air flow in the IR is a consequence of pore co- different matric tensions (Fuentes et al., 2013).
llapse, promoting discontinuity in the pore system. The
reduction of soil functionality in the IR, reflected by low CONCLUSIONS
transmission of air and water, is proof of the increment
of pore tortuosity (Lipiec, 2004). The change in the air The soil-use change, from non disturbed natural
flux capacity in depth was related to bulk density chan- vegetation to grapevine crop and associated manage-
ge, with a significant correlation (R2 = 0.83, α<0.05) ments, in a hillside 8% slope gradient, modified their
between these variables (data not shown). properties, decreasing the organic matter content, hy-
The high aggregate stability in superficial horizon draulic conductivity, air flow, aggregate stability, and
of N site denotes a minimal perturbation when the soil macroporosity, and increasing the bulk density and
is wetted. The large OM content promotes this stability mechanical strength.
as the effect of slow humectability of aggregates, gene- The negative consequences of the soil degradation
rating organic-mineral bonds with soil particles and is a direct consequence of a reduced soil functioning
preventing the dispersive effect of water (Ellies et al., when the original favorable characteristics to water
1995; Chenu et al., 2000; Dexter, 2002). flow and storage, air flow, aeration, soil friability, and
Dexter (1988) defines the soil structure as the spe- root exploration are lost.
cial heterogeneity of their components and properties. These unfavorable changes are concentrated mainly
In our study, the aggregate deterioration by agriculture on surface horizon, and with higher intensity in the in-
has leaded to the homogenization of soil (Horn et al., ter row. In depth (50 cm) the disturbed soil maintained
1994), especially in the IR place. This structural de- the original characteristic of natural place. From a mor-

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