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Grudge /ɡrʌdʒ/

Principal Translations
Inglés Español
grudge n (resentment) resentimiento nm
rencor nm
Tom can really hold a grudge.
Tom guarda resentimiento.
grudge [sb]
(resent) envidiar algo a alguien loc verb
[sth] vtr
My brother, whose business has folded, really grudges me my success.
Jamie grudged her best friend every date she went on where she had to
spend the evening alone.
Mi hermano, cuyo negoció fracasó, envidia mi éxito. Jamie envidia las citas
que tiene su mejor amiga mientras ella pasa la tarde sola.
(be resentful about) estar resentido v cop + loc adv
[sth] vtr
tener rencor por loc verb
The bored housewife grudged every hour she spent cleaning and cooking.
La aburrida ama de casa estaba resentida por cada hora que pasaba
limpiando y cocinando.
Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an
Compound Forms:
Inglés Español
estar resentido, tener
bear a grudge v
(be resentful) rencor, guardar rencor loc
bear a grudge ser resentido, estar
(be resentful)
against [sb] v expr resentido loc verb
Fred bore a grudge against his brothers.
bear a grudge
ser rencoroso, estar
against [sb] for (be resentful)
rencoroso loc verb
[sth] v expr
Julie bears a grudge against her neighbour for cutting down a
hedge that was actually on Julie's property.
(game: to settle a grievance) (partido,
grudge match n revancha nf
Clearly, they set this game up as a grudge match following last
year's disputed result.
Claramente plantearon el partido como una revancha después del
resultado del año pasado.
hold a grudge v
(be resentful) guardar rencor loc verb
It was unfair that she was chosen instead of me, but I'm not one to
hold a grudge.
Fue injusto que la eligieran a ella y no a mí, pero no le voy a
guardar rencor.
tenérsela jurada loc verb

ⓘ Desde que lo echaron del trabajo, dice que se la tiene jurada a
sus antiguos empleadores.
hold a grudge
(resent: [sb]) guardar rencor loc verb
against [sb] v expr
tenérsela jurada loc verb
Peter holds a grudge against his co-worker, who received the
promotion that Peter was hoping for.
Peter le guarda rencor a su compañero, que recibió el ascenso que
Peter estaba esperando.
Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an improvement.

'grudge' found in these entries

In the English description:
have it in for - hold it against - hold sth against sb
rabia - queja - andar con rencores - hincha - tener sangre en el ojo - tener una cuenta
pendiente - tenérsela jurada

Synonyms: rancor, bone to pick, hard feelings, peeve, begrudge, more...

Collocations: a grudge match between, [holds, has, bears] a grudge, has always [held] a
grudge (over, against), more..


Slam /slæm/

Principal Translations
Inglés Español
slam [sth] vtr (door: close violently) (una puerta) cerrar de un golpe loc verb
golpear⇒ vtr
The teenager slammed the door as she left the room after another
argument with her parents.
slam vi (door: close violently) dar un portazo loc verb
azotar la puerta loc verb
cerrar de golpe loc verb
The wind blew through the open windows and the door slammed.
slam into [sth/sb]
(collide with, hit) estrellarse contra v prnl + prep
vi + prep
darse contra v prnl + prep
The racing car spun off the track and slammed into the wall at high
slam [sth/sb] vtr (hit forcefully) golpear⇒ vtr
abofetear⇒ vtr
dar una paliza loc verb
The waves slammed the s

Storm off

Principal Translations

Inglés Español
storm off vi
(leave angrily) irse enojado loc verb
After the argument, he stormed off to pout. Don't storm off; I'm
talking to you!
Después de la discusión se fue enojado.
marcharse echando humo por las orejas loc verb

Sulk /sʌlk/

Principal Translations
Inglés Español
(in moody silence) enfurruñarse v prnl
enfoscarse v prnl
estar hosco vi + adj
estar taciturno vi + adj
Imogen was sulking after her argument with her friend.
Imogen se engurruñó después de la pelea con su amiga.

Additional Translations
Inglés Español
sulk n informal (sullen mood) enfurruñado adj
enojado/a adj
hosco/a adj
Note: Often plural
She's in a sulk because I won't let her stay out late on a school night. He had the
Está enfurruñada porque no la dejo regresar muy tarde los días entre semana.
Está enfurruñado.

Compound Forms:
Inglés Español
be in a sulk v expr informal (be in sullen mood, pout) estar malhumorado loc verb
estar de mal humor loc verb
go into a sulk v informal (start pouting, sullen
poner mala cara loc verb
expr mood)
ponerse de mal humor loc

Amends /əˈmɛndz/

Principal Translations
Inglés Español
amends npl (law: compensation) compensación nf
resarcimiento nm
indenmización nf
Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an
Compound Forms:
Inglés Español
make amends vtr arreglar las cosas loc
(compensate for a wrong) (informal)
+ npl verb
reparar el daño loc verb
I'm sorry for what I did to you; how can I make amends?
Perdón por lo que te he hecho; ¿cómo puedo arreglar las cosas?
make amends for
(compensate for [sth]) enmendar⇒ vtr
[sth] v expr
reparar⇒ vtr
compensar⇒ vtr
ⓘ El restaurante enmendó el error ofreciéndonos bebidas gratuitas.
make amends to arreglar las cosas con v
(compensate [sb] for a wrong) (informal)
[sb] v expr prnl + prep
reparar el daño hecho a
v prnl + prep
When he became sober, he decided to make amends to those he had
hurt by his drinking.
Cuando dejó la bebida, decidió arreglar las cosas con aquellos a
quienes había lastimado con su adicción.

Bombard /bɒmˈbɑːd/

bombard [bɒmˈbɑːd] VT (Mil) bombardear (with con)

I was bombarded with questions me acosaron or bombardearon a preguntas

break down

break down vi
figurative (collapse, become weak)
The union called a strike after talks broke down over retirement
El sindicato llamó a una huelga luego de que las negociaciones sobre
las jubilaciones colapsaran.

Casualty /ˈkæʒjʊəltɪ/

Principal Translations
Inglés Español
casualty n (person wounded in war) baja nf
herido nm
The battlefield was strewn with casualties, many of whom were calling out
for help.
El cam

Ceasefire. /ˌsiːsˈfaɪəʳ/

ceasefire [ˌsiːsˈfaɪər]
A N alto m el fuego, cese m de hostilidades


Principal Translations
Inglés Español
Gallicism, abbreviation (coup d'état) golpe de Estado loc nom m
The opposition faction staged a coup, unseating the elected president. The general
became dictator through a coup d'etat.
La oposición organizó un golpe de Estado y derrocó al Presidente electo. El
general se convirtió en dictador mediante un golpe de Estado.

Engage /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ/

The two supermarket are engage in a price war

Fatality. Is a death caused by an accident


fierce adj (argument) (discusión)

Kate had a fierce argument with her roommate.

Escalate..if a situation escalates it becomes worse or more serious.

calate [sth] vtr (conflict, action: intensify, increase) (ataques)intensificar⇒ vtr

incrementar⇒ vtr
(figurado) escalar⇒ vtr
He was criticized when he spoke out in favour of escalating the war.
Lo criticaron cuando se proclamó a favor de intensificar la guerra.

Harass /ˈhærəs/.. if you harass someone you annoy or upset..

harass [ˈhærəs] VT acosar, hostigar; (Mil) hostilizar, hostigar

-She was sexually harassed at work /by police...

Inflict /ɪnˈflɪkt/

to inflict (on) [+ wound] causar (a), inferir (a) [+ blow] asestar or dar (a) [+ penalty, tax,
punishment] imponer (a) [+ pain, suffering, damage] causar (a), infligir (a)
they inflicted a serious defeat on the enemy infligieron una grave derrota al enemigo

I don't wish to inflict my own wishes on anyone else no quiero imponer mis deseos a
to inflict o.s. on sb imponer su presencia a algn

Offense... If you cause offence , you upset or anger someone slightly by

something you can say

Outdo.. outdo /ˌaʊtˈduː/...if you outdo someone, you do something better

than they do

outdo [aʊtˈduː](pt outdid) [aʊtˈdɪd](pp outdone) [aʊtˈdʌn] VT

to outdo sb (in sth) superar a algn (en algo)
he was not to be outdone no quiso quedarse atrás
not to be outdone, he added ... ni corto ni perezoso, añadió que ...

-companies pouring money into even bigger advertising campaigns in an

effort to outdo each other-empresas que invierten dinero en campañas publicitarias aún mayores en un
esfuerzo por superarse mutuamente

Overthrow /ˌəʊvəˈθrəʊ/

overthrow [sb] vtr (leader: remove from power) derrocar a vtr + prep
The king was overthrown in a military coup.
Derrocaron al rey en un golpe militar.


overturn [sth]
figurative (by judge) anular⇒ vtr
Mr Green walked free after the appeal court judge overturned his

Plot /plɒt/

(conspire) conspirar⇒ vi
plot to do [sth] vi
He plotted to get his boss sacked.
Conspiró para que despidiesen a su jefe.

Retreat….. /rɪˈtriːt/

(from statement, position) retractarse v prnl
The minister retreated from his earlier position on benefit payments when he
realised just how unpopular it was with the electorate.

Seize.... /siːz/ if you seize something, you take it by force

-they seized control of the country

Settlement.. /ˈsɛtəlmənt/
settlement n (law: final disposition) acuerdo nm
The settlement required the company to change its business practices.
El acuerdo requería que la compañía cambiase sus tácticas comerciales.
settlement n (resolution of a dispute) acuerdo nm
After arguing for hours, we finally reached a settlement.
Después de discutir durante horas, al final llegamos a un acuerdo.

Siege…. /siːdʒ/

siege n (attack) asedio nm

sitio nm
The siege of the town lasted for nine days before the enemy finally captured it.

Stage.. /steɪdʒ/…if you stage something youorganise it and do it.

stage [sth] vtr (arrange: an event) organizar⇒ vtr

The community stages a festival each spring.
La comunidad organiza un festival cada primavera.
stage [sth] vtr (arrange: an event) organizar⇒ vtr
The community stages a festival each spring.
La comunidad organiza un festival cada primavera.

submit to..if you submit tosomething , you agree yo accept it or do it.

bmit to [sb/sth] vi
(surrender, yield) rendirse a v prnl + prep
+ prep
entregarse a v prnl + prep
someterse a v prnl + prep
Richard accepted that what he had done was wrong and submitted to
his punishment without complaint.
Ricardo aceptó que había cometido un error y se rindió a su castigo
sin quejas.

Surrender. Rendirse


Track down…localizar, rastrear.

ack [sth/sb] down vtr informal, figurative

localizar⇒ vtr
phrasal sep (find)
(persona) localizar a vtr + prep
I'll see if I can track down that recipe for you.
Veré si puedo localizar esa receta para ti.
rastrear⇒ vtr
(persona) rastrear a vtr + prep
Veré si puedo rastrear esa receta para ti.
dar con el paradero de loc verb
dar con el paradero de alguien loc

Target.. captar



Withdraw… /wɪðˈdrɔː/

withdraw a statement retirar lo dicho loc verb

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