Hear My Prayer - Mendelssohn PDF

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Che Choralist No. 300.—“ HEAR MY PRAYER.” HYMN, FOR SOPRANO SOLO AND CHORUS. xd oy W. Bantnoxone, Compote! by Mrxprssonx, FO ne SAG NAA Foo, voce (GE =E == a= Clarion Horns, Tympani, and String Hear my prayer, O God, icine Thine Fe ee = ——— orca P= 2S HEF ree f Fix swina rate | — i= eae 7 Horn. e — = ae - —* (ee Sa SSS cart Thy fom my pe = t= tom do mt dey Het my paren Goly In-cie Thine form! Ctr, th owe oe SS Sas PLS ; ut iad ———= eat Thy-self from my pet - ton donot hide, Thyselffrommy pe - i ton a London: BOOSEY AND Co., 295, Regent Street.] [Price ONE PENNY New York: WILLIAM A. POND AND Co.) (8 1a ‘ “HEAR MY PRAYER” ore nto 7S sate 2 gE ide Take heed tome Heashow in prayer T moun toThee, Hew how in payers. I moun to7 hide! Take heed to met Hearhow in praye pave ee, Ls eS > 77 it =F oo Bomt ia orate SSF (Qo sts Se earhow in payer. 1 mourn toThee! Takeheed tome, Takeheed to met With-out Theeall is —— Clar. Solo eiSeeat = With-out Thee all is dark, T have no Thave no guide, no guide Se} eo = % hide, Thy self fom my — “HEAR MY PRAYER.” a ‘Altesra moderate. ieee SSeS = SSS SS The Hear my _praye, O- God, incline Thige ea! my shoutet, The et mn 2 = 4 SoS = == S| gHear_my prayer, O God, in-line Thige ear The_¢ + nemyshoateth, The g| = ae S| abe = —S_ = =a al = = 22 == Hear my pays © God, incline Thinecar! The e+ nemyshoateth The £ Levee ee == Batre oe Be. cian b> a Tabzed, wp > ‘ “HEAR MY PRAYER” é SSE = 5S BS = yy Perlelcad to-wit, OG Sees pss aes oy, Perple€ dad be- wilder, O God, hearmy ay, « ad wilder a0, Sse SS The gS-less ede fast, Gai, 0 Gol, tear ny Gere PaaS SaaS Ce Got, 0 Gol, Kesey pew’ and be “HEAR MY PRAYER.” . eplerdaag be wilderd, O Ggjy hear my ary! O, Gof hear a = ‘spit’ and We wilder, O Gad beat my” ery! O God, heat ary ne zl © God hear my eryteee 2 Got, 0 God, Bearmy cry! Per-plewdand be - wilderd, O a a — Tear my cyt ° ‘My soul with deathly ter - - vor le op-prew'd, “Tite Dg sad fear wescp-Ge eal, Wile Borvot a ver-whelat Lor, S fy — call, With hor ror o- ver= whelm'd, . Bear me call fo ‘all, With hor- ror o- ver ~ whelm'd, With hor- ror o> ~~ ver-wheln'd, dim With hor ror 0 = verwhelm’d, o = verowhelm’, “HEAR MY PRAYER” 1 ovo. Gon wn srs di mate for the wings, for the wings of a dovel Far a way, far a # of a dove! Far_a- way, x t ine Ta the wil-der-nessbuild me, build me a nes, And re - maintherefor ev - er at rest a gis SSeS = ‘Andy. te-main therefor ev - er at res, And. se main there for ‘© forthe wings, forthe ibe the wings forthe wings of a dove, the wings of & dove 0 _forthe wings fog the wile = doves 0 forthe wings, for the wings of a dowel forthe wings, wings of 8 dors, The wings Tar a= way would Trove, == waywould I rove, far a= way, far a way would Trove, a + way would I rove, ra > way would T rove, 7 way, far > way would I tore, — “HEAR MY PRAYER.’ . f. 79 —— ‘ar_s- way! Tn_the wil-devatss build me a nest, ‘And resmain therefor evs ef at reat fr a-way Inthe wil- dernessbuild me a nest, And re - main therefor ev- cr eat, = der-nes build me “a — ety ‘Aad re main ibere lor cv & at ‘And re + main therefor ev = erjfor ev = er at > ala of a dove! Far a- way, far there for = Gr at resty fOr ev = er at there for ev = ef at rex for ov ot a — Tr therefor ev = of at rey or evs er at Thkelor ev & a res, tor ev <> SS way would Trove! Inthe wil -demes build me a ne ‘would 1 rove ‘© fori wingsforihe wings (© for the wings for the wings, ~~. forthe wings Si dim. » Le, ‘wilderaesballd me, build me & nesty And sovmalntheelor ever at rety , In the wildemes build me a best To the wil - devacss alld Inthe wit - dernes Ta the wil - deraew Te the wil. der-new airs GSS le EB ‘Andres mainteefor ev et ate fr vty = aS E thew Ge ever ate fre at tay ew tts dine » = =a Ge SA =e vets And re > mia the for evear ety fr eM wets — = ee «aE == ase= ae wsin tee Gr eyoer ares) fr ays cr at neh ie eat tats Qh ‘And resmain therefor ev = eratvest, Ani e-maintherefor ev - = - erat reat Fe PS ae ~ CIORAL WO. 5 BOO 'Y & CO0,’s 2 = “AP ANL —— SSas, VANTATAS, kor ia PULAR BITIO 3, eA] ef cota | cy wd bea ori acetate oee 2a pic a1 0/2 8)5 6]: marmgaps yon © ssn | 8]. 8 | 8 Detinly Nov sed inprorod io) Ba or Sivas. 1 : Tiinons Sissghosiew Bikimge’../1 0/1 8/2 of Brammer, ox, Os 1e]d o|s & Get J1 O/T G)4 0} ni Praiow Chonisant te cup] 0 byw Ld 1 0/1 6/2 6] Govnon’s Messe Souunnmue 1 16/26 10/1 8/3 6) Davo Poxasownce Mast on #000) 2 @ ‘ 2 0 | sttowsin's Sone oF ninglowrts .00000|3 8 Ihsp’s Gasaston ( a1 o/1 8) 8) stlownury lav oF tafe a6]. feo Hgvows Canavan (Oeavo Eatin) (0200) 1 O|1 (6 | esonnentye beac PR ae} 2 PS Hons Tnvanese Maso 10/1 6/3 6["itmmtum Seumrasiens's ats") 3 & 10/2 0/3 of sscunue'Ox Sion ams Ses ae 10/1 6[2 6 |yscewars'pocs Beene 8 2c]. feo eee og a ee Oe Fs Sicha Mon |b 8 {1 0) 1 6) & 6) *Cownn's Consarn rere 7 Alewontatonss Hae wy Pavan (ow Bij] 0.8 Towa Geta" aot. ‘onan eur ass Tiger ol o) Kass Purine the Baar 00/8 Of"".2]4 6 LAL OEE) BoOhhatoe tee SAE oc) Day eli eh el i a. som rice hat) horas Part and Lin of hs wor Toe mt Sn on ie Baie Pate ge wt ma Be SHORT MASSES, Pie by Sin Sorat Bexnoice, Prot 0, ich; or tn one Voune,dth git ° Mesos sase'ae A. 8. Websr'e’Mass xx 0. -Dowonr’s Mass. oe @ eee i D Nox “Mines Beare a0 Bos A Mist tuo Davvwesia oR ae _ 1 Wanuerb. Graven Maan m 4 x. Rooms mB, « 4 "3 Saonsow (ot Ext) mB y eo 3 1h Boren so Anwor & Sun ty 6 1 Ke nt! o Sana F ° Ht Enno ie 02 The" HesBintng" are published separately, price a. each, Da. Spans Haxox-Egox o Cxonat. Sreesxa, containing sll owany intrusion large elation of Farag th fora of progrenive exerci, In Mosio yor zie Kynnm-Ganrn. Upwards of 10 Fiymos, Songs, ‘aod Games, with fall explanations, Yor use inthe Kinder Garen tnd Family. 2 60 cloth. "Tonle Solfo edition, In Mosig on tin “Kisnznoanrxs. Supplement, containing 24 n Soney sa Gane, wit) Esplnntary Taedvtion, hg op: i een sin at cos aera rae eres ere ema rou Ry He TPS na ey a See Bee a ae vind Gees csr a ne forts ei ot re eg rg gsc ha ts bee ey ea ge lees ie oe cam Cuawrs. (250) Single and Doubl Seat Bn, pid te Stn, ira di Sronn’s Psatat aE (Op. 98). For four voices, with Pisnoforte en wipe Hagges te Trin alow Ch fliers Stdntord, Is. ” fe pope Ba Ann ay Cie eat Tas A detailed Tat of Choral LONDON: BOOSEY & CO.. ‘Tax Cnonatise. 905 Numbers are now published, 12. each, including original Part-Songy, Sacred and Secular, by Si Coven, Smart, Hatton, laraby, Ka; also Operatic Melodie ‘Choruies, National and Popular Airs be &&. ‘Tax Panis Asta Boox. Fifty favourite Anthoms uitaba for large and small Choirs, 1d. each or in one volume, paper cover, Se Ca, cloth, gil Oe. Mornrs ron rum Yuan, colletion of Offertoree, with appropriate ‘words for every Sunday and day of Obligation {a the year, Ta Numbers, 16, each Orin one volume, cloth gil 7a Onaron10 Cuonvars, 50 Numbers, 1d. each, ‘Opseanie Convers, With Italian and English words, 62 Nombers a. and 24, each Ramos Gira, Ta Pony Number; or compete paper ave loth, lt, a Nartowat, Guns, 1 Standard Gleos, 1d. each ; or completa, paper cover, 25 Od; cloth, gilt, 4s. Od. Boosey’s Sraxpanp Mabnraars, 10 Nombers, 14, each, ‘Rounns axp Carcura (60). For Three and Four Voice, 64, Looxe’s Muste ro Macnars. Complete, €d, ‘Tun Cuszpnus’s Cuonaz Boox Seares, For Village and Schoo! ‘we. dived by the Rev. C8, Here, dd. each number, No.l, ¥4 Garland of Songs |'No, 2. The Children’s Choral Book, 'No, 8, The Golien Harveet, + Ain Tones fy Netton approvytheSehol Boar Landon. Price ‘Tux Cimomew's Vooat Haxp-Boox, Edited bf the Rav. C. 8, Bare, 6d, works sent on application, 295, REGENT STREET. W.

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