Pastor Not Sure of A Gift For Mother's Day?: Saturday May 12th, 9 A.M. To 1 P.M

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Helen Church
4106 Mountain Street | Beamsville, Ontario | L0R 1B7

Phone (905) 562-7427 | Fax (905) 563-0003 | |

Not Sure of a Gift For Mother’s Day?

Saturday May 12th, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Pastor
* Hanging Baskets * Ferns * Plants * Office Administration
* Mulch * Herbs * Pies * Goodies Aggie Agnino Ext. 1
St. Helen Great Hall ~ Great Prices!
If any growers or bakers in the area wish to support our sale, or if you
wish to help at the sale, you are most welcome to join us. Baked goods
can be dropped off at the church on Friday before 4 p.m. Please call
Anne Marie at 289-566-9090 for information! Come have fun! Mass Times
Saturday - 5 p.m.
Sunday - 9 a.m., 11 a.m.

Schools Contacts
St. Mark School Reconciliation
Catholic Women's League
Principal: Steven Ward Before or after mass or by appoint- Colleen Drake 905-563-8981
Phone: (905) 563-9191 ment.
Knights of Columbus
Marriage George L. Savage 289-566-9383
St. Edward School
Principal: Carla Bianco Six months’ notice; marriage prep Music Ministry
Phone: (905) 562-5531 required. Anthony van Engelen
cell/text 905-563-7067,
Anointing of the Sick Email

Sacraments Please let us know when someone

Ministry Scheduling & RFM
has a serious or prolonged illness or Rachel Reid 905-941-4150
is to have surgery. This sacrament
Available Sundays at 1:00 pm. Call
celebrates the healing of mind and
parish office. Fundraising Events
body and the forgiveness of sins. Joe Della Manna
First Communion & Confirmation
Catholic Funeral Rites
Arranged through school. If your Youth Ministry
When a death occurs in your family,
child is not in a Catholic school or is
please call the Parish Office and we
not baptized in the Roman Catholic Facility & Grounds Maintenance
will assist you in making the neces-
Church, contact the Parish Office. Craig Luey 905-988-6522
sary liturgical arrangements.

Kindly complete the following and place in collection basket

☐ New Parishioner* ☐ Change of address ☐ Moving
Name________________________ Phone_________________ E-mail___________________
Address______________________________________________ City_____________________
☐ I would like to use offertory envelopes* Postal Code______________

We welcome you and invite you to share in the spiritual and social activities of your parish.
L & D (living & deceased) May 14th- 20th, 2018 Sanctu-
ary Lamp
Day Requested for Requested by burns in
Monday NO MASS memory
Tuesday of:
Intn’s of Hendriks & deKoning Families - L&D Helen & Andy Hendriks
6:30 p.m.
+ Lisa
Wednesday Van Derwerf
+ Jerry Smeenk Viola & Peter Izzo
10:00 a.m.
Thursday The
+ Margaret De Roche CWL Sanctuary Lamp
8:30 a.m.
Friday burns to remind
10:00 a.m. + Belinda Rea Frank & Helen Murphy us of Christ’s
Menno Home presence in the
Blessed Sacra-
Saturday ment of the altar.
+ Erminio & Lucia DeStefano Luisa & Aniello DeStefano
5:00 p.m. If you wish to
Sunday For the People of St. Helen sponsor the sanc-
9:00 a.m. tuary lamp for one
week the stipend
11:00 a.m. + Rainer & Ruth Brandel Brandel Family
is $35.

Stewardship of Treasure CWL News

Monday, May 21st - Our Lady of Scapu-
May 6th, 2018 - Offertory (174) 6,907 lar Adoration Chapel, Thorold Stone Rd.,
Loose 463 Niagara Falls. Memorial of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church. Prayer vigil
Building Fund (25) 2,213 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All members of the parish
and CWL are welcome to come and pray.
Facility Maintenance (42) 652 Tuesday, May 22nd - 60th Diocesan CWL Anni-
Popes Pastoral Works 380 versary. CWL members are invited to come to City
Hall, 50 Church Street, St. Catharines by 1:00 p.m.
“May God bless you for your faithful stewardship!” for flag raising ceremony and presentation at 1:30
p.m. St. Helen CWL scarves will be available.

Ministry for the Sick and Homebound National Week for Life and the Family:
We are grateful to those who give of their time and May 13-20
care to bring Holy Communion to our parishioners
who cannot make it to church due to sickness or in- "Love: Encountering the Other"
firmity. If you know of anyone who would like to re- Each year the Church in Canada sets aside one
ceive communion in their home or while hospitalized week to celebrate Life and the Family. This gives us
at West Lincoln Hospital, please contact the parish all an opportunity to reflect on the importance of the
office. family and to renew our commitment, as Christians,
to upholding the dignity of human life from concep-
SVDP Society - What do we do? - We tion to natural death, and at every stage in between.
help our needy neighbours that live within Could anything be more important in today’s culture?
the boundaries of St. Helen. All calls are
screened and a home visit is arranged ACTS Retreats
with two members attending. ACTS is an acronym for:
How are we supported? - The poor box Adoration – God’s Call, your acceptance and answer
in the vestibule of the church is our main means of Community – love and caring for each other
support. A cheque made out to St. Helen St. Vincent Theology – “studying” through scripture and our faith
de Paul can be dropped in the poor box or the Sun- Service – to God and His people
day collection. There are also St. Vincent de Paul
envelopes available for cash donations. Interested Come and renew yourself spiritually, to strengthen
in joining us, call Lorraine at 905-563-7043. your faith and to apply it to your daily life.
Canadian Tire Money Men's Retreat: May 24 – 27, 2018
Retreat Location: Queen of Apostles Renewal Cen-
We continue to collect Canadian Tire
tre, Mississauga Christoph Cieslak (416)660-4041
money to purchase raffle prizes for fund-
For more info, please visit our website:
raising events. It can be brought to the or email:
office or in the collection basket.
May 13th - The Ascension of the Lord Mother’s Day Prayer
We thank you, Lord, for our mothers.
To the Ends of the Earth We remember today their loving care,
As the disciples were watching, Jesus was lifted up. and their ceaseless love for us.
(Acts) May we show them by our gifts, our words, and our
God seated Jesus at his right hand in heaven. (Eph) actions that we love them and care about them too.
The Lord Jesus was taken up into heaven and sits at Father, we thank you for the family of the Church;
the right hand of God . (Mk) we thank you for those who are true mothers within
If you listened care- our Christian family.
fully to the words of to- May they know your blessing and strength as they
day’s gospel, you care for others. Amen
heard Jesus say: --The Lion Book of Family Prayers
“These signs will ac-
company those who
believe: by using my Catholic Men’s
name they will cast out “Big Breakfast Event in the Tent”
demons; they will Saturday, June 16 (7:30-11:30 a.m.)
speak in new tongues; Club Roma Pavilion
they will pick up 125 Vansickle Rd., St. Catharines
snakes in their hands.” This is co-sponsored by the Knights of Columbus,
Some religious groups take this literally. the Holy Name Society, Branches of the Word Evan-
Jesus left his disciples on that hilltop near Bethany gelization Ministries, Branches Catholic Ministries,
with the assurance that he would give them the pow- and various men’s groups in the Diocese.
er they needed to fulfill their mission. Scripture tells Featured speakers: Bishop Gerald Bergie "Put Out
us that the disciples “went out and proclaimed the Into The Deep," and Robert Rasip of the Toronto Lift
good news everywhere, while the Lord worked with Jesus Higher Rally "Leadership - Walk on Water
them and confirmed the message by the signs that Style" -- how we, as men, can draw others to the
accompanied it.” Whatever risks we face or prob- Catholic faith, living a life of service to God, church,
lems we have to handle as disciples, Jesus promis- and community. Tickets are $20 per person and will
es that he will always be with us. -- Cele Breen feature a “big breakfast” of bacon, eggs, home fries,
muffins, coffee/tea. For further details call (905/685-
YOUth Blasters Schedule 7000) or visit
YOUth Blasters upcoming gatherings will be at the
parish on the following date: Bicycles for Migrant Workers
May 27th - 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Do you have bicycles just sitting in your
garage, waiting to be put to good use?
YOUth Blasters always have a great time growing Even if they need repairs, Deacon Fa-
in our faith together through prayer, activities, crafts, bio has a contact who will fix them. If
music and snacks! All newcomers are welcome you have a bicycle to donate for the migrant work-
(grade 3 and up)! Please pick up a registration form ers, please email or call the parish office and leave
from the office and return it at our next gathering! your name and number. Arrangements for drop off
will be made.
Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for the
Fridays in
Month of May St. Helen
That the lay faithful may fulfil their specific mission, Church
by responding with creativity to the challenges that Great Hall
face the world today. (Apostleship of Prayer) 29 games
with a total
New Feast Day payout of up
Pope Francis has declared that, annually, the Mon- to $2000.
day immediately after Pentecost be known and cele- Progressive
brated as Mary, Mother of the Church. This year, in jackpot adds
Canada, it happens also to be Victoria Day. $200 every week. 8 page book $18. Specials $2 -
This memorial, which links the humility and mater- $3 per game. Hot tasty food available for purchase.
nity of Mary to the birth of the Church at Pentecost, Free coffee and tea. Doors open and food served
further reminds us of the call to self-sacrificial love, at 6 p.m. Bingo starts at 7 p.m. We hope you’ll
the call to become missionary disciples, and the call come out and join us.
to holiness. The Christian life, after all, is made pos-
sible by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, whom St. If you have volunteered to help with the Friday
John Paul II called the "personal expression" of eter- Bingo, but have not received a schedule, please
nal, self-giving love (Dominum et Vivificantem, 10). leave a message with the parish office.

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