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Reflections on Observation Task 2: Teaching a Phonics Lesson

1. What program is used in your school to teach phonics?

I did not see any program for teaching phonics in my school.

2. How is phonics taught in your school?

In English lesson, she teaches them in the circle area, she uses different ways to make sure that
all the students did understand the sound.

3. What was the focus of the lesson?

She focuses on the sound more that the activities.

4. Were the learners engaged in the phonics lesson? If they were, select (a); if they were not, select

a. Describe the different types of active engagement activities that

the teacher used.
They many activities in each center, she use engagement activity in the
begging of the lesson, they use materials that has started with the same
sound and the students start to guess, and some many activities.

b. What could active engagement activities the teacher has used to help
learners b e t t e r understand the lesson?

5. What types of activities did the children participate in during their independent centers that reinforced the
lesson objective/learning outcome? If they participated in learning centers, select (a); if they did not,
select (b)
a) Describe the different types of learning center activities that the
students did.
They have 6 learning center, role play, reading center, science center,
math center and writing center.
b) Describe two (2) learning center activities that the teacher could have
used to help reinforce the learning outcome.

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