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WNF os 2804 S76 + |AMUPANDA KAMANJA INCORPORATED or: AED KAMANSA LEGAL PRACTITIONER FOR 1" & °° APPELLANT UNIT 7 MVA FUND SERVICE CENTRE RF 8485 CHURCH STREET, WINDHOEK +4264 61 227585 / | 4254812159768 REF: KALODYAK407 NOTICE OF APPEAL (CIVIL APPEAL) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NAMIBIA HELD AT WINDHOEK ‘CASE NO.: SA, In the matior between: PETRUS KALEKELA FIRST APPELLANT BEATA KALEKELA, ‘SECOND APPELLANT and ERASTUS MOSES NAANGO. FIRST RESPONDENT REINHOLD VERNERVA ‘SECOND RESPONDENT REINHOLD ASHEELA, THIRD RESPONDENT ‘TAKE NOTICE THAT the above named appellants hereby note an appeal against the entire judgment and order of the judgement and onder of the Honourable Mr Justice Ucitele dated and delivered on Tuesday, 06 December 2016 ir the matter Naango & 2 Others v Kalokela & 3 Others (A 172-2044) [2016] NAHCMD 363 (08 Dacember 2018) onthe grounds of boty fact ang law ae will be elaborated upon by the ‘appellants in ther wren arguments and amplifed inte oral address; 7 } swaPaNDA KAMBNIA NCORPORATED pert AMUPANDA KAMANIA LEGAL PRACTITIONER FOR 15° AND 2"° APPELLANT UNIT, MVA UNO CENTRE, ER 808 CHURCH STREET, MNOHOEK TEL: 126464727606. 26017185768 FACSIMILE: 8665200 met: segegvey na (xccunKinT PARTY FILING: AMUPANDA KAMANJA INCORPORATED. er: AMUPANDA KAMANJA, LEGAL PRACTITIONER FOR 1°° AND 2"° APPELLANT UNIT 7, MVA FUND CENTRE, ERF 8495 CHURCH STREET, WINDHOEK TEL: +264 61 227565/ | +264812159768, FACSIMILE: 0886526338 / emall: KALCOUAK14.07, PARTIES TO BE SERVED: To: ‘AND TO: AND To: LEGAL ASSISTANCE CENTRE LEGAL PRACTITIONER FOR 1°" TO 3" RESPONDENTS 4 MARIEN NGOUABI STREET WINDHOEK REF: SZipwiLEAD/t42/14 lola THE REGISTRAR HIGH COURT OF NAMIBIA, MAIN DIVISION ~ WINDHOEK LUDERITZ STREET, WINDHOEK THE REGISTRAR ‘SUPREME OF NAMIBIA REV. DR MICHAEL SCOTT STREET WINDHOEK ot es ‘SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY ° IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NAMIBIA HELD AT WINDHOEK CASE No, Inthe matter between: PETRUS KALEKELA FIRST APPELLANT BEATA KALEKELA ‘SECOND APPELLANT and ERASTUS MOSES NAANGO. FIRST RESPONDENT REINHOLD VERNERVA ‘SECOND RESPONDENT REINHOLD ASHEELA, THIRD RESPONDENT Wi, the undersigned PETRUS KALEKELA and BEATA KALEKELA ‘above named appellants, do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint AMUPANDA KAMANJA ofthe firm“ AMUPANDA KAMANJA INCORPORATED, NO 7 (MVA FUND BUILDING), ERF 0495 CHURCH STREET, WINDHOEK with power of substitution to be ‘the true and lawful Legal Practitioners) in our stead, to appear bere the above Honourable Court or wherever else may be necessary and then and there as the lawful ‘Legal Practtioners and agents on behalf the eppelant to institute an appeal against (and {0 defend eny counter appeal thereto) the judgement and order of the Honourable Mr slustice Usitele dated and delivered on Tuesday, 06 December 2016 in the matter Naango & 2 Others v Kalekela & 3 Others (A 172.2014) (2016) NANCMD 383 (08 Ree lrela PB. Shino AND FURTHER to instruct any other suitable Legal Practitioner to act herein in such stead or adstonal ‘AND FURTHER to pay all fees to Counsel and witnesses: to make all and any payments whatsoever which may be necessary and desirable for he proper conduct f this eas; to Proceed t0 final end and determination thereof; generally for effecting the purposes ‘aforesaid, to do or cause to be done whatsoever shall be requisite, ful and effectually, for all intents and purposes, as appellant might or could do if personaly present and ‘acting herein hereby ratifying, allowing and confirming and promising and agreeing to ratty, allow and conten al and whatsoever the said Legal Pacttoners(s) and agent(s) ‘hal lawfully do, or cause to be done, by virtue ofthese presents AND FURTHER THAT the reli! sought in the appeal is as per the Notice of Appeal lodged or such supplementation or amendment thereto, DATED AT WINDHOEK ON THIS 27™ DAY OF DECEMBER 2016 Bkalekela PETRUS KALEKELA, BEATA KALEKELA

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