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Anish Gautam

The Case Against Defining: Response

Date: 01-18-2018

David Puthoff

Different attempts have been made so far for defining the technical writing, however each definition seem
to have complicated the previous perspective on the definition of technical writing, or exclusion of some
of the major aspects of the technical writings. The term technical writing is a broad term and can’t never
be explained in a single sentence, when we try to narrow down the definitions, we will miss the key
aspects of the writing. The writers define the term in their own perspective, keeping in mind the fields in
which they are involved, even the definition varies from writers to writers, but the definition will not
match to other technical person involved in the writing process. So, it is really a challenge to define
technical writing.

With the new innovations and technologies involved, it has complicated even more to describe what a
technical writing is. There are writers who have their own definition and there are other personal involved
in communication process who have their own focus of writing such as illustrations, editing,
communication, research, analysis, etc. that will further complicate our definitions.

Technical writings today mainly focused on the subject matters i.e. what is in the writings, but technical
writings are not that. It should focus on how it is written and what the writing does.

However, Hemingway has accuracy in his writings, he is not a technical writer because most of his writings
involved non-technical subject-matter i.e. wars and bullfights. For technical writings, it must have clarity
and communications. When she mentioned rhetorical savvy is needed as well, she meant the writings
should provide clear understanding of the complexity of the rhetorical nature of the writings.

Our group’s definition mainly focused on the official writing and interpreted different ways to make an
official writing as a technical writing. Technical writing is a broad concept and it is not only limited to
official writings, however any writings that has technical subject matter which is clear and communicated

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