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Influence of Learning Effects on

the Results of the Cap-sorting

Test Roth 28-Hue (E) Desaturated:
Influence of Learning Effects on
Colour-Arrangement Tests

Anke Schröder,* Michael Kreutz,

Michael Meyer, Carl Erb
Department of Ophthalmology, Medical School of Hanover, Hanover, Germany

Received 6 March 2004; revised 29 March 2006; accepted 13 July 2006

Abstract: The results obtained in colour vision tests can be solid for one month increasing again after 6 months. The
influenced by many factors. It is possible that a learning results showed an age-related learning effect. Therefore, it
effect disguises the fact that an acquired colour vision is important to repeat the colour vision test within 5 days for
disturbance has progressively either deteriorated or been the age group 20 –39 years. This second test result will then
successfully treated. Therefore, the primary object of this serve as a stable basis for further comparative examinations
study was to examine whether a possible learning effect within a period of 6 months. The subjects of the age group
occurred if screening by the colour vision test Roth 28-hue 40 –59 years ought to repeat a first colour vision test after
(E) desaturated was repeated several times, and if this 5 and again after 15 days. The result of the second repeti-
learning effect was age dependent. Sixty-five ocularly and tion will then offer stable basic values for subsequent tests.
generally healthy subjects participated in the study and © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 32, 16 –21, 2007; Published
were divided into two age groups: group A: 20 –39 years, n online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/
⫽ 35; group B: 40 –59 years, n ⫽ 30. Besides their oph- col.20282
thalmological status (visual acuity, refraction, intraocular
pressure, cup/disk ratio, central fundus), the cap-sorting Key words: colour-arrangement tests; Roth 28-hue (E)
test Roth 28-hue (E) desaturated was performed under desaturated; learning effects
standardized test conditions. The measurements were re-
peated after 5 ⫾ 1.72 days (T1), 15 ⫾ 3.53 days (T2), 32 ⫾
6.97 days (T3), and 189 ⫾ 16.85 days (T4). The ophthal- INTRODUCTION
mological parameters of all subjects were inconspicuous. Colour vision tests belong to the psychophysical examina-
The individual evaluation of the error scores in the cap- tion methods used in ophthalmological diagnostic pro-
sorting test Roth 28-hue (E) desaturated showed large-scale cesses. They are performed to evaluate congenital and ac-
variations. For both age groups there was no statistically
quired colour vision disturbances. Furthermore, they are
significant difference between the right and left eye at any
used in long-term studies of systemic disorders or medica-
time. The mean values of the younger group remained
tion use. Colour vision test results can be compared only if
relatively constant after the first measurement. This age
they are obtained under the same setting conditions. But one
group showed a quick, clearly visible learning effect that
has to bear in mind that colour vision is influenced by
persisted over the whole test period. With regard to the
external and internal factors. External factors cover test
older age group the average values deteriorated, remained
period, behavior of the person in charge for the test, the
ambient illumination level, the light level, the test base, and
*Correspondence to: Anke Schröder (e-mail: schroeder.rust@
the test method. These factors can be controlled quite easily so that standardized test conditions can be determined.
© 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. The main emphasis of this study was on the internal

16 COLOR research and application

factors. On the one hand, there are physical components rette smoking of more than 10 cigarettes per day and regular
such as general fitness, state of fatigue and nutrition, the medications (except oral contraceptives). Ophthalmological
influence of tobacco as well as the results of the ophthal- exclusion criteria were visual acuity ⬍0.8, intraocular pres-
mological evaluation and the refraction status of the eye. In sure ⬎21 mmHg, ophthalmological diseases and regular
this context, it is well known that an insufficient correction eye drop medication.
in case of hyperopia may lead to a relative tritanomaly; in All test persons underwent a standard ophthalmological
case of myopia it may result in a comparative protanomaly.1 examination. First refraction, visual acuity, and intraocular
On the other hand, intra-individual factors (compliance) pressure in millimeters of mercury were determined (mea-
influence the test results. To this category belong, among sured with the Goldmann applanation tonometry). After the
others, factors such as power of concentration, respectively evaluation of the anterior eye segment using a slit lamp BQ
attention, motivation, intelligence, general psychic condi- 900 (Haag-Streit, Schlieren, Switzerland), central fundus
tion, and the experience gained in anterior tests (colour and cup/disk ratio of the optic nerve head were examined
vision). with a Volk 90-dpt-magnifying lens.
The influence of experience or practice in the sense of a Furthermore, the subjects performed the cap-sorting test
learning process or an improvement of perception was al- Roth 28-hue (E) desaturated. Measurements were repeated
ready demonstrated in different visual functions.1–12 In this after one week (T1), 2 weeks (T2), 1 month (T3), and after
context, it is possible to differentiate between a cognitive 6 months (T4).
and perceptual learning process. In a cognitive learning Roth developed the cap-sorting test Roth 28-hue desatu-
process an initial status is to be changed into a target status rated in 196616,17 and normevaluated.18 Since the original
solving the problem. Type and extent of the knowledge documents were lost, the cap-sorting was reorganized and
available to tackle the problem depends on the individual restandardized as Roth 28-hue (E) desaturated.19 It is a
exercise. It may be possible to make use of the relevant subtest of the Farnsworth-Munsell 100-hue test20 consisting
knowledge in the course of this exercise. To increase this of 28 colour caps that are arranged in form of an ellipse.
procedural knowledge means to facilitate goal-directed be- This colour arrangement encompasses the full colour circle.
havior.13 The perceptual learning process can be defined as The colours used in the Roth 28-hue (E) desaturated which
a relatively constant and consistent change in the perception differ in hue, saturation, and brightness are identical. The
of stimuli due to former experience and practice.14 Percep- subjects have to rearrange the colour caps, which were
tion is improved because efficiency is increased. Perceptual mixed before, in a circle so that colours would blend ho-
learning is a purely sensory and automatic process that, as a mogeneously.
rule, cannot be verbalized. Practice leads to an improvement Each eye was tested separately using standardized setting
of the visual perception. Previous studies have already de- conditions. The subject was always tested right eye first.
scribed that perception of stereoscopic depth discrimination, Illumination consisted of two Osram fluorescent lamps
nonius differentiation, as well as for orientating discrimina- L36W/12LDL Daylight (colour temperature ⫽ 5500 K,
tion, increased after practice.8,15,16 colour-rendering index ⫽ 93, balanced spectral distribu-
As a consequence, colour vision test results, in which tion). The illumination level attained 2000 lux,21 which was
visual perception plays an important part, are liable to be controlled using the luxmeter HCT-99 (Gigahertz GmbH,
influenced by training and perceptual learning. The aim of Puchheim, Germany). The rest of the room was darkened.
this study was to investigate whether a learning effect The background used was a black cardboard.
occurs in the course of the cap-sorting test Roth 28-hue (E) At the bottom, each colour cap shows a number corre-
desaturated. In addition, the question should be answered, sponding to the respective Munsell colour (Hue). These are
whether the learning process differed according to age. the serial numbers (1, 4, 7, . . . , 82). Manual evaluation
consists of connecting the colour caps in the order they were
laid. The calculation of error sums results in a quantitative
evaluation. A standard value study showed that error sums
The sixty-five subjects included in the study were divided are not normally distributed.19 The mean absolute deviation
into two age groups: group A (20 –39 years, n ⫽ 35, f:m ⫽ was chosen as dispersion measurement. With regard to the
20:15, mean age ⫾ standard deviation ⫽ 25 ⫾ 8 years, standard valuation study the Wilcoxon-test was applied to
minimum age ⫽ 20 years, maximum age ⫽ 38 years) and compare the measured values of the right and the left eye
group B (40 –59 years, n ⫽ 30, f:m ⫽ 24:6, mean age ⫾ within one group. The aim of this study was to investigate
standard deviation ⫽ 48 ⫾ 4 years, minimum age ⫽ 41 the differences between five measurement times. After the
years, maximum age ⫽ 59 years). Twenty-five percent of final test further procedures were based on the PC program
the test persons belonged to the Health Security Service of SPSS version 11.0 due to the specific problems of multiple
the VW Commercial Vehicle Factory in Hanover/Stöcken, testing. In the final test the global hypothesis is tested in the
75% were associated with the Hanover Medical University. first place, that is, it was presumed that there were no
Exclusion criteria were cardiovascular diseases such as ar- differences between the individual measurement times (zero
terial hypertension, arterial hypotension, state after stroke hypothesis). If this zero hypothesis is not rejected, multiple
and peripheral vascular diseases, as well as diabetes melli- testing is finished. In case it is rejected, it is presumed that
tus, migraine, raised lipids, drug and alcohol abuse, ciga- there are differences between the measurement times (alter-

Volume 32, Number 1, February 2007 17

TABLE I. Results of ophthalmological examination in group a (20 –39 years) and group b (40 –59 years).
Standard deviation Standard deviation
Mean right eye right eye Mean left eye left eye

Group A
Visual acuity 1.2 0.2 1.2 0.2
Refraction ⫺1.2 2.4 ⫺1.1 2.3
IOPa 14.3 1.9 14.4 2.0
Cup-disk-Ratio 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1
Group B
Visual acuity 1.0 0.3 1.0 0.2
Refraction ⫺1.0 2.4 ⫺1.1 2.2
IOPa 15.7 2.6 15.6 1.9
Cup-disk-Ratio 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.1
IOP ⫽ intraocular pressure (mmHg).

native hypothesis) and testing is done for all measurement compared test times. Error scores had persistently im-
times individually. Since these variables were dependent, proved.
the Friedmann-test was applied, using the Wilcoxon-test for Group B showed statistically significant differences of
two measurement times.22 the average error sums of T1, T2, and T3 with the average
values taken at the measurement times T0 and T4. Table III
reflects the P-values of the compared measurement times. In
RESULTS this case too, a statistically significant improvement could
The ophthalmological parameters of all 65 subjects were be realized, an effect of which, however, seemed to be
unremarkable (Table I). All 65 subjects underwent the co- short-lived, since the total average error scores taken at T0
lour vision test Roth 28-hue (E) desaturated at five mea- and T4 did not show any further significant differences.
surement times (T0 –T4). T0 was the first measurement, T1
the test repetition after (5 ⫾ 1.72) days, T2 after (15 ⫾ 3.53)
days, T3 after (32 ⫾ 6.97) days, and T4 after (189 ⫾ 16.85)
days. Comparing the error scores for the right and the left The results show an age-dependent learning effect. For both
eye applying the Wilcoxon-test at the individual measure- age groups no statistically significant values could be found
ment times no statistically significant differences (P ⬎ 0.1) comparing right and left eyes at the respective measurement
could be detected in either group A (20 –39 years, n ⫽ 35) time. The average values taken in the younger group were
or in group B (40 –59 years n ⫽ 30). The data for further relatively constant after the second measurement. This
statistical analyses, by performing a final test, were based on group showed a quick clearly discernible learning effect that
the average error sums derived from the respective pair of persisted over the whole rest of the test period. With regard
error scores of the right and the left eye per measurement to the older group the average error scores decreased after
time (Table II). Comparing the error scores for group A and the third measurement (T2), remaining constant over one
group B applying the Mann-Whitney-U-test at the individ- month, but increased again towards the end of the test
ual measurement times, significant differences (P ⬍ 0.01) period.
could be detected (Table II). Colour vision testing is influenced by various factors that
The mean error scores at the measurement times T1, T2, could overlap the subject’s learning effect. For example, an
T3, and T4 determined for group A showed statistically acquired colour vision disturbance can be caused by oph-
significant differences towards the error sums taken at mea- thalmological or systemic diseases (for example diabetes
surement time T0. Table III shows the P-values of the mellitus23–29), intoxications,30 medications,31–33 organic sol-

TABLE II. Results of colour-arrangement-test Roth 28-hue (E) desaturated.a

Group A Group B
P-values, Mann-Whitney
Median MAD Median MADb U-test

T0, first measurement 24 24 90 49 0.0021

T1, repetition after 1 week 24 17 72 52 0.0068
T2, repetition after 2 weeks 18 15 60 44 0.0064
T3, repetition after 1 month 24 12 54 50 0.015
T4, repetition after 6 months 24 18 108 64 0.00087
Given are median and mean absolute deviation of the average scores of both eyes for group A (20 –39 years) and group B (40 –59 years)
and comparison of the error scores in the group A and group B applying the Mann-Whitney U-test.
MAD ⫽ mean absolute deviation.

18 COLOR research and application

TABLE III. P-values (final test): Comparison of mean learning is limited to the changes in the sector of problem
values of both eyes in the two groups A (20 –39 years) solving and thinking. On the other hand, perceptual learning
and B (30 – 49 years) at the five measurement times results in a permanent, often specific improvement in solv-
(T0 –T4). ing perceptual learning tasks. This improvement is divided
Group A Group B
into two main components56: a quick one (after several
hundred rounds) and a slow one (within days). The quick
T0/T1 0.002 0.034 component seems to influence higher processing levels.
T0/T2 ⬍0.001 0.001
T0/T3 0.001 0.002
Performance improves during the event. The slow compo-
T0/T4 0.035 0.750 nent may follow the quick one affecting lower processing
T1/T2 0.139 0.125 levels (retinal). It consolidates within hours up to days
T1/T3 0.444 0.271
T1/T4 0.296 0.014
after the event without presenting further stimuli. Over the
T2/T3 0.875 0.746 last 25–30 years, the improvement process of perceptual
T2/T4 0.075 ⬍0.001 learning has been proved in numerous visual func-
T3/T4 0.308 ⬍0.001
tions.3–10,12,15,57–59 In the course of different perimetry pro-
cesses learning effects were described.60,61 Colour vision
test results improved, too, when the measurements were
vents,34,35 significant nicotine consumption ⬎20 cigarettes/ repeated.2 In the colour arrangement test Farnsworth-
day36 as well as by alcohol abuse.2 Munsell 100-Hue a 30% improvement of the test results was
Another aspect of colour vision test interpretation is the verified, when measurements were repeated.62
subject’s age.37,38 In the present study too, significant lower In the cap-sorting colour vision test Roth 28-hue (E)
error scores could be observed in the younger group A desaturated conducted for this study the measurement time
(20 –39 years) compared with the older group B (40 –59 T0 of group A showed statistically significant differences
years) (Table II). On the one hand, laser interferometry towards T1, T2, T3, and T4. This could be explained pre-
already confirmed that visual acuity is subject to a natural suming a manifestation of the slower component56 after 5
aging process. This indicates that neurosensory elements days without presenting further stimuli. It persisted, on a
decrease in the course of the aging process.39,40 Other age- relatively stable basis, for about half a year - occasionally
related changes are increased lipofuszin deposits and irreg- supported by a repetition of the measurements.
ularities of the macular retinal pigment ephitelium41 which In group B statistically significant differences could be
may result in colour vision disturbances.1,42,43 In addition, observed between T1, T2 and T3 and T0 and T4. The error
cones are subject to structural changes with advancing score decreased between T0 and T3, inclusively, afterwards
age.44 – 46 Furthermore, lens transparency decreases, which increasing again. The slower component56 of perceptual
partly may be the result of the accumulation of insoluble learning seems to prevail in group B. In consequence,
proteins47–50 due to changed enzyme activities within the performance is improved between the measurement times
lens.51 The lens turns yellow which leads to reduced vision until T3. The stability of this improvement is influenced by
in the short-wavelength area.52,53 The resulting blue-yellow the repetitions. Regression is the consequence of a longer
disturbance as part of the cataract has been known for a long test free interval.
time.54,55 In order to keep all these influences to a minimum,
minimum visus of 0.8 was asked for. However, these age-
related changes could not be avoided, resulting in increased
error scores of group B (40 –59 years). This corresponds The cap-sorting colour vision test Roth 28-hue (E) desatu-
with observations made in previous studies. rated is a sensitive and quick colour arrangement test.
The present study shows an age-related learning effect. Therefore, it offers good conditions for practical use. It is
The younger group A developed a quick learning effect that possible that a learning effect disguises the fact that a colour
remained persistent over the whole rest of the test period. In vision disturbance has progressively deteriorated or either
the beginning, the error score of the older group B dropped been successfully treated. If the results obtained in the
remaining constant over a month, increasing again after 6 present study are taken into consideration, such a masking
months. With age, a different and more difficult sensory effect could be avoided.
processing requires more and more attention. The visual For the age-group 20 –39 years it is, therefore, important
system is exemplary for this, where structural changes to repeat a first colour vision test within 5 days. Thus, this
within the eye, for example the above-mentioned cataract, second test result represents a stable finding serving as a
and macular changes or ocular blood flow disturbances may basis for further comparative examinations within half a
lead to an impairment of perception. Thus, it takes more year. Subsequent tests to be conducted every 6 months
time to acquire procedural knowledge—in this case the could probably suffice to minimize the influence of the
colour arrangement strategy. The prolonged learning phase learning effect on the test result.
of the older group B can be correlated to these changes. The subjects of the age-group 40 –59 years should repeat
A difference is made between perceptual learning—ad- a first colour vision test after 5 days and again after 15 days.
justment of perception to an environmental stimulus—and The repetition guarantees stable basic values for following
cognitive learning. In this context, the notion of cognitive tests. The time interval for conducting subsequent exami-

Volume 32, Number 1, February 2007 19

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AATCC/ISCC Industrial Color Those Who Dare to Welcome the Challenge—Ellen Carter,
Color Research and Application
Challenges Symposium Virtual Color Evaluation—Practical Applications and Re-
AATCC and ISCC will sponsor a two-day symposium on cent Developments in Electronic Color and Texture Vi-
“Industrial Color Challenges.” The program will be held on sualization—Leslie Mcintosh, Datacolor
February 22–23, 2007 at the Hilton University Place in The Coloration of Nonwoven Fabrics—J. Richard Aspland,
Charlotte, North Carolina. Clemson University
Presentations will cover all facets of industrial color Authenticity: Tagging and Image Analysis—Renzo
technology, including, color and marketing, multiangle Shamey, NC State University
color measurement, colorant legislation and safety, the con- ASTM Committee Work Regarding Multi-angles—Allan
ditions for proper visual analysis, and the benefits of quan- Rodrigues, DuPont
titative color assessment. Speakers will address questions Non-Metameric Color Matching for Automotive Interiors—
from the audience during a series of panel discussions. Jim Harper, Techmer PM
Confirmed presentations include: Lighting Engineering of Retail Stores—Phil Bradfield, Tai-
lored Lighting
Color Formulation Anomalies—Sy Commanday, Consul- The Truth about Color Approval—Keith Hoover, Lands
tant End
Technique for Measuring Optically Brightened Textiles for Controlling Color Difference and Color Inconstancy for
Color Communication—Roland Connelly, X-Rite Multiple Substrates—David Hinks, NC State University
What Condition Is Your Condition in? (An update on Sam-
ple Conditioning)—Chris Hipps, Datacolor
Review of Current Color Projects in ISO and ASTM— The registration fee includes two luncheons, morning and
David Hinks, NC State University afternoon breaks, a Thursday evening reception, and a com-
Digital Color Communication—Ann Laidlaw, X-Rite pilation of all available papers. During the reception there
A 3D Comparison of Color Solids—Frank O’Donnell, will be tabletop displays and color and technology suppliers
Sherwin Williams will be present to share the latest information about their
products and services.
Published online in Wiley InterScience ( For additional program details or to register visit
DOI 10.1002/col.20274 AATCC’s website:

Volume 32, Number 1, February 2007 21

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