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1. McNaughten’s Rule is concerned with Criminal responsibility.

2. Delusion is a disorder of thought
3. Hallucination is false sense of perception without any external stimulus
4. Kleptomania is a type of impulse
5. The law of criminal responsibility of an insane person in India is based upon Mc Naughten’s Rule
6. The most common form of hallucination in schizophrenia is auditory
7. Maximum number of days during which a patient can be kept for observation for diagnosis of mental illness is 30
8. Recommended number of examinations before certification of a mentally ill person is 3.
9. The Indian Lunacy Act was replaced by the Mental Health Act in 1987.
10. In Delirium Tremens, The Person is NOT criminally responsible for his acts.
11. Testamentary Capacity means Mental ability to make a valid will.
12. Lucid interval is seen in Insanity.
13. Sections For Criminal Responsibility
84 IPC. Criminal responsibility of mentally ill (NOT LIABLE)
85 IPC. Intoxicated against his will (NOT LIABLE)
86 IPC. Intoxicated voluntarily (LIABLE)
14. Anterior horn cells of spinal cord are affected in strychnine poisoning
15. Most common posture during a strychnine poisoning Opisthotonus
16. Strychnine poisoning mimics Tetanus
17. Fatal dose of nux vomica is 1 crushed seed
18. The antidote for the dhatura poisoning is Physostigmine.
19. Dryness of mouth, dilated pupil and delirium are seen in poisoning by dhatura
20. The highest concentration of cannabinol is found in Charas.
21. Reefer or pot is related to marijuana
22. Tetrahydrocannabinol is the active principle in marijuana
23. Run Amok is seen in cases of chronic addiction to Cannabis.
24. An addict develops delusions, misleading hallucinations of sight and hearing and feeling of creeping things of
grains of sand in the skin, he is addicted to Cocaine.
25. Formication is a type of Tactile hallucination
26. Glue sniffing is inhalation of Petroleum distillate
27. Flash-back phenomenon is associated with use of LSD.
28. ‘Liquid Gold’ is the urine of addicts of Amphetamine
29. Ecstasy, a rave party drug is related to Amphetamine
30. Meow meow is a designer drug made from Mephedrone
31. Sensation of synesthesia, seeing smells and hearing colours occur in LSD
32. ‘Suis’ used for cattle killing is prepared from Abrus precatorius
33. Toxalbumin ‘ricin’ is obtained from Castor seed
34. Ophitoxaemia refers to poisoning due to snake venom
35. Polyvalent anti-snake venom is prepared by hyperimmunising horses against the venoms of Cobra, Russell’s
viper, Common Krait and Saw scaled viper.
36. The most common type of poisonous snake in India is Common Krait.
37. Priapism may be a presenting feature in case of Spanish fly bite.
38. Haematuria occurs in bites by Viper.
39. Spectacle mark on the dorsum of the head is an identification feature of Common cobra
40. The venom of krait is Neurotoxic
41. Luminescent vomit and faeces are diagnostic of poisoning by Phosphorous.
42. ‘Phossy Jaw’ is seen in cases of chronic poisoning by Phosphorous.
43. Parotid gland swelling occurs in chronic poisoning with Iodine
44. Chelating agent of choice in arsenic poisoning is Dimercaprol (BAL)
45. Desferrioxamine is the specific antidote for poisoning of iron
46. Antidote used in case of acute arsenic poisoning is Freshly precipitated hydrated ferric oxide
47. Test used for detection of arsenic is Marsh test.
48. Arsenic poisoning mimics Cholera.
49. Velvety appearance of stomach is seen in acute poisoning with Arsenic.
50. Raindrop type of pigmentation is seen in chronic poisoning of arsenic
51. Aldrich-Mees lines is associated with chronic poisoning of Arsenic.
52. Myxovirusese like Influenza virus are cultured on amniotic cavity and allantoic cavity of chick embyo.
53. Hemaglutinin and Neuraminidase antigens are strain specific in influenza viruses.
54. The type-specific antigen (A, B, or C) of influenza viruses is found on Nucleocapsid protein. 1/2

55. The principal reservoir for the generation of variants of influenza virus A (due to antigenic shift) are Pigs, horses
and fowl.
56. Best specimen for the laboratory diagnosis of influenza is Naso-pharyngeal washings
57. Reye’s syndrome is most often seen with Influenza B.
58. Avian influenza is due to H5N1
59. Parainfluenza virus is the leading cause of croup syndrome
60. Orchitis (usually unilateral) is the most common complication in post-pubertal males.
61. Mumps infection is preventable by immunization-LAV using the Jeryl Lynn strain.
62. 'Warthin Finkleday cells' are present in infection with measles
63. Most common cause of death in measles is pneumonia 2/2

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