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MCT/MST Lesson Observation

Student Teacher’s name: Amina Grade Level: 2

Unit/Lesson: Science Part 2 of 2 Date: March 21, 2018

Competency Area E G S M US

Please tick the boxes using the overall assessment level descriptors attached at the end of the
Professionalism and Understanding
Professional growth
Planning for learning
Planning activities and lesson aims

Implementing and Managing Learning X

Language and delivery

Classroom management X

Communication skills

Monitoring and Assessment X

Critical Reflection X

Areas of Strengths: Natalie was able to recall all four habitats that were discussed in the first
part of the lesson. Mubarak Alrashedi could recall the human impact on the ocean. Alan
could recall the human impact on the desert. Ahmad was not able to recall the human impact
on the rainforest, but Ms. Amina remembered to ask him to phone-a-friend (call on Alan who
knew the answer). Natalie could recall the human impact on the savannah. After answering
the same student inquiries repeatedly, Ms. Amina took the initiative to write the lesson
objectives on the white board. Ms. Amina does a perfect job of 360-degree teaching i.e., she
even rotates throughout the classroom and island-style table groupings, without ever sitting
down, or taking too much time with any one student! She gave them a ten-minute warning,
and reminded them that if they didn’t have anything written on their paper (note-catcher) then
they needed to start writing now [in these last 10 mins.]. Complimented students who were
following directions: “I like how Ibrahim is sitting nicely.”
Areas of Improvement: On her Lesson Plan Template, Ms. Amina should have completed the
Students’ Prior Knowledge (What do the students already know that enables them to
understand the lesson?) to include what the learned in Part 1 of this two-part lesson. Ms.
Amina could have ensured more student participation by not allowing Alan to answer twice,
and not calling on Natalie twice. Ghalia and Shamma were in the restroom at the start of the
lesson; Ms. Amina could have taken the initiative to explain the objectives to them/provide
them with research materials, instead of waiting for the two girls to come to Ms. Hiba
(Educational Assistant) for help. When the students presented their work, it was clear that not
everything they had written was on-task (which is not abnormal); Ms. Amina should reflect
upon what she will do to promote teaching and learning in these circumstances.

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