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Top10books priorities

1. Bug related to images.

The process to upload images for the products is as follows:

1.1 We copy all images to the following directory in the server:
1.2 We upload the records in Magento using the attached format.
(Products upload Standard.xlsx) in the corresponding fields (image, small image and
Thumbnail) which are including the filename of the image as they were loaded in the a/m
directory. Name is=SKU.JPG
1.3 After that there is no problem when we check the products in the front. The 3 images are
shown successfully.
1.4 Nonetheless for some reason we don’t know the image is not shown when we access the
register through the Magento backend when we go to catalog/product/image. This is
different to the cases when we load the image manually in which case the image is shown.

On top of that if by any reason we need to edit the record in Magento, for example to change the
price or any other field, the image is not longer available when accessing the information through
the front.

This happened when images are uploaded massively as explained above. i.o.w when we load the
image for each record is one by one image is always there regardless of edition or changes,
FYG when we verify the image in the above-mentioned directory (.../media/import), the image
file is there. Somehow is like the record looses the link to that file after that edition is done.

You can probe by checking the below SKU’s (in the production environment) for which Image was
uploaded massively and whenever you edit any field you will see the error.

- Check the SKU using the frontend and image will be available
- Go to backend and modify the record.
- Got o front again and image is not there any longer.
- You can double check that image is still there.

FYG the image file name is always the sku.jpg

Example: 978956325651.jpg

Be aware that this cases are in production so kindly request that change is reverted

12762 9789563252651 Diario de Ana Ana Frank 09-04- $8.000 Enabled Firme : 0 / 0 30-04- P
Frank 2018 Consignaciones : 2018 R
1/1 H
12761 9789569687112 Cantos de vida y Rubén Darío 09-04- $6.000 Enabled Firme : 0 / 0 16-04- P
esperanza 2018 Consignaciones : 2018 R
2/2 H
12760 9789569687105 Gran teatro del Pedro Calderón 09-04- $6.000 Enabled Firme : 0 / 0 16-04- P
mundo de la Barca 2018 Consignaciones : 2018 R
2/2 H
12759 9788416734283 Divina comedia. Dante Alighieri 09-04- $54.999 Enabled Firme : 0 / 0 16-04- P
Purgatorio-2016 2018 Consignaciones : 2018 R
2/2 H
2. Bug- Orders without email.

If a customer is registered in the system and he makes a purchase using the Mobile and
instead of login with his previously registered email and password, he uses the Guest
option, but he uses the same email used when he registered 1st time, then the order is
registered in the system without email. i.e. the email field is left in blank.
Have tested this in the front, but NO error was found in that is the case
3. Translations. The following translations need to be done

3.1 Pls follow the following sequence in the front. In the search bar enter the word Disco.
You will see that before the number that indicates the number of SKU’s found the
word says Libros. This word has to be changed by Vinilos. Please see screenshot
4. Change the main menu
We need to change the main menu by including a new category. Since there is no more space
available, we would suggest to change some of the categories name by wrapping it as per
follow details:

I.o.W. To change :

Literatura complementaria into:


Técnico y universitario into:

y universitario

Textos escolares Into:


Vinilos remind the same

And in the white square, after Vinilos, a new option (category) Juegos has to be added. Same has to be
included in the mobile.
Use same font and size.
5. Plug in for sending order reminder is not working.

We have installed a plug in from a company named Idnovate that you will find in the
system/config (left menu).

This plug in was operating normally until we move from a shared server to a dedicated one.
We escalate the problem to our hosting supplier and they the debug and indicated the
following error. They recommend to install something that should solve the problem


Your emails are being sent, however rejected because of a large amount of emails coming from the address:

2018-04-30 12:42:17 1fCYUG-0000s8-QU == (
<> R=lookuphost T=remote_smtp defer (-46)
[]: SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data: 421-4.7.0 [ 15] Our system has
detected an unusual rate of\n421-4.7.0 unsolicited mail originating from your IP address. To protect our\n421-4.7.0
users from spam, mail sent from your IP address has been temporarily\n421-4.7.0 rate limited. Please visit\n421-4.7.0 to\n421 4.7.0 review our Bulk Email Senders Guidelines.
n132si2192131wmb.206 - gsmtp
2018-04-30 12:42:17 1fCYUG-0000s8-QU == (
<> R=lookuphost T=remote_smtp defer (-46)
[]: SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data: 421-4.7.0 [ 15] Our system has
detected an unusual rate of\n421-4.7.0 unsolicited mail originating from your IP address. To protect our\n421-4.7.0
users from spam, mail sent from your IP address has been temporarily\n421-4.7.0 rate limited. Please visit\n421-4.7.0 to\n421 4.7.0 review our Bulk Email Senders Guidelines.
32-v6si6278048wrm.207 - gsmtp
2018-04-30 12:42:17 1fCYUG-0000s8-QU == (
<> R=lookuphost T=remote_smtp defer (-46)
[]: SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data: 421-4.7.0 [ 15] Our system has
detected an unusual rate of\n421-4.7.0 unsolicited mail originating from your IP address. To protect our\n421-4.7.0
users from spam, mail sent from your IP address has been temporarily\n421-4.7.0 rate limited. Please visit\n421-4.7.0 to\n421 4.7.0 review our Bulk Email Senders Guidelines.
h17-v6si6808125wri.382 - gsmtp

I highly recommend that you send your emails using SMTP authentication to avoid problems.

This can be completed with a free magento extension:

This should help make sure that your emails are properly delivered.

Best regards,

Cody Selzer
Technical Support Team

6. We use to have another plug in installed and operating without problem.
All of a sudden the option disappear from the menu. We cannot ensure if this
happened with the change of the serve since we didn’t access same for a while.

The Plug in supplier suggested to better install it, but before that we would like that
have a look if there is a chance to somehow re-activate so as to not loose the
definitions we have associated to the extension.

The company name that provides the extension is Mirasvit

You can see it operating in the following environment (we use to use for testing)
created early this year:

Username: administrador
Psw: mitoabc123

You will find in under the CMS main option in the menu as Mirasvit.

Kindly request that you have a look into it and verify if there is something that can be
done to activate it in production.
If this is not possible, what are the chances to recover the definitions if the extension
is installed again.
Anyway attached we include the ZIP file: with the extension.
Please be aware that a new version was delivered. See read.txt instructions.
7. New banner on main page:

As you can see we have the banner at the top with the 2 square messages as follows:

The requirement is to define a new Banner scheme for the page. Please see the following
We need to implement that solution having in mind the following:

a. That the customer CAN have the option to move to the right or Left when using the
options > or < respectively OR CAN move by selecting the standard 3 dots at the bottom
to move to the 1st 2nd or 3rd banner directly.
Additionally to that in case that the user doesn't use any of the mentioned key options
< >, to enable that the 3 banners can rotate automatically according to pre-defined time
interval that could be changed (ex 5 seconds)

b. Assume for one moment that one of the little squares has 3 books inside. We need that each
books has their own URL associated. So if customer clicks in one book the system goes to that
book and so on and so forth.

c. We need that loading of new banners and their associated URL'S can be managed from the
magento backend.
8. Change of categories in main page

We need to change the order of categories in the main page. Today the 1st category is
composed of 2 carrousels of 5 books each and name as category
TOP10 Ficción and TOP10 No ficción

The next category is Novedades TOP (the one with black background)

The requirement is to swap them. i.o.w. to put the Novedades on the top and the TOP10
Ficción and TOP10 No ficción in the place where the
category Novedades is located now. fyi For the time being there is no
changes to be done in background or anything else. They have to be swapped
as they are now in production.
9. Registration and subscription to newsletter at the bottom of the main page.
Please see attachment 2 with indication and wording for each different option.

Regístrate aquí is for the user to register in the page and

Subscríbete a nuestra Newsletter is for just newsletter distribution.
They have to included where arrows are showing.

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