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Aedin Vetere

Mrs. Cramer
College Comp 1
4 May 2018
My Self Evaluation

• Format
• Pronoun/antecedent agreement
• Correct POV
• Missing words
• Fragmented sentences
• Word Choice
• Vague pronouns
• Verb Tense
• Subject/verb agreement
• Lowercase

When writing an essay, many things need to be considered in order for someone to write

a powerful and well-organized essay. Some of the basic things that people look for is proper

uppercase and lowercase letters, words spelled correctly, and making sure that the format of an

essay is correct. These things are important but there are other things that need to be taken into

consideration when writing an essay such as verb tense, subject/verb agreement, and many others

that contribute to someone's writing

A thing that I look for in my writing is the writing in the correct point of view. I notice

that I tend to use words that are used in second point of view such as we, you, our, etc. This is

something that stands out the most to me in my synthesis essay and I fix it immediately before

anything else.
Grammatical errors are also something that I come across in some of my writings.

Whether it be the ver tense , or making sure that pronouns and their antecedent agree, it is

something that I look for very carefully in my essay and correct it when needed. This problem

showed up quite often in my CAN essay. Through the guidance and careful instruction of Mrs.

Cramer, I have been able to identify them and fix those errors when necessary

In conclusion, there are many things that need to be taken into account when writing and

revising an essay. Whether that is making sure that everything grammatically makes sense, to

having proper word choice for the essay's point of view, or for making sure that a nothing words

is used, my process of editing essays has not only made me a better writer, but also a better

editor for someone who asks for my skills. All of these extra skills were used when revising my

literary criticism essay.

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