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Basic Principles of The Revolution

The Revolution isn’t a movement against any other movement or organization. It is a set
of principles that have been lost throughout the materialistic progression of our cultural
growth. These thoughts are the real essence of success in the finest terms. The success of
the communities that use these basic principles will be successful according to it, and is
bound to affect those communities that they come in contact with.

The Revolution is for everyone, everywhere, in every time. It’s not only for those
believers in a particular thought, theology, or philosophy but it is for the culmination of
all of these in their Truth.

1. There is but one Truth

a. Everything had to start at something, and something started everything. 1
is all, and all is 1.
b. Anything absolute is One
c. Anything negative is the absence of absolution

2. Choice is Human
a. Without choices a person is dehumanized, powerless, and bound to rebel
b. Control of oneself within the frame work of community
c. Rebellions happens when actions are mandatory

3. Love, honor, integrity, and honesty are the bringers of prosperity

a. If a society live by them and society will be virtuous
b. Love for all things/ appreciation
c. Honor for all people/ life
d. Integrity with words/Promise
e. Honesty with actions/ vision

4. Greed, anger, fear, and malice are the bringers of corruption

a. Abolish greed and society will be successful
b. Give what causes greed
c. Communal death is cause by taking
d. Too much of anything is devastating (idealization)
e. Anger produces the fruit of death
f. Fear drives out happiness and invites turmoil
g. Malice is the face of lack of discretion

5. Peace in a world of difference is non-existent

a. The problems with difference is that they put one against the other
b. Any difference is a product of change and therefore beneficial
c. Differences are reminders of change

6. The haves and the have-nots are the same

a. No one has everything, so everyone is the have-nots
b. Until there is someone that knows everything there is nothing that is
completely known
c. Corrections come with new realizations

7. There is no Race
a. Under the skin everyone is the same, therefore the skin is only cosmetic
b. Equality for all (economics, education, health, Punishment)

8. Life, not just Human life, is magnificent

a. Killing is not tolerable
b. Respect for all things will lead to an higher level of understanding

9. Everything begins with life, which is a beginning to an end. Everything ends

a. Life and death are a process and a cycle
b. Life happens
c. Death happens

10. Knowledge is Sacred and powerful.

a. It should be protected at all costs

11. Education is the right of all peoples

a. Education leads to understanding and growth
b. Woman are the cradle of a community, they should have the most
opportunity to excel
c. Men are the pillars of community
d. Children are the future and their education is paramount to anything

12. Change Happens

a. Change should be welcomed and nourished, but taken from a consensus
b. Change allows for growth
c. Growth can lead to disaster
d. Disaster will lead to new growth

13. A Just war is a war invited by all - there is no just war

a. War because of fear will start more war
b. War because of fear will create more fear

14. Protection is only needed when there is Fear

a. Without fear there is satisfaction

15. Natural structure is good, Forced organization is not

a. Choice is given to confirm intent
b. Forced action is insincere action, which will only produce decent

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