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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Academic and Research Vice-Rector

Activity 5 : Speaking Assignment – Guide & Rubric

1. General description of the course

School or Vicerrectoría de Relaciones Internacionales

Academic unit
Level of Technical-Technological-Professional-Master
Field of Common Basic Interdisciplinary formation
Course name English 3
Course code 90121
Type of course Methodological Can it be Ye ☐ N ☒
retaken? s o
Number of 2

2. Description of the activity

Type of Individua Collaborativ Number of 6

☒ ☐
activity: l e weeks
Moment of Intermedia,
Starting ☐ ☒ Final ☐
evaluation: unit:
Delivery environment:
Evaluative score: 95 score
Collaborative Learning
Starting date: April 3rd, 2018 Closing date: May 13th, 2018
Competence to develop:
Speaking skill: The students speak in English approriately in current
situtations at intermedia level.
Topics to develop:
Modal verbs, Phrasal verbs, Prepositions, Future.
Phases, steps or stages of learning strategy to develop
Activity 5 : Speaking Assignment
Activities to develop
Part 1
1. Post a photograph (where you appeared) of a traditional place in
the city where you live.
2. Record a video describing the place of the city where the
photograph was taken.

3. Additionally, you will send comments about two partners’ videos.

Part 2
Interview (40 points)

Step 1: Personal introduction. A short introduction about yourself

(name, age, place of birth, job, program you study, hobbies, and
other information you want to include).
Step 2: Role-play. On the day of the interview, you will talk with your
tutor about the story related to your photograph.
s to its Collaborative Learning
Part 1
1. Upload the photograph in the forum.
2. Send the video or URL in the forum. This video
should be shared in the forum before presenting
the interview with your tutor.
The video can be made using any tool or software.

Guidelines for making a video:

 At the forefront of the video you must show up.
 At the backfront you can show the photograph
uploaded in the forum and/or the slides.
 The message of the video consists of three parts:
1. Greeting: You introduce yourself talking about:
name, age, place of residence, program you
Products to study, among others. 2. You tell everything
submit by related to the photograph sent in the forum. 3.
the student You finish your video saying goodbye.
 Length of video is from 1:30 and 2:00 minutes.
 To avoid difficulties to upload your video in the
forum; you can upload it on Youtube and just
share the link.

Choose the proper place to record your video in order

to avoid pictures or sound unappropriate.
Part 2
Interview via Skype with your tutor. It is important to
upload the video/link before the interview.


Send two comments about your partners’ videos.

General guidelines of the collaborative work for developing
the activity

 Reading the unit contents with its references

because they support the activities.
activities to
 Participación activa y reflexiva de cada estudiante
develop the
en las actividades.
 Socialización de aportes pertinentes y oportunos
e work
para cada actividad.
Roles to
perform by
No role must be performed by the students in this
the student
in the
Collector: Articulate the contributions of all the
participants of the collaborative group in order to
consolidate the final paper; including only those who
took part of the whole process.

Reviewer: To verify that the final paper and process

meet all the requirements established by the teacher.

Roles and Evaluator: To verify that the final paper meets the
responsibilit criteria established by the rubric. The evaluator must
ies to inform the group about any corrections or
produce the adjustments regarding the quality of the document.
by the Submissions: To keep track and inform the group
students about the submission time, uploading the final paper
on time, using the link provided by the teacher or
established by the activity guide. To notify the group
members the final paper was submitted.

Alerts: To notify all the group members about

changes or news related to the submission or
elaboration of the final paper. To notify the teacher
through the collaborative forum and the course mail
that the final paper was submitted.
It is necessary to use the APA standards in order to
provide a bibliography of the sources cited in the
Use of
references Use this link as reference:

According to Dictionary Real Academia Española

“Plagiarism is the action of substantially copying other
people's works, presenting them as own creation."
Therefore, plagiarism is a serious offense;
academically speaking it is equivalent to theft. A
student who plagiarizes does not take his education
seriously, and does not respect the intellectual work
of others.

There is no small plagiarism. Using any portion of

another person's work, without acknowledging the
author or source is plagiarism. Now, it is evident that
we all take some ideas from others when it comes to
presenting ours, and that our knowledge is based on
Plagiarism someone else’s knowledge. But when we rely on the
policy work of others, academic honesty requires that we
explicitly announce the fact that we are using an
external source, either by citing or by paraphrasing
(these terms will be defined below). When we cite or
paraphrase, we clearly identify our source, not only to
give recognition to its author, but also to allow the
reader to look up in a reference text.

There are certain academic events in which it is not

acceptable to quote or paraphrase the work of others.
For instance, if a teacher assigns his or her students a
task in which they are clearly required to answer
using their own ideas and words, then the student
should not consider external sources regardless if
they are properly referenced.
4. Evaluation Rubric
Evaluation Rubric
Type of Individual Collaborativ
☒ ☐
activity: activity e activity
Moment of Intermedia,
Starting ☐ ☒ Final ☐
evaluation unit
Performance levels of the individual activity
Item Score
High score Media score Low score
The student
had some
the student’s
mistakes but
was clear, you
these ones were
had a
not decisive
pronunciation The student
because they
close the did not
Pronunciati did not interfere
standard one participate in 10
on to understand
with good the interview points
the speech. A
intonation and
pauses among
could improve
(Up to 10 (Up to 5
(0 points)
points) points)
The student did
not introduce
The student did
The student’s
not link simple
speech showed
questions and
a good handle of
answers related
to near
environment The student
addressed in the
and the studens did not
units for this
was not able to participate in 5
Grammar activity. The
construct the interview points
student could
language proper
make some little
to the level and
mistakes but the
related to the
message was
context. The
student often
made mistakes
that interfere
(Up to 5 (Up to 3
(0 points)
points) points)
The student
The student misused some
used the words isolated,
vocabulary without
addresed in the cohesion in your The student

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