1 William Wallace: The Age of Kings

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1 William Wallace
1 Marching and Fighting
2 Feeding the Army
3 Training the Troops
4 Research and Technology
5 The Battle of Stirling
6 Forge an Alliance
7 The Battle of Falkirk
2 Joan of Arc
1 An Unlikely Messiah
2 The Maid of Orleans
3 The Cleansing of the Loire
4 The Rising
5 The Siege of Paris
6 A Perfect Martyr
3 Saladin
1 An Arabian Knight
2 Lord of Arabia
3 The Horns of Hattin
4 The Siege of Jerusalem
5 Jihad!
6 The Lion and the Demon
4 Genghis Khan
1 Holy Roman Emperor
2 Henry the Lion
3 Pope and Antipope
4 The Lombard League
5 Barbarossa's March
6 The Emperor Sleeping
5 Barbarossa
1 Holy Roman Emperor
2 Henry the Lion
3 Pope and Antipope
4 The Lombard League
5 Barbarossa's March
6 The Emperor Sleeping

1 Attila the Hun
1 The Scourge of God
2 The Great Ride
3 The Walls of Constantinople
4 A Barbarian Betrothal
5 The Catalaunian Fields
6 The Fall of Rome
2 El Cid
1 Brother against Brother
2 The Enemy of my Enemy
3 The Exile of the Cid
4 Black Guards
5 King of Valencia
6 Reconquista
3 Montezuma
1 Reign of Blood
2 The Triple Alliance
3 Quetzalcoatl
4 La Noche Triste
5 The Boiling Lake
6 Broken Spears
4 Battles of the Conquerors
1 Hastings (1066)
2 Agincourt (1415)
3 Vindlandsaga (1000)
4 Tours (732
5 Lepanto (1571)
6 Manzikert (1071)
7 Noryang Point (1598)
8 Kyoto (1582)

1 Alaric
1 All Roads Lead to a Besieged City
2 Legionaries on the Horizon!
3 Emperor of the West
4 The Sack of Rome
2 Sforza
1 An End and a Beginning
2 O Fortuna
3 The Hand of a Daughter
4 The Ambrosian Republic
5 A New Duke of Milan
3 Bari
1 Arrival at Bari
2 The Rebellion of Melus
3 The Great Siege
4 Dracula
1 The Dragon Spreads His Wings
2 The Return of the Dragon
3 The Breath of the Dragon
4 The Moon Rises
5 The Night Falls
5 El Dorado
1 Tales of La Canela
2 The Split
3 The Amazones
4 The Cannibals
6 Prithviraj
1 A Promising Warrior
2 The Digvijaya
3 The Elopement
4 Battles of Tarain
7 Battles of the Forgotten
1 York (865)
2 Dos Pilas (648)
3 Honfoglalás (895)
4 Bapheus (1302)
5 Cyprus (1191)
6 Langshan Jiang (919)
7 Bukhara (557)
8 Kurikara (1183)


1 Tariq ibn Ziyad
1 The Battle of Guadalete
2 Consolidation and Subjugation
3 Divide and Conquer
4 Crossing the Pyrenees
5 Razzia
2 Sundjata
1 Hunted
2 The Sting of the Scorpion
3 Djeriba Gold
4 Blood on the River Bank
5 The Lion's Den
3 Francisco de Almeida
1 The Old World
2 Lion of Africa
3 Ruins of Empires
4 Estado da India
5 A Son's Blood
4 Yodit
1 Path of Exile
2 The Right Partner
3 A Fallen Crown
4 Broken Stelae
5 Welcome Home


1 Gajah Mada
1 The Story of Our Founders
2 Unconditional Loyalty
3 The Oath to Unify Nusantara
4 Serving the New King
5 The Pasunda Bubat Tragedy
2 Suryavarman I
1 Usurpation
2 Quelling the Rebellion
3 A Dangerous Mission
4 Challenging a Thalassocracy
5 Nirvanapada
3 Bayinnaung
1 The Burmese Tigers
2 The Mandalay Cobra
3 The Royal Peacock
4 The White Elephant
5 The Old Tiger
4 Le Loi
1 The Dai Viet Uprising
2 The Mountain Siege
3 The Battle at Hanoi
4 Reaching South
5 A Three-Pronged Attack
6 The Final Fortress

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