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Vocabulary minute 11’

under the weather

call in sick to the office

burning the candle at both ends - go to bed late and get up early.

bucking the trend – doing something differently. to be obviously different from the way that a situation
is developing generally, especially in connection with financial matters:

This company is the only one to have bucked the trend of a declining industry.

to cherry pick – choose an example carefully to support the argument you want to make (giving a biased

a drop in the ocean – not making much difference

Extra vocab:

we are not getting any younger

none of us are getting any younger

take a census


steadily growing


marginally higher


isolated situation

fertility rates so low

it’s not all doom and gloom

small talk

populations across the world are living longer and having fewer children

demographic shift in the populations in the developed world, no – more about the POPULATION shift in

changing demographics and their effect on Japan

demographics – study of a population and different age groups and other subgroups in it

governments take a censure every 10 years

1950 Japan’s birthrate – 2.5 times more than death rate – steadily growing

2005 – numbers converged, population growth falling

very long life expectancy – over 80

number 28 uk

#43 USA

average figures

Canada birthrate 2015. 1.60 uk 1.81 same year, marginally higher

immigration numbers -250 k Canada for a 37 million population, 207k uk – 65 mill population

Japan has a falling and aging population

Tokyo population still rising 8.9 to 9.3mill – bucking the trend

shift with de-population of the countryside, urban areas grow

youth moving into cities, leaving older citizens behind

case study – 8 children in entire school of village

half population of village province is over the age of 50, not cherry picked example

1950 – 53% in urban areas, 93% now

villages trying to attract young people to relocate, but only managed to slow de-population

Japan is racially homogeneous country only 1.5 percent foreign born

12.6 per cent foreign born in UK

arranged marriages village farmers and Philippines and Chinese brides

successful marriages – drop in the ocean

demographic shift isolated situation?

only 10 % of farmers in West EU under 35 age, US similar 2010-2014 33k people migrated from rural to
city each year

fertility rates so low

it’s not all doom and gloom

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