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WW3 Breaks Out.

All of the Spanish and Portuguese colonies had remained independent for
the past two centuries. But throughout the 2020s, everything changed. All that we
know from these Latin-American countries would be no more. From economic
developments to disastrous failures in each and every country would not matter
anymore. This was because all of the Latin American countries became one, and
its name, the Latin American Federation (LAF). Soon after that, everything went

On June 23rd, 2023, Ferro Rodrigues (one of the Portuguese Presidents)

was found dead. Later, the world discovered that Marcelo Rebelo de Saousa (the
other President) had come clear saying he had poisoned Rodrigues because he
wanted the power of Portugal for himself and, had secretly been working with King
Felipe VI of Spain to reconquer all of the Latin-American countries and rebuild the
Spanish Empire with the inclusion of Portugal.

But just the day after coming clear to the world about his murder, Rodrigues
was found dead inside the Spanish castle with a gun in his hand. This information
had brought up two main speculations. First, is he killed himself acknowledging
what he had just done and decided to not be a part of it anymore, and the second
one tells, King Felipe killed Rodrigues and framing him for suicide.

On June 30th, the world experienced a “Continental Union”, between the

newly formed American Empire, made by their beloved President Trump, and the
LAF. Both of these countries shared forces and helping each other to fight against
the Spanish Empire.

The next day it was formed, Cuba and Haiti were the first countries to be
swarmed by the Spanish Empire. More the 5,000 people died, 12,000 injured and
1,500 captured as a warning to the Americans. Trump, soon after the fight, thought
about throwing one of his nuclear missiles over to Spain, but Enrique Peña
(President of Mexico) knew that there were many other ways to deal about this,
and so did the rest of the former Latin American countries. So what they decided
on was sending a large army made up of Six Million troops, each one of the portion

is made up of an amount of Troops of each country, over to each of the Spanish
frontiers, and like that get their defenses down and show how powerful they are

And so they did, two days after the planning, all the American troops landed
on each side of Spanish Empire and murdered their way through to get to the King.
But little did they know, The King knew about their plan and sent troops to ambush
them. Still, the Americans won due to their immense amount of man power. More
than 30,000 lives were lost.

The Spanish still had the 1,500 Cubans and Haitians captive so that if the
Americans ever decided to retreat, they would be sent back. But everybody knew
that was not going to happen. The American Empire and the LAF would continue
fighting to demonstrate that they are more powerful. But the Spanish Empire would
always strike back, probably not hard, but they did. This was the New War.
Welcome to World War III.

By: Shawn Rodrigues

Austria did 9/11 Confirmed (Not clickbait)
We’ve all heard extravagant conspiracy theories. But this one takes the kick,
because it might actually be true. And all the evidence will be shown in this short

First. Let’s establish a connection between Austria and the US. The US was
in a civil war in 1864, while Prussia was at war with Austria in 1866. Now, what
year is between 1864 and 1866 you may ask yourself. Well it’s 1865. 18 and 65. 1
+ 8 = 9 and 6 + 5 = 11. The numbers 9 and 11.

Second. Hulk Hogan is famous for saying “bring down the twin towers”. He
is also a very muscular man. Now, another muscular man is Arnold
Schwarzenegger. But what is his correlation you may ask? It’s simple, he is
Austrian, thus connecting us further between Austria and 9/11.

let’s take a
look at some
from Austria.
The first is
the Radetzky
March, and if
we look at its music sheet we see a clear correlation with the first two notes. The
anthem of Austria in the late 1800’s was ‘Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser’. And if we
go at the notes 9 and 11, we see the words ser and sern. Ser and sern, what
sounds like ser and sern? Serbia of course. But I’ll pick that up later.

And I have even more evidence! The national emblem of Austria is the
double headed eagle, this one is straight forward. With the two heads being the
twin towers, and the 7 feathers on the right alluding to tower 7.

But why Austria you ask? Well, it’s simple. In the late 1500’s and 1600’s
Vienna was under siege by the Ottoman Turks. So they started devising a plan to
make the Middle East a chaotic and disastrous place. But when the Austrians
forced Frederick the Soldier-King to kill Frederick the Great’s best friend, Katte in
the 1700’s. Frederick the great found out about the plot and invaded Silesia as a
result. Austria saw this as a threat to their plan. So they used a random Serbian
beggar as an assassin, and sent a guy with a weird moustache to Germany to start
an unwinnable war that would get Prussia abolished.

With that part of the plan succeeded, they carried on. And with the Bush
presidency they saw their entrance. So they sent Czech dudes with Swiss army
knives and goulash soup so spicy it would melt the steel beams of the twin towers.
And just blamed a random Middle Eastern cowboy music fanatic for the tragedy.

And ever since then, the Austrians have been feasting with how well their
plan has gone. Wake up sheeple.

By: Francisco Iglesias

Putin: Emperor of Russia, Trump Responds
On January 16th 2023, the world witnessed for the first time something
people rumored was to happen for a very long time. Putin, former Prime minister
and President of Russia was now the Emperor of the largest country in the world.
And that’s not the craziest part, America’s beloved Donald Trump, now chosen
President for the third consecutive time decided through Twitter he would change
the United States for once and for all.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the first Russian President to be in office four

times, decided he would make a 180 on how we look at the Russia. It wouldn't be a
democratic country anymore, it was now a monarchy again.

Now, we know Donald Trump beat Kanye West in the elections, who could
ever forget that. We also know America’s beloved President loves to go with the
trend, and this was no exception. Just the day after Putin announced his decision
to the world, Trump when onto Twitter and stated he would transform the United
States of America into The American Empire. Yes, Trump is now Emperor of the
United States, and it is all thanks to
Emperor Putin.

Trump’s and Putin’s friendship

couldn’t have been even more
connected. This even led to the
Russian Emperor creating his own
Twitter account and being really
“communicative” with other countries all
around the world. But to every upside
there is always a downside. The
drawback was he was not paying most
of his attention to the things happening
around him, due to always being
connected through the internet. Russia
got in the school shooting period of the

Russian Emperor Putin

year over in Saint Petersburg, and Putin did nothing about this. He had just posted
in his Twitter “I feel sorry for the people who died #prayforall”. The way the he is
dealing with this is rare. The Russians just hope Putin starts focusing on his
country again.

America’s Monarch had been a lot of backlash since he had become

Emperor. Most of this hate is actually came from Trump supporters surprisingly.
They said, since Trump will no longer be a conservative democrat, he would now
keep all of the state’s money for himself and build a castle for himself and his
family. The non-Trump supporters were still mad they had to deal with him before,
and now that he is a King, they would have to deal with him being in charge of the
country for the rest of his life, or until he decided to retire from his power.

What did the world think of this sudden change? Well, they did not really care, both
countries were meant to be controlled by a monarchy sooner or later. But, how did
this change impact the future? This made China the leading country regarding
economy once again due to people not liking American products anymore, due to
Trump taking most of the State’s income, and Russia will continue being Russia.
These were the Middle Ages 2.0

God Emperor Trump

By: Shawn Rodrigues
The retaking of Constantinople
It was on this week that the Imperial Russian forces took over the city of
Istanbul in their fierce offensive against Turkey. The Turkish troops offered little
resistance to the mechanized onslaught that is the Russian war machine. “The
retaking of the holy city of Constantinople has shook Turkish and Muslim morale,”
Said the Army General Valery Gerasimov in an interview with Moscow
Komsomolets (Московский комсомолец), “Preparations for an imperial visit will be
arranged soon.”

But before the interview Putin tweeted out to the world “I have just been
informed that Constantinople has been retaken by our forces. From this day on,
this shall be a national holiday.” It is known that the Christian Orthodox Church has
interest in the Hagia Sophia, a huge cathedral turned Mosque, and the control over
the Bosporus.

“This act of aggression against our Muslim brothers will not stand,” said Abu
Bakr al-Baghdadi in a speech hosted Wednesday night “Hereby I declare a Jihad
on the Orthodox aggressors. In the name of Allah I request all Muslims in the world
to hear my war cry!” This speech by the caliph of the Baghdadi Caliphate shook the
Muslim world. From the vast plains of Kazakhstan to the deserts of Morocco, all
Muslim nations joined the Baghdadi Caliphate and would start one of the greatest
wars since Genghis Khan’s conquests.

By: Francisco Iglesias
Hawking STILL ALIVE, and Clinton’s involved?
Astronomy has been one of the great mysteries for the human kind. What is
beyond our home, Earth? How do we get there? What is beyond infinity? Those
are all questions made by one of the Greatest Astronomers, Stephen Hawking.
Hawking was pronounced dead on March 14th 2018 (Pi Day), or that is what he
wanted all of us to think.

Hawking's genius, which arguably deserves a Nobel Prize, is to have brought

together several different but equally fundamental fields of physical theory:
gravitation, cosmology, quantum theory, thermodynamics and information theory.
But what do you after that?

Three months after Hawking was pronounced dead, he was later found in a
hotel with you would never guess who… Hillary Clinton! Yes, Clinton was at a
conference in France where paparazzis found her and Hawking inside a room

This picture which was then removed from the internet, caught a lot of
attention from the press, and from there onwards everything went downhill for the
Clinton family. From continuous break-ins from photographers and spies into her
house, to Hillary actually getting arrested. This one image was probably the biggest
eye-catching event since she postulated for candidate as President of America.

Why did Clinton get arrested? Well, authorities thought if Hawking was
hiding with the Clinton’s, then this would make a bad image for him too since he
did not like getting involved with politics and especially did not like the Clinton’s at
all. This was the main reason authorities took her for interrogation. If Hawking had
been found alive with Hillary Clinton around public, he would probably lose many of
his followers just because of this.

How does Bill Clinton feel about this? Well he strongly thinks his wife did not
do any of these allegations. Bill says if Hillary was doing or thinking of doing
something, she would ask his opinion first on the situation. This is why he denies
all the allegations regarding his wife.

It has been years since these accusations. But people have lost interest in
this since they think the picture could have been photoshopped, but there is still no
evidence of that, since every time the image of the incident surfaces the internet, it
is quickly erased by the Google algorithm. There also hasn’t been recent proof of
Hawking and Hillary Clinton together alone, other than that picture.

Alleged Hillary and Hawking’s Photo

By: Shawn Rodrigues

EU becomes a monarchy under Great Britain
On a Monday 19th of May, 2024, the European Union settled down the
ongoing dispute with the United Kingdom about Brexit. But on a serious Faux pas
the European Union had accidentally accepted annexation on behalf of Great

The document (Visible on the bbc’s archives), has a translation error where
it says “Britain owns the Union, with compensation for the service.” Instead it
should’ve said “Britain owes the union compensation for the service.” This mistake
wasn’t ratified until the British Delegate, Nigel Farage, had signed the document
and afterwards said “That’s for 1940 you darned Frogs!” The Union Delegate didn’t
quite understand what he was referring to, but after a long day of work he just went
to sleep without thinking much of it. Little did he know that he’d wake up under
British rule.

Nigel Farage, leader of the “UK independence party” (later reformed to the
“National Party of Europe”), went to meet with the elected PM, the preserved head
of Margaret Thatcher, to discuss the topic. Thatcher’s immediate orders was “seize
all of the rightful land”, millions of British troops would be marching on the greatest
capitals of Europe.

The Royal Family of England

By: Francisco Iglesias
Elon Musk Declares WAR on Earth
Elon Musk, one of the most innovative and creative billionaires on Earth,
loved the idea of colonizing Mars, and that is what he did on 2024. Musk planned
this mission since he was a college student in South Africa. He always dreamt of
being outside this planet and colonizing another one. That was the main mission
for the Falcon Heavy, to see what is there beyond Earth, and what could be the
possible conditions to live on Mars. But all of this took a drastic turn as soon as he
set foot on the foreign country.

On 2023, the year before he started to colonize Mars, Musk found some
integral main function problems with the Falcon Heavy V2 which could’ve
endangered the mission to a failure including to his own death. But luckily he and
his team could sort the problems out on time before the launch which occurred on
said date.

The year he landed on Mars, his crew suggested Musk to not wander
around too long due to occasional toxic storms that occurred over there. This was
where everything went south. Musk and his team heard weird sounds coming over
a nearby cave and went to check it out. Suddenly they found out there were actual
aliens on Mars!

This led to many speculations back on Earth. Nobody knew what was
occurring over on Mars with Musk and his crew. But suddenly over on top on Earth
atmosphere people witnessed something never seen before, Musk’s face in the
sky. People around the world whether it was night or day, all they saw in the blue
sky, was Elon Musk’s beautiful face.

After the world was scared to death by Musk’s illustration for several hours,
something even more unusual happened. While the Spanish Empire and the LAF
were fighting on the field, they suddenly stopped, and heard Musk talking to each
one of the soldiers telepathically, saying he would conquer the entire world and
own Mars and Earth. This obviously made everybody get terrified for weeks, but as
nothing occurred, the war continued.

Till to this date nobody has witnessed anything from the sky. SpaceX and
NASA have not gotten any information from Mars since that day. Due to this,
people now think Musk is dead, brutally murdered by the aliens as well as his crew.
The other speculation brought up, was the idea of Musk now constructing a
working replica of the Star Wars “Death Star” and take over the Earth like that.
Only thing people can do now is to just wait and see.

Picture of Elon Musk’s face on the sky

By: Shawn Rodrigues

Operation Dynamo
On May 26th 1940, during the Second World War the evacuation of Dunkirk
started taking place, which saved nearly 340.000 lives.

The evacuation was by no means straightforward. With desperation from the

advancing German troops and constant enemy aircraft destroying ships, tanks and
garrisons. Taking into account that the shore was too shallow for bigger ships to
carry troops, and too scarce of resources for mounting a final stand against the
Nazi advance.

The British troops used everything they had to move across, from motor
yachts, fishing boats and other small ships, some of which were privately owned or
taken by navy personnel. Around 700 of these little ships were used to bring hope
to the civilian population, which saw their homeland as next in line to be invaded.

From this operation is where the phrase “Dunkirk Spirit” came from, which is
often used to denote great cooperation in the face of adversity.

Artist’s impression of Dunkirk

By: Francisco Iglesias


Francisco “Franz” Iglesias – Political Theorist

Shawn “BJ” Rodrigues – Designer

Special thanks to:

Mark Zuckerberg


God Emperor Trump


Other Sponsors



Whoever created Google

Larry Paige


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