Subjective Narratives MicroEssay

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Alex Kerkhoff

24 March 2017

The Movement Towards Subjective Narratives In Video Games

We have become so accustomed to the limited interpretations of narratives in video

games that this process is rarely, if ever, questioned by mainstream consumers. This is a

testament to the hegemonic state of the modern video game industry which too often develops

games that rely on stock characters and stereotypical storylines in an attempt to reach the

broadest audience possible. The game designer and writer Anna Anthropy addresses this issue

in her article “The problem with videogames”, and draws our attention to the untapped

potential of video games to tell stories from a wider range of voices and backgrounds than what

is currently offered. Attempts to incorporate these perspectives into games are often hindered

by a culture of exclusion, which sees a small labor pool of mainly young white males at the

center of the industry. However, as we see the proliferation of more adaptable and user

friendly software, the ability to construct games falls into the hands of everyday hobbyists. This

technological advancement opens up a new dimension of storytelling by eliminating the need

for expert knowledge of coding and programming.

Anna’s own creation, a flash game called "Dys4ia", exemplifies her vision of conveying

unique and insightful perspectives of individuals whose voices are rarely heard in video games.

The game takes us through the process of her own gender exploration and hormone

replacement therapy with short mini games that effectively communicate the discomfort and

complexity of her experience. The narrative provides a valuable look into the struggles of a
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often overlooked group. Other games are less explicit in the portrayal of identity and roles,

seeking rather to weave these elements into the fabric of the story. In the case of the eccentric

stop motion game "Dominique Pamplemousse", a subtle reference to gender adds to the

aesthetic and plot.

Games such as these represent a movement away from the rigid constraints set upon

character and story represented by contemporary AAA produced games. The act of

incorporating the perspectives of minorities into video game narratives is vitally important not

just for creating a more diverse and compelling gaming experience, but also for providing a

voice to these groups in a cultural context. By showcasing the opinions and feelings of

neglected peoples, we also increase the power and relevance of these individuals in society.
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Works Cited

Anthropy, Anna. “The Problem With Videogames.” Rise of the Videogame Zinesters: How

Freaks, Normals, Amateurs, Artists, Dreamers, Dropouts, Queers, Housewives, and

People Like You Are Taking Back an Art Form. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2012. Print.

Dys4ia. Anthropy, Anna. Newgrounds. 2012. Video game.

Dominique Pamplemousse in “It’s All Over Once The Fat Lady Sings!”. Squinkifer, Dietrich .

Squinkifer Productions. 2014. Video game.

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