METEOR - Cabozanitinib Vs Everolimus en Segunda Linea

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Original Article

Cabozantinib versus Everolimus in Advanced

Renal-Cell Carcinoma
T.K. Choueiri, B. Escudier, T. Powles, P.N. Mainwaring, B.I. Rini, F. Donskov,
H. Hammers, T.E. Hutson, J.-L. Lee, K. Peltola, B.J. Roth, G.A. Bjarnason,
L. Géczi, B. Keam, P. Maroto, D.Y.C. Heng, M. Schmidinger, P.W. Kantoff,
A. Borgman‑Hagey, C. Hessel, C. Scheffold, G.M. Schwab, N.M. Tannir,
and R.J. Motzer, for the METEOR Investigators*​​


The authors’ full names, academic de- Cabozantinib is an oral, small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitor that targets vas-
grees, and affiliations are listed in the Ap- cular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) as well as MET and AXL, each
pendix. Address reprint requests to Dr.
Choueiri at the Dana–Farber Cancer In- of which has been implicated in the pathobiology of metastatic renal-cell carci-
stitute, 450 Brookline Ave. (DANA 1230), noma or in the development of resistance to antiangiogenic drugs. This random-
Boston, MA 02215, or at t­ oni_choueiri@​ ized, open-label, phase 3 trial evaluated the efficacy of cabozantinib, as compared
with everolimus, in patients with renal-cell carcinoma that had progressed after
* A complete list of investigators in the VEGFR-targeted therapy.
Metastatic RCC Phase 3 Study Evaluat-
ing Cabozantinib versus Everolimus
(METEOR) is provided in the Supplemen-
tary Appendix, available at We randomly assigned 658 patients to receive cabozantinib at a dose of 60 mg
This article was published on September
daily or everolimus at a dose of 10 mg daily. The primary end point was progres-
25, 2015, at sion-free survival. Secondary efficacy end points were overall survival and objective
N Engl J Med 2015;373:1814-23.
response rate.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1510016
Copyright © 2015 Massachusetts Medical Society. RESULTS
Median progression-free survival was 7.4 months with cabozantinib and 3.8 months
with everolimus. The rate of progression or death was 42% lower with cabozantinib
than with everolimus (hazard ratio, 0.58; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.45 to 0.75;
P<0.001). The objective response rate was 21% with cabozantinib and 5% with
everolimus (P<0.001). A planned interim analysis showed that overall survival was
longer with cabozantinib than with everolimus (hazard ratio for death, 0.67; 95%
CI, 0.51 to 0.89; P = 0.005) but did not cross the significance boundary for the
interim analysis. Adverse events were managed with dose reductions; doses were
reduced in 60% of the patients who received cabozantinib and in 25% of those
who received everolimus. Discontinuation of study treatment owing to adverse events
occurred in 9% of the patients who received cabozantinib and in 10% of those who
received everolimus.
Progression-free survival was longer with cabozantinib than with everolimus among
patients with renal-cell carcinoma that had progressed after VEGFR-targeted therapy.
(Funded by Exelixis; METEOR number, NCT01865747.)

1814 n engl j med 373;19  November 5, 2015

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Cabozantinib in Advanced Renal-Cell Carcinoma

enal-cell carcinoma is the most eral cancers, including renal-cell carcinoma.19-22
common form of kidney cancer, with A single-group trial showed objective responses
more than 330,000 cases diagnosed and and prolonged disease control with cabozantinib
more than 140,000 deaths attributed to it world- in patients with renal-cell carcinoma with tumors
wide every year.1 Approximately one third of resistant to VEGFR and mTOR inhibitors.23
patients present with metastatic disease at diag- On the basis of these results, we conducted a
nosis,2 and in about one third of treated patients randomized, open-label, phase 3 trial that com-
with localized disease, the disease will relapse.3-5 pared cabozantinib with everolimus in patients
Inactivation of the von Hippel–Lindau (VHL) with advanced renal-cell carcinoma that had
tumor-suppressor protein characterizes clear-cell progressed after VEGFR tyrosine kinase inhibi-
tumors, the predominant histologic subtype in tor therapy. The trial design allowed for appro-
patients with renal-cell carcinoma, and results priate statistical power for both a primary end
in the up-regulation of vascular endothelial point of progression-free survival and a second-
growth factor (VEGF) production.6,7 Antiangio- ary end point of overall survival while avoiding
genic drugs that target VEGF (bevacizumab) and overrepresentation of patients with rapidly pro-
its receptors (sunitinib, sorafenib, pazopanib, gressing disease for the primary end point.
and axitinib) are standard treatments, owing to
improved progression-free survival in random- Me thods
ized, phase 3 trials as compared with interferon
alfa, placebo, or other targeted drugs.8-12 Sunitinib, Patients
pazopanib, and bevacizumab (with interferon Eligible patients were 18 years of age or older
alfa) were investigated in the first-line setting, with advanced or metastatic renal-cell carcinoma
and sorafenib and axitinib were investigated af- with a clear-cell component and measurable
ter progression with a first-line treatment. disease. Patients must have received prior treat-
Resistance develops in nearly all patients ment with at least one VEGFR-targeting tyrosine
treated with one or more of these drugs, as evi- kinase inhibitor and must have had radiographic
denced by disease progression. The median progression during treatment or within 6 months
progression-free survival ranges from 8 to 11 after the most recent dose of the VEGFR inhibi-
months with first-line sunitinib or pazopanib8-10 tor. Patients with known brain metastases that
and from 3 to 5 months with sorafenib or ax- were adequately treated and stable were eligible.
itinib after progression with first-line sunitinib There was no limit to the number of previous
treatment.12,13 In the second-line setting or later, anticancer therapies, which could include cyto-
the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) kines, chemotherapy, and monoclonal antibod-
inhibitor everolimus was associated with longer ies, including those targeting VEGF, the pro-
progression-free survival than placebo (median, grammed death 1 (PD-1) receptor, or its ligand
4.9 vs. 1.9 months) in a phase 3 trial involving PD-L1. Eligible patients also had a Karnofsky
patients with renal-cell carcinoma that had pro- performance-status score of at least 70% (on a
gressed during or after treatment with sunitinib, scale from 0 to 100%, with higher scores indi-
sorafenib, or both.14 However, no significant im- cating better performance status) and adequate
provement in overall survival was observed. organ and marrow function. Key exclusion crite-
Cabozantinib is an oral, small-molecule in- ria were previous therapy with an mTOR inhibi-
hibitor of tyrosine kinases, including MET, tor or cabozantinib or a history of uncontrolled,
VEGF receptors (VEGFRs), and AXL, and is cur- clinically significant illness.
rently approved for the treatment of patients
with progressive, metastatic medullary thyroid Study Design and Treatment
cancer.15,16 MET and AXL are up-regulated in Patients were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to
renal-cell carcinoma as a consequence of VHL receive either cabozantinib or everolimus. Ran-
inactivation, and high expression of each is as- domization was stratified according to the num-
sociated with poor prognosis.17,18 In addition, ber of previous VEGFR-targeting tyrosine kinase
increased expression of MET and AXL has been inhibitors (1 or ≥2) and prognostic risk category
implicated in the development of resistance to (favorable, intermediate, or poor) according to the
VEGFR inhibitors in preclinical models of sev- Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC)

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

criteria24 (for details on the MSKCC criteria, see All the authors made the decision to submit the
Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix, available manuscript for publication. The study protocol
with the full text of this article at and statistical analysis plan are available at
Cabozantinib and everolimus were provided
by the sponsor (Exelixis). Cabozantinib was ad-
ministered orally at a dose of 60 mg once daily, Statistical Analysis
and everolimus was administered orally at a The trial was designed to provide adequate
dose of 10 mg once daily. Dose reductions for power for assessment of both the primary end
cabozantinib (40 mg, then 20 mg) and everoli- point of progression-free survival and the sec-
mus (5 mg, then 2.5 mg) and interruptions of ondary end point of overall survival. For the
study treatment were specified for management primary end point, we estimated that 259 events
of adverse events. Treatment was continued as (disease progression or death) would be required
long as clinical benefit was observed by the in- to provide 90% power to detect a hazard ratio of
vestigator or until the development of unaccept- 0.667 (7.5 months with cabozantinib vs. 5 months
able toxic effects. Crossover between treatment with everolimus), using the log-rank test and a
groups was not allowed. two-sided significance level of 0.05. For the
overall-survival end point, assuming a single
End Points and Assessments interim analysis at the time of the primary end-
The primary end point was duration of progres- point analysis and a subsequent final analysis,
sion-free survival, defined as the interval be- we estimated that 408 deaths would be required
tween the dates of randomization and first to provide 80% power to detect a hazard ratio of
documentation of disease progression (assessed 0.75 (20 months with cabozantinib vs. 15 months
by an independent radiology review committee) with everolimus), using the log-rank test and a
or death from any cause. Secondary efficacy end two-sided significance level of 0.04.
points were duration of overall survival and ob- Efficacy was evaluated in two populations ac-
jective response rate. Tumor response and pro- cording to the intention-to-treat principle. To
gression were assessed according to Response evaluate the secondary end point of overall sur-
Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors, version 1.1,25 vival, 650 patients were planned (the overall-sur-
in all patients at screening, every 8 weeks after vival population). However, only 375 patients were
randomization during the first 12 months, and required to achieve appropriate statistical power
every 12 weeks thereafter. Routine safety evalua- for the primary end point of progression-free
tions were performed and adverse-event severity survival. Thus, the study was designed to evalu-
was assessed by the investigator with the use of ate the primary end point in the first 375 patients
the National Cancer Institute Common Termi- who underwent randomization (the progression-
nology Criteria for Adverse Events, version 4.0.26 free–survival population) to allow longer follow-
up of progression-free survival (Fig. 1).
Study Oversight Hypothesis testing for progression-free and
The protocol was approved by the institutional overall survival was performed with the use of
review board or ethics committee at each center, the stratified log-rank test according to the
and the study was conducted in accordance with stratification factors used at randomization.
Good Clinical Practice guidelines and the Decla- Median duration of progression-free survival
ration of Helsinki. Safety was monitored by an and overall survival and associated 95% confi-
independent data monitoring committee. Data dence intervals for each treatment group were
were collected by the sponsor and were analyzed estimated with the Kaplan–Meier method. Haz-
in collaboration with the authors. The authors ard ratios were estimated with a Cox regression
vouch for the accuracy and completeness of the model. A prespecified interim analysis for over-
data and for the fidelity of the study to the pro- all survival was conducted at the time of the
tocol. The first draft of the manuscript was writ- primary end-point analysis. The type I error for
ten by the first and last authors, with all the the interim analysis was controlled by a Lan–
authors contributing to subsequent drafts. Med- DeMets alpha spending function, with O’Brien–
ical-writing support, funded by the sponsor, was Fleming boundaries, to account for the fraction
provided by Bellbird Medical Communications. of planned events at the time of the analysis.

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Cabozantinib in Advanced Renal-Cell Carcinoma

R e sult s
Patients Advanced renal-cell carcinoma
Clear-cell histology
From August 2013 through November 2014, a total Measurable disease
Progression after prior VEGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor
of 658 patients from 173 centers in 26 countries
were randomly assigned to receive cabozantinib
(330 patients) or everolimus (328 patients); these
1:1 Randomization
patients together compose the overall-survival
population (Fig. S1 in the Supplementary Appen-
dix). The first 375 patients who underwent ran-
domization (187 assigned to cabozantinib and
188 assigned to everolimus) compose the pro- Cabozantinib, Everolimus,
gression-free–survival population for the primary 60 mg once daily 10 mg once daily
end-point analysis (Fig. S2 in the Supplementary
Appendix). The safety population comprises all
patients who received study treatment (331 re- population
ceived cabozantinib and 322 received everolimus) (first 375 patients who Overall-survival
underwent randomization) population
(Fig. S1 in the Supplementary Appendix). (650 patients)
As of the data-cutoff date of May 22, 2015, a
total of 133 patients assigned to cabozantinib
and 67 patients assigned to everolimus were Figure 1. Study Design.
continuing to receive study treatment. Minimum VEGFR denotes vascular endothelial growth factor receptor.
follow-up time was 11 months in the progres-
sion-free–survival population and 6 months in
the overall-survival population. The most com- A progression-free survival benefit associated
mon reason for discontinuing treatment was with cabozantinib was consistently observed in
progression of disease on radiography. prespecified subgroups defined according to the
The treatment groups were balanced with re- number of prior VEGFR inhibitors and MSKCC
spect to baseline demographic and disease char- prognostic risk category (Fig. S4 in the Supple-
acteristics (Table 1). The most common previous mentary Appendix). In a post hoc analysis of the
therapy was sunitinib, and the majority of patients subgroup of 153 patients who received sunitinib
had received only one prior VEGFR inhibitor. as their only prior VEGFR inhibitor, the estimated
median progression-free survival was 9.1 months
Efficacy (95% CI, 5.6 to 11.2) with cabozantinib and 3.7
The duration of progression-free survival was months (95% CI, 1.9 to 4.2) with everolimus
determined by an independent radiology review (hazard ratio for progression or death, 0.41).
committee in the first 375 patients who under- Among the first 375 patients who underwent
went randomization. The estimated median pro- randomization, the objective response rate, as
gression-free survival was 7.4 months (95% con- assessed by an independent radiology review com-
fidence interval [CI], 5.6 to 9.1) with cabozantinib mittee, was significantly higher with cabozan-
and 3.8 months (95% CI, 3.7 to 5.4) with evero- tinib than with everolimus (partial responses in
limus. The rate of disease progression or death 40 of the 187 patients [21%] assigned to cabo-
was 42% lower with cabozantinib than with zantinib vs. 9 of the 188 patients [5%] assigned
everolimus (hazard ratio for progression or death, to everolimus; P<0.001) (Table S2 in the Supple-
0.58; 95% CI, 0.45 to 0.75; P<0.001) (Fig. 2). The mentary Appendix). A best response of stable
results were similar in a supportive analysis in- disease occurred in 116 patients (62%) in each
volving investigator assessment of progression- group, and progressive disease occurred in 26
free survival (median, 7.4 months [95% CI, 6.3 to patients (14%) assigned to cabozantinib versus
7.6] with cabozantinib vs. 5.3 months [95% CI, 51 patients (27%) assigned to everolimus. In the
3.8 to 5.6] with everolimus; hazard ratio for subgroup of 153 patients who received sunitinib
progression or death, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.47 to 0.76; as their only prior VEGFR inhibitor, objective re-
P<0.001) (Fig. S3 in the Supplementary Appendix). sponses occurred in 17 of the 76 patients assigned

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 1. Baseline Demographic and Clinical Characteristics.*

Characteristic Progression-free–Survival Population Overall-Survival Population

Cabozantinib Everolimus Cabozantinib Everolimus
(N = 187) (N = 188) (N = 330) (N = 328)
Age — yr
Median 62 61 63 62
Range 36–83 31–84 32–86 31–84
Sex — no. (%)
Male 142 (76) 130 (69) 253 (77) 241 (73)
Female 45 (24) 57 (30) 77 (23) 86 (26)
Not reported 0 1 (<1) 0 1 (<1)
Geographic region — no. (%)
Europe 83 (44) 84 (45) 167 (51) 153 (47)
North America 76 (41) 64 (34) 118 (36) 122 (37)
Asia–Pacific 25 (13) 36 (19) 39 (12) 47 (14)
Latin America 3 (2) 4 (2) 6 (2) 6 (2)
Race — no. (%)†
White 157 (84) 147 (78) 269 (82) 263 (80)
Asian 12 (6) 20 (11) 21 (6) 26 (8)
Black 4 (2) 2 (1) 6 (2) 3 (<1)
Other 10 (5) 6 (3) 19 (6) 13 (4)
Not reported 4 (2) 12 (6) 15 (5) 22 (7)
Missing data 0 1 (<1) 0 1 (<1)
ECOG performance-status score — no. (%)‡
0 129 (69) 116 (62) 226 (68) 217 (66)
1 58 (31) 72 (38) 104 (32) 111 (34)
MSKCC prognostic risk category — no. (%)§
Favorable 80 (43) 83 (44) 150 (45) 150 (46)
Intermediate 80 (43) 75 (40) 139 (42) 135 (41)
Poor 27 (14) 30 (16) 41 (12) 43 (13)
Prior VEGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors — no. (%)
1 137 (73) 136 (72) 235 (71) 229 (70)
≥2 50 (27) 52 (28) 95 (29) 99 (30)
Previous systemic therapy — no. (%)
Sunitinib 114 (61) 113 (60) 210 (64) 205 (62)
Pazopanib 87 (47) 78 (41) 144 (44) 136 (41)
Axitinib 28 (15) 28 (15) 52 (16) 55 (17)
Sorafenib 11 (6) 19 (10) 21 (6) 31 (9)
Bevacizumab 1 (<1) 7 (4) 5 (2) 11 (3)
Interleukin-2 11 (6) 13 (7) 20 (6) 29 (9)
Interferon alfa 6 (3) 13 (7) 19 (6) 24 (7)
Nivolumab 9 (5) 11 (6) 17 (5) 14 (4)
Radiotherapy — no. (%) 56 (30) 61 (32) 110 (33) 108 (33)
Nephrectomy — no. (%) 156 (83) 153 (81) 282 (85) 279 (85)

* Statistical testing of differences in baseline characteristics between groups was not included in the statistical analysis plan. VEGFR denotes
vascular endothelial growth factor receptor.
† Race was self-reported.
‡ Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance-status scores range from 0 to 5, with 0 indicating no symptoms, 1 indicating
mild symptoms, and higher numbers indicating increasing degrees of disability.
§ The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) prognostic risk category24 was determined by the number of three factors (anemia,
hypercalcemia, and poor performance) that were present. Patients with zero factors had a favorable prognosis, patients with one factor had
an intermediate prognosis, and patients with two or three factors had a poor prognosis.

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Cabozantinib in Advanced Renal-Cell Carcinoma

to cabozantinib (22%; 95% CI, 14 to 33) and in

2 of the 77 patients assigned to everolimus (3%; Median
No. of Progression-free No. of
95% CI, 0 to 9). Patients Survival Events
At the prespecified interim analysis of overall mo (95% CI)
survival, 202 deaths had occurred in the overall- 100 Cabozantinib 187 7.4 (5.6–9.1) 121
survival population. A trend toward longer over- 90
Everolimus 188 3.8 (3.7–5.4) 126

Progression-free Survival (%)

all survival with cabozantinib than with everoli- 80 Hazard ratio for progression or death,
mus was observed (hazard ratio for death, 0.67; 70
0.58 (95% CI, 0.45–0.75)
unadjusted 95% CI, 0.51 to 0.89; P = 0.005) (Fig. 3). 60
The P value of ≤0.0019 required to achieve sta- 50
tistical significance at the time of the interim 40
analysis was not reached, and survival follow-up 30 Cabozantinib
is continuing to the planned final analysis after 20
408 deaths occur. The trend toward longer sur- 10 Everolimus
vival with cabozantinib occurred despite more 0
0 3 6 9 12 15 18
frequent use of subsequent anticancer therapies
in the everolimus group (155 of 328 patients
No. at Risk
[47%]) than in the cabozantinib group (126 of Cabozantinib 187 152 92 68 20 6 2
330 patients [38%]) (Table S3 in the Supplemen- Everolimus 188 99 46 29 10 2 0
tary Appendix). The most common subsequent
anticancer therapies were axitinib in the everoli- Figure 2. Kaplan–Meier Estimates of Progression-free Survival.
mus group (74 patients [23%]) and everolimus in Disease progression was assessed by an independent radiology review
the cabozantinib group (75 patients [23%]).

The median duration of treatment was 7.6 months
among patients who received cabozantinib and
4.4 months among patients who received evero- Cabozantinib
limus. Dose reductions occurred among 197 of
Overall Survival (%)

the 331 patients (60%) treated with cabozantinib 60
and 79 of the 322 patients (25%) treated with 50
everolimus (Table S4 in the Supplementary Appen- 40
dix). The median average daily dose was 44 mg 30
of cabozantinib and 9 mg of everolimus. The 20 Hazard ratio for death, 0.67 (95% CI, 0.51–0.89)
rate of treatment discontinuation due to adverse 10 P=0.005
events not related to renal-cell carcinoma was 0
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
9% (31 patients) in the cabozantinib group and
10% (31 patients) in the everolimus group. Months

The incidence of adverse events (any grade), No. at Risk

Cabozantinib 330 317 294 189 101 32 6 1 0
regardless of whether the event was considered Everolimus 328 306 260 156 88 24 5 1 0
by the investigator to be related to the study
treatment, was 100% with cabozantinib and more Figure 3. Kaplan–Meier Estimates of Overall Survival.
than 99% with everolimus, and the incidence of
adverse events of grade 3 or 4 was 68% with
cabozantinib and 58% with everolimus (Table 2). plantar erythrodysesthesia syndrome (11%), and
The most common grade 3 or 4 adverse events fatigue (10%), and the most common with evero-
with cabozantinib were hypertension (15%), diar- limus were pneumonitis (4%), fatigue (3%), and
rhea (11%), and fatigue (9%) and with everoli- stomatitis (3%). Grade 5 adverse events occurred
mus were anemia (16%), fatigue (7%), and hyper- in 22 patients (7%) in the cabozantinib group
glycemia (5%). The most common adverse events and in 25 patients (8%) in the everolimus group
(any grade) leading to dose reductions with and were primarily related to disease progres-
cabozantinib were diarrhea (16%), the palmar– sion. Grade 5 events that were considered to be

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 2. Adverse Events.*

Event Cabozantinib (N = 331) Everolimus (N = 322)

Any Grade Grade 3 or 4 Any Grade Grade 3 or 4
number of patients with an event (percent)
Any adverse event 331 (100) 226 (68) 321 (>99) 187 (58)
Diarrhea 245 (74) 38 (11) 88 (27) 7 (2)
Fatigue 186 (56) 30 (9) 148 (46) 22 (7)
Nausea 165 (50) 13 (4) 90 (28) 1 (<1)
Decreased appetite 152 (46) 8 (2) 108 (34) 3 (<1)
Palmar–plantar erythrodysesthesia syndrome 139 (42) 28 (8) 19 (6) 3 (<1)
Hypertension 122 (37) 49 (15) 23 (7) 10 (3)
Vomiting 106 (32) 7 (2) 45 (14) 3 (<1)
Weight decreased 102 (31) 6 (2) 40 (12) 0
Constipation 83 (25) 1 (<1) 60 (19) 1 (<1)
Dysgeusia 78 (24) 0 30 (9) 0
Stomatitis 73 (22) 8 (2) 77 (24) 7 (2)
Hypothyroidism 67 (20) 0 1 (<1) 0
Dysphonia 65 (20) 2 (<1) 12 (4) 0
Mucosal inflammation 63 (19) 3 (<1) 73 (23) 11 (3)
Asthenia 62 (19) 14 (4) 50 (16) 7 (2)
Dyspnea 62 (19) 10 (3) 90 (28) 13 (4)
Cough 61 (18) 1 (<1) 107 (33) 3 (<1)
Back pain 56 (17) 7 (2) 47 (15) 7 (2)
Abdominal pain 53 (16) 12 (4) 31 (10) 4 (1)
Rash 50 (15) 2 (<1) 89 (28) 2 (<1)
Pain in arms or legs 47 (14) 3 (<1) 26 (8) 1 (<1)
Muscle spasms 41 (12) 0 16 (5) 0
Dyspepsia 40 (12) 1 (<1) 15 (5) 0
Dry skin 37 (11) 0 32 (10) 0
Headache 37 (11) 1 (<1) 38 (12) 1 (<1)
Arthralgia 36 (11) 1 (<1) 45 (14) 4 (1)
Dizziness 36 (11) 0 21 (7) 0
Peripheral edema 31 (9) 0 72 (22) 5 (2)
Pyrexia 28 (8) 2 (<1) 51 (16) 1 (<1)
Pruritus 25 (8) 0 47 (15) 1 (<1)
Epistaxis 12 (4) 0 46 (14) 0
Pneumonitis 0 0 33 (10) 6 (2)
Laboratory abnormality
Aspartate aminotransferase increased 58 (18) 6 (2) 18 (6) 1 (<1)
Anemia 56 (17) 18 (5) 122 (38) 50 (16)
Alanine aminotransferase increased 53 (16) 8 (2) 19 (6) 1 (<1)
Hypomagnesemia 52 (16) 16 (5) 5 (2) 0
Proteinuria 41 (12) 8 (2) 30 (9) 1 (<1)
Hypokalemia 38 (11) 15 (5) 21 (7) 6 (2)
Hypophosphatemia 33 (10) 12 (4) 18 (6) 7 (2)
Hypertriglyceridemia 20 (6) 5 (2) 40 (12) 9 (3)
Serum creatinine increased 15 (5) 1 (<1) 35 (11) 0
Hyperglycemia 15 (5) 2 (<1) 62 (19) 16 (5)

* Shown are adverse events that were reported in at least 10% of the patients in either study group, regardless of whether the event was con-
sidered by the investigator to be related to the study treatment. The severity of adverse events was graded according to the National Cancer
Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, version 4.0.26

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Cabozantinib in Advanced Renal-Cell Carcinoma

treatment-related occurred in 1 patient in the because the sample size required to properly
cabozantinib group (death not otherwise speci- evaluate the primary end point of progression-
fied) and in 2 patients in the everolimus group free survival is too small to adequately assess
(aspergillus infection and aspiration pneumonia). the important secondary end point of overall
survival. An event-driven analysis of progres-
Discussion sion-free survival in the larger sample required
for overall survival could have been overweight-
Progression-free survival was longer with cabo- ed with patients who have early progression, and
zantinib than with everolimus in this random- patients with longer times to progression might
ized, phase 3 trial involving patients with renal- not have been sufficiently represented. There-
cell carcinoma that had previously progressed fore, to provide longer follow-up for an event-
during at least one VEGFR-targeted therapy. The driven analysis of progression-free survival, the
efficacy with cabozantinib was robust, with an primary analysis of this end point was prespeci-
estimated median progression-free survival of fied to occur in the first 375 patients who under-
7.4 months, as compared with 3.8 months with went randomization.
everolimus, and a hazard ratio of 0.58, corre- Everolimus was used as the comparator be-
sponding to a 42% reduction in the rate of dis- cause it is a standard treatment for patients who
ease progression or death. Objective tumor re- previously had disease progression with a VEGFR-
sponses were observed in 21% of the patients targeted therapy. A growing body of evidence
assigned to cabozantinib, as compared with 5% suggests greater efficacy with VEGFR inhibitors
of the patients assigned to everolimus. than with mTOR inhibitors in patients with renal-
Data pertaining to overall survival, a second- cell carcinoma.13,27,28 However, owing to the ab-
ary end point in this trial, were immature at the sence of comparative data from phase 3 trials,
prespecified interim analysis. Nonetheless, the an area of controversy has been the relative ben-
rate of death was 33% lower with cabozantinib efit of a VEGFR inhibitor as compared with
than with everolimus, a finding that indicates a everolimus as a second-line treatment.29 More
strong trend toward longer survival. The interim than 70% of our study population were previously
boundary for significance was not reached, and treated with only one VEGFR inhibitor, primar-
follow-up for survival is continuing to the ily sunitinib. A benefit with respect to progres-
planned final analysis. sion-free survival was observed with cabozan-
The safety profile of cabozantinib in this tinib in the subgroup of patients who received
trial was similar to previous experience in this one prior VEGFR-targeted therapy, a finding that
patient population.23 Common adverse events is consistent with the overall results.
with cabozantinib included diarrhea, fatigue, Axitinib is also an option as a second-line
nausea, decreased appetite, the palmar–plantar treatment for patients with renal-cell carcinoma,
erythrodysesthesia syndrome, and hypertension, given the results of the phase 3 AXIS trial, which
which are also observed with other VEGFR tyro- showed a benefit in progression-free survival as
sine kinase inhibitors in patients with renal-cell compared with sorafenib as a second-line ther-
carcinoma.8,12 Adverse events that occurred at apy.12 The eligibility criteria of the AXIS trial
higher rates and with greater severity with allowed varied first-line therapies, and the two
everolimus than with cabozantinib included largest populations were patients who were previ-
pneumonitis, peripheral edema, anemia, and ously treated with sunitinib (54%) or cytokines
hyperglycemia. Dose reductions for management (35%). The estimated median progression-free
of adverse events occurred more frequently with survival in the overall population was 6.7 months
cabozantinib than with everolimus, underlining with axitinib, as compared with 4.7 months with
the need for careful adverse-event monitoring, as sorafenib, and the benefit was strongest among
is the case with other VEGFR inhibitors. Discon- patients previously treated with cytokines. The
tinuation of study treatment owing to adverse subgroup of patients who received sunitinib as
events not related to renal-cell carcinoma oc- their first-line therapy had an estimated median
curred in 9% of the patients who received cabo- progression-free survival of 4.8 months and an
zantinib and in 10% of the patients who received objective response rate of 11% with axitinib.12,30
everolimus. Thus, the estimated median progression-free sur-
This study used a “trial within a trial” design vival of 9.1 months and the objective response

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

rate of 22% with cabozantinib in a similar In conclusion, cabozantinib, a multitargeted

population of patients are noteworthy, poten- MET, VEGFR, and AXL tyrosine kinase inhibitor,
tially reflecting the unique mechanism of action was associated with longer progression-free sur-
of cabozantinib, beyond targeting VEGFR, with vival, as compared with everolimus, among
the addition of MET and AXL inhibition. Further patients with renal-cell carcinoma that had
investigation is required to clearly define the progressed after prior VEGFR inhibitor therapy.
roles of these targets in the clinical activity of A strong trend toward longer overall survival
cabozantinib. with cabozantinib than with everolimus was
In a study now reported in the Journal, shown in an interim analysis. A majority of
nivolumab, whose mechanism of action is im- patients who received cabozantinib required dose
mune checkpoint inhibition, was associated with reductions to manage adverse events.
an overall survival benefit as compared with Supported by Exelixis, including funding for medical-writing
everolimus among patients with previously treat- support.
Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
ed advanced renal-cell carcinoma.31 Combina- the full text of this article at
tions of this agent with cabozantinib in patients We thank the patients, their families, the investigators and
with genitourinary cancers, including renal-cell site staff, and the study teams who participated in this trial. We
also thank Mark English, Ph.D., and Tricia Newell, Ph.D., of
carcinoma, are currently being investigated Bellbird Medical Communications for providing medical-writing
( number, NCT02496208). and editorial assistance with earlier versions of the manuscript.

The authors’ full names and academic degrees are as follows: Toni K. Choueiri, M.D., Bernard Escudier, M.D., Thomas Powles, M.D.,
Paul N. Mainwaring, M.D., Brian I. Rini, M.D., Frede Donskov, M.D., Ph.D., Hans Hammers, M.D., Ph.D., Thomas E. Hutson, D.O.,
Pharm.D., Jae‑Lyun Lee, M.D., Ph.D., Katriina Peltola, M.D., Ph.D., Bruce J. Roth, M.D., Georg A. Bjarnason, M.D., Lajos Géczi, M.D.,
Ph.D., Bhumsuk Keam, M.D., Ph.D., Pablo Maroto, M.D., Daniel Y.C. Heng, M.D., M.P.H, Manuela Schmidinger, M.D., Philip W.
Kantoff, M.D., Anne Borgman‑Hagey, M.D., Colin Hessel, M.S., Christian Scheffold, M.D., Ph.D., Gisela M. Schwab, M.D., Nizar M.
Tannir, M.D., and Robert J. Motzer, M.D., for the METEOR Investigators
The authors’ affiliations are as follows: the Dana–Farber Cancer Institute, Boston (T.K.C., P.W.K.); Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif,
France (B.E.); Barts Cancer Institute, Cancer Research UK Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre, Queen Mary University of London,
Royal Free NHS Trust, London (T.P.); Icon Cancer Care, South Brisbane, QLD, Australia (P.N.M.); Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (B.I.R.);
Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (F.D.); Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins, Baltimore
(H.H.); Texas Oncology–Charles A. Sammons Cancer Center, Baylor University, Dallas (T.E.H.); University of Ulsan College of Medicine
(J.-L.L.) and Seoul National University Hospital (B.K.) — both in Seoul, South Korea; Helsinki University Central Hospital Cancer Cen-
ter, Helsinki (K.P.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (B.J.R.); Sunnybrook Odette Cancer Centre, Toronto (G.A.B.), and
Tom Baker Cancer Centre, Calgary, AB (D.Y.C.H.) — both in Canada; National Institute of Oncology, Budapest, Hungary (L.G.); Hos-
pital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona (P.M.); Medical University of Vienna, Vienna (M.S.); Exelixis, South San Francisco, CA
(A.B-H., C.H., C.S., G.M.S.); University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston (N.M.T.); and the Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center, New York (R.J.M.).

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