A Bi Level Programming Approach For Production Dis 2017 Computers Industri

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Computers & Industrial Engineering 110 (2017) 527–537

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A bi-level programming approach for production-distribution supply

chain problem
Omid Amirtaheri, Mostafa Zandieh ⇑, Behrouz Dorri, A.R. Motameni
Department of Industrial Management, Management and Accounting Faculty, Shahid Beheshti University, G.C., Tehran, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper investigates a decentralized production-distribution supply chain consisting of one manufac-
Received 20 November 2016 turer and one distributor where the demand is jointly influenced by pricing and advertising policies. The
Received in revised form 16 May 2017 control of decision variables is partitioned amongst the members. The manufacturer decides about
Accepted 20 June 2017
wholesale price, production interval, expenditure of global advertising, and participation rate in the dis-
Available online 22 June 2017
tributor’s local advertising expenditure while the decisions on selling price, local advertising expenditure,
and allocation of demands to depots are made by the distributor. We propose a Stackelberg game frame-
work and develop two nonlinear bi-level programming models by switching the leader and follower roles
Bi-level programming
Supply chain coordination
between the manufacturer and the distributor. Four hierarchical solution algorithms are proposed by
Production-distribution supply chain combining genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization to tackle the bi-level programming mod-
Stackelberg game els. Finally, computational experiments are carried out to analyze and compare the efficiency and effec-
Genetic algorithms tiveness of the proposed solution procedures.
Particle swarm optimization Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the follower will take, as a response to the leader’s decisions.

Therefore, the actions of one influence the choices and payoffs
The last two decades have witnessed a considerable interest by available for the other.
researchers in supply chain management (SCM) and a new empha- The general form of a bi-level programming problem (BLPP) is
sis on the interactions among supply chain members. There are stated as follows:
two approaches towards decision making in supply chain: central-
min Fðx; yÞ
ized and decentralized. In a centralized supply chain, an individual x2X
member with dominant position delineates the policies for other subject to Gðx; yÞ 6 0
members. In such a case, members are willing to cooperate based min f ðx; yÞ
on the declared policies. In decentralized supply chain, however, y2Y

firms do not tend to cooperate and seek to optimize their own subject to gðx; yÞ 6 0
objectives rather than those of the entire system.
where x 2 X # R is the set of leader’s decision variables and
Bi-level programming is an appropriate technique for modeling
y 2 Y # Rm is the set of follower’s decision variables. Similarly, the
decentralized management problems with two non-cooperative
functions F : Rnm ! R and f : Rnm ! R are objective functions
decision makers in a hierarchical structure. From a historical point
of leader and follower, while G : Rnm ! Rp and g : Rnm ! Rq
of view, bi-level programming as a special case of multi-level opti-
are upper and lower level constraints, respectively.
mization is closely related to the economic problem of Stackelberg
The relaxed feasible region (or constraint region) of BLPP is:
(Von Stackelberg, 1952) in the field of game theory.
The decision maker at the upper level of the hierarchy is known S ¼ fðx; yÞ : x 2 X; y 2 Y; Gðx; yÞ 6 0 and gðx; yÞ 6 0g
as leader, while the lower level decision maker is termed as fol-
lower. Each decision maker controls a set of decision variables sub- For a fixed x 2 X, the lower-level feasible set is defined by:
ject to a set of constraints and aims to optimize his own objective SðxÞ ¼ fy 2 Y : gðx; yÞ 6 0g
function. The actions taken by the leader affect the reactions that
While the lower-level reaction set (or rational reaction set) is:
~Þ; y
RðxÞ ¼ fy 2 Y : y 2 arg minðf ðx; y ~ 2 SðxÞÞg
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: m_zandieh@sbu.ac.ir (M. Zandieh). Every y 2 RðxÞ is a rational response.

0360-8352/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
528 O. Amirtaheri et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 110 (2017) 527–537

Finally, the induced region (or inducible region) is defined as: topics intensely investigated in the literatures during the recent
years (Aust & Buscher, 2014). This concept represents a financial
IR ¼ fðx; yÞ : ðx; yÞ 2 S; y 2 RðxÞg
agreement between the manufacturer and the distributor to share
This set is formed by the feasible points of the BLPP, corresponds to advertising expenditure based on which the manufacturer under-
the feasible set of the leader. It is usually non-convex and can even takes part of local advertising expenditure (participation rate)
be disconnected or empty in presence of upper-level constraints. incurred by the distributor (Koh, 2013).
The BLPP is equivalent to optimizing the leader’s objective F over In the proposed BLPP, the control of decision variables is
the inducible region IR. A feasible point ðx ; y Þ 2 IR is a global opti- partitioned amongst the manufacturer and the distributor. The
mum of BLPP (or Stackelberg equilibrium) if Fðx ; y Þ 6 Fðx; yÞ for all manufacturer decides about wholesale price, production
ðx; yÞ 2 IR. (replenishment) interval, global advertising expenditure, and par-
Bi-level programming techniques have been widely applied to ticipation rate in the distributor’s local advertising expenditure.
handle realistic decentralized decision problems. Gao and et al. The distributor, however, makes decisions on selling price, local
(2011) develop two nonlinear bi-level programming models for advertising expenditure in each market, and allocation of markets’
pricing problem in a vendor-buyer supply chain. Sadigh, demands to depots in a way that total transportation cost is mini-
Mozafari, and Karimi (2012) address a multi-product mized. In fact, neither the manufacturer nor the distributor has
manufacturer-retailer supply chain in which the demand of each direct control over the decision-making process of the other, but
product is jointly influenced by price and advertising expenditure. their decisions affect the other member’s subsequent reactions.
They apply bi-level programming approach and present several With the assumption of perfect information to be available about
solution procedures to find optimal policies in terms of pricing, the follower, in both models, the leader could anticipate the reac-
advertising and inventory management. Mokhlesian and Zegordi tion of the follower and acts in a way that is optimal for him.
(2014) develop a nonlinear bi-level programming model for a The first contribution of this paper is to model a decentralized
multi-product two-echelon supply chain consisting of one manu- production-distribution supply chain problem by using of bi-level
facturer and multiple retailers. Zhang, Lu, and Gao (2015) establish programming, which allows us to take into account how decisions
a bi-level pricing and replenishment strategy optimization model made at the distribution segment of the supply chain can affect
in high-tech industry where the buyer and the vendor are respec- and be affected by decisions made at the manufacturing segment.
tively designated as the leader and the follower. Ma, Wang, and Bi-level programming models are non-convex and strongly NP-
Zhu (2014) consider joint pricing and lot sizing problem in a hard, even in their simplest case in which all the functions involved
two-echelon supply chain system with one manufacturer and are linear (Ben-Ayed & Blair, 1990; Hansen, Jaumard, & Savard,
one retailer. They establish two nonlinear bi-level programming 1992). Thus, it is quite difficult to deal with nonlinear version of
models by switching the leader and the follower roles between these models. Traditional approaches for solving BLPP can be
the manufacturer and the retailer. roughly divided into the following categories (Dempe, 2002): (1)
Although production-distribution supply chain problems have vertex enumeration methods, (2) decent algorithm, (3) methods
been topics of wide interest in SCM research, little attention has based on Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions, and (4) penalty func-
been given to analyzing the problems by means of bi-level pro- tions, etc. The properties such as continuity, convexity and differ-
gramming approach. Ryu, Dua, and Pistikopoulos (2004) present a entiability are necessary when proposing these methods. Hence,
bi-level programming model to a production and distribution plan- they have limitations on solving BLPP. meta-heuristic algorithms
ning problem where the follower’s problem can be modeled by lin- including stochastic optimization techniques are recognized as
ear programs. A similar production and distribution problem with useful tools for solving BLPP which do not necessarily satisfy the
probabilistic parameters is formulated as a bi-level linear multi- classical optimization assumptions. This has motivated researchers
objective programming problem by Roghanian (Roghanian, to apply meta-heuristic methods to tackle BLPP (Gao & et al., 2011;
Sadjadi, & Aryanezhad, 2007). Calvete, Galé, and Oliveros (2011) Khilwani & et al., 2008; Koh, 2007; Marinakis & Marinaki, 2008;
study a hierarchical production-distribution planning in which Mokhlesian & Zegordi, 2014; Rajesh & et al., 2003; Sadigh et al.,
the distributor controls the design of the routes and the manufac- 2012; Sahin & Ciric, 1998).
turer controls the production process. In another paper (Calvete, Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
Galé, & Iranzo, 2014), they address a mixed integer bi-level opti- are the generic computational techniques espoused from the pro-
mization model for the planning of a decentralized distribution net- gression of biological life in the natural humanity (Khilwani &
work consisting of manufacturing plants, depots and customers. et al., 2008). The second contribution of this study is to develop
This paper addresses a decentralized production-distribution four hierarchical algorithms by combining GA and PSO to tackle
supply chain consisting of one manufacturer and one distributor the proposed bi-level programming models. In addition to these
and develop two nonlinear bi-level programming models, one bi- algorithms, an exhaustive grid search is adopted for validation
level model considers the manufacturer as the leader purposes.
(Manufacturer-Stackelberg), who has priority in deciding, and the The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, two
other takes the distributor as the leader (Distributor-Stackelberg). bi-level programming models (Manufacturer-Stackelberg &
Both the manufacturer and distributor aim to maximize their prof- Distributor-Stackelberg) are developed by formulating the manu-
its, but their decisions are related to each other in a hierarchical facturer and the distributor problems. Section 3 proposes four hier-
way. The distributor owns several depots to supply customers in archical procedures for solving the Stackelberg models. Section 4 is
different markets. The markets are also different in terms of size, devoted to experimental results and finally Section 5 discusses the
geographic location, price elasticity of demand, and response to concluding remarks.
In order to boost the markets’ demands, the distributor under-
takes a given expenditure to conduct local advertising in each mar- 2. Bi-level programming models for production-distribution
ket. On the other hand, the manufacturer may in turn, set a budget supply chain
for global advertising within the target markets. We assume that
the manufacturer participates in a cooperative advertising pro- In this section, we describe general characteristics of the
gram and undertakes a portion of distributor’s local advertising production-distribution supply chain and formulate the bi-level
expenditure. Cooperative advertising is seen to be among those programming models.
O. Amirtaheri et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 110 (2017) 527–537 529

pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi
Consider a two-echelon supply chain including one manufac- hk ðA; ak Þ ¼ n1k : A þ n2k : ak ; k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; K ð3Þ
turer and one distributor. The manufacturer wholesales the pro-
duct to his exclusive distributor at a wholesale unit price (w). where n1k and n2k are positive constants reflecting the effects of glo-
The distributor, in turn, sells the goods to customers in different
bal and local advertising expenditures on k-th market’s demand,
markets at unit retail price (p), where p ¼ w:ð1 þ rÞ and r is markup
respectively. This approach has been followed by Zhang, Xie, and
percentage. It is assumed that there are K different markets in
Chen (2013) in the literature. Combining Eq. (1) to Eq. (3), the
terms of size, price elasticity of demand and response to global
demand function of k-th market would be the following:
and local advertising efforts.
A local advertising expenditure is incurred by the distributor in pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi
each market (ak ; k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; K) to stimulate the demand in short- Dk ðp; A; ak Þ ¼ zk :ð1  ak :pÞ1=v k :ðn1k : A þ n2k : ak Þ; k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; K
term. Comparatively, the manufacturer undertakes an expenditure ð4Þ
to conduct global advertising (A) so as to motivate the demand in
Therefore, total demand induced by pricing and advertising
long-term. The manufacturer also compensates a portion of local P
policies is D0 ¼ Kk¼1 Dk . The distributor owns several depots with
advertising expenditure (h), incurred by the distributor. Bearing
in mind the prevalent assumption in the literature (Xie & Neyret, known capacities (bj ; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; J where J is the number of depots)
2009; Yue & et al., 2006), it can be assumed that the demand func- and serves the markets geographically dispersed with the demand
tion of each market to have the following form: of Dk (k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; K). Furthermore, the distributor decides which
markets are assigned to each depot, while minimizing transporta-
Dk ðp; A; ak Þ ¼ zk :g k ðpÞ:hk ðA; ak Þ; k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; K ð1Þ tion costs. It is assumed that the demand of each market is sup-
plied by the depots in a unit-by-unit order. Therefore, we take cjk
where zk is the base demand while g k ðpÞ and hk ðA; ak Þ denote the
as unit transportation cost from j-th depot to k-th market. In order
effects of retail price and advertising expenditures on k-th market’s to meet the demands assigned to each depot, sufficient supply of
demand, respectively. Unlike a common assumption in many stud- product has to be available at that depot. The manufacturer sup-
ies, where demand is a linear function of retail price (Swami & Shah, plies the product equal to the total demand (D0 ) within lots of
2011; Xie & Wei, 2009), in this research a nonlinear function is con- Q 0 units and delivers each lot to the depots based on their demand
sidered to model the effect of retail price on demand. Inspired by shares. Denoting the production (replenishment) interval as
SeyedEsfahani, Biazaran, and Gharakhani (2011), we have: T ð0 < T 6 1Þ; the manufacturer delivers Q 0 ¼ D0 :T units to the
g k ðpÞ ¼ ð1  ak :pÞ1=v k ; k ¼ 1; 2; . . . :; K ð2Þ depots in each interval. The demand share of j-th depot is calcu-
lated as Q j ¼ dj =D0 where dj is the total demand of j-th depot.
where ak is a positive constant and v k is the shape function of Assuming two depots, the inventory levels for the manufacturer
demand curve for k-th market. By adjusting the parameter v k , we as well as the distributor’s depots are shown in Fig. 1.
incorporate specific demand curve for each market into the pro- It is assumed that product is delivered to the distributor at the
posed models (v k < 1, v k ¼ 1, and v k > 1 yields convex, linear, manufacturer’s premises. Therefore, the transportation cost from
and concave demand functions, respectively). It is obvious that the manufacturer to the depots is incurred by the distributor. In
the condition p 6 mink¼1;2;...;K f1=ak g should be verified to avoid neg- each replenishment cycle, the manufacturer delivers Q j units,
ative demand. simultaneously within a lot, to j-th depot. As the capacity of trans-
We use the function proposed by Xie and Wei (2009) to model portation vehicle is directly affected by the lot size, we can assume
the effects of advertising expenditures on demand: that transportation cost from the manufacturer to each depot is a

Fig. 1. Inventory levels for the manufacturer and the distributor’s depots.
530 O. Amirtaheri et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 110 (2017) 527–537

staircase function of Q j (see Fig. 2). Without loss of generality, it is Table 1

Notations for bi-level programming models.
possible to use a common staircase function for all depots.
It is assumed that distributor will not be interested in working Indices
with manufacturer if he does not obtain a minimum markup per- i Level of transportation cost (i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; I)
j Depot (j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; J)
centage (dD ). Similarly, manufacturer requires a minimum margin
k Market (k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; K)
on wholesale price (dM ) to collaborate with distributor. dD and dM
Parameters (Manufacturer)
can be regulated to appropriate levels so as to avoid negative
f Production cost ($/Unit)
profits. uM Setup cost ($/Setup)
In order to formulate the bi-level programming models, we use qM Percentage of inventory holding cost ($/Unit)
the notations listed in Table 1. We assume that wholesale price (w), G Production capacity (Unit)
global advertising expenditure (A), participation rate in local Parameters (Distributor)
advertising expenditure (h), and production (replenishment) inter- uj D
Ordering cost for the j-th depot ($/Order)
val (T) are decided by the manufacturer and the distributor con- qDj Percentage of inventory holding cost for the j-th depot ($/Unit)
trols the markup percentage (r), local advertising expenditure in bj Capacity of the j-th depot (Unit)
each market (ak ), the assignment of markets demands to the cjk Unit transportation cost from j-th depot to k-th market ($/Unit)
depots (xjk ), and the level of transportation cost used to replenish qi Maximum capacity of i-th level of transportation cost (Unit)
si Transportation cost of i-th level ($)
each depot (yij ). M Large positive constant
In the following, we model the interactions between the manu-
Parameters (Markets)
facturer and the distributor through bi-level programming. zk Demand base of k-th market (Unit)
ak Effectiveness coefficient of retail price on demand of k-th market (1/$)
2.1. Manufacturer-Stackelberg (MS) model v k Shape factor of demand curve in k-th market
n1k Effectiveness coefficient of global advertising expenditure on demand of

Here we assume that the manufacturer holds the manipulative k-th market ($1=2 )
n2k Effectiveness coefficient of local advertising expenditure on demand of
power and acts as leader. This model can be expressed as follows:
k-th market ($1=2 )
pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi Decision variables (Manufacturer)
max pM ¼ ðw  f Þ: zk :ð1  ak :w:ð1 þ rÞÞ k :ðn1k : A þ n2k : ak Þ  1=T:uM
w;A;T;h w Wholesale price ($/Unit)
A Global advertising expenditure ($)
K pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi
zk :ð1  ak :w:ð1 þ rÞÞ1=v k :ðn1k : A þ n2k : ak Þ
T Production (replenishment) interval
 T=2:qM :f : h Participation rate in local advertising expenditure
Decision variables (Distributor)
 A  h: ak ð5aÞ r Markup percentage
k¼1 ak Local advertising expenditure in k-th market ($)
xjk Units of product sent from j-th depot to k-th market (Unit)
yij Indicator variable equals to 1 if i-th level of transportation
St:ðr; ak ; xjk ; yji Þ 2 argmaxpD cost is used by j-th depot and 0 otherwise
K  pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi
¼ r:w: zk :ð1  ak :w:ð1 þ rÞÞ1=v k : n1k : A þ n2k : ak
Auxiliary variables
Dk Demand of k-th market (Unit)
k¼1 D0 Total demand (Unit)
pM Profit of the manufacturer ($)
pD Profit of the distributor ($)
1=T: uDj  w:T=2 xjk :qDj  ð1  hÞ: ak
j¼1 j¼1 k¼1 k¼1 X
xjk 6 bj ; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; J ð5dÞ
K k¼1
1=T: si :yij  cjk :xjk ð5bÞ
j¼1 i¼1 j¼1 k¼1 X
J pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi
xjk ¼ zk :ð1  ak :w:ð1 þ rÞÞ1=v k :ðn1k : A þ n2k : ak Þ; k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; K
1=v k
pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi X
J j¼1
zk :ð1  ak :w:ð1 þ rÞÞ :ðnk : A þ nk : ak Þ 6 min
1 2
bj ; G ð5eÞ
k¼1 j¼1

ð5cÞ X
qi :yij 6 xjk :T < qiþ1 :yij þ M:ð1  yij Þ;

i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; I; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; J; q1 ¼ 0; qIþ1 ¼ M ð5fÞ

yij ¼ 1; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; J ð5gÞ

A P Amin ; 0 6 h 6 1; 0 < T 6 1; w P f :ð1 þ dM Þ ð5hÞ

r P dD ; ak P akmin ; xjk P 0; yij ¼ 0 and 1 ð5iÞ

i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; I; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; J; k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; K
Expressions (5a) and (5b) are the upper-level and the lower-level
Fig. 2. Transportation cost levels. objective functions which reflect the profits of the manufacturer
O. Amirtaheri et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 110 (2017) 527–537 531

and the distributor, respectively. The manufacturer’s profit is on GA and PSO to tackle MS and DS problems. These methodologies
obtained by subtracting setup cost, inventory holding cost, global solve the Stackelberg models directly by simulating the sequential
advertising expenditure and participation in local advertising decision making procedure of BLPP. The proposed algorithms are
expenditure from his revenues. Similarly, the distributor’s profit is composed of two levels, upper-level algorithm (ULA) which is
equal to his revenues minus the sum of ordering cost, inventory designed to solve the leader’s problem based on the follower’s
holding cost, local advertising expenditure, total transportation cost response and lower-level algorithm (LLA) which is embedded in
from the manufacturer to the depots, and total transportation cost ULA to solve the lower-level problem and obtain the optimal
from the depots to the markets. Both objective functions seek to response of the follower for each given set of values of leader’s
optimize profit. decision variables.
Constraint (5c) guarantees that total generated demand by pric- The ULA starts with generating initial solution for the leader’s
ing and advertising policies is completely met by the distributor problem (x). The solution is then received by the LLA and reaction
and the manufacturer. For this purpose, it shall exceed neither total of the follower (y ) is obtained and returned to the ULA. The initial
capacity of the distributor’s depots nor the production capacity of solution for the leader’s problem (x; y ) are evaluated based on the
the manufacturer. Constraints (5d) imply that the capacities of the follower’s response and the first iteration is completed. This proce-
depots are not exceeded. Constraints (5e) ensure that the demand dure is repeated in each iteration until solution (x ; y ) is obtained
of each market is entirely met by the depots. Constraints (5f) and for the upper-level problem. It is important to clarify that the solu-
(5g) establish links between the sets of variables yij , xjk and T to tion returned by LLA is not always optimal for follower. Therefore,
avoid incoherent solutions. Constraints (5h) and (5i) are for decla- the solution obtained by ULA for bi-level models could be near fea-
ration of variables. sible. Fig. 3 depicts the general steps of the proposed hierarchical
2.2. Distributor-Stackelberg (DS) model We construct four hierarchical algorithms, named as GG, PG, GP
and PP, by combining GA and PSO as the ULA and the LLA (see
By exchanging the objective functions (profit functions) of the Table 2).
members in MS model, we arrive at DS model. In DS model, the dis- In Section 3.1, we adopt two GAs, one for the manufacturer
tributor and the manufacturer are considered as the leader and the problem (as ULA in MS model and as LLA in DS model) and another
follower, respectively. Similar to the previous section, DS model for the distributor problem (as LLA in MS model and as ULA in DS
can be formulated as a bi-level program: model). Similarly, two PSO algorithms are developed for the man-
ufacturer and the distributor problems in Section 3.2.
K pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi
max pD ¼ r:w: zk :ð1  ak :w:ð1 þ rÞÞ1=v k :ðn1k : A þ n2k : ak Þ
r;ak ;xjk ;yi k¼1
3.1. Genetic algorithms

 1=T: uDj  w:T=2 xjk :qDj  ð1  hÞ: ak GA is a stochastic global search technique that solves problems
j¼1 j¼1 k¼1 k¼1 by imitating processes observed during natural evolution. Based on
the survival and reproduction of the fittest, GA gradually exploits
 1=T: si :yij  cjk :xjk ð6aÞ new and better solutions without any presumptions, such as con-
j¼1 i¼1 j¼1 k¼1

St:ðw; A; T; hÞ 2 arg max pM

K pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi
¼ ðw  f Þ: zk :ð1  ak :w:ð1 þ rÞÞ1=v k :ðn1k : A þ n2k : ak Þ

K pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi
 1=T:uM  T=2:qM :f : zk :ð1  ak :w:ð1 þ rÞÞ1=v k :ðn1k : A þ n2k : ak Þ
 A  h: ak ð6bÞ

As Constraints (6c)–(6i) are similar to constraints (5c)–(5i) in MS

model, they have been eliminated from the above formulation.
Due to nonlinear functions involved in the upper and lower level
problems, both MS and DS models are non-linear bi-level program-
ming problem. To tackle these problems, several solution proce-
dures are proposed in the following section.
In general, BLPP can be constructed in two ways. In the opti-
mistic formulation, the leader assumes that the follower will
choose the solution from solution set of the lower-level problem
Fig. 3. General steps of the proposed hierarchical algorithms.
that suits the leader best. In the pessimistic formulation, however,
the leader protects himself from the follower choosing the worst
possible solution. In this paper, we use optimistic approach for Table 2
MS and DS models. Proposed hierarchical algorithms.

3. Solution procedures
In consideration of the characteristics of sequential decision
making in BLPP, we propose four hierarchical algorithms based
532 O. Amirtaheri et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 110 (2017) 527–537

tinuity and convexity. The procedure of GA is a simulation of bio- (Distributor in MS model and Manufacturer in DS model). Simi-
logical evolution behavior. It finds the approximate optimal solu- larly, the fitness function in ULA is the profit function of the leader
tion through the processes of encoding, initialization, fitness (Manufacturer in MS model and Distributor in DS model).
evaluation, selection, crossover, mutation and reproduction. The
processes of the GAs developed for the manufacturer and the dis-
tributor problems are separately presented as follows. 3.1.4. Selection
In both of the GAs, developed for the manufacturer and for the
distributor problems, we apply two selection operators. A roulette
3.1.1. Encoding
wheel (Goldberg, 1989) operator with selection pressure is pro-
Any solution of the manufacturer and the distributor problems
posed to choose parent chromosomes for crossover process, while
can be coded as a chromosome (see Fig. 4). The distributor problem
random selection operator is used for mutation process.
involves four sets of decision variables out of which xjk and yij can
Selection pressure refers to the degree of utility provided by a
be computed based on r and ak . good solution. This parameter affects the convergence of GA. If it
is underestimated, it will take a long time for the algorithm to con-
3.1.2. Initialization verge. However, if it is set at a too high value, premature conver-
This process randomly generates nPop initial feasible solutions. gence will happen and the algorithm will be trapped in local
We assume that population size is proportional to problem size optima (Sivanandam & Deepa, 2007). Denoting the selection pres-
which is defined by the number of depots (J) and the number of sure parameter by b (b P 0), the probability of selection for solu-
markets (K). Hence, we set nPop ¼ 10:ðJ þ KÞ. In order to avoid gen- tion i in roulette wheel operator can be determined as:
erating infeasible solutions, two main constraints of both MS and
DS models are considered based on expressions (2), (5c) and (6c): X
b b
PrðiÞ ¼ FitðiÞ = FitðiÞ ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; nPop ð9Þ
w:ð1 þ rÞ 6 mink¼1;2;...;K f1=ak g ð7Þ i¼1

1=v k
pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi X
where nPop is population size and FitðiÞ is fitness value of the i-th
zk :ð1  ak :w:ð1 þ rÞÞ ðn1k : A þ nk : ak Þ 6 min
bj ; G solution. From Eq. (9), it is obvious that:
k¼1 j¼1
ð8Þ > b¼0
< 1=nPop; if
By analyzing the relationship between the variables with respect to PrðiÞ ¼ 1; if b ¼ 1 and solution i is the best
the constraints (7) and (8), we propose allowable limits for the deci- 0; if b ¼ 1 and solution i is not the best
sion variables of the manufacturer and the distributor when they ð10Þ
act as leader and as follower (see Table 3). These limits ensure that
the constraints (7) and (8) are fully satisfied when generating ran-
dom solutions in both GAs, developed for the manufacture and
3.1.5. Crossover
the distributor problems.
In each iteration, N c ¼ P c :nPop solutions are selected by roulette
wheel operator, where Pc is crossover rate. We apply arithmetic
3.1.3. Fitness evaluation
crossover operator (Köksoy & Yalcinoz, 2008) to produce off-
In order to evaluate the fitness of the generated solutions, the
springs. Considering X ¼ ðx1 ; x2 ; . . . ; xn Þ and Y ¼ ðy1 ; y2 ; . . . ; yn Þ as
upper-level GA (ULA) heads into the lower-level GA (LLA) and
parent chromosomes, the offsprings are generated as follows:
obtains the optimal values of the follower’s decision variables.
The fitness function in LLA is the profit function of the follower xnew ¼ k:xi þ ð1  kÞ:yi ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n ð11Þ

i ¼ ð1  kÞ:xi þ k:yi ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n ð12Þ

where k is randomly selected from [c; 1 þ c] and c is a positive

constant which allows for generating higher or lower values than
that of the parent chromosomes, so as to increase diversification.
Fig. 4. Solution representation. We assume c ¼ 0:1 based on reports in the literature and pilot

Table 3
Allowable limits for the decision variables.

Decision variables Manufacturer-Stackelberg (MS) model Distributor-Stackelberg (DS) model

Position: Leader Position: Follower
mink¼1;2;...;K f1=ak g mink¼1;2;...;K f1=ak g
f 6w6 1þdD f :ð1 þ dM Þ 6 w 6 1þr
PJ !2 0 nP o P 12
minf b ;Gg J K 1=v k pffiffiffiffi
j¼1 j min b ;G  z :ð1 k :w:ð1þrÞÞ
a :n2k : ak
06A6 PK 1=v k
; pmax ¼ mink¼1;2;...;K f1=ak g 06A6@
j¼1 j
k¼1 k
z :ð1
k¼1 k
ak :pmax Þ :n1k z :ð1 k :w:ð1þrÞÞ1=v k
a :n1k
k¼1 k

0<T61 0<T61
06h61 06h61
Position: Follower Position: Leader
mink¼1;2;...;K f1=ak g mink¼1;2;...;K f1=ak g
rL 6 r 6 w 1 06r6 f :ð1þdM Þ
06 ak 6 a
U 0 6 ak 6 a

⁄ Refer to Appendix A/⁄⁄ Refer to Appendix B/⁄⁄⁄ Refer to Appendix C.

O. Amirtaheri et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 110 (2017) 527–537 533

3.1.6. Mutation Similar to initialization process, we take A ¼ 0 and w ¼ f :ð1 þ dM Þ

Within each iteration, N m ¼ Pm :nPop solutions are selected by for DS model.
random selection operator, where P m is mutation rate. The muta- Elitism approach is applied to form a new generation of solu-
tion operator randomly chooses nm ¼ n:um out of n components tions in both ULA and LLA, i.e. old and new solutions are merged
(genes) in the selected parent chromosome. As a GA parameter, and nPop better solutions are selected as new generation.
um denotes the mutation effectiveness rate (0 6 um 6 1). Furthermore, both ULA and LLA iterate until a maximum num-
The value of i-th component (xi ) is changed through the muta- ber of iterations (MaxIt ) is reached. We set MaxIt ¼ 7:ðK þ 3JÞ. The
tion process and a new value (xnew i ) is assigned randomly from a pseudo codes in Fig. 5 outline the steps of GAs, developed as ULA
Normal distribution function, xnew i  Nðxi ; r2 Þ. Standard deviation and LLA.
(r), called mutation step length, is proportional to the width of
search space: r ¼ l:ðxi  xi Þ where l is a positive constant ranging 3.2. Particle swarm optimization algorithms
from 0 to 1, while xi and  xi are lower and upper limits of the i-th
component, respectively. The longer the mutation step length PSO was inspired by the social behavior of animals such as fish
(r), the higher diversification and lower intensification will be schooling and bird flocking. The algorithm shares many similarities
realized, and vice versa. We found that l ¼ 0:1 in both problems with other evolutionary techniques such as GA. The system is ini-
can lead to best results. tialized with a population of random solutions and search for glo-
Table 4 lists the corresponding parameter setup for the cross- bal optima by updating the solutions from generation to
over and mutation operators in the proposed GAs. generation.
Unlike GA, the PSO algorithm has neither evolutionary operator,
3.1.7. Reproduction such as crossover and mutation, nor selection operator. All the
The new solutions generated in crossover and mutation pro- solutions, called particles, move through the search space by com-
cesses should be rectified before reproduction. Therefore, all deci- bining some aspect of the history of their own current and best
sion variables of the manufacturer (w; A; T; h) and the variable r of locations with those of other particles in the swarm.
the distributor are truncated to their allowed limits. In order to Original framework of PSO algorithm was designated by
correct the ak , one of the markets is randomly chosen and the ak Eberhart and Kennedy (1995). The i-th particle of the swarm is rep-
corresponding to that market is multiplied by the fixed value of resented by a vector, X i ¼ ðxi1 ; xi2 ; . . . ; xiD Þ, which is considered as a
0.99. This procedure continues until the constraint (8) is satisfied. potential solution to a problem in D-dimensional space. Each par-
ticle keeps a memory of its previous best position, Pbest i , and a
Table 4 velocity along each dimension, represented as
Parameter setup for the GAs. V i ¼ ðv i1 ; v i2 ; . . . ; v iD Þ. Position of the particle with best fitness
Parameter Value value in each iteration is designated as Gbest . In PSO algorithm, solu-
Manufacturer problem Distributor problem tions are updated by the following rules:
Pc 0.7 0.6 best
b 1.5 1.5
V new
i ¼ W:V old best
i þ c 1 :r 1 :ðP i  X old
i Þ þ c 2 :r 2 :ðG  X old
i Þ ð13Þ
Pm 0.4 0.3
um 0.5 0.3 X new
i ¼ X old new
i þ Vi ð14Þ

Fig. 5. Pseudo codes for the GAs.

534 O. Amirtaheri et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 110 (2017) 527–537

Fig. 6. Pseudo codes for the PSO algorithms.

where W is the inertia weight, c1 and c2 are cognitive and social dures. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that a decen-
learning factors, while r1 and r 2 denote two random numbers uni- tralized production-distribution supply chain with distinctive
formly distributed in the interval ½0; 1. features such as nonlinear demand function and cooperative
In the proposed PSO algorithms, we use constriction coefficient advertising is studied and bi-level programming models are pro-
(v) which has been introduced by Clerc and Kennedy (2002) to posed to deal with those hierarchical decision making problems.
guarantee the algorithm convergence and to avoid particles careen So, there are not related studies on the same problem and therefore
toward infinity: no data for comparison exist. Hence, we present the results of tests
conducted on real-world data derived from automotive spare parts
v¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; / ¼ /1 þ /2 ð15Þ supply chain in Iran.
/  2 þ /2  4/ In order to evaluate the ability of the proposed hierarchical
algorithms to find optimal (near optimal) solutions for MS and
where /1 and /2 are positive numbers, often set to 2.05. By using DS models, we generate different test problems, arranged in four
the constriction coefficient, the PSO parameters can be defined as: classes (Test Problem 1 to Test Problem 4). For each class, five
W ¼ v; c1 ¼ /1 :v; c2 ¼ /2 :v ð16Þ problem samples are defined based on the number of depots
(J ¼ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) and the number of markets (K ¼ 3, 5, 7, 10, 15).
Inertia weight (W) is an important parameter which significantly Furthermore, the parameters of the manufacturer problem and
affects the convergence and exploration-exploitation trade-off in the distributor problem in each class are randomly selected from
PSO algorithm. We use a damping factor (W damp ) to decrease W uniform distributions, defined by the experts in Iranian automotive
from iteration to iteration (W ¼ W:W damp ; 0 < W damp < 1), so as to spare parts supply chain. Table 5 lists the domains of the parame-
have more exploration at the beginning and higher exploitation at ters corresponding to the manufacturer, the distributor and the
the end of PSO algorithm execution. Here, we set W damp ¼ 0:99, markets. Other parameters such as G, bj , si and qi are directly
which has shown good results in most of the PSO implementations. dependent on the total induced demand. Therefore, they are sepa-
Apart from updating rules, the processes of encoding, initializa- rately generated for each problem sample.
tion, fitness evaluation and reproduction in both developed PSO In order to validate the results of the proposed hierarchical
algorithms for the manufacturer and for the distributor problems algorithms (GG, GP, PG, and PP), we adopt an exhaustive grid
are similar to those of the GAs, described in previous section. The search within the domains of the decision variables to find near
outline of the PSO algorithms, proposed as ULA and LLA, are pre- optimal solutions for small-size problem instances (J ¼ 2, 3 and
sented in Fig. 6. K ¼ 3, 5).
Exhaustive grid search method creates a grid by partitioning the
4. Computational experiments ranges of decision variables into jointed intervals and evaluates the
fitness function for all possible combinations. The intervals corre-
In this section, computational experiments are conducted in sponding to the best combination are more divided into subinter-
order to compare the performance of the proposed solution proce- vals and the process is repeated until the length of the last
O. Amirtaheri et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 110 (2017) 527–537 535

Table 5
Domains of problem parameters.

Manufacturer Distributor Markets

Parameter Domain Parameter Domain Parameter Domain

f [50, 150] cjk [0, 5] zk [20, 100]

uM [2000, 5000] uDj [50, 100] ak [0.002, 0.005]
qM [0.01, 0.03] qDj [0.01, 0.03] vk [0.5, 1.5]
dM 5% dD 5% n1k [0.003, 0.005]
n2k [0.2, 0.5]

subinterval is less than a predefined tolerance. Grid search is com- above finding. Similar to MS model, PG (PSO-GA) shows better per-
putationally expensive and does not guarantee to find global formance for DS model in comparison with other algorithms.
optima; however, it provides a very good lower bound for the ben- As far as the computational time is concerned, PP (PSO-PSO) is
efit functions. This method has been employed by other research- the most efficient algorithm in both Stackelberg models. However,
ers to validate the results of meta-heuristic algorithms (Sadigh PG (PSO-GA) requires a quite reasonable amount of time such that
et al., 2012). in the largest instances of MS and DS models, it takes an average of
For optimization of the follower’s problem, we use nonlinear 193 s and 202 s, respectively, which are lower than the mean time
solver of MATLAB optimization tool box in each iteration of the needed by GG (GA-GA) and GP (GA-PSO).
grid search. Moreover, Table 8 presents a comparison between the profits of
Experiments are performed on Problem Test 1 to Problem Test 4 the manufacturer, the distributor and the system, obtained in MS
instances for both MS and DS models. Each experiment is repeated and DS models. The following conclusions can be made based on
5 times and the average result is reported. The performance of the the results:
algorithms is measured in terms of the upper-level (leader) objec-
tive function value and the computing time involved. The results (a) The system profits (total profit gained by the members) in
are summarized in Tables 6 and 7. All the algorithms are imple- MS and DS models are almost equal.
mented in MATLAB 8.1.0 (R2013a) and tested on an AMD (b) Each member (manufacturer or distributor) obtains more
2.00 GHz processor with 2.5 GB of main memory. profit when playing the leader role in the Stackelberg game
Experimental results in Table 6 indicate that the PG (PSO-GA) models.
exceeds the other proposed hierarchical algorithms (GG, GP, and
PP) as well as the grid search algorithm in finding optimal (near The above findings are compatible with the real world prob-
optimal) solution for MS model. It reveals that PSO gives better lems. In a competitive environment, leaders who have priority in
performance than GA for the manufacturer problem. It also implies decision-making usually obtain more share of profit from total
that PSO outperforms GA for the distributor problem. Considering profit exist in the system. As shown in Table 8, total profit gained
the conflict between the profit functions of the manufacturer and by the members is almost equal in both Stackelberg Scenarios.
the distributor, we find that poor performance of LLA can lead to Decision about assigning the leader role to manufacturer or dis-
higher profit for the leader. As the manufacturer’s profit in PG tributor is directly dependent on the aspect of facing with the
(PSO-GA) is higher than his profit in PP (PSO-PSO), we reach the problem. As bi-level programming optimizes the objective function
conclusion that PSO is more efficient than GA for the distributor of the leader (not the follower), the member whose profit is to be
problem. The results for DS model, shown in Table 7, confirm the maximized, will take the leader role.

Table 6
Test results for MS model.

Test problem J K Manufacturer’s profit GAP (%) Time (s)

1 2 3 30,569 30,575 30,575 30,575 30,575 0 0 0 38 22 22 15
3 5 33,207 34,261 34,236 34,326 34,326 0.189 0.263 0 74 58 59 37
4 7 – 39,263 39,219 39,380 39,333 0.299 0.411 0.12 91 71 68 56
5 10 – 42,873 42,827 43,174 43,044 0.702 0.81 0.301 186 163 158 140
6 15 – 51,720 51,561 52,402 51,903 1.319 1.632 0.962 217 207 192 173
2 2 3 51,086 51,185 51,184 51,185 51,185 0 0.001 0 42 27 26 18
3 5 52,118 53,962 53,906 54,069 54,030 0.198 0.303 0.073 69 50 47 35
4 7 – 56,304 56,207 56,479 56,405 0.311 0.484 0.132 92 70 71 59
5 10 – 62,004 61,840 62,389 62,197 0.621 0.888 0.308 181 148 151 149
6 15 – 66,332 65,998 67,014 66,353 1.028 1.539 0.996 215 201 189 182
3 2 3 54,537 54,602 54,602 54,602 54,602 0 0 0 33 25 25 18
3 5 56,206 57,179 57,159 57,179 57,179 0 0.035 0 68 50 53 36
4 7 – 60,382 60,271 60,486 60,451 0.173 0.357 0.058 111 72 70 55
5 10 – 64,312 64,057 64,429 64,367 0.182 0.581 0.096 193 161 158 151
6 15 – 69,483 69,320 70,295 69,735 1.168 1.407 0.803 229 216 208 180
4 2 3 39,701 39,708 39,708 39,708 39,708 0 0 0 41 25 26 13
3 5 43,681 43,746 43,711 43,824 43,824 0.178 0.259 0 75 54 52 32
4 7 – 48,471 48,376 48,572 48,526 0.208 0.405 0.095 89 73 72 56
5 10 – 53,028 52,958 53,346 53,236 0.599 0.733 0.207 161 142 143 133
6 15 – 58,368 58,188 59,127 58,593 1.301 1.613 0.911 224 213 182 176
536 O. Amirtaheri et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 110 (2017) 527–537

Table 7
Test results for DS model.

Test problem J K Distributor’s profit GAP (%) Time (s)

1 2 3 6378 6391 6391 6391 6391 0 0 0 37 30 29 25
3 5 6976 7026 7019 7026 7026 0 0.103 0 69 53 53 46
4 7 – 8352 8343 8367 8364 0.174 0.284 0.038 95 76 78 68
5 10 – 8603 8590 8631 8616 0.329 0.472 0.178 195 174 181 169
6 15 – 10,482 10,470 10,568 10,523 0.82 0.939 0.427 249 201 198 188
2 2 3 9322 9342 9342 9342 9342 0 0 0 40 27 27 22
3 5 11,052 11,382 11,355 11,386 11,386 0.038 0.271 0 71 54 56 45
4 7 – 12,089 12,067 12,127 12,105 0.318 0.495 0.179 101 78 81 69
5 10 – 13,121 13,106 13,199 13,129 0.597 0.707 0.533 189 162 160 153
6 15 – 14,402 14,364 14,563 14,442 1.115 1.388 0.836 264 224 211 181
3 2 3 10,962 11,230 11,229 11,230 11,230 0.002 0.008 0 42 27 26 23
3 5 11,003 11,836 11,809 11,878 11,877 0.359 0.587 0.005 70 54 55 45
4 7 – 12,611 12,582 12,691 12,644 0.637 0.863 0.371 97 82 80 71
5 10 – 13,362 13,332 13,471 13,391 0.819 1.045 0.599 184 160 163 156
6 15 – 14,702 14,665 14,884 14,738 1.237 1.493 0.991 268 219 201 182
4 2 3 7384 7403 7403 7403 7403 0 0 0 46 28 29 26
3 5 8417 8524 8515 8531 8531 0.083 0.186 0 76 55 58 53
4 7 – 9510 9499 9534 9521 0.256 0.371 0.139 89 74 77 70
5 10 – 10,332 10,327 10,391 10,353 0.573 0.619 0.371 205 195 184 173
6 15 – 11,732 11,717 11,848 11,756 0.986 1.116 0.785 271 206 197 185

Table 8
Benefit comparison in MS and DS models.

Test problem J K Manufacturer’s profit Distributor’s profit System’s profit

1 2 3 30,575 22,350 12,411 20,415 42,986 42,765
3 5 34,326 23,781 15,862 26,341 50,188 50,122
4 7 39,380 27,461 20,215 31,639 59,595 59,100
5 10 43,174 28,306 20,228 35,379 63,402 63,685
6 15 52,402 37,122 23,218 38,408 75,620 75,530
2 2 3 51,185 40,996 11,906 22,365 63,091 63,361
3 5 54,069 45,060 17,900 27,419 71,969 72,479
4 7 56,479 44,059 20,254 33,106 76,733 77,165
5 10 62,389 49,000 23,973 37,010 86,362 86,010
6 15 67,014 57,460 30,640 40,294 97,654 97,754
3 2 3 54,602 46,137 14,142 22,473 68,744 68,610
3 5 57,179 49,176 19,467 27,043 76,646 76,219
4 7 60,486 52,945 26,864 34,225 87,350 87,170
5 10 64,429 57,261 31,175 38,152 95,604 95,413
6 15 70,295 53,691 24,126 40,886 94,421 94,577
4 2 3 39,708 34,905 15,757 20,894 55,465 55,799
3 5 43,824 31,596 13,649 25,939 57,473 57,535
4 7 48,572 39,101 22,077 31,648 70,649 70,749
5 10 53,346 48,716 31,931 36,717 85,277 85,433
6 15 59,127 49,369 30,504 40,117 89,631 89,486

5. Conclusions efficiency and effectiveness of the algorithms. The results demon-

strate that PSO exceeds GA in finding high quality solutions for
This paper studies a decentralized manufacturer-distributor both the manufacturer and the distributor problems.
supply chain within two Stackelberg models. The MS model Comparing the profits obtained by the members, we find out
wherein the manufacturer has the leading power of the chain, that the total profits in MS and DS models are almost equal and
and the DS model which allows the distributor to act as leader. the leader always gains more profit than the follower. These results
We formulate the models using bi-level programming approach are clearly compatible with real world problems. However, they
to find optimal policies for the manufacturer (including wholesale can be compared with cooperative scenario in which the members
price, global advertising expenditure, production interval, and par- are willing to cooperate with each other. Based on the related
ticipate rate in local advertising expenditures) and for the distrib- works in the literature, it can be predicted that the total profit of
utor (including markup percentage, local advertising expenditures, the system will increase in cooperation approach but the impor-
and the assignment of markets demands to the depots). tant ambiguity will be about the members’ profits in cooperation
Four solution procedures with hierarchical structures are devel- scenario which will demonstrate if they are willing to cooperate
oped for each Stackelberg model by combining GA and PSO. In or not. In order to persuade the members to form cooperation, both
addition, an exhaustive grid search is adopted for validation pur- of them should gain higher profit than what they obtain in compe-
poses. Computational experiments are carried out to evaluate the tition (Stackelberg) scenario. Therefore, developing incentive
O. Amirtaheri et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 110 (2017) 527–537 537

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