A Business Process Re Design Methodology To Support 2015 International Journ

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International Journal of Information Management 35 (2015) 620–631

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Case Study

A business process re-design methodology to support supply chain

integration: Application in an Airline MRO supply chain
Jaime A. Palma-Mendoza a,∗ , Kevin Neailey b,1
Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations, Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico, 01080, Mexico, Rio Hondo No.1 Col. Progreso Tizapan,
Mexico City, Mexico
WMG, The University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: One of the challenges faced by organizations in the construction of Supply Chain Integration (SCI) is
Available online 24 March 2015 the re-design of business processes. Accordingly a detailed methodology was constructed based on
the integration of a number of different methodological strands from the literature. The proposed BPR
Keywords: methodology was validated by applying it to an Airline Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) supply
Supply Chain Integration chain. This application lead to a re-design of the aircraft component repair services offered by an inde-
Business process re-design
pendent Airline MRO provider. Results from this application shows that the proposed methodology can
Service supply chains
clearly guide the re-design of business processes to support SCI.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction integrate process information in enterprise networks (Roder &

Tibken, 2006).
In recent years companies across different sectors have been fac-
ing a new competitive environment, characterized by an increase 2. Research methodology
in the number of competitors, shorter product cycles, and chang-
ing customer demand. In order to cope with these challenges and to Based on the identification of a research problem consisting
achieve competitive advantage, companies are engaged in alliances of the need to re-design business processes, a research question
and partnerships with other organizations and closer collaboration was elaborated; how to re-design business processes to support
with suppliers and customers. Accordingly, companies have turned supply chain integration (Palma-Mendoza, Neailey, & Roy, 2014).
their attention towards improving the management of their supply To answer this question, a literature search and review was con-
chains to achieve competitive advantage (Simchi-Levi, Kaminsky, ducted to find a methodology to conduct business process redesign
& Simchi-Levi, 2007; Prajogo & Olhager, 2012). (BPR) to support SCI (Palma-Mendoza et al., 2014). The review
At the core of gaining competitive advantage through Sup- found that none of the methodologies provides a comprehensive
ply Chain Management (SCM) is Supply Chain Integration (SCI); solution. However, a number of methodologies tend to be more
when integration is achieved, the supply chain operates as a useful in relation to some phases than others. Thus the idea of
single entity driven directly by customer demand (Farhoomad, combining different methodologies for a better result is attractive.
2005). However evidence found in the supply chain literature When linking different methodologies it is necessary to decom-
shows a number of challenges faced by organizations regarding pose them into detachable elements (Mingers & Brocklesby, 1997).
the construction of SCI (Awad & Nassar, 2010; Sweeney, 2011). Thus the methodologies identified were decomposed at their stage
One of the challenges is the necessity to change business pro- level, then through an inductive approach of pattern recognition
cesses to support SCI. However redesigning business processes is similar to the one used by Kettinger, Teng, and Guha (1997), com-
difficult; the increase of complexity in business processes in sup- monalities and differences between the reviewed methodologies
ply chains results in the need for new methodologies on how to were analysed. This analysis resulted in the identification of generic
stages for the construction of a BPR methodology structure. The
methodologies reviewed were decomposed a second time in terms
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 525556284000x3683.
of the techniques and methods employed in order to select the
E-mail addresses: Jaime.palma@itam.mx (J.A. Palma-Mendoza),
most suitable for each stage. Additional methods and techniques
K.Neailey@warwick.ac.uk (K. Neailey). were adopted from the wider SCM and e-business literature. The
Tel.: +44 0 24 765 24762. resulting methodology is as shown in Fig. 1.

0268-4012/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.A. Palma-Mendoza, K. Neailey / International Journal of Information Management 35 (2015) 620–631 621

Fig. 1. Business process re-design methodology to support supply chain integration.Source: Palma-Mendoza et al. (2014).
622 J.A. Palma-Mendoza, K. Neailey / International Journal of Information Management 35 (2015) 620–631

Fig. 2. Elements of research. Source: Checkland and Holwell (1998).

Once the BPR methodology was constructed (Palma-Mendoza 3. BPR methodology application in an airline MRO supply
et al., 2014), the following hypothesis was elaborated: chain

H1. The BPR methodology can clearly guide business process re- 3.1. Introduction
design to support supply chain integration.
In recent years, the United Kingdom (UK) Airline MRO sec-
tor has been experiencing considerable growth. The main drivers
To test this hypothesis and the BPR methodology it will be
affecting the positive growth are the appearance of low cost car-
necessary to take action and interact with a running operation.
riers and new aircraft technology, which brings an increase in
Thus the Action Research (AR) approach was selected to con-
the number of aircraft systems to be maintained/repaired. This
duct the research effort in applying and validating the proposed
growth has been affected by the current world economic situa-
BPR methodology. Coughlan and Coghlan (2002) define AR as an
tion causing a drop in demand, making it difficult to achieve high
approach that studies the resolution of important social or orga-
margins (Adams, 2009; Jackman, 2009). Thus, in order to remain
nisational issues involving those individuals who experience the
competitive MRO providers are aiming to improve their supply
issues directly. AR involves the participation of members from the
chain processes (Adams, 2009). Potential benefits from e-business
system under study and it takes action on a situation at the same
applications for SCI in the Airline MRO business are considered
time that it builds up a body of knowledge. According to Coughlan
to be in the area of inter-organizational transactions, the ability
and Coghlan (2002) AR is about change and is applicable to the
to track components status, increased visibility, speed of commu-
understanding, planning and implementation of change in organi-
nication, and reduction in inventory levels (MacDonnell & Clegg,
zations. The proposed BPR methodology aims to solve a practical
2007). Within this context contact was established with an Airline
problem (re-design of business processes) present in organizations
MRO provider in order to discuss a BPR project within their com-
across different sectors by providing a set of steps to guide and
ponent repair services operations in the UK. This BPR project was
implement change in business processes (Palma-Mendoza et al.,
conducted using the proposed BPR methodology as shown in Fig. 1
2014). Thus, the action research approach is embedded within the
(Palma-Mendoza et al., 2014).
proposed BPR methodology, whose purpose is to take action in
a real world situation to improve it. Action research is a holistic
research strategy, rather than a single method for collecting and 3.2. Stage 1: top management commitment and vision
analysing data. Thus, it allows the incorporation of several differ-
ent research tools, techniques, and methods. The authors made use A project plan was created and an agreement was reached on
of a range of tools including keeping research notes, participant the conduct of a BPR effort centred on aircraft component repair
observation recordings, unstructured interviews, and gathering services to generate, evaluate, and propose alternatives for supply
documents that are routinely produced by the company on which chain integration.
the proposed BPR methodology was applied.
According to Checkland and Holwell (1998), any research should
include a framework of ideas, which are used in a methodology to 3.3. Stage 2: business understanding
investigate an area of interest (Fig. 2).
In Action Research (AR) it is possible to test and/or change the The objective of this stage is to develop an overall understand-
adequacy of the framework of ideas; for this it is essential that ing of the business in which the BPR project will be conducted.
there is an explicit declaration of the framework of ideas before the This understanding can be divided into two parts: understanding
researcher enters into the area of interest (Checkland & Holwell, the business context, followed by understanding the business logic.
1998). In this research the framework of ideas is represented by Understanding the business context involves gaining knowledge
the proposed BPR methodology (Palma-Mendoza et al., 2014). With about the sector in which the company competes, the market char-
this framework of ideas, the researcher entered a real world prob- acteristics and company history. Next it is necessary to understand
lem situation to take action (Fig. 3). This real world situation is the business logic, meaning how the company operates to satisfy its
represented by a problematic situation present in the repair ser- customers with emphasis on identifying the current roles of supply
vices offered by an airline MRO provider. chain management and e-business technologies, if present.
J.A. Palma-Mendoza, K. Neailey / International Journal of Information Management 35 (2015) 620–631 623

Fig. 3. Action research cycle to test and validate the BPR methodology. Source: based on Checkland and Holwell (1998).

Using company annual reports, industry reports, information worldwide airlines equipped with Airbus and Boeing aircraft. Dif-
from the company website, and unstructured interviews with ferent channels act to promote the portfolio of component repair
company executives, a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and services and obtain new airline customers. Continuous customer
Threats (SWOT) analysis (Bolstorff & Rosenbaum, 2012) was per- support is provided by a dedicated customer team. The component
formed. This revealed that in recent years the Airline MRO provider solutions offered by the main supply chain activities involved are:
had focused on consolidating as a global leading independent
provider of technical solutions for airline industry worldwide,
whilst maintaining a reputation for technical quality and safety. • Procurement of new components from Original Equipment Man-
The Airline MRO provider also conducted an expansion of opera- ufacturers (OEM)
tions through partnerships, acquisitions and joint ventures and a • Procurement of serviceable components1 from other component
unique component repair services model. Nevertheless, the eco- suppliers.
nomic situation, added to the already intensive competition, has • Reverse logistics flow of unserviceable2 components
had a negative effect on worldwide MRO services demand. Addi- • Repair and maintenance of unserviceable components
tionally, a situation of high costs and tight margins suggested the • Delivery of serviceable components to airline customers.
need for efforts to lower costs and increase operational efficien-
cies. In this context, the need to generate, evaluate, and propose
alternatives for supply chain performance improvement is justified. A number of these activities are currently supported by an Enter-
A business logic map centred on the value proposition rep- prise Resource Planning (ERP) system to share and store component
resented by component repair services was created using the related information; however its main use is to support internal
business model ontology proposed by Osterwalder and Pigneur transactions whereas, for intra-organizational transactions, data
(2004) as shown in Fig. 4. exchange with external supply chain partners is done through fax
This business logic map shows how the company operates to and email.
satisfy its customers with emphasis on identifying the current roles
of supply chain management activities and supporting technolo-
gies. It shows that component repair services can be obtained by
Serviceable components are those, which are ready to be used by an airline
customers either as a single component service or as part of an
Integrated Component Solution (ICS), designed to help customers 2
Unserviceable components are those, which have been withdrawn from an air-
to lower maintenance costs and reduce risk. Target customers are craft and have been sent to the Airline MRO provider for repair/maintenance.
624 J.A. Palma-Mendoza, K. Neailey / International Journal of Information Management 35 (2015) 620–631

Fig. 4. Business logic map of the Airline MRO provider.

3.4. Stage 3: identification of relevant processes and selection of a Next, in conjunction with Airline MRO provider executives, the
target for re-design relevant supply chain processes were identified using SCOR model
level I process types. These processes are:
A supply chain consists of different processes and, when
conducting supply chain re-design, is necessary to identify the • Return of unserviceable components: airline customers, send
relevant supply chain processes present and select a target for components in need of repair – unserviceable components – to
re-design. Relevant supply chain processes were identified first the Airline MRO provider.
by using the business model (Fig. 4). Next a supply chain pro- • Delivery of serviceable components: the airline MRO provider
cess map (Fig. 5) was created using the SCOR model process sends on request, components in working condition – serviceable
types and process categories as explained by Palma-Mendoza components – to airline customers.
(2014a). The SCOR model was developed by the Supply Chain Coun- • Repair and maintenance of unserviceable components: repair of
cil (SCC) in 1996, to understand, describe, and evaluate supply components is conducted in facilities owned by the airline MRO
chains (SCC, 2012). The SCOR model provides a common sup- provider and in facilities owned by external component repair
ply chain framework, standard terminology, common metrics, vendors.
and best practices. One of the applications of the SCOR model is
to aid the understanding of a particular supply chain by means
Next the process categories from SCOR model level II process
of mapping it in business process terms using SCOR model ter-
were identified; these better describe the supply chain processes
minology. Thus, mapping with the SCOR model will show the
present, and include:
relevant SC processes present in a particular supply chain under
study. According to Fig. 5, three main supply chain partners deal-
ing with repair and maintenance of aircraft components were • DR2: delivery of MRO product is the process that better fits the
identified: return of unserviceable components
• D1: delivery of stocked product is the process that better
describes the delivery of serviceable components, because com-
ponents are stocked in the Airline MRO provider facilities and are
• Airline customers: represented mainly by European Airlines, send on request to an airline customer.
from low cost carriers to large carriers. • M1: repair of stocked product is the process that better describes
• Airline MRO provider: the service provider located in the UK the repair operations conducted within the facilities of the airline
• External component repair vendors: a number of components are MRO provider and by the external component repair vendors.
sent to be repaired by external repair vendors, in total around 23 Unserviceable components are repaired/maintained and then
external repair vendors are used. stocked in the Airline MRO storage locations.
J.A. Palma-Mendoza, K. Neailey / International Journal of Information Management 35 (2015) 620–631 625

Fig. 5. SCOR model map.

Table 1 The understanding of a supply chain process should be quite

Metrics for objective definition.
exhaustive to comprehend the diverse elements, interactions and
Performance attribute Metric flows. Trkman, Indihar, Stemberger, Jaklic, and Groznik (2007) rec-
Asset Return of investment on components ommend business process mapping to understand, visualize, and
management Component inventory turnover document a process as it is. Business process maps are useful in
analysing flows, clarifying the relationships and sequence of oper-
Supply chain cost Transaction costs
Reliability Delivery performance ations.
Through investigative methods as defined by Towill (1996), a
In summary the resulting SCOR process map (Fig. 5) shows business process map was constructed to understand the sequence
that when a customer demands a component, this requirement is and main activities present in the component repair process
satisfied, when possible, through components stocked in the com- (Trkman et al., 2007). The business map (Fig. 8) is sectioned ver-
pany storage locations. The airline customer returns components tically according to areas of responsibility and horizontally into
to be repaired or maintained; this is performed within the repair unserviceable and serviceable component related activities. The
facilities of the company and also with the aid of external repair process starts at the upper left corner with the airline customer
vendors. replacing a component and returning it to the MRO provider. It fin-
For the selection of a target for redesign, the AHP technique ishes when components are repaired, stocked, and replenished to
(Saaty & Vargas, 2012) was used with two level criteria consisting the airline customer.
of SCOR model performance attributes and level 1 metrics (Fig. 6) as According to Fig. 8, the airline customer sends unservice-
explained by Palma-Mendoza (2014a). AHP assumes that decision able components to the Airline MRO provider – those that
problems can be structured by translating goals into measurable need to be repaired – and receives components ready to use,
criteria, which in turn, can be related to alternative decisions. As a also called serviceable components. The airline MRO provider
result, AHP provides a priority number at each level of the hierar- repairs unserviceable components and dispatches a number of
chy; then priorities of the alternatives are weighted against those components to an external repair vendor to be repaired, when
of the criteria so that the eventual importance of the alternatives there is a lack of repair capacity. Overall, there are 23 exter-
related to the goal are quantified (Saaty & Vargas, 2012). nal repair vendors. The repaired components are returned to
From a workshop session organized with company executives, the Airline MRO provider as serviceable components, placed in
a number of tables for pair-wise comparison were completed. This stock, and are available to be sent to Airline Customers when
information was then entered into the free licensed software Super necessary.
Decisions 1.6.0 to be processed giving the results shown in Fig. 7 The BPR methodology recommends use of a hybrid SD/DES com-
with a consistency ratio of 8%. puter simulation to analyze the system AS IS (Palma-Mendoza
From the AHP analysis it was concluded that the target for re- et al., 2014). Simulation models can describe how all parts of the
design is the repair and maintenance of unserviceable components supply chain will operate over time in respect to a set of param-
conducted within facilities of the Airline MRO provider and in facil- eters and policies defined by managers/analysts. Understanding
ities of external repair vendors. the dynamics of the supply chain in a safe computer environ-
ment is the main value of computer simulation models. Two main
3.5. Stage 4: definition of objectives for improvement distinct approaches to computer simulation for supply chain anal-
ysis exist: Discrete Event Simulation (DES) and System Dynamics
From AHP analysis it was possible to identify by priority rank of (SD) (Akkermans & Dellaert, 2005). Simulation models in both
the most important performance attributes and metrics associated DES and SD are built to understand how systems behave over
with the target for redesign as shown in Fig. 5 (items shaded). Per- time. However, given the fact that pure DES and SD simulation
formance was measured and compared with industry benchmarks have a number of drawbacks preventing a thorough and exhaus-
as recommended by Bolstorff and Rosenbaum (2012) to identify tive supply chain analysis, hybrid SD/DES simulation approaches
gaps, leading to definition of objectives for improvement. These have been suggested (Lee, Cho, Kim, & Kim, 2002; Palma-Mendoza,
objectives were specified with the following performance metrics 2014b, Pereira, 2009; Rabelo, Helal, Jones, & Hyeunk-Sik, 2005;
adapted from SCOR model (SCC, 2012) as shown in Table 1, (details Reiner, 2005; Venkateswaran & Son, 2005). A hybrid SD/DES sim-
are not shown due to the confidentiality agreement signed with the ulation approach analyses both discrete and continuous aspects
company). of a supply chain simultaneously (Pereira, 2009). Although before
adopting a hybrid SD/DES computer simulation approach, it is
3.6. Stage 5: analysis of process necessary to determine if a stand-alone SD or DES approach is
Once a process has been selected and objectives for improve- At this point in the BPR project, it was decided to model com-
ment defined, it is necessary to understand the targeted process. ponent and information flows. Information transactions follow
626 J.A. Palma-Mendoza, K. Neailey / International Journal of Information Management 35 (2015) 620–631

Fig. 6. AHP structure to select the target for re-design.

a well-defined sequence and detailed historic time series were component inventories/backlogs was limited, particularly in
available for most of the transactions which are characterized respect to component flows from Airline customers and to and from
by stochastic behaviour; thus making Discrete Event Simulation external repair vendors; thus, it was decided to model component
(DES) the most adequate modelling approach. However data about flows at an aggregate level to facilitate the modelling. Moreover

Fig. 7. AHP results.

J.A. Palma-Mendoza, K. Neailey / International Journal of Information Management 35 (2015) 620–631 627

Fig. 8. Business process map.

component flows occur continuously every day; thus, making Sys- The hybrid simulation model was constructed using Goldsim
tem Dynamics (SD) the most adequate modelling approach to software. Goldsim has capabilities to model discrete events com-
represent component flows. Due to all these considerations, it was bined with continuously varying systems.
decided to use a hybrid SD/DES simulation model to understand
the system as it is. 3.6.1. Model verification and validation
A causal loop diagram was constructed (Sterman, 2000) as According to Balci (1994) model validation implies substanti-
shown in Fig. 9, to understand the variables affecting the differ- ating that the model behaves with satisfactory accuracy within its
ent componentsb́acklogs/inventories and as a basis for modelling domain of applicability. It is recommended to that the model be run
component flows. under the same input conditions that drive the system to compare
Next, it was necessary to identify the points of interaction the model behaviour with real system behaviour. Thus, constant
between the SD and DES model for the construction of the hybrid communication took place with the Airline MRO company to verify
SD/DES model (Chahal, Eldabi, & Young, 2013). The points of inter- the assumptions and logic of the simulation model. The current con-
action are: unserviceable component information arrival (Input ditions observed in the real system were entered into the computer
from SD to DES), reception of unserviceable components in Air- simulation model. To run the model 100 replications were speci-
line MRO ERP system (Input from DES to SD), repair orders (Input fied, which means that the system was simulated for a period of 365
from DES to SD), reception of serviceable components in Airline days, 100 times. Then it was compared to the real system current
MRO ERP system (Input from DES to SD). Following the identifica- information backlogs and component inventory levels with those
tion of points of interaction, information was gathered to quantify obtained by the simulation model. This comparison leads to a num-
the main variables of the computer model (Table 2). ber of corrections into the computer simulation model. This process

Table 2
Computer model main variables.

Variables Average Distribution type Standard Deviation Maximum–Minimum

Unserviceable component information rate of 32.00 component Triangular 0–79

arrival information/day
Number of unserviceable components receipted in 54.80 components/day Log normal 28 6–146
ERP system
Number of repair notifications sent 53.70 notifications/day Log normal 27.8 6–141
Number of repair orders issued 57.30 orders/day Log normal 20.6 2–121
Number of unserviceable components dispatched 26.42 components/day Normal 15 0–86
Number of components repaired and dispatched by 27 components/day Normal 3 20–34
external repair vendors
Number of components repaired by internal repair 26 components/day Normal 17 0–62
Number of serviceable components receipted into 58.7 components/day Log normal 29.9 6–150
the ERP System
Customer demand (number of components) 22 components/day Triangular 0–35
628 J.A. Palma-Mendoza, K. Neailey / International Journal of Information Management 35 (2015) 620–631

Fig. 9. Casual loop diagram.

continued until there was minimal difference between the real necessary to receive repaired components from external repair
system behaviour and that of the simulation model (Balci, 1994; vendors (Table 4).
Robinson, Brooks, Kotiadis, & Van Der Zee, 2010) was achieved. For
this model the minimal difference achieved after numerous cor-
rections is 12% on average. The Airline MRO company agreed that 3.7. Stage 6: design of process AS TO BE
the computer simulation model was accurate enough in terms of
replicating the real system behaviour. After achieving a good understanding of the process as it is,
what follows is the generation and evaluation of alternatives
3.6.2. Findings for the construction of supply chain integration. A number of
From an analysis of the target for re-design under normal alternatives for supply chain integration were generated using the
conditions using the performance measures defined in stage 4, SCOR model (SCC, 2012) and e-business schematics (Weill & Vitale,
it was found that the poorest performances were for the back- 2001) as proposed by Palma-Mendoza et al. (2014). One of the
log of components waiting for repair (Table 3) and the time alternatives generated was to link the Airline MRO provider ERP
system with external repair vendors via their web portals; the pro-
posed relationships are shown in Fig. 10.
Table 3

Backlogs From model Table 4

(daily average) Delivery performance.
Number of unserviceable components waiting to be 48
Delivery performance From computer
simulation model
Number of repair orders waiting to be generated 64.2
(average time in days)
Number of components waiting to be dispatched for 39.2
repair Time to generate repair orders 5.3
Work in Progress (WIP) with external repair vendors 173.9 Time to repair components by internal workshop 15.1
Work in Progress (WIP) with internal repair workshop 196 Time to repair components by external vendors 24.4
Number of serviceable components to be receipted 47 including dispatch and shipment

Table 5
Alternatives for improvement selection.

Performance attribute Metric Best alternative

Asset Return on components Alternative 2: automation of notifications for repair

management Inventory turnover Alternative 2: automation of notifications for repair

Supply chain cost Unserviceable component inventory cost Alternative 1: integration with external repair vendors
Reliability Delivery performance Alternative 2: automation of notifications for repair
J.A. Palma-Mendoza, K. Neailey / International Journal of Information Management 35 (2015) 620–631 629

Fig. 10. e-Business schematics representation of integration with external repair


Fig. 11. Business schematics representation AS TO BE notification for repair.

Another alternative considered was to automate the genera-
tion of repair orders immediately after receipt of an unserviceable
component by the logistics area (Fig. 11). Even with a reduction in component inventory cost, the
These alternatives were evaluated using the computer simu- improvement from alternative 1 was found to be localized.
lation model, simply by incorporating and quantifying the new Whereas, alternative 2 produces benefits across other parts of the
relationships. Table 5 summarizes the results from the computer process; this suggests that a main bottleneck is caused by delays
model. in processing the notifications for repair. When alternative 1 is

Fig. 12. New process design.

630 J.A. Palma-Mendoza, K. Neailey / International Journal of Information Management 35 (2015) 620–631

combined with alternative 2, it gains the benefit of improvement BPR methodology in the Airline MRO and its results are company
on inventory cost, as well as in most of the metrics monitored. specific, it has the potential to have implications for other industries
and companies.
The main implication here is that the proposed BPR methodol-
3.8. Stage 7: implementation of changes
ogy could be adapted to any company on any sector to undertake
a BPR effort to support supply chain integration. This is possible
Based on the previous analysis, it was decided to proceed
because the techniques and methods employed in the BPR method-
to the specification of the two alternatives in one single new
ology can be generally applied to any company or sector:
process. First from reviewing Rosetta Net Partner Interface Pro-
cesses (PIP) standards (Rosettanet, 2012), it was possible to
• The business model ontology (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2004) can
understand the necessary electronic interactions between the Air-
line MRO provider and external repair vendors. Next ERP reference be used to describe any business logic map.
• The SCOR model (SCC, 2012) can be used to map and describe any
models were reviewed (Knolmayer, Mertens, Zeier, & Dickersbach,
2009; Dickersbach, 2006) to provide detail about transactions and supply chain regardless of the type of company and/or sector.
• The AHP structure, used to select a target for re-design, can be
platforms necessary to design the new process. It was found that
through an Inventory Collaboration Hub (ICH), it will be possi- adapted to any relevant supply chain processes to be considered.
• The SCOR model performance attributes and metrics cover all the
ble to support integration between the airline MRO provider and
its external repair vendors. ICH is a low-price collaboration plat- possible metric combination to measure the performance of any
form available via the internet accessible through a web-based user supply chain.
• The modelling and simulation approaches used have been applied
interface, which accommodates different ERP systems (Knolmayer,
Mertens, Zeier, & Dickersbach, 2009). Through ICH the Airline to different supply chain cases as reported in the literature.
• The SCOR model recommended best practices are applicable and
MRO provider can exchange component information with external
repair vendors. adaptable to any supply chain configuration.
• The Rosettanet PIP standards, provide generic descriptions of col-
To automate the creation of repair orders triggered by compo-
nent receipts, it is necessary to modify ERP master data information laboration processes among supply chain partners.
• Reference models such as those from SAP describe specifications
for each component type per costumer, then to associate this
information with the receipt transaction. If component receipt is for different transactions which can be adopted by any company.
• The ARIS framework can be used to describe any business process
successful a notification is sent for a repair order. By using the Archi-
tecture of Integrated Information Systems (ARIS), the new process in combinations with any information system.
is as shown in Fig. 12.
With this the BPR project was concluded, leaving the detailed Acknowledgement
technical design to the Airline MRO provider and external repair
vendors. The author Jaime A. Palma-Mendoza gratefully expresses its
gratitude to Asociacion Mexicana de Cultura A.C for its support
during the elaboration of this article.
4. Conclusions

Despite the potential benefits of supply chain integration, the References

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Palma-Mendoza, J. A. (2014a). Analytical hierarchy process and SCOR model to sup- PA. Business Science Reference.
port supply chain re-design. International Journal of Information Management, Towill, D. R. (1996). Industrial dynamics modelling of supply chains. Logistics Infor-
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Rabelo, L., Helal, M., Jones, J., & Hyeunk-Sik, M. (2005). Enterprise simulation: A Jaime Palma joined Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) at the University
hybrid system approach. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufac- of Warwick 6 years ago as a research engineer on the Engineering Doctorate
turing, 18(6), 498–508. programme. His doctoral research consisted in the creation, development and
Reiner, G. (2005). Customer-oriented improvement and evaluation of supply chain application of a Business Process Redesign Methodology to support e-business
processes supported by simulation models. International Journal of Production implementation for Supply Chain Integration. Jaime was awarded the Doctor of
Economics, 96(3), 381–395. Engineering degree in 2011 and since July 2012 is an Associate professor at Instituto
Robinson, S., Brooks, R., Kotiadis, K., & Van Der Zee, D.-J. (2010). Conceptual modeling Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM).
for discrete event simulation. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Inc.
Kevin Neailey has been in Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) at the University
Roder, A., & Tibken, B. (2006). A methodology for modelling inter-company supply
of Warwick for almost 20 years. His main responsibilities are for over 140 research
chains and for evaluating a method of integrated product and process documen-
students, half of whom are on the prestigious Engineering Doctorate programme.
tation. European Journal of Operational Research, 169, 1010–1029.
Kevin has been Director of Warwick’s Eng.D since 1994 and has led its development
Rosettanet. Overview: Clusters, segments, and PIPS. (2012). http://www.rosettanet.
within the UK and in South Africa and Hong Kong. It is now believed to be the largest
org. Accessed 01.07.12.
programme of its type in the UK and has been used as a model for other centres in the
Saaty, T. L., & Vargas, L. G. (2012). Models, methods, concepts & applications of the
UK, the Far East and Australia. Since 2004 he has also been Director of the Warwick
analytic hierarchy process ((2nd ed.)). New York: Springer.
Collaborative Training Account, currently worth over £5m. In this role, he helped to
SCC, (2012). Supply chain operations reference model version 11, Supply Chain
develop a similar programme to the Eng.D but within Chemistry—the ChemDoc.
Council Inc., Pittsburgh, PA.

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