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Past Simple Tense

1. Mozart ______________ more than 600 pieces of music.

a) writes
b) wrote
c) written
d) write

2. We ____________ James in the town a few days ago.

a) saw
b) was saw
c) seen
d) see

3. James _______________________ early yesterday.

a) got up
b) did get up
c) gets up
d) get up

4. I ______________________ to Chicago last year.

a) go
b) went
c) did not went
d) gone

5. School didn’t _____________ yesterday at eight o’clock in the morning.

a) started
b) start
c) starts
d) starting

6. Yesterday we _________________ at school at half past seven.

a) arrived
b) arrives
c) arrive
d) arrival

7. I ________________ this cat 3 years ago.

a) purchase
b) didn’t purchased
c) purchased
d) purchases

8. Henry ___________ a nice school bag 3 days ago.

a) buy
b) bought
c) buys
d) have bought

9. She ________________ television last night.

a) did not watch
b) do not watch
c) does not watch
d) have not watched

10. I ____________________ that dress on my friend birthday last April.

a) did not wore
b) wear
c) wore
d) wears

11. Jack __________ to the school without washing his face yesterday.
a) come
b) comes
c) came
d) coming

12. Before sleeping last night, Susie ___________ Mum.

a) kissed
b) kiss
c) kisses
d) kissing

13. Dad _____________ to office yesterday.

a) go
b) went
c) did not went
d) gone

14. Nick ___________ dinner for his family on last New Year eve.
a) cooks
b) cooked
c) cook
d) cooking

15. He did not ____________ his hair last morning.

a) brushes
b) brushed
c) brush
d) brushing

16. David did not ____________ books.

a) read
b) reads
c) reading
d) have read

17. Kitty and Karla ____________ the dishes every night.

a) do not washed
b) does not wash
c) did not wash
d) did not washed

18. Somebody __________ my cat yesterday by strangling.

a) killed
b) kill
c) did not kill
d) kills

19. My former dog __________ eating bones.

a) liked
b) likes
c) like
d) liking

20. My baby sister ___________ last night.

a) cried
b) cries
c) cry
d) crying
21. Olivia ___________ last her homework on time.
a) completes
b) completed
c) complete
d) completing

22. Charlotte did not _____________ Flora.

a) loved
b) loves
c) love
d) loving

23. Ruby did not _________ his dog for a walk last afternoon.
a) took
b) takes
c) take
d) taking

24. Last Monday Mable ___________ vegetables at the central market.

a) buy
b) bought
c) buys
d) buying

25. My Horse __________ last horse race in London.

a) win
b) won
c) did not won
d) wins

26. ________ you visit so many museums while you stayed in England?
a) did
b) do
c) does
d) have

27. _________Bobby go to birthday party of Anna?

a) had
b) did
c) does
d) have
28. _________ you pass last test?
a) does
b) had
c) did
d) do

29. __________ you go to doctor yesterday for annual medical checkup?

a) did
b) do
c) does
d) have

30. Hot air _____________________Yesterday.

a) blow
b) blew
c) was blowing
d) blows

31. Last Sunday, My uncle _____________________in a factory for eight hours.

a) is working
b) has worked
c) worked
d) have worked

32. John and jack did not _____________________ glasses yesterday.

a) wore
b) wear
c) wearing
d) wears

33. The children _________________ a lot of sweets yesterday.

a) ate
b) eat
c) eats
d) eaten

34. Last year, Jacob only _________________ at weekends.

a) works
b) worked
c) work
d) working

35. I _________________ out with for dinner with my parents last Tuesday.
a) going
b) go
c) went
d) gone

36. During her career, she did not _________________ the funds of the company.
a) embezzle
b) embezzled
c) embezzles
d) embezzling

37. Mrs. Elizabeth was a kind teacher. She never _________________ me.
a) scolds
b) scold
c) scolded
d) scolding

38. Last year, I occasionally _________________ steaks; however, this year I will abstain
eating them.
a) ate
b) eats
c) eat
d) eaten

39. The coach _________________ at six o clock yesterday.

a) left
b) leaving
c) leave
d) leaved

40. The concert ___________ at seven oclock last Friday.

a) starting
b) stars
c) started
d) start
Answer Key

1 b 21 b
2 a 22 c
3 a 23 c
4 b 24 b
5 b 25 b
6 a 26 a
7 c 27 b
8 b 28 c
9 a 29 a
10 a 30 b
11 c 31 c
12 a 32 b
13 b 33 a
14 b 34 b
15 c 35 c
16 a 36 a
17 a 37 c
18 a 38 a
19 a 39 a
20 a 40 c

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