Future Simple Tense

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Future Simple Tense

1. On Monday morning more than 100 flights will land at Heathrow Airport so the
airport ____________ very busy.
a) was
b) are
c) will
d) were

2. James _______________________ early tomorrow because it is Sunday tomorrow.

a) will not get up
b) do not get up
c) does not get up
d) did not get up

3. The bus will ______________________ at 5 p.m.

a) left
b) leave
c) leaving
d) leaves

4. From summer, school will _____________ at eight o’clock in the morning.

a) start
b) starts
c) did start
d) started

5. Tomorrow the President will _________________ at school at half past seven.

a) arrived
b) arrives
c) arrive
d) arrival

6. You will ________________ me next week.

a) meet
b) met
c) meeting
d) meets
7. Henry has lost his school bag so tomorrow he ___________ buy a new school bag.
a) bought
b) buying
c) buy
d) buys

8. She will ________________ dentist next week.

a) visited
b) visit
c) visits
d) visiting

9. Anna will ____________________ movie with us next Tuesday.

a) see
b) saw
c) seen
d) sees

10. Jack will __________ to meet us next weekend.

a) come
b) came
c) comes
d) coming

11. As she do every night, Susie will ___________ Mum every night.
a) kissed
b) kiss
c) kisses
d) kissing

12. Dad will _____________Susie’s books tomorrow.

a) bring
b) brought
c) brings
d) have bring

13. As Nick does every weekend, He will ___________ dinner for his family this
weekend also.
a) cooks
b) cooked
c) cook
d) cooking
14. He ____________ will have his hair cut next morning.
a) will
b) would
c) shall
d) should

15. May thinks that this year she will ____________ more than hundred books.
a) read
b) reads
c) reading
d) have read

16. Kitty will ____________ the dishes in night.

a) washing
b) washed
c) wash
d) washes

17. Elections will __________ next month.

a) hold
b) held
c) holding
d) helds

18. Sam’s dog is not well. He will take his dog to doctor ___________.
a) yesterday
b) tomorrow
c) last week
d) today

19. Last year every staff member avowed that next year they ___________ work harder
to make more profit.
a) will
b) would
c) can
d) could

20. Olivia will ___________ her homework on time.

a) completed
b) completes
c) complete
d) completing

21. Tomorrow Charlotte will _____________ bake a cake for her mother.
a) baking
b) bake
c) baked
d) bakes

22. Ruddy will _________ his dog for a walk in afternoon.

a) took
b) takes
c) take
d) taken

23. Mable will ___________ vegetables at the market.

a) buy
b) bought
c) buys
d) buying

24. James will __________ the test.

a) passed
b) passes
c) pass
d) passing

25. ________ you learn English next year?

a) did
b) do
c) will
d) does

26. _________Charlie eat noodles or pan cake?

a) has
b) will
c) does
d) do

27. _________ we have a test tomorrow?

a) will
b) had
c) do
d) has

28. __________ they participate in next month film festival?

a) did
b) do
c) will
d) does

29. I will _______to the park tomorrow.

a) went
b) go
c) going
d) gone

30. Next month my uncle _____________________us.

a) had visited
b) will visit
c) does not visit
d) will be visiting

31. John and Sue has confirmed that next morning they _______come to the dinner.
a) will
b) did
c) do
d) will be

32. I will _________________ all the children to park next week

a) take
b) took
c) taken
d) takes

33. Before he joined the company he had informed that in the company he
_________________ at weekends.
a) works only
b) worked only
c) will work only
d) will worked only

34. Tomorrow she will _________________ to watch baseball match.

a) going
b) go
c) went
d) gone

35. She _________________ to London next week to have her medical check up.
a) go
b) goes
c) went
d) gone

36. She is a women of dignity and principles. She _________________ never

compromise on ethics.
a) will
b) do not
c) had not
d) have not

37. Frank’s leave has been approved. He will not _________________ office for next 8
a) came
b) come
c) comes
d) coming

38. Next year James will _________________ a promotion and bonus.

a) getting
b) got
c) get
d) gotten
39. The concert will .................. at 7 next Friday.
a) starting
b) start
c) started
d) starts

40. I will .................. the email so that Simson can read it.
a) translating
b) translated
c) translate
d) translates
Answer Key

1 c 21 b
2 a 22 c
3 b 23 a
4 a 24 c
5 c 25 c
6 a 26 b
7 c 27 a
8 b 28 c
9 a 29 b
10 a 30 b
11 b 31 a
12 a 32 a
13 c 33 c
14 a 34 b
15 a 35 a
16 c 36 a
17 b 37 b
18 b 38 c
19 a 39 b
20 c 40 c

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