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Art Education Lesson Plan Template: ART 133

Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 (please circle)

Print First and Last Names: ___Carmen Tejeda,_Emily Foss,_Amber Sorenson, Juliana Novorok__________________

Lesson Title*: Fans of Celebration Big Idea*: Celebration Grade Level*:

21st Century Art Education Approach(es):
Modified Choice
Inspiration Artists, including those from underrepresented populations:
Jen Lewin
Lesson Overview (~3 complete sentences)*: The lesson we are teaching is about celebrations. We will talk about the variety of celebrations
and who is involved with it. We will also do an art activity that incorporates the big idea celebration by making a fan out of popsicle sticks
and paper plates.

Background Knowledge (~3 complete sentences): How will you tap into students’ experiences and prior knowledge and learning.
A celebration is an important event or occasion that occurs by engaging in an enjoyable social activity. A celebration can be a variety of
things like a party, a dance, a holiday, or even a personal achievement. The children will process and analyze the meanings of celebrations
and traditions from different perspectives. Students will learning about some of the other students celebrations by having the students
sharing what there celebration is on their fans.

Align Big Idea with both Key Concepts and Essential Questions, below
Key Concepts (3-4): What you want the students to know. Essential Questions (3-4): Restate Key Concepts using open-ended
1. Individuals who engage in social gatherings questions.*
2. There are many different types of celebrations (religious, 1. What does celebration mean?
cultural, and academic). 2. What are some things that people celebrate?
3. Celebrations is the means of bringing a group of people 3. What is a common celebration that you celebrate?
together. 4. Who do you typically celebrate with?
4. Celebrations could hold meaning.
Lesson Objectives: What you want the students to do via three Align Assessment with Lesson Objectives in left column.
content areas.*
1. Content area 2 Literacy : The students will (TSW) be able Formative Assessment strategy (of assigned reading): How will you
to retell key details from the article. assess Literacy?
2. Content area 1 Visual Art : The students will (TSW) be able Literacy will be assessed through discussions about the article and how
to use various colors, textures, and lines to interpret a the students understood and interpreted the text in groups. Then they
celebration through art. will report back to the class.
3. Content area 3 ____History______: The students will (TSW) be
able to view, identify, and describe art from the various cultures. Summative Assessment strategy (of studio investigation): How you will
assess Visual Art and ___History_____?
History will be assessed through questions about various cultures of the
students and their artwork. Visual Art will be assessed through their art
work, use of colors, and interpretation of their celebration.
Common Core State Standards (2-3): List grade-specific California Visual and Performing Arts Standards (grades 1-6 only) (3-5):
standards. Check all that apply and add number and description of applicable
ELA (pp. 10-43, link HERE) content standard.
Math (pp. 10-52, link HERE) (pp. 122-143), link HERE)
1. Reading Standards for Informational Text: Standard 2: Identify __X_1.0 Artistic Perception: 1.3 Identify the elements of art in objects
the main topic and retell key details of a text. in nature, in the environment, and in works of art, emphasizing line,
2. Speaking and Listening Standards: Standard 2: Ask and answer color, shape/form, and texture.
questions about key details in a text read aloud or information _X__2.0 Creative Expression: 2.4 Plan and use variations in line, shape/
presented orally or through other media. form, color, and texture to communicate ideas or feelings in works of
3. Language Standards: Standard 1: Demonstrate command of the art.
conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing __X_3.0 Historical & Cultural Context: 3.3 View and then describe art
or speaking. from various cultures.
__X_4.0 Aesthetic Valuing: 4.3 Describe how and why they made a
Vocabulary: Identify and define vocabulary that connect the art selected work of art, focusing on the media and technique.
form with the other two identified content areas.* __X_5.0 Connections, Relationships, Applications: 5.2 Compare and
1. Holiday-a day of festivity or recreation when no work is done contrast objects of folk art from various time periods and cultures.
2. Festival-a day or period of celebration, typically a religious
commemoration Materials: List all materials needed in the columns below.
3. Celebration- is an important event or occasion that occurs by
3. Celebration- is an important event or occasion that occurs by Have: Purchase:
engaging in an enjoyable social activity - Crayons -White plates
4. Tradition- the transmission of customs or beliefs from - Markers -Crafting sticks
generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this - Paint
way - Paint Brushes
5. Religion- the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling
power, especially a personal God or Gods
Lesson Procedures:
1.) First the students will walk in and sit down wherever they would like while the song Celebration is playing in the background.
2.) As the class is settling down, Amber will use rain noise maker to get the class to quiet down and bring their attention to the teachers (Emily, Carmen, Amber, and Juliana). This should take a minute or less for them to
quiet down. (Emily and Carmen will stand on the left side of the projector and Juliana and Amber will stand on the right side . Juliana will be nearest to the computer)
3.) Carmen and Emily will be standing on the left side of the projector in front of the table and Juliana and Amber will be standing on the right side of the projector in front of the table.
4.) When the class is quiet, we all will introduce ourselves and ask how everybody’s day is. (2 minutes)
5.) Emily will then proceed to ask the class if they have any celebrations the they want to share. This will take about 5 minutes maximum.
6.) Juliana will pull up the slideshow while Emily is discussing people’s celebrations that they share.
7.) Juliana will start the powerpoint and talk about the title of our presentation. (30 seconds)
8.) Amber will then talk about the second slide that shows the "big idea: celebrations" and discuss about the images shown in the slide. (2 minutes)
9.) Amber will then discuss about her own celebration with what the rain stick means in her culture. (2 minutes)
10.) Amber will then move onto the 3rd slide and define the 21st century art ed approach "modified choice" in her own words. (2 minute)
11.) Carmen will then go on to the 4th slide which is the "Reading discussion" and will say both questions out loud to the class. (3 minutes)
12.)Juliana will then ask the class to discuss the questions in groups . (There is cards labeled of each group and we have five groups)
(1 minute)
13.) Emily will say "I would like the left side of the class to discuss and try to answer the first question".
14.)Amber will say "I would like the right side of class to discuss and try to answer the second question".
15.) Carmen will say " we will give you all five minutes to work on that"
16.) As the class is working on the questions each teacher will walk by each group and ask "what did you all come up with".
17.) Juliana will ask "do groups need more time to discuss?"
18.) Depending on the classes answer on amount of time needed we will give them that amount of time. Probably give them 1-3 more minutes to rap up their group discussion.
19.) Amber will shake her rain stick to get the classes attention. (30 seconds) ( All teachers will be in front of the class near the projector)
20.) Carmen will ask each group to have a key speaker for answering to question.
21.) Emily will ask the first group to talk about their answer. (2 minutes)
22.) Amber will ask the second group to talk about their answer. (2 minutes)
23.) Carmen will ask the third group to talk about their answer. (2 minutes)
24.) Juliana will ask the fourth group to talk about their answer. (2 minutes)
25.) Emily will ask the last group to talk about their answer. (2 minutes)
26.) As each key speaker talks about their answer ,each teacher will repeat the students answer as a summary to the whole class.
27.) Carmen will say the fifth slide. ( 2 minutes)
28.) We will go onto the 6th slide.
29.) Juliana will ask the 1st essential question and pick a student to respond. (2 minutes)
30.) Emily will ask the 2nd essetial question and a picka student to respond. (2 minutes)
31.) Amber will ask the 3rd essential question and pick a student to respond. (2minutes)
32.) Carmen will ask the last esstential question and pick a student to respond. (2 miniutes)
33.) Juliana will then go on to the 7th slide which is the VTS
34.) Emily will ask the class what do you see
35.) As each student responds each teacher will take a turn to to summarize each students response and repeat it to the rest of the class. (6-8 minutes)
36.) Carmen will wrap up the VTS by saying their observations are interesting and the class did a great job sharing amogst the group (1 minute)
37.)Amber will intriduce our inspiration arist Jen Lewin and say that she actually was the artist that created the VTS we showed in class.(Slide 8)(30 seconds)
38.) Juliana will continue onto slide 9 and ask a student to read the first bullet point. (30 seconds)
39.) Emily will ask another student to read the second bullet point (30 seconds)
40.) Carmen will ask another student to read the last bullet point (30 second)
41.) Juliana will then click to show slides 10 and 11 so class could see Jen Lewins other work (1minute)
42.) Juliana will then click to slide 12 and click the link.
43.) The class will watch a two minute video of Jen Lewin's Burning man art.
44.) Juliana will click to the 13th slide.
45.) We will have a video discussion
46.) Amber will ask the class, "What did you like about this video?"
47. ) Each teacher will call out students to share their thoughts? we will ask to hear from about 3-4 students.(5-7 minutes)
48.) Emily will then go onto the 14th slide and say we will do a similar concept as our Inspiration artist Jen Lewin, but instead we will do our studio investigation which is
called "Fans of Celebration".
49.) Juliana will click onto the 15th slide and we will show our fans we made as examples. (2 minutes)
50.) Optional: Class could discuss about the designs of the fans and teachers could talk about them as well. (2 minutes)
51.) Juliana will click onto 16th slide .
52.) Amber will say the "materials needed".
53.) Juliana and Emily will choose a student to read and say out loud at least two materials (2 minutes)
54.) go onto slide 17 and Carmen will introduce the title studio instruction and will say the first two bullet points.
55.)Emily will read off the last two bullet points.
56.)As Emily speaks . Amber will set up her teacher demo in the back.
56.) Juliana will walk in the middle and divide class in half (1 minute)
57.) As Juliana divides class. Carmen will set up the teacher demo in the front table of the class.
58.) Teacher Demonstration . (5-6 minutes)
59.) Emily and Carmen will be doing a teacher demo with half of the class.
60.) Carmen will talk about how to use markers and and mention using cool and warm colors are great to use in students art piece.
61.) Emily and Carmen decide to make a fan that incorporates the celebration birthdays. ( Fan will be a birthday cake)
62.) Emily will draw straight and curved lines with markers in her birthday cake and show students they could use that and say it is cool to incorporate straight and curved
lines in your fan.
63.) Carmen will use crayons and tell students to not press to hard or they could break. She will show the method of shapes in a birthday cake.
For example rectangle is used to make the shape of a candle in the birthday cake.
64.) Emily will say after students are done with their fan they will go up to a teacher and ask if they could hot glue the popsicle sticks(handles) to the fan to have a
complete masterpiece.
65.) Meanwhile Carmen and Emily teach demo to half of the class Juliana and Amber will do their demo with the other half
66.) Juliana and Amber will make a fan that incorporates Mother's day. (Fan will have a mix of colors to create a bouquet. It will be cut out to shape a bouquet by Juliana.
67.) Amber will then us water colors and paint. She will mix colors to create new colors. She will draw flowers on the fan.
68.) Amber will mix red and and blue to create violet as an example. And then draw a flower on the fan.
69.) Juliana will then go over all the supplies that are available to the students, from water colors and paint to crayons and markers.
70.) Juliana will say after students are done with their fan they will go up to a teacher and ask if they could hot glue the popsicle sticks(handles) to the fan to have a
complete masterpiece.
71.) After teacher demonstration is over with the class Emily and Juliana will show students where supplies are at.
72.) Students will then begin studio. (20-30 minute studio)(children friendly music will be playing in the background)
73.) As students are working each teacher will go around and ask each student what they are working on and ask questions as to why they chose that celebration.
74.) Last 7-8 minutes of studio, Amber will go in the front of the class and shake her rainstick to get the students attention.
75.) Emily will talk about the 18th slide about reminding students about handing their fans to teachers so that they could hot glue the handles.
76.) Amber will then tell the class if the finish early they could work on creating more art in a blank sheet of paper incorporating the big idea celebrations on it or they
could add more stuff on their fan
77.) Juliana and Carmen will be hot glueing handles for students.
78.) Amber will then shake rain stick and will say the class has five more minutes to add some finishing touches to their art piece and could clean up around the class.
79.) Carmen will then play the clean up song so class could clean up. (3 minnutes)
80.) Once everything is finished. Carmen will tell class to leave their art piece on there desk and put everything else away. (2 minutes)
81.) Amber will then click on the last slide of our presentation
82.) Juliana will tell class the next step is our gallery walk to observe everyone's masterpiece.
83.) Class will do gallery walk . (5 minutes)
84.) After gallery walk is done class will sit down and if there is enough time we will ask the class how did they like the lesson and thank them for being
our perfect first grade class and making such amazing fans.
Focus Lesson (teacher does): Detail opening activities by exploring the following questions. How will you motivate the students to want to learn the new concepts (see
Key Concepts) and strategies/skills (see Lesson Objectives)? How will you introduce the Big Idea of the lesson? How will you link this lesson to the students’ prior
Emily will start the lesson out by asking if the students have any celebrations that they would like to share. Julianna will pull up the slide show while is discussing some of
the celebrations that were shared. Once we need to start the lesson then Amber will shake her rain stick to get the classrooms attention.

Modeling (teacher does): Name and demonstrate the content area strategies/skills (see Lesson Objectives) that are the focus of the lesson. Explain and show their
purpose. Use analogies or other concrete examples to explain concepts (see Key Concepts).
Our learning objectives are that students will be able to retell key details from the article. For visual art the students will be able to use various colors ,textures, and
lines to interpret a celebration through art. Students will use history to

Guided Instruction (teacher and students do together): Detail main activities by exploring the following questions. What Essential Questions will you ask students to
facilitate learning? How will you organize students? What will you do/say during each learning activity? What will the students do (see Lesson Objectives)?
The students will be organized in the groups they are sitting, around 6 people per group. A few of the questions are: What does celebration mean? What are some things
that people celebrate? What is a common celebration that you celebrate? Who do you typically celebrate with? In each activity the teacher will follow the lesson plan ask/
state the things written out for the teacher to say to encourage learning.

Collaborative Learning (students do together): What activity will you include so that students have an opportunity to negotiate understandings and engage in inqui
with peers?
After students read the article they will be asked to discuss the article and the meaning they took from it among each other in their group.

Independent Learning (students do alone): What activity will the students complete independently to apply their newly formed understanding to novel situations? What
will the students explore independently?
Independently the students will explore the use of different colors and the mixing of different colors while making their own fan that they learned in the demo.

Closure: How will you end the lesson to solidify learning? How will you and/or students summarize concepts and strategies/skills (see Key Concepts and Lesson
Objectives) for the day?
Emily will finish reading the PowerPoint. As she’s finishing it, Amber will be setting up her demo in the back., while Carmen will set up her demo in the front of the room.
Juliana will then split the classroom into two groups. Amber and Carmen will do their demos then we will let the class design their fans. As the students finish then our
group will hot glue the paper plates and popsicle sticks to make the fans. Once the students are finished in small groups they will discuss their design they did on their fan.

Please respond to the following questions thoroughly and in complete sentences.

1. How will you adapt the various aspects of the lesson for students with disabilities?
We will adapt the various aspects of the lesson for the students with disabilities by providing extra support to those students to make it an
inclusive classroom. For example, if we have a student who is deaf, we will provide a PowerPoint explaining what our lesson is about and
when we teach them how to make/ decorate their fan so they could see us break it down visually.
2. How will you adapt the various aspects of the lesson for English language learners?
We will provide the essential tools to help our English Language learners such as worksheets of our lesson translated into their language. We
will also demonstrate how to decorate their fan so they could have a visual demonstration of what our lesson is about. If student still needs
further assistance we will try to set them aside individually to help them understand the lesson we taught in class.
3. How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
This lesson plan will help children to learn how to accept and adapt to different cultures and traditions in their classroom setting. Making
the paper fans and displaying their traditions on the fans can help the students to learn about the different cultures of their peers. This
activity will also help students learn that everyone is different and comes from a different background.
4. How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning?
Students will describe their art work and to reflect on the choices they made in their art work regarding texture, color, and patterns.
Students will also describe why they created what they did, how does it incorporate their celebration.
5. How will you (a) address potential safety issues and (b) assure necessary precautions are followed? See OEHHA, link HERE
We (the teachers) will be using hot glue guns to glue popsicle sticks to the students fan that they are decorating, but we will not be letting
the students use the hot glue gun. We are also using kid friendly makers, crayons, and paint that is approved by the OEHHA. The paint and
markers we are using do not have any toxic materials in it.

Lesson Resources/References (use APA; please identify, with an asterisk, article or chapter due for HW):

Hathaway, N. E. (2015). THE COMMON CORE OF CHOICE-BASED ART. Arts & Activities, 158(1), 16-17.
* Include this information in the form of a PPT, Prezi, etc.

On the day of the presentation or the day before, one person from the group should email two files to each student via Blackboard:
the finished (a) Lesson Plan Template; and (b) PPT, Prezi, etc. Login to Blackboard/My SacCT, click on ART 133, click on Course Tools >
Send Email > All Users.
A helpful link to get you started:


Silverstein, L. B. & Layne, S. (n.d.). Defining arts integration. Retrieved from

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