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1. Graded potentials
A. Do not follow all or non law
B. Can move in both directions
C. Has no role in initiation of action potential
D. Response varies with the strength of sub threshold stimulus
E. Are generated only by a supra maximal stimulus

2. In excitation contraction coupling

A Action potential travels down sarcolema and T tubules
B Ca++ is released by negative feed back mechanism from cistern
C Ca++ gets attached to Troponin
D Formation of cross bridges are prevented by Troponin –Tropomyosin
E No energy is utilized

3. Synaptic inhibition
A. Acetyl choline can cause direct post synaptic inhibition
B. It is more excitable during hyper- polarization of the cell
C. Interneuron in axo-axonal synapse causes synaptic inhibition
D. GABA is inhibitory neurotransmitter
E. During refractory period post synaptic neuron is inhibited

4. Synapse:
A Action potentials are generated in pre synaptic membrane
B It is the junction between axon of one neuron with the other portion of the
another neuron
C Usually synaptic cleft is not present in electrical synapse
D Large number of mitochondria are present in the Presynaptic knob(bulb)
E Vesicles in the pre synaptic bulb contains only excitatory neurotransmitter

5. Regarding role of Ca++ in nerve and muscle

A. It provides a link between excitation and contraction in muscle
B. Ca++ concentration in extra cellular fluid is more than cytoplasm
C. Reduction in extra cellular Ca++ concentration decreases excitability in
D. Ca++ is important in releasing of neurotransmitter from Presynaptic knob
E. Ca++ activates ATPase activity in myosin head
6. Regarding action potential
A Repolarization is due to potassium exit
B Hyperpolarisation means more positivty inside the cell compared to outside
C Entry of sodium in to the cell is the reason for depolarization
D One of the reason for maintenance of resting membrane potential is sodium
–potassium pump
E ATP is not important for action potential

7. Na+- K+ pump
A Maintains negativity inside the cell
B Is present in few cell of the body only
C It does not use energy
D Is important to maintain resting membrane potential
E Has binding sites for both sodium and potassium inside and outside the cell

8. Conduction of impulse
A Is linear in mylinated nerve fibers
B Uses more energy when it is saltatory
C In physiological direction is called Orthodromic conduction
D Is blocked by local anesthetics
E In opposite direction is rarely seen

9. Excitatory post synaptic potential- EPSP

A. Is generated by opening Cl- channels in post synaptic membrane
B. No neurotransmitter is required to generate EPSP
C. Causes Hyperpolarisation in the cell
D. Acetylcholine plays a roll in production of EPSP

10. In myasthenia gravis following things are expected:

A Development of auto antibodies against the Ach receptors in post synaptic
B Curare is the drug of choice to treat the disease
C The patient may develop extreme degree of weakness
D Neostigmine increases the strength of muscles
E Ca++ channels are defective

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