RUBRIC - Code of Ethic Article

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Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa-Zona Sur.

Centro de Estudios de Idiomas Mazatlán.
Licenciatura en Enseñanza del Idioma Inglés.
Ética y Valores en la Enseñanza de Idiomas.


Excellent (10) Good (8) Fair (6) Poor (0)
Introduction The introduction clearly and The introduction The introduction Poor or no introduction is
substantially explains the explains the main points explains some of the presented
main points developed in the developed in the body main points developed
body paragraphs and just paragraphs. Ideas are in the body paragraphs.
one idea (how to be an confusing (how to be an Ideas are confusing
unethical teacher). unethical teacher). (how to be an unethical

Body (analysis) The report clearly states a The report clearly states The report somehow The report does not show a
balance about teachers’ role a balance about states a balance about balance about teachers’ role
with students, parents, and teachers’ role with teachers’ role with with students, parents, and
colleagues. Points show a students, parents, and students, parents, and colleagues. Points show
deep reflection from all team colleagues. Points show colleagues. Points weak or not reflection from
members. Points are all well some reflection from all show weak reflection all team members. It is clear
developed. team members. Some from all team members. that students divide the work
points are all well- More than a third part and copy-pasted it on the
developed (some of them of the points are not last minute.
too short). well-developed (too
Conclusion The conclusion sums up the This conclusion sums up The conclusion is The conclusion is unclear.
main points of the essay and some of the main points present, but it repeats There is little attempt to
connects to the introduction. and attempts to connect information instead of either sum up the main
The conclusion reveals a to the introduction. The drawing conclusions. points or connect to the
deeper insight and does not writers have attempted to The conclusion only introduction.
merely regurgitate the offer insightful states the preferred
introduction. The conclusion commentary. The subject.
states the preferred decision conclusion states the
and explains why. preferred subject and
explains why.
Grammar & Writers make no errors in Writers make 1-2 errors Writers make 3-4 errors Writers make more than 4
Spelling grammar or spelling that in grammar or spelling in grammar or spelling errors in grammar or spelling
/Capitalization distracts the reader from the that distracts the reader that distracts the reader that distracts the reader from
and content. from the content. from the content. the content.
Punctuation Writers make no errors in Writers make 1 or 2 Writers make a few Writers make several errors
(Conventions) capitalization or punctuation, errors in capitalization or errors in capitalization in capitalization and/or
so the paper is exceptionally punctuation, but the and/or punctuation that punctuation that catch the
easy to read. paper is still easy to read. catch the reader's reader's attention and
attention and interrupt greatly interrupt the flow.
the flow.
APA Format Writers present no errors Writers make 1-2 errors Writers make 3-4 errors Writer make more than 4
using APA format and use of in format and use of in format and use of errors in format and use of
sources (At least the 3 of the sources. sources. sources.
suggested references). Just 2 references are Just 1 reference is No references are presented
presented. presented
Presentation Members and course Members and course Members and course Members and course
and visual aids. information are clearly information are clearly information are clearly information are clearly
stated. The article shows a stated. The article shows stated. The article stated. The article shows not
big effort from students in some effort from students shows a little bit of effort from students in terms
terms of creativity and in terms of creativity and effort from students in of creativity and appealing to
appealing to the target appealing to the target terms of creativity and the target group.
group. group. appealing to the target

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