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1. Which of the following structures are found only in plant cells?

Antara struktur berikut, yang manakah hanya terdapat pada sel tumbuhan sahaja?

A Cell wall, chloroplasts and plasma membrane

Dinding sel, kloroplas dan membran plasma
B Cell wall, nucleus and vacuole
Dinding sel, nukleus dan vakuol
C Cell wall, chloroplasts and vacuole
Dinding sel, kloroplas dan vakuol
D Chloroplasts, plasma membrane and membrane nucleus
Kloroplas, membran plasma dan membran nukleus

2. Which organelle synthesis protein?

Organel manakah yang mensintesis protein?

A Vakuol C Mitokondria
Vacuole Mitochondrion
B Ribosom D Jasad golgi
Ribosome Golgy apparatus

3. Which structure labelled A, B, C and D in Diagram 1 contains chromosomes?

Antara struktur berlabel A, B, C dan D pada Rajah 1, yang manakah
mengandungi kromosom?

4. Diagram 2 shows four different types of cells
Rajah 2 menunjukkan empat jenis sel yang berlainan.


Which of the following are animal cells?

Yang manakah merupakan sel haiwan?

A W and Z only
B X and Y only
C W, Y and Z only
D W, X and Z only

5. Which of the following tissue does not belong to the same classification as the rest?
Antara tisu berikut, yang manakah tidak tergolong dalam kumpulan yang sama?

A Epithelial tissue
Tisu epitelium
B Ground tissue
Tisu asas
C Connective tissue
Tisu penghubung
D Muscle tissue
Tisu otot

6. Diagram 3 shows a plant cell.

Rajah 3 menunjukkan satu sel tumbuhan.

State the function of the parts labelled P and Q.
Nyatakan fungsi bahagian yang berlabel P dan Q.

A Synthesise protein Carry out photosynthesis
Sintesis protein Menjalankan fotosintesis
B Control cell activity Carry out photosynthesis
Mengawal aktiviti sel Menjalankan fotosintesis
C Carry out photosynthesis Synthesise protein
Menjalankan fotosintesis Sintesis protein
D Control cell activity Provide support
Mengawal aktiviti sel Menyediakan sokongan

7. Which of the following are organs of the digestive system?

Antara organ berikut, yang manakah merupakan organ sistem
pencernaan manusia?

I Mouth
II Small intestine
Usus kecil
III Diaphragm
IV Spinal cord
Saraf tunjang

A I and II only
B II and III only
C III and IV only
D I, III and IV only

8. Diagram 4 shows the model of a plasma membrane.

Rajah 4 menunjukkan model membran plasma.


Which substance can move across structure X?

Bahan yang manakah boleh bergerak menerusi struktur X?

A. Water
B. Glucose
C. Oxygen
D. Vitamin
9. Diagram 5 shows a plant cell which has been put into a particular solution.
Rajah 5 menunjukkan sel tumbuhan yang telah dimasukkan ke dalam larutan tertentu.
Apakah yang dialami oleh sel itu?
Which is experienced by the cell?
A Plasmolisis C Deplasmolisis
Plasmolysis Deplasmolysis
B Hemolisis D Krenasi
Haemolysis Crenation
Diagram 5 / Rajah 5

10. Diagram 6 shows a type of fresh water unicellular organism.

Rajah 6 menunjukkan sejenis organisma unisel air tawar.

Diagram 6
Rajah 6

What structure will help to maintain the osmotic concentration of the body?
Apakah struktur yang akan membantu ia mengekalkan kepekatan osmotic tubuhnya?




11. Which substances require the help of a carrier protein to transport across the plasma
Bahan yang manakah memerlukan bantuan protein pembawa untuk diangkut merentasi
membran plasma?

I Glucose
II Fatty acids
Asid lemak
III Amino acids
Asid amino
IV Carbon dioxide
Karbon dioksida

A. I and III only

B. I and IV only
C. II and IV only
D. I, III and IV only
12. Which type of carbohydrate can be found abundantly in liver cells?
Karbohidrat jenis manakah yang didapati dengan jumlah yang banyak dalam sel hati?

A Kanji B Maltose
Starch Maltose
C Glukosa D Glikogen
Glucose Glycogen

13. Which of the following is the inorganic compound in the cell?

Antara berikut yang manakah sebatian inorganik dalam sel hidup?

A. Water
B. Lipids
C. Protein
D. Nucleic acids
Asid nukleik

14. Which enzyme needs an acidic medium for its reaction?

Enzim yang manakah memerlukan medium berasid untuk tindakbalasnya ?

A Pepsin
B Erepsin
C Amylase
D Trypsin
15. Which of these substrates is not matched correctly with its uses?
Manakah antara substrat berikut tidak dipadankan kegunaannya dengan betul?

Enzymes Uses
A Lactase Solidifies milk proteins
Membekukan protein lemak

B Lipase Ripens cheese

Mematangkan keju

C Glucose isomerase Converts glucose to fructose

Menukar glukosa ke fruktosa

D Protease Removes the skin of fish

Menyingkir kulit ikan

16. When cellulose is digested by the protozoa in the caecum of a rodent, what is the final product
absorb by the intestine?
Apabila selulosa dicernakan di dalam sekum roden oleh protozoa, apakah hasil akhir yang
diserap di usus?
A Starch B Maltose
Kanji Maltosa

C Sucrose D Glucose
Sukrosa Glukosa

17. Diagram 7 shows the phases in the cell cycle.

Rajah 7 menunjukkan fasa-fasa dalam kitar sel.

P Metaphase Q Telophase


Which of the following statements is true about the chromosomes at stages P and Q ?
Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah tentang kromosom pada peringkat P dan Q?

Stage P /Peringkat P Stage Q /Peringkat Q

A The chromosomes have The chromosomes starts to elongate and not
replicated clearly visible
Kromosom telah bereplikasi Kromosom mula memanjang dan tidak jelas

B The chromosomes start to The chromosomes form chromatids which move

shorten and thicken to the opposite poles of the cell
Kromosom mula memendek dan Kromosom membentuk kromatid yang bergerak
menebal menuju ke kutub bertentangan dalam sel

C The chromosomes form twin The homologous chromosomes are paired

chromatids Kromosom homolog berpasang
Kromosom membembetuk
kromatid berkembar

D The chromosomes are at the The chromosomes are at the opposite poles in the
equator plane cell
Kromosom berada pada satah Kromosom berada pada kutub bertentangan
khatulistiwa dalam sel

18. Which of the following is not a characteristic of mitosis?

Manakah di antara berikut, bukan ciri mitosis?

A Ia menghasilkan variasi genetik

It results in genetic variation
B Mitosis penting untuk menggantikan sel yang mati
Mitosis is important for replacing dead cell
C Sel yang tercedera boleh digantikan dengan penghasilan sel baharu yang
Damages cell can be replaced by production of identical new cells
D Sel baharu yang terbentuk digunakan untuk pertumbuhan dalam
organisma multisel
New cells produced are used for growth multicellular organisms

19. In what aspects is meiosis different from mitosis?

Dari segi apakah meiosis berbeza daripada mitosis?

I Haploid cell are produced during meiosis.

Sel haploid dihasilkan semasa meiosis

II Causes genetic variability from one generation to the next.

Menyebabkan kepelbagaian genetik dari satu generasi ke generasi berikutnya.

III The chromosomal number is reduced to half in daughter cells.
Bilangan kromosom dikurangkan kepada setengah dalam sel anak.

IV The chromosomal number is maintained after each cell division.

Bilangan kromosom dikekalkan selepas setiap pembahagian sel.

A I and II only
B III and IV only
C I,II and III only
D I,II,III and IV only

20. Table 1 shows the nutrient content in 100g of various types of food.
Jadual 1 menunjukkan kandungan nutrient dalam 100g bagi beberapa jenis makanan.

Nutrien content
Food Kandungan nutrien
Makanan Protein/g Lipid/g Carbohydrate/g Calcium/mg Iron/g
Protein/ Lipid/g Karbohidrat/g Kalsium/mg Iron/
g g
White bread 8.0 1.7 54.3 100 1.7
Roti putih

Apple 0.3 0 12.0 4 0.3


Mentega 0.5 82.5 0 15 0.2

Rice 6.2 1.0 86.8 4 0.4


Eggs 12.3 10.9 0 56 2.1

Table 1
Jadual 1

A student bled and fractured his bone during school sport practice.
Based on Table 1, which types of food are suitable for student for fast recovery?

Seorang murid mengalami luka dan patah tulang semasa menjalani latihan sukan.
Berdasarkan Jadual 1, jenis makanan yang manakah sesuai diambil alih oleh murid itu
supaya cepat sembuh?

A Apple, rice, butter

Epal, nasi, mentega

B White bread, eggs, rice

Roti putih, telur, nasi

C Eggs, apple, butter

Telur, epal, mentega
D White bread, butter, apple
Roti putih, mentega, epal

21. Chlorosis in plant leaves is a result of the deficiency of…..

Keadaan klorosis pada daun tumbuhan adalah hasil kesan kekurangan....

A Magnesium and calcium

Magnesium dan kalsium
B Magnesium and nitrogen
Magnesium dan nitrogen
C Iron and calcium
Besi dan kalsium
D Nitrogen and iron
Nitrogen dan besi

22. Eight elements which are required by plant are known as micronutrients. Why are these
elements known as micronutrients ?
Terdapat lapan elemen penting yang dikenali sebagai mikronutrien amat diperlukan
oleh tumbuhan. Mengapakah elemen-elemen ini dikenali sebagai mikronutrien ?

A They are required only occasionally.

Elemen ini hanya diperlukan apabila perlu sahaja.
B Plant can grow well without them.
Tumbuhan boleh membesar tanpa kehadiran elemen tersebut.
C They are not very essential to plants.
Elemen ini tidak berapa penting kepada tumbuhan.
D They are required in very small amounts.
Elemen ini hanya diperlukan dalam kuantiti yang amat sedikit.

23. Some plant have deep roots system, thick fleshy leaves and sunken stomata as adaptations
to survive in....
Sesetengah tumbuhan mempunyai sistem akar yang dalam, lapisan daun yang tebal dan
stomata yang terbenam sebagai salah satu pengubahsuaian untuk hidup dalam persekitaran

A Deserts.
B Tundra.
C Swamps.
D Tropical regions.
Kawasan tropika.

24. Diagram 9 shows the cross section of a dicotyledonous leaf.

Rajah 9 menunjukkan keratan rentas sehelai daun dari kumpulan dikotiledon.


Which labelled cells contain chloroplasts ?

Bahagian sel berlabel yang manakah mengandungi kloroplas ?

A P and Q only
P dan Q sahaja

B Q and R only
Q dan R sahaja

C P, R and S only
P, R dan S sahaja

D Q, R and S only
Q, R dan S sahaja

25. Diagram 10(a) shows an experiment to study a factor that affects photosynthesis.
After 3 days, the iodine test is conducted and the result is shown in diagram 10(b).

Rajah 10(a) menunjukkan satu eksperimen bagi mengkaji satu faktor yang
mempengaruhi fotosintesis. Selepas 3 hari, ujian iodin dijalankan dan keputusannya
ditunjukkan pada Rajah 10(b).


RAJAH 10 (a) RAJAH 10 (b)

What can be concluded from the observation?

Apakah kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat melalui pemerhatian itu?

A. Photosynthesis need water

Fotosintesis memerlukan air
B. Photosynthesis need sunlight
Fotosintesis memerlukan cahaya
C. Photosynthesis need chlorophyll
Fotosintesis memerlukan klorofil
D. Photosynthesis need carbon dioxide
Fotosintesis memerlukan karbon dioksida

26. Diagram 11 shows the apparatus used to study the rate of photosynthesis.
Rajah 11 menunjukkan radas yang digunakan untuk mengkaji kadar

60 W bulb

Pond water + sodium hydrogen

carbonate 1.0%

Which of the following statement is not a factor that affects the amount of gas X?
Manakah antara pernyataan berikut tidak benar tentang faktor yang
mempengaruhi isipadu gas X?

A. Light intensity
Keamatan cahaya
B. Spectrum of light.
Spektrum warna
C. Water temperature
Suhu air
D. Concentration of carbon dioxide in the water
Kepekatan karbon dioksida dalam air

27. Diagrams below show the leaf surface of four different plants of same species.
Which leaf of A, B, C and D shows the maximum rate of photosynthesis?

Gambar rajah menunjukkan empat permukaan daun yang berbeza dqripada spesies
pokok yang sama .
Antara daun A, B, C, dan D, yang manakah menghasilkan kadar fotosintesis yang
paling maksimum.

28. Food is heated to 63oC for 30 minutes,
and then it is cooled to 4oC
Makanan dipanaskan pada suhu 63 o C
selama 30 minit , kemudian disejukkan
sehingga 4 o C

The statement above refer to a food processing methods that is

Manakah antara kaedah pemprosesan makanan berikut merujuk kepada pernyataan di
A. Drying penggeringan
B. Fermentation
C. Pasteurization
D. Ultra-heat treatment.

29. Which of the following are absorbed as digested food passes through the colon ?
Antara berikut yang manakah diserap sebagai bahan makanan terlarut ketika melalui

II Water
III Nutrients
IV Cellulose
A I and II only
B I and III only
C I, II and III only
D I, II, III and IV

30. Diagram 12 shows part of human digestive system

Rajah 12 menunjukkan sebahagian sistem penghadaman manusia.


If organs P and Q in the above diagram do not function properly, the digestion of which of
the following substances will be affected ?
Jika organ P dan Q seperti dalam rajah di atas tidak berfungsi sepenuhnya, proses
pencernaan bahan-bahan yang mana akan terjejas ?

II Proteins
III Minerals
IV Carbohydrates
A I and II only
B I and III only
C I, II and IV only
D I, II, III and IV

31. Which of the following is formed by light reaction in photosynthesis?

Antara berikut, yang manakah terhasil daripada tindak balas cahaya dalam proses

I. Glucose
II. Hydrogen
III. Oxygen
IV. Carbon dioxide
Karbon dioksida

A.II and III only

B.I, II and III only
C.I, II and IV only
D.II, III and IV only
32. The importance of taking good care of plants are
Kepentingan menunjukkan sikap prihatin terhadap tumbuhan ialah

I. Plants produce oxygen

Tumbuhan menghasilkan oksigen
II. Plants supply food for us
Tumbuhan membekalkan makanan kepada manusia
III. Green plants convert the energy of sunlight into chemical energy
Tumbuhan hijau menukarkan tenaga cahaya matahari kepada tenaga kimia
IV. Plants prevent soil erosion
Tumbuhan mencegah kejadian hakisan tanah

A. I and II only
B. I, II and III only
C. II, III and IV only
D. I, II, III and IV

33. Diagram 13 shows the products from a method of food preservation.

Rajah 13 menunjukkan produk makanan yang terhasil daripada kaedah
pengawetan makanan.


Which of the following are true about the method used?

Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah benar tentang kaedah yang

I. Enzymes in the food can be inactivate.

Enzim dalam makanan tidak aktif
II. Foods can be preserved only for a year.
Makanan hanya boleh disimpan selama satu tahun
III. Kill targeted microorganisms
Membunuh mikroorganisma tertentu
IV. Discovered by Louis Pasteur.
Ditemui oleh Louis Pasteur

A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and IV only
D.I, III and IV only
34. The main substrate required in cellular respiration is…….
Bahan utama yang diperlukan dalam respirasi sel ialah ……….
A Starch
B Sucrose
C Glucose
D Glycogen

35. Diagram 14 shows the gaseous exchange between the alveolus and the blood capillary
Rajah 14 menunjukkan pertukaran gas antara alveolus dan kapilari darah


Which statement is true?

Pernyataan manakah yang benar?

A The partial pressure of oxygen is The partial pressure of carbon
high dioxide is low
Tekanan separa oksigen lebih Tekanan separa karbon dioksida
tinggi lebih rendah
B The partial pressure of oxygen is The partial pressure of carbon
high dioxide is high
Tekanan separa oksigen lebih Tekanan separa karbon dioksida
tinggi lebih tinggi
C The partial pressure of oxygen is The partial pressure of carbon
low dioxide is high
Tekanan separa oksigen lebih Tekanan separa karbon dioksida
rendah lebih tinggi
D The partial pressure of oxygen is The partial pressure of carbon
low dioxide is low
Tekanan separa oksigen lebih Tekanan separa karbon dioksida
rendah lebih rendah

36. The respiratory centre controls the contents of oxygen and carbon dioxide by detecting
the changes of ...
Pusat kawalan respirasi mengawal kandungan oksigen dan karbon dioksida dengan
mengesan perubahan...
A Blood temperature
Suhu darah
B Carbon dioxide concentration
Kepekatan karbon dioksida
C Oxygen concentration
Kepekatan oksigen
D Blood pH
pH darah

37. What is the poisonous gas contained in cigarette smoke?

Apakah gas beracun yang terkandung dalam asap rokok?

A Nicotine
B Nitrogen
C Carbon dioxide
Karbon dioksida
D Carbon monoxide
Karbon monoksida

38. Gaseous exchange in plants occurs mainly through the ……..

Pertukaran gas dalam tumbuhan berlaku melalui……
A Stomata only
Hanya di stomata
B Stomata and lenticels
Stomata dan lentisel
C Lenticels and cuticle
Lentisel dan kutikel
D Stomata and epidermis
Stomata dan epidermis

39. Diagram 15 shows a model of a human lungs.

Rajah 15 menunjukkan model peparu manusia.

Diagram 15
Rajah 15

What happens when the thread is pulled downwards?

Apa yang terjadi apabila benang ditarik ke bawah?

A Air rushes in and fills up the balloons

Udara masuk dan memenuhi belon

B The volume of the bell jar decreases

Isipadu dalam balang gas berkurang

C The pressure in the bell jar increases

Tekanan dalam balang gas bertambah

D The volume of the balloons decreases slowly

Isipadu belon berkurang dengan perlahan

40. Diagram 16 shows part of a tracheal system in an insect.

Rajah 16 menunjukkan sebahagian daripada sistem trakea dalam serangga.

What is the function of X?
Apakah fungsi X?
A To allow exchange of respiratory gases
Membenarkan pertukaran gas respirasi
B To support the plant
Memberi sokongan kepada tumbuhan
C To enable the plants to flow with the water
Membolehkan tumbuhan bergerak dengan bantuan air
D To reduce transpiration
Mengurangkan proses transpirasi

42. Diagram 18 shows the structure of a parasite.

Rajah 18 menunjukkan struktur sejenis parasit.


What is the disease caused by this parasite?
Apakah penyakit disebabkan oleh parasit ini?

A Malaria
B Tuberculosis
C Cholera
D Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Sindrom Kurang Daya Tahan Penyakit

43. Which group of organism obtains its organic substances by external digestion on dead
Antara berikut, kumpulan organisma yang manakah memperoleh bahan organik ringkas melalui
pencernaan luar sel ke atas organisma mati?

A Epiphytes

B Parasites

C Saprophytes

D Commensal

44. Table 2 shows the result of a field study to estimate the population of garden snails
in a vegetable farm.
Jadual 2 menunjukkan keputusan kajian lapangan untuk menganggar saiz
populasi siput babi di dalam sebuah ladang sayur.

Number of garden snails captured

Sample Bilangan siput babi yang ditangkap


Second 70 marked 80 unmarked

Kedua 70 bertanda 80 tidak bertanda

Table 2
Jadual 2

What is the estimated population size of the snail ?

Berapakah anggaran saiz populasi siput babi berkenaan?

A 6 B 225

C 37 D 600

45. The following information is about eutrophication.

Penerangan berikut berkaitan eutrofikasi

P - BOD value increases.

Peningkatan nilai BOD
Q - Nutrients from fertilisers flow into the water.
Nutrien dari baja mengalir ke dalam air
R - Growth of algae increases.
Pertumbuhan alga meningkat
S - Surface of water covered by algae.
Permukaan air ditutupi oleh alga
T - Aerobic bacteria use up oxygen.
Bakteria aerobik menggunakan oksigen

Which one of the following sequences is correct about the process of eutrophication?
Antara berikut, yang manakah susunan yang betul berkaitan proses eutrofikasi?


46. Which of the following statements describe "biochemical oxygen demand"?

Antara yang berikut, kenyataan yang manakah menerangkan tentang ‘ keperluan oksigen

A It indicates the amount of pollutants in the water.

Menunjukkan aras pencemaran dalam air.
B It is the quantity of oxygen used by aquatic organisms.
Adalah kuantiti penggunaan oksigen oleh organisma akuatik
C It is the quantity of oxygen released by aquatic organisms.
Adalah kuantiti oksigen yang dibebaskan oleh organisma akuatik.
D It is an indicator to measure the level of water pollution.
Penunjuk untuk mengukur aras pencemaran air.

47. Which one of the following causes the greenhouse effect?

Antara berikut, yang manakah menyebabkan berlakunya kesan rumah hijau?
A The flow of excess fertilisers into ponds results in eutrophication.
Pengaliran baja berlebihan ke dalam kolam menyebabkan berlakunya eutrofikasi.
B The absorption of sunlight by Earth and reflection of heat energy into the
Penyerapan cahaya matahari oleh bumi dan pantulan tenaga haba ke atmosfera.
C Burning of fossil fuels release gases which dissolve in water vapour to become acid rain.
Pembakaran bahan api fosil membebaskan gas yang melarut dalam wap air dan membentuk
hujan asid.
D The release of excess carbon dioxide into the atmosphere causes infrared rays to be trapped.
Pembebasan karbon dioksida berlebihan ke atmosfera menyebabkan sinaran infra merah
48. Which of the following are caused by global warming due to deforestation?
Antara berikut, yang manakah kesan pemanasan global akibat penebangan hutan?
I Acid rain
Hujan asid
II Landslides
Tanah runtuh
III Rise in sea level
Peningkatan aras air laut
IV Change in climate
Perubahan cuaca
A I and II only
B I and III only
C II and III only
D III and IV only

49. Diagram 16 shows the emission of various gases by a chemical factory in an industrial area.
Rajah 16 menunjukkan pengeluaran pelbagai jenis gas dari sebuah kilang kimia di kawasan

Diagram 16 / Rajah 16

Which of the following is most likely to occur?

Antara berikut yang manakah paling mungkin untuk berlaku?
A Acid rain B The greenhouse effect
Hujan asid Kesan rumah hijau
The thinning of ozone
C Global warming D layer
Pemanasan global Penipisan lapisan ozon

50. Diagram 20 shows the efffect of human activity.

Rajah 20 menunjukkan kesan aktiviti manusia

The effects of this activity include
Kesan daripada aktiviti tersebut termasuklah
I Landslide
tanah runtuh
II the thinning of the ozone layer
penipisan lapisan ozon
III flash floods banjir kilat
IV the greenhouse effect
kesan rumah hijau

A I and II only
B II and III only
C III and IV only
D I, III and IV only



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