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Ophthalmic Pearls


Distinguishing a Choroidal Nevus

From a Choroidal Melanoma
by albert cheung, ingrid u. scott, md, mph, timothy g. murray, md, and carol l. shields, md
edited by ingrid u. scott, md, mph, and sharon fekrat, md

horoidal nevi are benign ing light-colored eyes (blue or gray), 1
melanocytic lesions of the fair skin and a propensity to burn
posterior uvea. In the United when exposed to ultraviolet light.2
States, their prevalence rang- This susceptibility may be secondary
es from 4.6 percent to 7.9 per- to reduced number of melanocytes
cent in Caucasians.1 By comparison, (melanin) in the choroid and reduced
choroidal melanoma is rare, manifest- melanin in the retinal pigment epithe-
ing in approximately six in 1 million lium, which provides this population
Caucasian individuals. with less protection from UV light.
Metastasis of and death from cho- Lighter skin color also could be indica-
roidal melanoma have been shown to tive of reduced or different melanin.
correlate with increasing basal diam- Other risk factors for choroidal
eter and increasing thickness of the melanoma include nevi and freckles, 2
lesion. Thus, early detection is impor- which are viewed as markers of a pre-
tant. In addition, making the correct disposing phenotype and environmen-
diagnosis of choroidal nevi in a timely tal UV light exposure. The number
fashion protects patients against the of common cutaneous nevi, atypical
visually damaging effects of unneces- cutaneous nevi, cutaneous freckles
sary treatment. and iris nevi have all been found to be
associated with an increased risk of
Symptoms choroidal melanoma.3
Choroidal nevi, which typically are Environmental risk factors. These
found on routine dilated fundus ex- include chronic sunlight exposure and
amination, usually are asymptomatic. arc welding.4 Studies examining the as-
However, they can be associated with sociation between choroidal melanoma DIFFERENTIATION. (1) Choroidal nevus
symptoms such as central and periph- and UV light exposure using surrogate with drusen. (2) Choroidal melanoma
eral visual loss secondary to subretinal markers (such as birth latitude, out- with orange pigment and subretinal
fluid, cystoid retinal edema or, rarely, door leisure activities or occupational fluid.
choroidal neovascularization. sunlight exposure) have been incon-
Choroidal melanoma also tends to sistent.4 associated dormant features, such as
be asymptomatic, although it is more overlying retinal pigment epithelial
likely to be symptomatic than a benign Differentiation and Documentation alterations and drusen; and suspicious
nevus. Symptoms of a choroidal mela- Differentiating between benign choroi- features, including subretinal fluid and
noma may include decreased vision, dal nevi and small malignant melano- orange pigment.
flashes or floaters. mas can be challenging. Distinguishing features. Choroidal
c a r ol l . shie lds, md

Shared features. Choroidal nevi nevi tend to have clearly defined mar-
Melanoma Risk Factors and choroidal melanoma can show gins and to be flat or slightly elevated,
Host risk factors. Significant risk fac- several overlapping features, including and they remain stable in size. Over
tors for choroidal melanoma include tumor size; color, which may be either time, choroidal nevi display features
being of Caucasian ethnicity and hav- pigmented or nonpigmented; location; such as overlying drusen as well as

e y e n e t 39
Ophthalmic Pearls

retinal pigment epithelial atrophy, hy- mas. Other echographic features that treatment due to their increased risk of
perplasia or fibrous metaplasia. are suspicious for melanoma include developing melanoma.
In contrast, choroidal melanomas excavation of choroidal tissue, sound
are more likely to show signs of activity attenuation, orbital shadowing and Conclusion
such as relatively indiscrete margins, spontaneous vascular pulsations.8 Differentiating between choroidal nevi
irregular or oblong configuration, Echographic follow-up for at least 1.5 and choroidal melanomas can be chal-
overlying subretinal fluid and orange years may be necessary to differentiate lenging, but knowing which risk fac-
pigment, and abruptly elevated edges. between suspicious nevi and melano- tors are associated with an increased
Documentation of growth. Most mas. risk of developing melanoma will aid
authorities agree that documentation the clinician in making the correct di-
of growth over a relatively short period Management of Choroidal Nevi agnosis in a timely fashion and manag-
of time, such as one to two years, is a Management of a choroidal nevus is ing patients appropriately.
convincing characteristic of a mitoti- determined by its risk of transforming
cally active melanoma. However, it is into a choroidal melanoma. Mr. Cheung is a medical student and Dr.
ideal to detect choroidal melanoma be- By risk factors. From studies using Scott is professor of ophthalmology and public
fore the recognition of growth, as doc- the TFSOM-UHHD risk factors, cho- health sciences; both are at Penn State College
umented growth imparts an almost roidal melanocytic tumors that dis- of Medicine in Hershey, Pa. Dr. Murray is
eightfold greater risk for metastasis.5 played none of the risk factors had a 3 professor of ophthalmology at Bascom Palmer
On the other hand, slow growth of 0.5 percent chance for growth at five years Eye Institute in Miami. Dr. Shields is professor
mm over many years or decades may and most likely represented nevi.9 For of ophthalmology and associate director of the
simply reflect the natural progression lesions that display one factor, impart- ocular oncology service at Wills Eye Institute
of a benign choroidal nevus.6 ing a 38 percent chance for growth, in Philadelphia.
observation is a reasonable option,
Risk of Malignant Transformation especially if the lesion is in a visually 1 Singh AD et al. Ophthalmology. 2005;
Choroidal nevi rarely evolve into ma- important location. Lesions with three 112(10):1784-1789.
lignant melanoma; the annual rate of or more factors will show growth in 2 Weis E et al. Arch Ophthalmol. 2006;124(1):
malignant transformation is estimated more than 50 percent of cases. Such 54-60.
to be 1 in 8,845.1 The rate of transfor- lesions likely represent small choroidal 3 Weis E et al. Ophthalmology. 2009;116(3):
mation increases with age; it has been melanomas; and early intervention 536-543, e2.
estimated that by age 80, the risk for may be warranted, as they occasionally 4 Shah CP et al. Ophthalmology. 2005;112(9):
malignant transformation of a choroi- lead to metastasis. 1599-1607.
dal nevus is 0.78 percent.7 By lesion size. Some clinicians 5 Shields CL et al. Ophthalmology. 1995;
Although nevus thickness has been suggest observation for lesions smaller 102(9):1351-1361.
reported to be the most important risk than 2 mm; lesions larger than 2 mm 6 Shields CL et al. Arch Ophthalmol. 2009;
factor for malignant transformation, but smaller than 2.5 mm may be man- 127(8):981-987.
other factors are also predictive. The aged based on clinical risk factors, 7 Kivelä T, Eskelin S. Ophthalmology. 2006;
mnemonic “To Find Small Ocular with either close observation or imme- 113(5):887-888, e1.
Melanoma Using Helpful Hints Daily” diate treatment. 8 Pavlin CJ, Foster FS. “Ultrasound Biomi-
(TFSOM-UHHD) has been proposed.6 Recommended follow-up. Patients croscopy of the Eye,” in Ultrasound of the Eye
This stands for thickness greater than 2 with choroidal nevi who show no sus- and Orbit, 2nd ed. (St. Louis: Mosby; 2002).
mm, subretinal fluid, symptoms, orange picious features require no treatment. 9 Shields CL et al. Arch Ophthalmol. 2000;
pigment present, margin within 3 mm During the first year, they should be 118(3):360-364.
of the optic disc, ultrasonographic hol- monitored twice; subsequently, they
lowness (versus solid/flat), absence of should be evaluated annually as long
halo and absence of drusen.6 (A halo as the nevi remain stable. Although Got Pearls?
refers to a pigmented choroidal nevus the link between UV light exposure INTERESTED IN SHARING TIPS WITH
surrounded by a circular band of de- and choroidal melanoma has not been YOUR COLLEAGUES?
pigmentation.) proved, sunglasses could possibly re- WRITE A PEARLS ARTICLE!
Low to medium internal reflectiv- duce ocular melanoma risk.
ity, often compatible with acoustic Patients who have one or two risk Ophthalmic Pearls, EyeNet Magazine
hollowness on B-scan echography, factors for malignant transformation 655 Beach Street
has been correlated with choroidal should be monitored every four to six San Francisco, CA 94109
melanoma. Echographically measured months. Patients with nevi and three
thickness of at least 2 mm and a largest or more suspicious features should be Writers guidelines
basal diameter of at least 7 mm can be evaluated at an experienced center for provided upon request.
helpful in identifying small melano- management alternatives and possible

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