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Energy Density of Coal - The Physics Factbook


Energy Density Of Coal

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Firewood (dry) 16 MJ/kg

Energy Conversion. Energy Conversion: Typical
Black coal (NSW & Qld) 24-30 MJ/kg
Heat Values of Various Fuels. Tad W. Patzek. 13-30 MJ/k
University of California, Berkeley. Black Coal (SA & WA) 13-20 MJ/kg
Natural Gas 39 MJ/m3

Bioenergy Archive. Re: Optimizing Fuel Volume
loose bulk density = 850 kg/m3 (in pile) 24 MJ/kg
Density. Weststeijn, A.
energy density CV = 24 MJ/kg = 24 GJ/ton"

B.R. Cooper and W.A. Ellingson. The Science and

[see table below] 14.6-32.5 MJ/kg
Technology of Coal and Coal Utilization, 1984.

"Brown Coal - 1120 860 62.5 2 8.0 9.0

Fuel Densities. Biomass Energy Foundation. 8.0-24.0 MJ/kg
Black Coal - 1450 940 8 22 24.0 34.8"

"Also, note that 1 tonne of oil equivalent ('toe') is equal to

11630 kWh or 11.63 MWh)
Lin, Bruce. Rules of Thumb. 13 September 1999. 18-27 MJ/kg
0.444–0.646 tonnes of oil equivalent per tonne,
energy density of coal"

Coal is a hard, black substance found in deposits of sedimentary rock. Coal is a fossil fuel. It is formed from the
remains of ancient life that was buried deep in the earth millions of years ago. The main use for coal is to produce
energy but it can also be used to manufacture steel and is an important source of some of the chemicals used in
pharmaceuticals, pesticides and fertilizers. Coal has a relatively high energy density of approximately 24 MJ/kg.
Energy density can be defined as the amount of energy per mass. Its SI units are J/kg but MJ/kg is more common.

Eighty six percent of the coal burned in the United States is used by power plants to make energy for electricity.
When the coal is burned by the power plants, energy produced is in the form of heat. When coal is used by the steel
industry, it is first heated and turned into a substance called coke, which is almost pre carbon. The coke is then
combined with other ingredients, heated and turned into steel.

Currently coal deposits can be found in almost every region of the world. Areas with significant coal amounts are
Europe, Asia, Australia and North America. In 1997 world coal resources were estimated to be 9.98 trillion
metric tons. United States coal reserves are locates in six different regions. These include the Appalachian Basin,
West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Alabama and Tennessee. In 1996, estimates of total US coal reserves were
approximately 17.6 billion metric tons.

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Energy Density of Coal - The Physics Factbook

ASTM class ASTM group MJ/kg

Lignite Lignite A <14.6

Lignite B 14.6–19.3

Sub-bituminous Sub-bituminous C 19.3–22.1

Sub-bituminous B 22.1–24.4

Sub-bituminous A 24.4–26.7

High volatile C 24.4–30.2

Bituminous High Volatile B 30.2–32.5

High Volatile A >32.5

Medium volatile >32.5

Low volatile >32.5

Anthracite Semi-anthrcite >32.5

Anthracite >32.5

Meta-anthracite >32.5

Juliya Fisher -- 2003

External links to this page:

US Patent Application number: 13/124,255, Production of Pure Lignin from Lignocellulosic Biomass, Kevin S.
Wenger, et al.

The Physics Factbook

Edited by Glenn Elert
Written by his students

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