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APRIL 2015 65174/KDACD

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10  1 = 10 marks)

Answer any TEN questions each in 50 words.

1. Define advertising.

2. List out any two advantages of advertising to


3. What is meant by demonstration?

4. What is indoor advertising?

5. What is poster mean?

6. What is meant by show room?

7. Explain the term Exhibition.

8. What do you understand by Web advertising?

9. Painted Display — Explain the term.

10. Define the term consumer movement.

11. What is meant by fairs?

12. What is grading?


PART B — (5  5 = 25 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions each in 200 words.

13. Define consumerism. How consumers are


14. What are the advantages of magazine advertising?

15. What are the demerits of direct advertising?

16. Write a paragraph about promotional advertising.

17. What are the criteria for successful segmentation?

18. What are the kinds of mercantile agents?

19. What are the factors influencing customers Buying


PART C — (4  10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions each in 500 words.

20. Explain the functions of marketing.

21. Discuss the rights and responsibilities of


22. What are the role of voluntary organization in

consumer movement?

2 65174/KDACD

23. List out the basis of marketing segmentation.

24. Explain the various classification of market.

25. Explain the origin and growth of the consumer

movement in India.


3 65174/KDACD

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